Siegmeyer the Pretender | Dark Souls Lore

Siegmeyer the Pretender | Dark Souls Lore


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HeatRayz Video
HeatRayz Video - 01.10.2023 01:04

Siegland is playing dark souls hardcore

HeatRayz Video
HeatRayz Video - 01.10.2023 00:30

I've already got the Dark Souls platinum trophy but I still want to replay it.

bannersbetrippin - 30.09.2023 23:16

The mario & luigi partners in time ost gave me nostalgia chills. Great video much love

Pantoni Strikes Back
Pantoni Strikes Back - 28.09.2023 12:12

Siegmeier always reminded me of some kind of Don Quijote. An old crazy man obssessed with the old tales of knights and adventures. Finishing his questline was heartbreaking.

Bastard Man
Bastard Man - 27.09.2023 16:36

I believe that Siegmeyer is already starting to hollow when we meet him. His actions aren't stupidity or a lack of courage or skill, he's losing his willpower. He's subconsiously finding reasons not to go on, whenever he comes up against a minor inconvenience, he wants to give up, but as a knight himself feels honour bound to pretend to us as the player that he's trying to keep going. His mindset gradually is becoming more and more negative as he travels further towards his own hollowing.

We learn from his daughter that her mother- his partner- is dead. What if she was dying before he left? What if the grief of her worsening state and the knowledge of her coming death lead him to embark on a suicide mission, a last adventure on which he knows he will go hollow, but can at least pretend to still be a keen adventurer? Maybe Siegmeyer is actually the bravest and strongest Knight in the game, fighting his own personal and emotional demons while choosing a hero's death, death while adventuring and battling foes. He does try to sacrifice himself for the player, after all, and he's so fixated on victory that as a hollow he even attacks his own daughter.

Andrew Mandrona
Andrew Mandrona - 23.09.2023 21:16

I think that Sieglinde followed him down because she knew it would be the end of his story, regardless. Even in the best case scenario, Siegmeyer couldn't leave without help, and she would take him back to Catarina. I don't think that she intended to kill him, but maybe she was trying to ignore that possibility. This also depends on what conversation followed her mother's last words. Perhaps she warned him not to go to Ash Lake, but once again Siegmeyer wanted to prove himself to be a worthy adventurer. Such a proof would be even more important after he learned about his exclusion.

Steelheart066 - 23.09.2023 09:40

My opinion of the siegmeyer is traitor

Jon M
Jon M - 22.09.2023 21:50

Outer Wilds audio junpscare 😊

Vincenzo sanchety
Vincenzo sanchety - 22.09.2023 13:48

Wow… just wow 🥹 that was so unexpectedly beautiful, and spoke to me about my own lack of energy towards life. I love Dark Souls so much because it truly does feel like I’m continuing the fight in life just as much in the adventure of Miyazaki’s story

Daltooine Westwood
Daltooine Westwood - 21.09.2023 05:10

I think part of Sigmeir’s problem is the fact that he, like us, is functionally immortal. As an undead he in fact DOES have all the time in the world to patiently wait for solutions to present themselves. His baseline personality is so hopeful and jolly that the onset of Hollowing probably doesn’t feel like a real risk top him, something he likely doesn’t even fully consider most of the time

2000's ever
2000's ever - 19.09.2023 05:57

Thank you for this video. Needed to hear some of those words. 💌

giammihendrix - 19.09.2023 04:17

I've been living my life as Sieg for a long time right now. Maybe always did. And it is not gonna change anytime soon. With a huge difference: i don't posses the strenght to wield any (litteral or figurative) zweiheinder, nor the intelligence or faith to use magic. Just totally stuck and comfortable and scared and disappointed in a life i cannot fully live and lack of abilitites i cannot better, hopefully it will end at last, I've been waiting so long, i just need to wait for a Sieglinda to end me.

That said, i'm shit at Lore (especially DS, totally oblivious even by watching your videos, my fault not yours), but did you think about the fact that Siegmeyer would possible be "killed again" as his daughtertssays at the fire altar bonfire could also mean that she's the one who made him undead? Maybe because he knew something about the Plan and wanted to stop it but he's still pondering about it? Or that he made something in real life before lordran that made him go there to achieve something. His wife might have got sick of him not wanting to get on Board with the Plan and decided to side with conspirators and Fall in love with one? Raging was trying to hurt someone the hurt himself and the daughter had to stop him? Then went to lordran as undead to destroy the plans? As i said my life is shit and i'm too dumb to understand this Lore so those are probably just disconnected jibberish. Ah, i wanted to add that, to my Great surprise, i discovered myself that Sieg is not fat, quite the contrary: when you are summoned in another player game in anor londo and Sieg is still in the room before the Silver Knight while the Host didn't talk to him yet (or you didn't, cannot remember) you see him as a "ghost" like other players while playing (a shadow) and you can see how is physique really his. I hope this will reach you, love your videos. Even if it must be a nightmare being that much of an overthinker 😅

Devrix - 10.09.2023 17:18

I came here to learn the lore about Siegmeyer. What I got was a very inspiring life lesson and pieces of lore. A true package indeed!

