A Race for America | The Big Picture

A Race for America | The Big Picture

Al Jazeera English

3 года назад

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King Monkie
King Monkie - 14.09.2023 23:12

Meh ngl half of black Americans are just hypercrits due to how they want equal but 1 treating other race such as Hispanics/Asians or any other race that are whiter and 2 they blame all white people even the new generation and by telling them to get on there knees and kiss there foot for what the whites did back in the slavery times tbh racism is never gonna end

Mark Cuthbert
Mark Cuthbert - 14.09.2023 00:46

Hopefully one day humans will be intigrated enough to a point race difference doesn't matter,we can see even now how when our cultures mix we benefit ,world wide cuisine fusion,a deeper gene pool etc, when we have integrated relationships. Just my opinion but i think in a thousand years if humans continue to migrate at the same pace race will be irrelevant...i hope.

james khojane
james khojane - 12.09.2023 20:05

I always ask myself how do white people live with themselves, why are they capable of so much hate is beyond me.

Casca - 07.09.2023 06:13

Only dogs who divided us is The MEDIA

nigel ralph murphy
nigel ralph murphy - 05.09.2023 15:39

White people say 'supremacist.' Black people say 'supremist.' Let's call the whole thing off.

raak more
raak more - 04.09.2023 10:54

Does anyone ever think that the right thing to do is send all black people back to there native land where they were kidnapped from? It was a very unnatural and cruel thing to do to theses human beings. And for the people that brought these poor negros over here I'm sure is an unnatural feeling to have to live with these people. Just so much controversy. Has anyone ever thought of taking them back to there rightful home I think the united States should and should be obligated to buy every and any negro or mixed and there spouse property and a home back in Africa where they were violently taken from it's the right thing to do

Bridget Lee
Bridget Lee - 03.09.2023 18:10

We must keep in mind the only reason African Americans are here is to do manual labor and everything has been done with that in mind. We are here to labor for the whites. Limiting the education of black people is only to make sure we are labors for the white man. When we start to becoming too educated, white people become uncomfortable. There is no need for black studies and black history as that would suggest that black people should or could be more than labors.
White people suffer from white supremacy. The institutions have supported that concept since the first slave was placed on a ship to be sent out. When whites face their racism illness then we will see true progess.

Cody Lumpkins
Cody Lumpkins - 30.08.2023 18:33

Everything wrong with America and racism is not the republicans fault nor is it only white people fault. This documentary is a joke.

BlkMoonChile1969 - 20.08.2023 09:27

This is a strange land we live in. It’s almost bizarre and feels like sheer madness that something as trivial as skin color has done this to the United States of America. The “powder keg” is once again waiting to blow over it seems. So much of what we focus on, even more so now, in 2023, is over Black and White skin. If we all just sat back and looked at this as human beings I think we’d realize how ridiculous this all is. The fear of Black skin, true equality, the balance of power, tearing down systemic racism, what’s so frightening about it? Why stop the civil rights movement, affirmative action, critical race theory? It teaches lessons, makes for a better country! Germany has no issues with ensuring its people are knowledgeable about the past and they they learn it so it doesn’t happen again. At the rate our country is going, whitewashing history, hiding the truth, and so on, we will have a repeat of our horrific history.

Harrysh Kumar
Harrysh Kumar - 18.08.2023 09:16

Americans might have lynch if Elon Musk is Black guy...

Harrysh Kumar
Harrysh Kumar - 18.08.2023 09:14

For the every black person who lost their life many white Americans should lose their lives...

wild bill
wild bill - 24.07.2023 05:13

Stay with your own ..then there is no issues

Jackie Martin
Jackie Martin - 23.07.2023 14:48

We are different faces of one race and we are all created by GOD

Young Hurricane
Young Hurricane - 17.07.2023 23:42

Racism makes me sick and disgusted. Harassing, humiliating and embarrassing people of color are uncalled for wherever we go in everyday life. We need to put an end to racism, racial profiling, segregation, and racial tension frfr or America will keep suffering more and more problems if it ain't contained

cole litteral
cole litteral - 12.07.2023 01:08

Let me ask y’all a question if you don’t know google it. What’s the opposite of capitalism

cole litteral
cole litteral - 12.07.2023 00:21

Ain’t the left today pushing there agendas in school as young as kindergarten like that a man can be a woman? There’s a reason why there’s so many black conservatives. And that’s not the only reason. Once they start getting into modern politics is when this starts becoming stupid

cole litteral
cole litteral - 11.07.2023 23:33

Sad thing is today blacks are trying to get a new record on how many blacks they can kill. Everything that was fought for now they just kill each other

sami Alshareef
sami Alshareef - 10.07.2023 11:22


Dorvell Stewart
Dorvell Stewart - 30.06.2023 01:31

May we never forget that Trump merely brought all this into the open, put it on full display for all to see and will likely go down in history as the New Right’s sacrificial…

I don’t want to say “lamb,“ because he’s any and everything but.

