Olympics 2002, Salt lake city - Men's 30 km (1 of 4)

Olympics 2002, Salt lake city - Men's 30 km (1 of 4)


14 лет назад

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@roalddalen - 27.04.2023 04:38

The King of EPO! 🤬

@Eirikross - 07.09.2022 13:13

Had to come here after Carlsen withdrew from the chess tournement because of potential cheating. Simillaritys.

@alexsqwerty1669 - 02.02.2022 23:14

Техника Мюллега даже по тому времени не уклюжая.

@Nerdcrusher - 26.01.2022 20:23

I just call this "The Race". It is the greatest masterpiece in cross-country skiing. Epic, legendary, divine.

@Bjontiss - 03.03.2021 13:19

«Where has he gotten his strength from, the Spaniard»

The commentators knew, but couldn’t say it live without proof..

@classicalgreekintroductory6045 - 23.12.2020 22:41

Det här är kanske ändå det coolaste någonsin. Episkt i sann mening.

@MackannMatthew - 14.12.2020 22:04

Själva definitionen av en bedragare

@charlesthorndike2702 - 08.12.2020 20:03

Jeg skulle virkelig likt å sett en podcast eller tv intervju (på en eller to timer) med Elofsson og Bjørndalen der de snakker om og deler tanker og følelser rundt dette løpet. Må ha vært ekstremt frustrerende å kjøre på med alt du har, men ikke klare å holde følge med lederen, som du vet spiller skittent.

@mrnostalgic698 - 15.11.2020 21:19

Tar emot att se detta igen... Fyfan för den fuskaren!!!!

@marcussundstrom4570 - 16.02.2019 23:05

Muhlegg påminner ju lite om Johaug.

@rake2kimmo - 30.11.2017 03:15

haha Jonas Karlsson haha

@whatdidyousay1455 - 24.02.2017 21:50

Nobody could defeat Muhelgg. What a fantastic skiier.

@Galimah - 23.10.2016 02:06

aaah i remember this race. everyone tought that swedish should win... but Mühlegg DESTROYED him.

@TheSportfane - 05.03.2013 12:36

Muhlegg was doped in 2002, Elofsson wasn´t.. To me it is pretty unlikely that Elofsson was doped in 2001 World Championships but not in the Olympics.. Maybe Muhlegg was doped in 2001 but we dont know for sure. What everybody was so frustrated about in this race was that M raced faster than humanly possible with a pretty bad technique.. Alsgaard said afterwards: he races for 30 km as fast as I do for 5 minutes when I am in top shape.."

@siform - 19.01.2013 03:02

So sad! So sad! o sad! So sad! Hate Muhlegg for this!

@davd1986 - 21.02.2012 22:22

@firepowerjohan Yeah, from what I have read and heard, it seems like the Germans were/are doping. They were working very close to a couple of big Laboratories/Institues in Freiburg and Vienna, the same ones used by the Telekom Cycling Team (Freiburg) and in Vienna, they worked with one of the doctors that also worked with Hoffman of Austria, Bernhard Kohl (famous Austrian cyclist) and several others. The Italians of the 80s and 90's were also rumored to have used EPO (Di Centa)

@davd1986 - 21.02.2012 20:59

@firepowerjohan Muhlegg wasn't a no name skier. He was a World Junior Champion, had many good, consistent results throughtout his career (before 2000-2002). He wasn't winning Olympic medals, but he was there or thereabouts. Somebody like Veerpalu and Mae fit your bill perfectly.

@Tom87O - 04.01.2012 03:05

How come Elofson won Gold in 2003 if this raced ruined him?

@Tom87O - 04.01.2012 03:04

@SirViktor84 That's so stupid it's not even funny. Elofson one gold in 2003 by the way.

@Tom87O - 04.01.2012 03:02

@ojmuller66 What a load of Bullshit! If Eleofson was so clean and Mühlegg so much doped. How come Elofson could win two golds in Lahti against Mühlegg in 2001? Mühlegg domianted the 50km in Lahti just like the 30km in 2002. So according to your logics he must ahve been highly drugged in 2001 too. So how did Elofson mange too beat him while being clean? Wake up people, nobody was winning annything in Cross Country Skiing without blood doping. Not Mühlegg, not Eloffson.

@Vidlaste - 05.03.2011 05:09

"Har han skruvat upp ett så högt tempo från början Mühlegg, kan det va så?" "Kan han köra så hårdt Mühlegg värkligen at dom inte orkar henga på honom där?" If only they knew... Fucking cheater. I just get this incredible sense of rage when I see this...

@LimesNorrlandicus - 23.02.2011 01:09

@ferskenmannen read my comment again I said Dahlie was clean.

@LimesNorrlandicus - 18.02.2011 15:59

And what about Björn Dählie? Do you think he was cheating too? They're still testing his blood samples but obviously he was 100% clean.

@LimesNorrlandicus - 18.02.2011 15:57

No; obviously it was not against Myllyla's or Isometsaes character, of course if you asked them they would tell you that doping is bad etc. But they would be lying... I 've met Elofsson very briefly during a jogging session and he was exactly as I expected. He is a very nice and honest person and certainly the last person who would cheat. Besides technique is very important, Muhlegg was very weak in that respect. His short stride technique and often using 2nd gear was ridiculous.

@LimesNorrlandicus - 01.02.2011 17:00

@kalzu81 Elofsson used no illegal substance, that would be totally against his character. His skiing technique was better than many of his competitor's, especially compared to Mühleggs. Elofsson quit because his body could not take it anymore. As soon as he started training as he used to he got sick. This race and the hellish dose of training leading up to it was the beginning of the end for Elofsson.

@PhilAndersonOutside - 30.10.2010 14:06

Quite possibly the most doped up performance in sports history. What's most sad is that while many of the other skiers were doped some too, Mühlegg was so completely jacked up to his eyeballs he ruined the entire event. All of the events. The entire Olympics actually.

@davd1986 - 17.06.2010 03:55

Damn, I really wished Elofsson let Muhlegg go. Should have just focused on getting a medal first, easier said than done, when you are the favorite going into the olympics. Real sad, how Elofsson never 'fully' recovered from his problems at SLC. He ended up winning that years World Cup, and did win two medals at World's next year, but it was pretty much over after that.

@Vassegg - 19.05.2010 01:38

@lfcscsb Jag har letat men inte hittat klippet du pratar om.. Jag skulle vara ytterst tacksam om du kunde länka klippet om det fortfarande finns kvar:)

@andrep99 - 20.03.2010 03:13

That ugly retarded asshole Muhlegg ruined these olympics, especially for Elofsson. Muhlegg was so full of dope, it was no competition, it was impossible to win without using dope. A sad day for sports.

@Kempshaw - 26.02.2010 06:51

Verste jeg har sett