Triforce777 - 10.09.2023 17:00

I think you're looking too deep into Seiglinde's "I don't know how I got in that crystal" line. I don't think she's the type to lie to a stranger. I think she really just isn't sure how it happened, either she was captured while making camp for the night or the channeler who captured her got the drop on her. The reason I say this is because it ties into Seigmeyer. Both him and his daughter have a habit of impulsively rushing into situations and for our characters to turn up just in time to meet them and bail them out. Seigmeyer ran out of poison moss, he made it past the silver knights on the roof but doesn't have a plan to deal with the ones in front of him, he finds himself in the demon ruins without a good way to deal with the demons he needs to fight. They're kind, friendly, and jovial people, but forethought isn't their strong suit. I really don't think she's lying or if she is it's more that she's embarrassed to have been captured than she doesn't want to say too much

Anas Iftekhar Ahmed
Anas Iftekhar Ahmed - 07.09.2023 13:50

Siegmeyer is literally me fr

Chris Sketch
Chris Sketch - 05.09.2023 06:22

My entire life is a Siegmeyer -.-;

Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang - 04.09.2023 07:55

They are knights. Not samurai lmfao.

Xanatos712 - 01.09.2023 03:33

Of course he's pretending!
He keeps saying "I'm in a bit of a pickle" when he's clearly in an onion.

Bearded Badass
Bearded Badass - 29.08.2023 14:17

i think its more "I dont know how the fuck that thing got me but it did" rather than "I dont know what happened" in case of the crystal golem thing

jax napper
jax napper - 28.08.2023 15:21

don qixote

FreshRot - 26.08.2023 09:19

Came for the Dark Souls lore, didn't realize it was an eloquently guised motivational speech. Bravo good sir.

Based Julius
Based Julius - 26.08.2023 04:40

I killed this mfer in my Play through I don’t even know why

Alexander Olsson
Alexander Olsson - 25.08.2023 21:19

I got to be honest this video made me realize that I needed to change

憶りヤSORA - 25.08.2023 14:54

do i really want to be like him? luckily or not i already am, that's why i love this character sm

subsystem101 - 25.08.2023 11:13

siegmeyer survived and retire because he think he's too weak...this is the true ending to his questline

WriterBlocks - 24.08.2023 13:39

Some people need more help than others, nothing wrong with that

Doga Supreme
Doga Supreme - 23.08.2023 20:01

Y'know, he may have gone the Proper way to Blight Town, rather than the Masterkey way.

sen - 23.08.2023 04:45

Good sort ahead

Elijah Guyer
Elijah Guyer - 23.08.2023 01:50

Wouldn't following a very human daily routine like sieg does help maintain humanity? He lives the most human and stays unhollow longer than most npcs if not all. Yes it's with our help but all the rest crack before him. Probably be he ate and slept

A_Fuckin_Space_Marine! - 22.08.2023 23:46

I always thought Siegmeyer was a cowardly POS and I end up offing him my first time through. I never liked the guy.

mul_dev - 22.08.2023 22:39

just finishing up. What an amazing deconstruction of his character, I feel like I've learned so much that was always right in front of me. A beautiful ending to the video too. Thank you

James Wright
James Wright - 22.08.2023 19:06

My issue with these kinds of videos is that they are quick to point the finger at the problem but fail to give actionable solutions. Its always do better, try harder just stop procrastinating. None of that fixes the problem. Procrastination and laziness is a symptom not the disease. People like that people like myself who does struggle with laziness and procrastination need the cure not a treatment. Compounding that issue is there is no cure all for procrastination and laziness. It varies from person to person. Hopefully this will encourage others to get the help they need.

okacz19 - 22.08.2023 13:31

My take on Siegmeyer is slightly different. Judging by his armor and sword, he clearly used to be a powerful warrior with strength to spare, it makes no sense for such a person to get stuck everywhere.

But what if we make one assumption - the one thing Siegmeyer does not want to do is to ever turn completly lose his mind from hollowing. From the dialogue with his daughter we learn that he already did it once, and had to be put down - only to resurrect again. Right now he's probably in a state just before hollowing. It makes sense he'd like to avoid going berserk at any cost.