To fully defeat the new right as well as, yes, the big wig left wingers who throw money at issues to try to make things go away instead of actually tackling said issues head on will be a task that seems insurmountable right now. Hopefully it’ll be accomplished eventually, though.

Patrick Farrell
Patrick Farrell - 26.06.2023 21:56

I have a new respect for the Aljazeera network and the work put into making this documentary. Fake news, and how it has affected the country in recent years wasn't talked about much. And I think that was a smart move. Doing so would have made it look political. Regardless of the side Aljazeera would have taken, in the mainstream media situation, it would have made them part of it. They didn't, and I trust them now, more than ever, to be my main source of accurate news, information, here in the United States of America. I had stereotyped them for years, thinking they were just a radical Islamist news network. I feel ashamed for not giving them a chance a long time ago. Peace and longevity to your organization and its employees.

Sarah Katulle
Sarah Katulle - 21.06.2023 17:11

because of these two men, the medical system is the way it is.

Cady Moore
Cady Moore - 17.06.2023 18:46

The LACK of education in these comments is Scary. Does everyone believe what is taught to them in school? I bet everyone in these comments are either working 9-5 or working a laborious job, then complaining about taxes they have to pay and how the rich should pay more and poor people shouldn’t have access to healthcare. Read a book, own a business and vote for a party that’s isn’t democratic or republican. YALL BRAINS ARE IN A BOX. These are scholars and y’all are arguing with educated scholars. 😊

Vincent Piraneo
Vincent Piraneo - 20.05.2023 18:58

Growing up in public school with both black and white and Asian students every one of us had the same opportunity. I dont really understand where this race thing is comming from. The one problem i see is the black community feeding their children this idea of racism. I never once growing up even thought other people were classified as race until a black kid claimed the race card. Its yhe black community that needs to wake up and see we all have the same opportunity in America. Stop breaking the law, work hard, and contribute to your community.

Elmo Zweiback
Elmo Zweiback - 20.05.2023 02:12

WARNING: this poor white ain't yer enemy. Our enemy is a government that is controlled by mega-corporations. We need gray initiatives to represent our labor (and us as a market) to this corporocracy. If we let orgs like BLM and KKK separate us, we are well and truly .....'d.

AJ savage
AJ savage - 09.05.2023 17:14

I was saying this yeas ago. The Republican Party made a deal with Trump to gain control of government. Remember he spoke bad about both parties and did not need their money. Then he joins them as their guy. People did not believe me. I came from a city full of violence and gangs. So I know a sellout when I see one.

Dennis Fabian Morales
Dennis Fabian Morales - 22.04.2023 04:56

Why did the many different atrocious acts in human history to this day have so much success!?

RetroHabit82 - 08.04.2023 08:02

A Race War is Inevitable.
WW3 folks🇺🇸✌

Michael Gugliuzza
Michael Gugliuzza - 03.04.2023 19:28

And the truth comes out that the so called attack on the Capital was a setup by Pelosi and her criminals. This is nothing but propaganda.

Tom. Jerry
Tom. Jerry - 03.04.2023 11:54

I always hear about how were treated wrong and have no voice . But all the Americans Mexican American African and other Americans that were born her and with descendants from were there family migrated from before they were Americans that were to represent use all turned there back and sold society out so we had had our own race in government and only represent Congress not the people so we can't 😢cry racist are racial Injustice or unjustice cause look at that black judge married to a white woman and they both represent not a black are white but only there republican party . We as a nation always blame others and we make things harder by not fixing but crying over racism. I'm a proud American Mexican and fight for my daughter future and yes I made a mistake at 18 and now I share this with other people 18 your a young man are woman and the choices you make are on you you know how things are and instead of changing things all we do is cry about the government owes us . They don't owe use they owe our family who paved the way for use and we are wanting a free hand out when we get it we don't do anything to get a head but use it on drugs and wast it on useless things if our ancestors and descendants seen what we do for the fighting and blood sheed they gave how do you think they fill 😢😢😢. So we forgot the real fight and new we must still fight maintain what they paved and gave for use to have and speak up as we do right now. Do we forget back in history we had no voice period and now look at use on line in Congress speaking of what. American African got schools fraternities and still saying treated wrongly. The same goes for my people I'm American Mexican and when I try to help my people cause I say I'm American Mexican I'm not raza are Mexican it's true I'm a American but I don't deny my descendants and I make it clear I don't have a problem and still have not stoped helping all races . Cause I see this going on in Congress with the courts and law schools and our own race are in position to speak up and say the truth but won't cause when they do there own race tears them down and say they are selling out to the white man it's not true were selling out to our own race by not saying the truth

Cliff Lewis Jr
Cliff Lewis Jr - 02.04.2023 22:49

America has never been great and has never made any progress in the way black people are treated and this country is just as uncivilized, barbaric, primitive and neanderthal as it's ever been.

