How Viruses Like The Coronavirus Mutate

How Viruses Like The Coronavirus Mutate

Insider Science

4 года назад

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Aaron• Highcloud
Aaron• Highcloud - 08.08.2023 06:30

As a species we lost to a virus…as long as that virus is out there we lost..that’s just the simple truth…no masks? Okay then we have to accept this new flu to be part of humanity since it’s never going away…yeah rates will slowdown to a crawl like the Black Plague which is actually still going on in our modern era…kinda sad we let these things win the way they do lol we just get annoyed and toss away all security and say “the old and weak should die and because I’m younger and stronger it’ll never effect me…” until you get one of the bad strains and lose your taste for the rest of your life or other defects you get from them…

West Park Occupy
West Park Occupy - 25.04.2023 14:19

If you're still watching this in 2023

Melva Yared Aguilar
Melva Yared Aguilar - 06.03.2023 06:56

multiple vaccines are important

Melva Yared Aguilar
Melva Yared Aguilar - 06.03.2023 06:52

this voice

Melva Yared Aguilar
Melva Yared Aguilar - 06.03.2023 06:51

there all very long videos

Ron McCombs
Ron McCombs - 28.01.2023 03:46

Interesting,however the latest info now says it is mutating so fast the experts (?) can't keep up. I'm wondering if this man made disaster were to play out would it mutate to the point of no affect,seeing the lab rat vaccines are doing so much damage.

ISubToTheBest - 26.07.2022 20:50

Mutates slowly ? Can you explain how there’s multiple variants ?

Motto - 30.06.2022 06:02

Rna viruses have no proof reading mechanism, this is the characteristic of RNA viruses, show me the study that says sars-cov-2 has proof reading mechanism.
All Rna viruses mutate on every replication, how do you judge sars-cov-2 mutates slowly? Obviously this is wrong again as we can see from various variants now.
Mis-information, Pseudoscience, are spread all over the internet, obviously to benefit those who make the money, some are right and some are wrong, be careful of disinformation everywhere!

Jane Marcus
Jane Marcus - 14.04.2022 11:57

I want to share to everyone that I cured my HPV and herpes Virus with Dr Aluda herbal medication. all thanks to Linda for directing me to Dr Aluda.i now believe in Naturals.

Drunk-hermit - 24.02.2022 18:58

Virus mutation maybe harmful and dangerous
But radiation mutation is 💯% cool hands down

Honey To One
Honey To One - 23.01.2022 03:15

The scientist that were censored said “ there will be so many mutations that there will not be enough of Greek alphabet to name them all!” But let’s not listen to them. Only to the ones that said the shot stops transmission and you wont get the virus snd we don’t need any early treatments! Abs the censored drs/ scientists said it will mutate and become less deadly , but more infectious.

Anastasia Murawski
Anastasia Murawski - 20.01.2022 00:11

I wonder if it could be said that viruses are evolving , rather than mutating? Same ? Different ? The way we evolve. Small changes seem to have big results.

Doug Noteboom
Doug Noteboom - 14.01.2022 00:15

Aged like milk

Travis C
Travis C - 09.01.2022 21:46

it makes no sense to me that the virus would have mutated very gradually to jump from animals to humans yet as soon as it gets to humans it makes a mutation move to delta then to omicron. and how many is this capable of mutating to? How do we know that each of these new strains isnt just some lab pumping out another strain that they intern blame on something most of us cant verify and/or dont know anything about? The government isnt exactly forthcoming and honest about anything.

Dolan 11
Dolan 11 - 09.01.2022 03:59

Covid is controlled by humans! Like an application in cellphone always get updated! Its all business now! Stup!d doctors

GBC 617
GBC 617 - 07.01.2022 15:55

Learning science for school lol

R M - 05.01.2022 21:38

How do virus variants compete?

Jay986 - 03.01.2022 19:29

Great video overview of viral mutations. The latest Covid Omicron variant has now been documented with 50 genetic mutations which the video described as being highly unlikely. It is currently being seen that the Omicron variant is replacing the previously widespread Delta variant, is highly infectious with symptoms that are very "cold-like" and is also leading to far fewer hospitalizations. There is starting to be some speculation that this may be the transition from a pandemic to an endemic. Let's hope this is correct.

titan - 03.01.2022 14:10

How on earth corana virus mutate so fast compare to earliest pandemic it take more years to develop into new virus 100 years gap. Justified look at the humans virus attack in our history, all recorded and on data. 100 years gap pandemic. Now this corona virus mutates every other months? I think were now on biological warfare.

Broadkast - 31.12.2021 01:18

When fauci and the boys down in wuhan manufacture it to do so.

A UCJR - 30.12.2021 11:31

I'm convinced that the vaccine cause the mutation.

Whats Updog?
Whats Updog? - 27.12.2021 05:01

I haven’t had COVID for over 700 days (since January 2020) and then this new variant comes around and I get a headache I wasn’t familiar with, got tested and it was positive, symptoms really didn’t last long and that’s what I’ve been reading about this new variant, it’s spreads really easily but it’s not gonna make as sick as the other variants would.

Whats Updog?
Whats Updog? - 27.12.2021 04:58

Just do Wim Hof method and you’ll be immune to COVID 19 and all its mutations

Judah - 24.12.2021 20:08

So does the vaccine cause the virus to mutate to a more deadly virus since it can’t perfectly mutate?

Mario Puzo
Mario Puzo - 21.12.2021 10:46

Girl it was designed to be unstable and infect humans.

Jeff Palmer
Jeff Palmer - 20.12.2021 20:07

You say "pressure to adapt", that implies that the virus is intelligent.

