[TF2] Valve Comp Is A Complete Joke

[TF2] Valve Comp Is A Complete Joke

FishStickOnAStick - Gaming

1 год назад

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Štěpán Dubský
Štěpán Dubský - 05.09.2023 08:23

I dont understand why they didnt made it 9v9, it will be so cool

Aanderan - 04.09.2023 09:54

"playing tf2 to avoid high intensity graphical requirements" shooting yourself in the foot to begin with even with the most crusty autexec

RunningInThe90s - 04.09.2023 01:19

Valve died for long time, they no longer care for gamers. Only stupid Valve/steam fanboys and normies took Valve "good guy" bait but don't realize Valve are making trash nowadays like CSGO, Dota 2 or TF2 and milking it with stupid microtransaction.

Hedning1390 - 01.09.2023 11:41

Here's my tip for competitive mode queue: Just solo queue. Let's say you are 4 friends. Instead of making a party of 4 and waiting forever, just go into 4 solo queues. Odds are you get to play with at least one and it's a lot faster.

Another problem with rewards (in addition to cheating) is that right now when it comes to clearly op weapons like the vaccinator there's like a gentleman's agreement only to use it to even out matches. If there was a reward for winning people would abuse it. Removing unbalanced weapons also hurts the game since vaccinator is the only counter to a good enemy sniper on core maps like swiftwater and viaduct and if there was a reward every good sniper would only play sniper since that is the most effective, adding to the problem. Op weapons can always be fixed manually by simply mirroring it, eg if the enemy is using vaccinator and you think it is unwarranted you can just go vaccinator yourself and it's now fair.

Class stacking I have never seen actually work. I hear this being complained about from time to time as a balance concern, but whether I've participated in it myself or the enemy has tried it it never works. It makes those who do it weaker, not stronger. Like deciding to play rock every time (in rock paper scissors). It's not a good strategy.

That said the biggest issue is cheaters. That has to be fixed. If there were no cheaters, or we could replace cheaters (even with filler bots) then competitive mode would be great.

Terran Reviews
Terran Reviews - 01.09.2023 06:59

Is that the Ratchet & Clank 2 OST I hear? 😮 Excellent taste.

cfroi08 - 29.08.2023 04:22

TF2 Comp is like CSGO Casual, you can play it but you won't have fun.

Sophistisnake - 22.08.2023 00:20

The only problem with the competitive season is that it weaponizes FOMO, which would be a serious problem and is one of the few reasons I play tf2 over other FPS games, it has no p2w, no FOMO, battle pass, predatory monetization. I think loot systems should stay the same.

Diggy Robinson
Diggy Robinson - 04.08.2023 14:42

The high ranking teams should get stuff like unusuals with the team name in the description or something

Darkshock 42 MLG 0
Darkshock 42 MLG 0 - 04.08.2023 04:54

I really wish they came out with Highlander

Keedo - 09.07.2023 23:18

IMO a great way valve can improve comp is to add a Suggested Team Lineup for each map/gamemode, like for payload engineer, heavy, medic, soldier, and demo are great picks, for 5cp you get scout, demo, soldier, medic, for ctf you get uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, idk engineer

Reactor Four
Reactor Four - 27.06.2023 07:40

I played ranked rocket league and halo once, saw the pure toxicity of people who play it, and then decided to never play a comp mode in any game again.

Mr Medic
Mr Medic - 12.06.2023 15:19

I actually like to play Valve Comp. Like yea its got some REALLY blatend flaws ... but at the end of the day its still TF2. Its still fun. Playing a Game where everyone tries their asses off and its close is fun. However it is also very easy to ruin entire games just by playing Sniper or Spy, that isnt so great. While yes Weapon Bans are definitly good I feel like the No Weapon Bans are what makes it fun for me. Constantly counterpicking the enemy Medics Medigun with one of your own and predicting what they will choose, for me, is a lot of fun. Im not trying to say its an objectively good gamemode, its definitly not. But people are definitly overstating how bad it is. A que on average takes 30 Minutes at most, you rarely get matched into Turbine and Cheaters arent that big of an occurance. The worst part, in my experience is definitly Teambalance. When u have 1 Team with 1000 Hour Players and the other Team with Fresh installs its no fun for both sides.

TheTexanBuzzsaw - 10.06.2023 22:02

Title correction: Valve is a complete joke.

Golden Mansion10
Golden Mansion10 - 17.05.2023 04:42

Perhaps comp should have its own sort of game mode system, you could choose between some of the different comp systems like highlander or standard 6’s.

Heroman3003 - 14.05.2023 09:24

I hate competitive purely because so many fun weapons were gutted into the ground for sake of BaLaNcE in that update

RecklessBucket - 14.05.2023 02:34

I want valve to fix competitive tf2 in the new update

Para0234 - 13.05.2023 11:46

Your idea of balancing to be both fun and balanced makes me think of a quote : By trying to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.

VestedUTuber - 12.05.2023 12:15

Another issue I can think of? The 6v6 format. While I don't like the 6s format in general, I'm not going to go down that road. Instead, I'm going to focus on why 6v6 specifically doesn't work for random matchmaking competitive where ANYONE can group up with some friends and start a team, or even just queue-in solo. The problem with 6v6 for ValveComp is an issue of game design, balance, and how teamplay works in smaller games.

