Fellowship - Derek Prince (How to find your place)

Fellowship - Derek Prince (How to find your place)

Derek Prince

1 десятилетие назад

23,843 Просмотров

This is a video teaching by Derek from the early 1970s. This is old film footage, and it looks it! But that is part of what makes it so special. Yes, the black-and-white image is grainy. Yes, the graphics are quite crude. But watching this DVD is like traveling in a time machine. And, of course, the teaching is pure Derek Prince—in his prime. Enjoy and be blessed!

Bible Teaching Resources: www.derekprince.com

00:00 What Does Fellowship means in the Bible?
13:01 What is the end purpose of the Gospel?
25:10 What to Do If You are Out of the Light?
29:51 How God uses Fellowship to Prepare His Vessels
35:05 No Fellowship, No Spiritual Birth
45:26 Where Was The Church Born?
53:04 Things That Fellowship Demands

Table of Contents:

I. Fellowship—Greek koinonia—Literally “Having Things In Common”
A. 1 Cor. 1: 9—The gospel is an invitation to enter into the fellowship of Jesus
1. “Unto” indicates that fellowship is an “end,” desirable for its own sake.
2. Preaching and teaching are “means,” successful only if they achieve the
desired “end.”
B. 1 John 1: 3—The New Testament record was written to bring us into fellowship of
the Godhead. There are three eternal features of the Godhead:
1. Fatherhood
2. Headship
3. Fellowship
C. 1 John 1: 4—Fullness of joy results from fullness of fellowship with God and with
each other
D. 1 John 1: 5–6—If we entertain wrong attitudes, we are in darkness, and we are
excluded from the light of God’s fellowship.
E. 1 John 1: 7—Continual walking in the light produces continual fellowship and
continual cleansing.
1. Out of fellowship—out of the light
2. The blood does not cleanse in the dark
F. 1 John 1: 8–9—When we come to the light, we are cleansed
G. John 3: 19–21—Our reaction to the light determines our destiny
H. Isaiah 31: 9b—In “Zion” (the place of fellowship) God’s purifying furnace burns
I. Fellowship is the “brook” where stones are made smooth for the Lord’s sling.
II. Fellowship Is The Birthplace Of God’s Purposes
A. Examples of decisions made in the fellowship of the Godhead:
1. Gen. 1: 26—The decision to make man
2. Gen. 3: 22—The decision to expel man from the garden
3. Gen. 11: 7—The decision to confound man’s language
4. Isaiah 6: 8—The quest for a messenger to Israel
B. John 1: 1, 18—The unbroken communion and fellowship of the Godhead
1. All the purposes of God, in time, are born out of this fellowship in eternity
2. Likewise, the birthplace of God’s purposes in His people is the place of
C. John 3: 6—Only from this place of spiritual birth can spiritual purposes be brought
1. Acts 1: 14—The church was born at Pentecost after ten days of fellowship
2. Acts 13: 1–3; 14: 26—The first missionary journey was born out of fellowship
3. 1 John 5: 4—What is born of God cannot be defeated by the world. The
spiritual life of the USA was born out of the fellowship of the pilgrims, and its
purpose is not yet fulfilled.
D. Eph. 5: 21—Fellowship demands:
1. Commitment
2. Submission
E. Acts 2: 46–47—Out of the place of fellowship, the Holy Spirit brings forth
spiritual birth
F. Acts 2: 42—Four basic activities of New Testament Christianity:
1. Teaching
2. Fellowship
3. Eating together
4. Prayer


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Peter Freeman
Peter Freeman - 20.10.2023 18:54

It is amazing to see how deep Derek understood biblical truths. What year was this filmed? It looks like a broadcast pre-colour TV recording

Jaime Jaime
Jaime Jaime - 14.03.2023 17:42

Wow, God gave Derek prince such an immense amount of knowledge and revelation to share with us.

Elizabeth Frazer
Elizabeth Frazer - 04.03.2023 04:16

Thank GOD for these beautiful teachings that are setting us free from bondage as we do our Christian walk. GOD bless for sharing.🙏🙏🙏

B. - 16.02.2023 16:18

THANK YOU LORD JESUS! Thank You brother Prince!

Gayane Suqiasyan
Gayane Suqiasyan - 22.09.2022 22:55


Michael Giuggio
Michael Giuggio - 19.08.2022 07:13

Praise the Lord!