Rachel Not your business
Rachel Not your business - 16.12.2021 18:32

It’s mutated twice with in a year …

Ey DK - 13.12.2021 11:11

Actual virus education vs. What the news says about viruses and shots are very different. Such as pushing people to "take the (old) shot for the mutated strain." Then Fauci drools on the news acting like he doesn't have any idea why the shot doesn't slow rates of infection. I also don't see how old strain shots prevents deaths. This virus is mutating too fast. Coincidentally the timeline is about as fast as we come up with the injections.

Yuki Yuka
Yuki Yuka - 06.12.2021 17:00

What video title mean: how covid virus mutated
What I thought it is:

other viruses: good job covronavirus I like it

JELLYfish. - 04.12.2021 15:01


XenaceX - 02.12.2021 11:19

Scientists:“The virus is mutating slowly and it is unlikely to develop advantageous mutations”
Omicron variant that spreads 500% faster:” I am about to end their whole career “

rd n
rd n - 01.12.2021 10:25

You sure?

benchmark - 30.11.2021 05:57

If covid mutated several times before infecting humans, what was the host organism? Or was it engineered in a lab?

Raulito Madrid
Raulito Madrid - 04.11.2021 10:46

Common reports from scientists in the media say that variants or mutations sometimes occur when slight error had been committed during the process of copying or replication of the viruses.

However, would it also be possible for viruses to mutate new variants that would be able to cope in vaccinated bodies and breakthrough its immune system?

If so, it is possible for the Covid-19 to thrive or survive by adapting in a given circumstances that could lead to mutations and diversity in order to have the replicates better chance of survival or breakthrough against vaccines.

Yonatan Lopez
Yonatan Lopez - 22.10.2021 05:23

What salm

Frank Nederhand
Frank Nederhand - 21.10.2021 06:36

When the viruses genetic material enters the cell and the ribosome reads the viruses blueprint it begins to copy it 3 nucleic acids at a time called a codon. That forms a single amino acid, string those amino acids together and that creates the protein. But occasionally, the wrong nucleic acid will get added to the chain. This can sometimes, but not always, lead to changes down the line. Making that offspring virus slightly different from it's parent. That is my definition of a mutation. Can that happen in a fully vaccinated person? Does the virus replicate? So it's possible that it can happen! Right?

Von Damn
Von Damn - 14.10.2021 18:56

Yest there's ppl who think the virus mutates as a reaction to the vaccine 🤣🤣🤣

bigballsgame - 06.10.2021 19:01

This video is wrong. A mutation making covid deadlier to humans isn't beneficial. Such a mutation would never ever be beneficial to the virus. The virus "wants" to replicate, that is its goal. It never wants to kill its host. That wouldn't make any sense. A mutation making the virus deadlier would be a future dead end for the virus.

Blackton Obvious
Blackton Obvious - 03.10.2021 00:01

So if the virus won't really mutate because it can be easily passed from person to person, then wouldn't vaccines cause mutations? It's documented that the "vaccine" really doesn't protect you from C-19 (merely "lessening the symptoms", if one happens to contract it--which by definition, really isn't a "vaccine", but rather, more of a "booster shot"). So doesn't the "vaccinated" who actually contract C-19 have more of a chance of mutating the virus (especially if it bypassed the vaccine, possibly because of mutation)? I think there needs to be a lot more research done, with all the evidence present & not skewed to one side.

Atelje Serge
Atelje Serge - 10.09.2021 20:52

hahaha totally and incredibly wrong. this is not how viruses replicate at all and viruses do not mutate, the cell does silly LMAO.

John McCLure
John McCLure - 08.09.2021 05:30

How does natural immunity after having it fight covid 19 and its mutations/variants differently than the vaccine?

Flailmail - 07.09.2021 19:18

So... does mass vaccinating increase the pressure on the virus and make it more viable for mutations to survive? Is this something we should look into? Seems like it would be a similar to antibiotic resistant bacteria.. just a thought I'm definitely not a doctor.

Elena Margarolo
Elena Margarolo - 03.09.2021 18:12

Do viruses mutate on vaccinated people? If yes, at which rate, slower or faster than on non-vaccinated people? Thank you

Hunter K
Hunter K - 01.09.2021 23:39

This video didn’t age very well 😂

Pia Trujillo
Pia Trujillo - 29.08.2021 03:08

8-2021: Well... I guess the virus mutated a LOT faster than they thought! I wonder how far it will go. This scares me; this video is 13 months old, and look how we are now. Delta is devastating, and more are to come.

Chris M
Chris M - 24.08.2021 02:28

Viruses are not alive and cannot mutate by themselves. You will never ever get rid of a virus they go dormant like herpes and aids. Is there a vaccine for those and did those viruses mutate? nope. This coof is a bs lab experiment.

waldi koral
waldi koral - 23.08.2021 17:33

So I’d like to know when do the viruses mutate if they can’t even multiply themselves. And once it’s hacked to human cell is only being built and copied . And that is called infection then. But they don’t even have their own mechanisms like metabolism. !? How would this thing even know to mutate their protein spike to be more effective next time . In case humans become immune to previous variant.
Now most people know that cell’s nucleus do produce certain DNA to build certain recovery elements.
What should we call it if some cells in our body didn’t actually have chance to get whole list of nutritions for the process and the poor cells will then start producing errors within the DNA. Body then will recognise the problem and will have to most likely get rid of this error. Now question is. ..
What error do we expect from the effected cells. If we don’t know what’s missing from the nutritions list.
But certainly human body will need to purify itself from the errors through the blood and releasing it to the lungs. Or we know other mechanisms body has to prevent ongoing mistakes???
