If Your Ex Moved On Too Fast, WATCH THIS! (Emotionally Recover) | Matthew Hussey

If Your Ex Moved On Too Fast, WATCH THIS! (Emotionally Recover) | Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey

4 года назад

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Shayan Fazeli
Shayan Fazeli - 07.11.2023 02:33

If you’re reading this, I don’t know you, but brother, i wish you all the strength that God can give you. I wish you to never feel that trusting was wrong, to never regret kindness, to have all your hopes manifest into realities. I can’t say be strong, because I know I am not, but as much as I stumble, I strive to be. May the hand of destiny take you wherever you wish to be.

Aryan Tiwari
Aryan Tiwari - 06.11.2023 19:20

"Isn't it crazy how 1 human being can absolutely ruin your life?"

I'm talking about you.

Phil Craig
Phil Craig - 05.11.2023 05:49

It's unbelievable how much I needed this right now

CătălinArt - 04.11.2023 15:13

this made me cry... I don't have a "supporting" family so for almost 10 years my Ex was the only familiy I had. Now she's with someone else.. did she just find her 'dream relationship" ? I doubt it.

Linda Que Leenda
Linda Que Leenda - 04.11.2023 05:22

I started loving myself and didn’t even dread it when my (extremely kind at times and extremely unkind at times) ex and I broke up. It happened 🤷🏻‍♀️ I loved him with my entire heart, he broke me, I learned from it, grew to love myself, and I walked away from it feeling really strong and powerful and worthy. Let’s not forget to love ourselves too ❤

FRANK - 04.11.2023 02:34

This is definitely something Barney Stinson would try to pull off.

Fernando Irfan
Fernando Irfan - 03.11.2023 21:28

She really make me feel special. She come back only to destroy myself. I will never forget and forgive what she did to me.

Sakinah, kifarah will come to you. Mark my words.

Killing Joke
Killing Joke - 03.11.2023 18:45

My ex replaced me after a month. It's hurtful, but you gotta find peace and focus on self-improvement

Dale - 03.11.2023 07:00

I Have really struggled over the last few years since my breakup. I proposed, we moved in together it felt like I had it all. Things Stopped working, communication went out the window, she only argued with me, and was so aggressive about me doing the things I wanted to do as it wasn't always with her. When we broke up, within a month she was seeing someone and got pregnant with them. She plastered it all over social media and I saw it and crumbled. I felt like nothing. I blocked her after that. When she had the baby someone I new that still followed her told me about it and I crumbled again. I felt worthless and completely useless. Its been a couple of years since then and I have to say I feel way better but being single still gets me down from time to time. This video has revealed something I never really thought of. I was still holding her on some sort of imaginary pedestal cause I still thought I was missing out. She doesn't deserve to be viewed that way by me and I don't deserve the torment that brings. I am stepping onto that pedestal now, I deserve it. I am worth so much more and there is absolutely someone out there for me I'm very excited to meet her.

R B - 02.11.2023 01:35

I feel like he’s about to cry and i feel for him so much 😢

I'm a Dog Chasing Cars
I'm a Dog Chasing Cars - 01.11.2023 07:24

Those last 30 seconds are pure saving life gold 🙌✨

Davide Gastaldo
Davide Gastaldo - 31.10.2023 21:58

I feel just as Roy. But these words really helped me out.
It's been 3 months after the breakup, but it still hurts a lot. But I want to be happy again, we'll all be happy and the best is yet to come!

Peter Grudge
Peter Grudge - 31.10.2023 05:11

I learned that the only person I should forgive is myself for allowing them to hurt me.

Santos steels
Santos steels - 31.10.2023 00:56

Currently going through a breakup and this was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you.

Jessica - 30.10.2023 08:36

Im 17 and just lost my first love. We were in love for 3 years and happier than ever. Our relationship was very healthy, we communicated really well and we were best friends. 2 weeks ago very out of the blue he broke up with me. Said he's just lost interest and is no longer in love with me but still has love for me. Its so confusing, 3 weeks before we broke up he was still talking about how excited he is to marry me and how Id be the best mother ever. He always told me that I would always be his most priceless treasure. No one saw this coming and it has shocked everyone in our lives. The fact that he chose to let me go makes me doubt how true all the things he's said were. I watch this video every day and it really helps me gain perspective. In all honesty Im terrified to have to learn to live without him bcs I still love him as much as before. But ik that if God took someone who was so good to me away from me that he will only give me someone better. Its scary, but ik Im gonna look back wishing I could tell myself thay its all gonna be okay

James Sweeper
James Sweeper - 30.10.2023 04:46

What if the person you were with is simply having their own issues causing things to blur. That you know there's still all of that pure love there, it's just that something out of your control has gotten in the way. How do you move on from that? Either I believe in true love and accept they'll inevitably find their way back to me. Or it was always something else, and true love in the fundamental sense really is a manufactured commodity. When you love someone because of intrinsic connection first, and you know that's there. What can you do to not lose the heart that they still hold (and honestly, not of some delusion), but accept it for what it is and move on?

John Stone
John Stone - 28.10.2023 19:05

What if you are a older person

Hendry Wong
Hendry Wong - 28.10.2023 11:07


DinnerBells - 26.10.2023 19:44

Don’t bother. Modern women are so F’d in the head.

Theresa Paulse
Theresa Paulse - 26.10.2023 18:09

"I dwell on my hurt." So fucking painfully true. God!!!!!
