10 Most Disturbing Religious Relics in the World!

10 Most Disturbing Religious Relics in the World!

The Unknown List

3 года назад

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@ming60640 - 13.05.2022 07:37

The unrelated video clips are really distracting from the narration. Couldn’t make it beyond a minute

@samuelschick8813 - 13.05.2022 11:48

What do I think? I think the religious are the most naive and gullible people walking the earth.

@vincentzack - 13.05.2022 16:39

Relics? This is all BS.

@casper68803 - 13.05.2022 18:51

I have never herd of such B--- S--- in my life

@timpack1207 - 14.05.2022 08:32

I've seen some weird things in the past 70 years but this video confirms that there are definitely some sick people out there 😳 😬 🤔...

@eloyjrdeguzman997 - 14.05.2022 17:38

What's disturbing about it?

@tomgreaney1 - 15.05.2022 04:11

Concentrated virgin…ha… I think not !

@tomgreaney1 - 15.05.2022 04:19

If I could borrow that foreskin it would be great, I need to rub it over my stomach and see if can replace the two kidneys I had removed and left me on dialysis for the rest of my life! I won’t hold my breath

@johnnyreb4195 - 15.05.2022 07:35

PURE IDOLATRY... "Though shalt have No other God's but the Father" Catholics never actually Read the Holy scripture... unfortunately

@johnsshed995 - 16.05.2022 03:44

I am not a christian, far from it . I do not like religions of any kind .But I find it hard to belive that anyone, in any so called christian country has not heard the story about Jesus's foreskin.

@familiekastermans1297 - 16.05.2022 14:59

Marie was not a virgin and also not the mother of God, and she had more children after the birth of JC ;-)

@lorriemiller6750 - 17.05.2022 21:35

Same would rather see the actual relics more than movie stuff

@stuartkelly3106 - 17.05.2022 21:45

As soon as I heard the pointless intro, I turned off.

@roberthaber8510 - 18.05.2022 04:42

Disgusting and Disturbing. If you claim to be a Christian and you subscribe to and subscribe to any of this nonsense, your Faith is not built on solid ground. Entertaining? Yes. Bizarre? Yes. Divine? NO. NO. NO!

@ashleybuckland3181 - 18.05.2022 06:04

Foreskin on the eyes hmmmm
I believe in God but ummmmm nah 🤣

@GenerationJonesi - 18.05.2022 20:14

Christianity is a cannibal religion. Eating the flesh & blood of a man & keeping dead body parts. Gross.

@tinajohansson4888 - 21.05.2022 00:28

I think like some others, show the relics instead of all tha other "shit". That would have been more interesting.

@FionaKumariCampbell - 21.05.2022 11:25

How come the focus on Christian relics only?

@dianasoto7011 - 23.05.2022 16:08

The one about the tooth is not a human tooth, it is the tooth of a cow, or other bovine. People will believe anything, I swear

@christianclassicsongs9527 - 29.05.2022 06:17

Great job a great channel but it’s amazing how people actually believe this problem with Sierra such nonsense from hell not this is biblical even it’s just just nonsensical I mean to think that Jesus is gonna put a ring on some woman and Marier what are you want what are the on crack and they believe this car but it’s just to get fools to come in and spend money and they’re in to support their stupid I don’t know I don’t know buildings in pet aphelia and God knows what all search ridiculous nonsense but kind of fun to listen to it is kind of entertaining

@mammaj.prayerwarrior369 - 14.06.2022 04:50

Do you not know, Jesus said, unless you see miracles you won't believe. The relics have NO power, only by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Touching and praying relics can NOT be from God or Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. Repent for your sin of believing anything except Jesus Christ and God can give you healing and save you from eternal damnation.

