Episode #9
Total Control Accounting (feat. Marcus Mire, CPA)
recorded April 14, 2021
Marcus Mire, CPA
5 shout out to Stephanie Mire
5 shout out to Tyler Warner
14 **sponsor slot** (just kidding, Practice Ignition)
19 **sponsor slot** (just kidding, Practice Ignition)
21 shout out to Quentin, John, and Stephanie
26 shout out to Niks
26 shout out to Acuity
30 shout out to Zachary Call
39 shout out to Cal Newport
40 Ackerman thinks he figured out the cause of COVID-19
50 the birth of Total Control Accounting, shout out to Tyler
55 shout out to Stephanie
55 **sponsor slot** (just kidding, Gusto)
55 **sponsor slot** (just kidding, Xero)