Escape from Tarkov - Game Review - The New Player Experience

Escape from Tarkov - Game Review - The New Player Experience


2 года назад

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@patricecoffee - 31.12.2022 01:59

in the middle of watching your video and just wanna tell you, that I love it, that you put a picture of ren in there ;)

@chemicalfusion1320 - 17.11.2022 17:54

Are you done with Tarkov? This is the only video on tarkov you have. You should give "Marauders" a shot has the same concept but in space.

@jamiejohnson157 - 29.09.2022 07:35

Interesting review taking me back to my early Tarkov days. What was the story after this video, did you continue to play or did it get stale? I'm at the stage where I've realised I'm putting lots of hours into a game with little reward back, I don't believe the developers really respect the player's time, or the player's generally.

@Nero-dz5gr - 27.08.2022 10:26

Tarkov is an absolute nightmare for people who dont play alot of PvP

After a couple weeks after the wipe you already get blasted by sweaty players who have never seen the sun.
It would be more fun running around naked in a gang-neighborhood.

@SouLo_ - 07.08.2022 06:20

MW 2022 will have a mode like Tarkov . it may takeover the genre

@Agc2749 - 13.07.2022 13:00

I'm 30 or so hours in to this game and while the learning curve is brutal and gear fear is tough to get over it is till incredibly fun, for me at least. I think that it has to do with your mindset going in. This is not the kind of game where you jump into an online lobby to chill and shoot some fools. You need to go into every raid with a: get in, get loot, avoid players and run from footsteps, and get gone quick. If you want to PvP then you need to play with the best of your abilities at all times and ensure that you are on point.
There are those that want their gaming hours to be chill. Others like myself enjoy the aspect of being able to start at the bottom of a skill gap and with time and consistent effort bridge said gap and enjoy what that skill and its use bring you. Tarkov is a game that has a very large skill gap between a beginner like me and even someone who could be called, and would call themselves, competent. The skill level above that is the streamer level id say and that's even larger than the first, that "hardcore" nature is super appealing for some.
The other super appealing aspect of the PvP is that if it comes down to a legit gunfight between you and another PMC, the winner is the one who showed more skill and awareness of his kit. His reward is being able to take the other dudes shit if he wants it and that is just cool. So when combat starts the adrenaline dump is MASSIVE, cause all your shit is riding on your skill and success in the fight. Feels pretty fucking great. if you like shooters and are competitive, give it a whirl. Base edition is 45 dollars.

@aps-pictures9335 - 22.06.2022 12:21

It’s basically Arma III repackaged?

@truebornjester8703 - 11.06.2022 12:04

This as a great review

@novaprime192 - 15.05.2022 11:58

I don't know what to think about this game. i mean i love realism im Arma 3 player and Escape from Tarkov have many nice realistic missing things that arma not have... aka in weapons reload animations look amazing, check ammo in magazine etc.... but for a beta thing its expensive af, there is not actually helpfully information about it. there is not a chance to try it free at least for few days. You fight always with cheaters? or have some pve fight with AI content?

@sirpineapple2262 - 11.05.2022 06:43

In my opinion I think the complexity ruins this game it feels like it’s trying to be over complicated for no reason like eating doesn’t need to be in the game and I don’t want to spend minutes sorting through my inventory and healing with the right stuff I would just like to shoot things and make nice comprehensive load outs
Edit: that doesn’t mean the game is bad it’s just not for me

@agav2345 - 21.04.2022 22:07

I dont know if i like Tarkov or not have been playing for about 30 Hours now and i basically just run around loot stuff hear footsteps and get gunned down while i hold a position idk people just seem to run at me and i cant really do anything

@NapoleonBonaparteMAGA - 20.04.2022 12:42

Great video bro

@Australia943 - 11.04.2022 13:53

1500H in now. I can remember how daunting the menu was in the beginning, same goes for modding your weapons:)

@nikolajdzajkovski8998 - 30.03.2022 10:05

Great video my dude but must say like i do to everyone else that just start the game used damn google for god sake hahaha and xøcheck your options/settings for key bindings idk why but I thought it was pretty common sense that if you don't know something google and like watch options/settings when you get a new game kinda so don't get alle the confusings have some friends i play with too and I'll be like dang dude google have a map you dont know it pull it up on a second screen if you don't have use your phone everyone can use a phone for google nowadays ish so we'll i like your video and get alot of the frustrations but tbh sometimes people also seem very helpless atleast in that game there :D :)

Ответить - 26.02.2022 05:44

was this made by the same people who made STALKER? it has the same feel to it...

@TedConn - 10.02.2022 02:28

I really liked this video thanks!

@nikodim8579 - 09.01.2022 17:50

In Tarkov, bullets are killed, not weapons like in other games

@giannos8154 - 22.12.2021 22:56

The real OGs remember usec and bear from contract wars

@PizdaMatiiiiiiiiiiii - 24.11.2021 20:17

the main reason i quit this game is long load times. Ive played games i get beat with a harsh learning curve but you just respawn instantly or restart the match within 1 minute.
I got a beefy pc with 3060 n all that and well i summed this game up as 'i stay more in loading screens than i do playing'.
I often timed died as i spawned or 1 minute in you name it, rarely survived much and as such i couldnt be asked to quit, click next, reque, waiting on longass loading to just die again.
It needs to be quicker.

@AirRaidDrum - 05.10.2021 20:55

Just hit 4K hours in Tarkov, enjoyed hearing someone’s fresh take on it. Keep going! Customs has just about every type of fighting situation indoors and out, and has WAY clearer landmarks than some of the bigger maps. It’s a good one to get your bearings in.

@sealmuffins_ - 27.08.2021 12:03

Great video! How’re your raids going? I’d love to share some knowledge!

@andersfriis1671 - 17.08.2021 21:10

Awesome video, I’ve been watching videos on this game for a while, but never seen a video from a noob perspective before… awesome, based on your review I’ll give it a try.

@GoMitchUrSelf - 18.07.2021 01:59

Love the video Oearth, but awful game with no refund policy. Slow boring and needs more game modes.

I wouldn’t recommend it. The videos I saw were different to What I experienced.

@mrproivi - 17.07.2021 13:36

finaly been looking forward for this love tarkov. :) and its awesome to see your playering it by yourself and not just squard up and get the real exp :P

@kirbysmith7279 - 17.07.2021 01:27

Not dying is good! Kinda like in the old board game Scotland Yard. Mr. X is the man!
You broke both your legs and were still able to hobble around!!?? And I thought Mr. X was the man! You, sir, are a stud!!
Died several times, huh? If you ever die and stay dead, let me know. I do know a thing or two about funerals.

@rhetor4mentor13 - 16.07.2021 23:52

Great video! I could recognise my own aiming abilities, definitely relatable :)

@justinhessedenz2819 - 16.07.2021 21:37

FPS love to watch, can’t shoot worth shit 😂

@chuckles3079 - 16.07.2021 21:18

Great video! Interesting take on FPS style games. I don't play these types of games much, so you probably did better than I would have.

@mainreper - 16.07.2021 20:56

can't wait to see more of yours videos of this game!!

@thecommenter9678 - 16.07.2021 20:34

I play Tarkov. It's rough. In fact it's downright PAINFUL! but rewarding.

@moldy_banana5015 - 16.07.2021 19:40

How you only got 18 views?⁉️

@rayvien1307 - 16.07.2021 19:09

I just thought: "if he says he's working on it then there must be a video coming"
And what do I see in my notifications
Thanks a lot