Frances McMillan
Frances McMillan - 06.08.2022 02:25

Oh, boy! I hope we get to see more of these oldies! Thank you.

Anthony Ajavon
Anthony Ajavon - 15.07.2022 10:10

I wish i met this man in person. A great and humble servant. Thank God for you and thank you.

TimmyLovesChrist - 20.06.2022 02:58

thank you Jesus

grace verzosa
grace verzosa - 14.06.2022 01:10

Amen,God is soo good,

Carla Martinez
Carla Martinez - 01.04.2022 06:16

Thank you pastor for your knowledge and Wisdom God Bless you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

David Kim
David Kim - 27.11.2021 08:56

What a great teacher of God's Word!!!

Rejieli Ratukowale
Rejieli Ratukowale - 28.07.2021 03:27

Amen 🙏🙏🙏.so powerful message.thank you sir.

Real Truth
Real Truth - 14.07.2021 18:39

Awesome teacher

Harriet New
Harriet New - 26.05.2021 23:51

Its also good to read the Present with Religion, a book availble for free on the internet.The book is about the truth of life and it shows the full picture of life for the first time so that you may stop being deceived by the world and be able to follow the steps of Jesus and other prophets to Heaven.Knowing the whole truth of life is the key factor in our salvation.We must know the real truth, all of it and live in it and change ourselves according to it on order to be saved.There is no other way to our salvation.With the knowledge of the truth there comes true repentance which means changing our minds and also true obediance to God' s law and finally our sanctification which is a lifelong process.And God in His mercy will give us His wonderful grace which is the time and ability to make the proper change.Only in this way will we be able to attain our our eternal salvation.Our task is to find thsmia narrow gate that leads to God and do it quickly and stay on it till the end no matter what.Then and only then we will be saved.There is nothing more important or serious to do in this fallen world as our eternal fate depends on it.

MsSoelia - 23.05.2021 18:40

I pray that my life reflects what God intended for me to be 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Catrina Bradley
Catrina Bradley - 04.01.2021 03:53

Fellowship a Greek term that means having all things in common or sharing together. I Corinthians 1:9 So many Christians have become so immersed in traditional practices and ways of doing things that they have completely forgotten the purpose or the means to why they fellowship. Does it accomplish results that bring about a change? Fellowship is what we have been called into after salvation...into fellowship with Jesus Christ. Is our time and efforts wasted?
What is the end purpose of the preaching and teaching of the gospel? It is fellowship! Many religious institutions today are not accomplishing a means to an end

Chris Joyce
Chris Joyce - 19.03.2020 00:58

Shut up Barbara Freemason Iknow who you are you Devil puke

Reanne Wu
Reanne Wu - 20.01.2020 11:48

So timely and always relevant!

Mrs TheClown
Mrs TheClown - 08.01.2020 09:11

This teaching is such a treasure. Thank you.

runurrace - 31.12.2019 07:38

My favorite teacher and I love his humor! Thanks for uploading this!

Eraldo New York
Eraldo New York - 30.11.2019 08:13

I praise the Lord for the work of Derek Prince 🔥✝️

logosannie - 28.09.2018 06:49

Lord, thank you for revealing this.

Martha Haring
Martha Haring - 28.09.2018 04:06

I hope & pray that God will send another Derek Prince, who will be a teacher & preacher of HIS WORD! Praise God

Martha Haring
Martha Haring - 28.09.2018 04:04

Derek Prince sermons also convicts me of sin, but I loved ALL his preaching - wonderful & amazing

Martha Haring
Martha Haring - 28.09.2018 04:02

Derek Prince message is like coming down from the Throne Room if God! Amazing teaching that saturated the soul

Kim - 08.04.2017 17:53

this was so good, powerful

Ms Jude
Ms Jude - 16.08.2015 14:51

Excellent teaching. Thank you for sharing!

GO CHURCH - 31.07.2015 05:17

absolutely brilliant, one of the greatest teachers ever, that God has blessed us with. Thank you jesus

nigedo - 27.07.2015 22:39

We're so privileged to have open, free access to such a wealth of teaching of this quality. Truly God is rallying and restoring the calling of the church in these times.

Ari Norolampi
Ari Norolampi - 26.06.2015 23:43

Blessings. Is there any more these good oldies available?

Brendan B
Brendan B - 18.05.2013 08:11