Bekah P.
Bekah P. - 22.03.2023 04:26

Absolutely perfection. So many concepts I was unaware interwove. Something everyone needs to see

Simon Yip
Simon Yip - 19.03.2023 04:02

Someone said that to end racism, start first by not making it out to be a massive issue.

You can only enforce equal opportunities and equal rights and equal treatment by passing laws.

You can't do anything more than that, you can't demonise one side and make the other side feel like they deserve to be held to different standards.

No one is to blame for the behaviour of others, and the best that can be expected is to give everyone the same chances, what individuals do with those chances and opportunities is up to them.

Tony Rivers
Tony Rivers - 18.03.2023 14:30

Powerful whites have and will continue to destroy this integrated population with more and more drugs.

Jim 9
Jim 9 - 15.03.2023 13:08

So many bots in the comments to support this anti-white racist documentary. Maybe we should talk about why white people must seperate themselves from a violent race who being only 12% of the population commit most of the crime. Any place they are the majority there is an epidemic of murder, theft and rape. This is a reality that must be faced.

Bryan - 15.03.2023 01:59

So Ford Foundation's support of educating blacks was to get the Black Panthers off the street and in the classroom? You can't join the middle class in jail. But you can getting an education. So how was this is a problem?! Silly.

The conspiracy theories on why white run charities wanted to educate blacks is absurd. The option of an uneducated black population vs an educated one is an obvious good, regardless of funding. This silliness is what I expect from the low quality of journalism of Al Jazeera. BTW, Al Jazeera is based and owned by slave labor using Qatar.

centralref - 10.03.2023 04:40

This is such a good documentary. 👍🏾 I recommend anyone who is reading this comment and trying to decide whether to watch or not, do yourself a favor, press play and watch until the end.

Addison France
Addison France - 07.03.2023 04:01

This needs more views

Lest Stoner
Lest Stoner - 01.03.2023 22:06

No such thing as race.

ethan Shelby skateboarding
ethan Shelby skateboarding - 25.02.2023 02:31

A racist is another word for a stupid coward

James Banks
James Banks - 24.02.2023 03:58

Absolutely and Evil country and still Evil today that's the United States of America it's never going to change That's How Evil it Is 😤🤨🤔!

James Banks
James Banks - 24.02.2023 03:35

Them people that put melanated people and slavery are demons with their demon blood that flows through melanated people's veins in this country this straight demons 😒🤨🤔!

Rich Stone
Rich Stone - 20.02.2023 01:20

These people are always angry and ungrateful....nothing new.

Christian the Urban Nomad
Christian the Urban Nomad - 14.02.2023 20:17

It's amazing how violent and disruptive behavior are justified in the name of equality.

1arra1 Alpha
1arra1 Alpha - 13.02.2023 20:09

"Prey "in I PetGoat Heliofant is a human flesh eater. Preditor. Judah, black and runs the F.B.I and was on convicted twice Child Trafficker. Every liberals hero " flight logs!" .

I figure these " human flesh eaters " will blow the world -up so they do not go to Jail.

Rapture is white light, bright = bombs, you become dead, and rise in spirit form as in an Near Death Experiance.

My Mom was denied 40 years of foodstamps by 260 representatives countries all telling ME to get off their land. My Agenda is to Honor my Mother.

"Prey "in I PetGoat Heliofant is a human flesh eater. Preditor. Represents an entire leftwing specie.

Qineon Morame
Qineon Morame - 10.02.2023 06:06

america...the only country with foundational history of racial prejudice for over a century...pathetic.

ThisFishIsExotic - 09.02.2023 16:20

Emmet till didn’t whistle they confessed he didn’t whistle, that’s as false, other than that its a good documentary

Cheerson samuel
Cheerson samuel - 07.02.2023 05:57

Tell me a Muslim country which gives citizenship to a non Muslim. Shameless Muslim migrants.

Thrillhouseize - 30.01.2023 11:24

Yup. Right where it needs to be for all to see. Thanks for this documentary.