@traqueliacooper5132 - 30.06.2022 13:10

Most people don't know or if they do know they overlook the perverted depriveity within the roman catholic church. I use to believe the catholic religion was a truly God loving worshipping religion until I growed up and began noticing a variety of sickening things about the catholic church like the priest or bishop messing with kids in an perverted manner and at tat mostly young boys over the girls due to a deal previously made when dancing with a devil when striking a deal to be promoted to said position the bishops priest high priest all in that religion are held responsible to a deal made in which child sexual abuse is not part of but the head of deprived acts. And another thing I noticed is why do they have next to none if not none at all basic images of jesus or a picture when jesus under an everyday normal situation, . The catholic church make Mt stomach sick because looking at their depictions seems as though they all are of jesus crucifixion or him appearing all beaten and battered I don't agree with that because this telling me the catholic church alongside their room of satanic appearance is yelling how it itself is indeed undoubtedly the satanic church. Then underground or the basement of the st . Peter there is a depictions of Constantine depicted as if he were jesus but In roman military attire. When he lied like he had a holy moment when I believe he had recently saw the depictions of mostly all his soldiers were of the Christian religion he saw this therefore he then made up the lie so he won't loose so many soldiers and loose the war he

@lynnallen1315 - 21.09.2022 04:19

Gross, grotesque, etc.

@Allyourbase1990 - 22.12.2022 04:14

I really hope we find the Ark of the Covenant one day before I die . I’m definitely not touching it , but it would be super cool

@djkonkon101 - 04.04.2023 10:57

Top 5 for me are

1- salomon ring seal

2- the arc of the covenant, the mos powerful battery in the ancient world

3- the mantle of Elijah

4- the holy stone in mecca

5- the shroud of jesus

@andrew-xr1de - 08.04.2023 03:33

This guy is off in another world. He needs to get the facts. Also the videos need to be changed. Such as Moses parting the sea had NOTHING to do with St. Anthony of Padua!------SHEESH!!!

@mememeat8591 - 09.05.2023 21:00

Too torn on whether to like or dislike this video. I like the information provided. The audio and video quality are great and the presentation and pacing are perfect but holy moly dude you have got some shitty takes peppered in here... I just want to say that both scientific information from discoveries and mythology from ancient civilizations are second hand information that are subject to corruption. Life is too nuanced to be boiled down to: science good, myths and legends bad. The universe is a big place with room for a lot of different information and perspective, these things don't have to be mutually exclusive and neither do they have to be in conflict. You don't have to accept the legends either! That's not the point, the point is that whether you accept it or not, there is no benefit to condemnation of a perspective to endorse another one. Science can be flawed and we discover new things every day, both science and legend/myth come from the human desire to seek understanding and maybe we should practice more of that understanding with each other. Myths have their place among humans, teaching us lessons in parables, relics remind us of the people who lead great lives and encourage us to live well also. I just think it's really important not to become too black and white, it's hard to learn the truth when you don't see all the shades and colours in between.

Edit: alright I typed all of this before I got to the foreskin bit... Uhhh ya idk

@sueschmitz5568 - 30.05.2023 05:44

Amazing is a better away to say it!

@doogalloonni - 08.07.2023 19:58

Mr. Bean?.... When was he ordained???

@stevemartin6267 - 19.07.2023 02:47

The Catholic Miracles mostly have some scientific evidence supporting them. St Anthony's tongue is an example of incorruption. There are many examples over the centuries of Saints who have been found incorrupt when exhumed. Padre Pio is a recent saint who's body remains incorrupt in Sangiovani Rontundo. Only a few weeks ago (2023) an exhumed nun's body was found to be incorrupt; Sister Wilhelmina. The case for her canonisation is undoubtedly underway. Her discovery is important because athesist and sceptics often say that incorruptibility is explained by mummification or the way the body was stored. This nun could not be said to be in that category, but we will see what the investigation turns up.
The Tilma of Gudaloupe is truly miraculous and the word myth has no place in the story. It is not a painting. Two interesting things to research are what they found in the Blessed Mother's eye when they invented microscopes, and what pattern the stars have on Her cloak. The apparition was responsible for millions of converts to Catholicism in Mexico, at around the time the Reformation was leading people away from the Catholic Church in Europe.
The milk grotto is interesting but easily dismissed by atheists without evidence. More verifiable from the flight to Egypt was is that the Holy Family went to Egypt and in a place they stayed, a Church was later built in the 20th century. In the 1960s Our Lady appeared regularly for a long period on that Church. This was a call to all faiths and atheists by our Blessed Mother to Christianty (in that case it was a Coptic Church.) It can be researched as the Apparition at Zeitoun and is an interesting story as the government tried unsuccessfully to disprove the miracle.
Jesus did indeed leave a relic as evidence of his resurrection, it was the Shroud of Turin. If your fingers are itching to type that the Shroud has been found to be a fake, you are wrong (and the back story of the impugned carbon dating is quite demonic). It is the most studied relic in history. There are many credible sources to show its truly miraculous nature. Include Father Spitzer or Barrie Schwortz in your search and you will get some credible insights. The other important miracles are the Eucharistic miracles, of which there are many. Search Buenos Aires 1996 Eucharistic Miracle and be amazed. We are being called back to the Church founded by Jesus in these miracles.