First off, certain classes get stronger or weaker with team size - Scout, for example, is an absolute monster in 6v6 where he can usually pick fights with single opponents, but gets weaker in larger games where he's more likely to encounter multiple opponents in flank routes. Whereas Pyro generally does, well... less poorly in a target-rich environment where afterburn's effects are magnefied. As a result, a class that works as intended in 12v12 or even 9v9 can work VERY differently in a significantly smaller team size, and that creates balance issues. That works fine for 6s (even though I'm personally not a fan of it regardless) because the players know what they're getting into, but if some random person likes playing one of those classes that gets really hurt by smaller team sizes and decides to queue up for ValveComp, it's going to be a problem both for that player AND his team.

Secondly, some gamemodes and maps just don't work for 6v6, others result in certain classes becoming extremely powerful or extremely weak in ways that get smoothed out by larger team sizes. Payload becomes a slog because you can't devote many players to the cart without leaving yourself vulnerable to flanking. Attack-Defense becomes Engineer Hell. CTF is... well, the concept is actually not that bad but the maps all suck. There's more, I just don't want to turn this paragraph into a giant wall of text.

Finally, there's a significant difference between organizing a 12-man or 9-man team and organizing a 6-man team. With larger teams, you can kinda buddy up into multiple groups, providing backup for each other, covering weaknesses and looking out for each other. With smaller teams, the focus becomes more on each player specifically having to fill a role to the best of their ability, while trusting that their teammates do the same. Again, this is fine for people who are used to 6s. They know what they're getting into. But it's a jarring transition going from casual to competitive, and one that you really don't want to deal with if you're queueing solo or just putting together a team of friends to give comp a try.

Xenox Trollik
Xenox Trollik - 10.05.2023 20:09

Tf2 comp system just the idea is garbate
You have a game with 9 characters and limit the technically most important games to only 6?
Tf2 comp should be 9 vs 9 with each class having 1 as a limit so everyone has a unique rolę to play as
Also it help that there cantbe 6 sniper bots at the same time

Mr.unfunny - 10.05.2023 05:14

Pin me for n- wait that’s already been done umm pin me because comp sucks

PokerFaceProductions - 08.05.2023 13:41

What the fuck is with the scary ass dispenser

ethan - 27.04.2023 22:34

main issue with rewards with financial value is that it directly incentivizes the worst comp behavior. people will cheat for those rewards and toxicity will be a major problem

MutantCarrot - 28.03.2023 15:16

The real issue with comp tf2
Is tf2 isn't a competitive game haaaaahahahahaha goofy ass clowns tryharding in the game everyone remembers for the 32 man all talk custom map community servs, look at this dude oh nononono look at his HEAD, garish lime green painted unusual lookin soldier main ass hahahaha
Comp players are a joke.

The Fleshy Ghost
The Fleshy Ghost - 18.03.2023 19:44

I think it would be interesting if they made it 9v9 and have one of each class and the better you do the better teammates you get although right now that wouldn’t work since comp is garbage and no one plays

Justa Guy
Justa Guy - 16.03.2023 04:02

And Valve fixing the game, balancing all weapons and releasing a good version of Comp is about as likely as Team Fortress 3.

Haerviu Rex Cultor
Haerviu Rex Cultor - 12.03.2023 07:27

expecting valve to do anything is basically max copium at this point.

energy is better spent on doing what the community does best. doing valves fucking job.

x DeathCon
x DeathCon - 08.03.2023 23:22

The times I've actually been able to play comp have really not been bad. It's enjoyable to sometimes just switch from casual spy to actually trying on heavy, and it's a blast when you can work with your team and everyone is trying. The reason I quit it was because of how impossible it was to actually get into a match like that due to bots and people don't connect. It's been a while since I even played tf2, but I bet the comp is even worse with that sort of thing.

Jason Lav
Jason Lav - 06.03.2023 13:20


Tha thing is so undone its consindered raw

SmittyWerbenJagerManJenson - 05.03.2023 21:30

Community comp is like 5%-10% GENEROUSLY of the playerbase. But still think we should balance around a flawed comp format??

Its genuinely baffling to me how much of the comp community want the game to entirely revolve around them, while also refusing to try new things and never allowing a new meta to form.

Like the ban list is shit and makes no sense, the sorch shot and detonator are banned for being apprent straight upgrades, but the crusaders crossbow isnt? It reeks of just old comp players refusing to allow their format to change, which fair ok, but stop trying to affect the vast majority of the game.

Butt Whole
Butt Whole - 25.02.2023 01:01


oshawott45 - 23.02.2023 17:58

we could just ditc h 6v6 and go 9v9 with 1 class each yk

Zalabit - 19.02.2023 20:24

The single fact that i need a ticket took me away from trying (also i suck on PvP).

I still get more fun playing MvM and i keep buying tickets for that from time to time, like an arcade game. Most of the time i just play boot camp tho.

Sinic - 10.02.2023 06:57

>valve comp forces graphics to the highest
"Muh competitive settings" abusers btfo

NothingButContent - 28.01.2023 03:37

Wow! Good ideas! I can’t wait until these are implemented!

Palika The Gopnik
Palika The Gopnik - 25.01.2023 20:38

WELL SAID after all this time tf2 has still some potential left.

Nachoz Man
Nachoz Man - 18.01.2023 10:23

How do I play tf2 without turning a corner into a random bout of enemy always being there lol

flippeee5 - 06.01.2023 14:06

Meet your match and end of the line was overly hated for no reason

Гіфки зі звуком
Гіфки зі звуком - 04.01.2023 16:33

Dude wtf yor voice is so robotic. Frecking yt tincans everywhere, we must unite, guys, b4 they whoop us all