What are the options in that case? Dying doesn't work, as Hollow who dies only becomes more mindless, and can resurrect an unknown amount of times, becoming a danger to everyone. Progressing in a quest doesn't work - as we all know, we had to die multiple times to complete DS1, and that's not an option for Siegmeyer anymore. The only option is to go on the undead pilgrimage like the rest, convince yourself that this is your goal you need to fulfill (as having a clear goal halts hollowing) - and then be as passive as possible to never complete it. Siegmeyer wanted to sit in front of Sen's Gate for eternity, to make sure he'd never hurt anyone.

There was just one flaw in the plan. Undead like us, who'd be able to progress, and remove the obstacles from Siegmeyers way. We unlock the gate, kill the Iron Golem, turn the bridges - all things that force him to keep going. Things that can lead him to lose his mind again. This is why in Izalith he decides to do one last valiant charge, seeing that his plan doesn't work, and the best he can do is try to act like a warrior he used to be. What happens if we deny him even that, and save him again? His daughter has to drag his hollowed ass to Ash Lake and kill her own father as many times as she has to, until he stays dead.

TheCompleteMental - 22.08.2023 07:50

1. Havel is not in the tower, that is one of Havel's soldiers
2. Why did Sieglinde give him her last words, then?
3. Listen to her earlier dialogue again. Sieglinde saves Siegmeyer, that is also an objective, not just the last words. This is something she does a lot.
4. What indicates the skull belonging to the blacksmith deity?

Jeremiah Ingram
Jeremiah Ingram - 22.08.2023 07:44

I love the onion knight so much

Scrimmy Bingus
Scrimmy Bingus - 22.08.2023 02:59

Supposed to be about seigmeyer, turns out to be a character asassination directed at me

urahara64360 - 21.08.2023 18:56

I always thought he was a Don Quixote type of person.

MediocerPlay - 21.08.2023 18:21

Stop being to real. It hurts

Halen2020 - 21.08.2023 08:43

How dare you open this video with such a ball punch as Outer Wilds.

ResultedChutoy3 - 21.08.2023 07:30

I think I found this video right when I needed too. Thank you, for making such an insanely detailed and inspired work, especially considering how old Dark Souls 1 is at this point.

Gentle Jester
Gentle Jester - 21.08.2023 06:52

He wasn't fat but he over-waited

BostonTeaPartyCrasher - 21.08.2023 03:12

I didn't expect to be personally attacked by this video.

Oskar The Narrator
Oskar The Narrator - 21.08.2023 01:20

I wrote a long paragraph about how your view of Siegmeyer is incredibly cynical and pessimistic. I'm not going to post it, because it's just too much. The man is hollowing, fading away, and you say he's lazy, foolish, falsely charming, expects others to do things for him. He's grasping at his greatness, his ability to fight, to be a hero, but he just can't keep up anymore. He's not insubstantial, he's losing himself. Until hearing of his wife's death, how his daughter had to risk life and limb to deliver her last words, sends him into his last adventure. Either to see Ash Lake and go home, or to simply hollow in sorrow and solitude. And his daughter, his Lin, wondering at why he hasn't come back yet, marches forth to bring her father home, only to find him deranged. She kills him again and again and again, until he stops getting back up. Heartbreaking. PS the original was like four times as long

chakatBombshell - 20.08.2023 22:41

Siegmeyer is a badass hero in my mind who just gets stuck every now and then and we all need that sometimes. This guy is strong enough to make it inside Anor Londo's rooftop archers past the mirror guardians, he fought his way through blight town & the great swamp, he braved and slew the same demons & past the same lava in the ruins you did. If only you could talk to Sigmeyer that you want to cooperate with him as an adventuring party he would have never hollowed because he'd see his efforts as just as impressive because you did it together.

Terminator8112 - 20.08.2023 06:55

as a seigmeyer myself this video was inspiring. thank you❤️

Timothy Moore
Timothy Moore - 20.08.2023 01:44

He’s just an old man with dementia. He used to be a brick shithouse so doesn’t realize he’s slipping.

Godslayer 5658
Godslayer 5658 - 20.08.2023 00:53

Didn’t expect to hear Mario and Luigi Music in one of these videos, pretty cool though. You’re a real one Hawkshaw.

Marko V
Marko V - 19.08.2023 16:37

This is so inspiring. I was in middle of it in grocery shop and instead of buying ready food that i have been relying on lately because depression laziness( excuses...) I bought raw components to make my own food.❤❤❤