@andreasobuaculla9511 - 20.07.2023 13:46

you forgot the head of oliver plunkette in Drogheda Ireland,a warning should be in place,this is so horrifying no child should see except perhaps hallowe;en

@rjordist4925 - 08.10.2023 15:43

Buddha is the BEST.

@melissajensen7672 - 03.11.2023 07:15

The movie clips and ridiculous pictures used in this video made it unwatchable. If you're going to do a video of religious relics and people use images of those. Terrible

@Jacqueline-l3w - 08.12.2023 22:34

Nice camio of Rowan Atkinson..
Ether 4 wedding and a funeral or blackadder .think it was 4 weddings

@Beverly-b8r - 16.01.2024 05:24

These relics would all be from Hollywood movies, that have nothing to do with REAL LIFE!

@user-if4nx2jn8r - 18.01.2024 18:04

I love how all the Christian relics are treated with respect but the Buddhist one is couched in superstition and lack of critical thinking skills. Real subtle, guys.

@thomasjr23 - 26.01.2024 01:53

Im hunagry yeboooy

@lindsaywarden1746 - 06.04.2024 00:41

Surely Our Lord allowed these relics to come to light, not in any way as things to worship, but as items are so connected to faith, to be considered and pondered on.

@HeavenlyDivine777 - 24.04.2024 20:50

These relics are divinely protected

@austinistooanxious - 29.04.2024 13:05

God christians are fucking insane.

@scottmccammack6984 - 15.05.2024 22:22

If you're going to talk about relics then show pictures of those relics not movie clips

@martywebb1487 - 02.07.2024 01:38

All of ya need to read more and diff source books ..that boble is not the way to the light I promise ..aka God in the bible is just a being that was created when creator got lonely and curious .so he split himself and created yaldabeaoth..but as he was alone yaldabeaoth thought and stated to his own creations of lesser light that scince their is nothing I am all and your God.which was a lie bc zoe of the pluroma took one of yaldabeaothown son and placed him above him taught him all the knowledge of the light pissed yaldabeaothoff ...and when yaldabeaothcreated adam he was w out spirit and aol w out life until zoe came down from pleroma and breathed sol into him .he awoke but right b4 he did yaldabeaothand his minions forced themselves onto her and raped her so she left a fake version of herself there and turned into the tree of life .

@martywebb1487 - 02.07.2024 01:40

When this started their were 2 main fractions of races aeons and archons which are pretty much the same w diff consciousness and limitations aeons stood for love and knowledge and unity and archons are more about themselves and gain control and all that ..which gives us the forces of light and dark ..but the ploroma is all love

@aimeemorgado8715 - 10.07.2024 19:34

This is so poorly researched and presented. No real history- just bs hype with unrelated movie clips.

@braydendenney3836 - 15.09.2024 05:06

I’ve seen the lady of Guadalupe cloth in the church in Mexico. It’s damn impressive

@ScrypKat56 - 13.10.2024 15:13

Jesus was born a Jew, lived his life as a devout Jew and was circumcised at the age of eight days old. His foreskin would have been disposed of according to Jewish practices of the time. I’m pretty sure he didn’t keep it in his pocket his whole life just to drop it at the time of his ascension!

@JOKEstar31 - 27.10.2024 03:40

Narrator voice sounds like tom hanks

@nellidivina5280 - 06.11.2024 10:43

Is manger where jesus laid also holy?
