Music production with open-source software and Linux?

Music production with open-source software and Linux?


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Elder Martins
Elder Martins - 06.10.2023 06:28

Fantastic! That's all I ever wanted :)

Jewelz - 26.09.2023 21:04

hi shaggy

CraftminerCZ - 02.09.2023 01:10

Great vid, love that you have all the links to all the stuff in the description, one thing tho: LMMS is specifically designed to not work on Linux (despite the name being literally Linux MultiMedia Studio) as it does NOT run native Linux VSTs.

Rehoboth Farm
Rehoboth Farm - 29.08.2023 08:39

I've been using linux as my sole OS since 2003. I started using linux in about 97 or 98 with redhat 5.2. I was recording live events with audacity and giving away cd's burned with K3B at the sound booth back around 05-08. There is absolutely ZERO reason it can't be done now.

Oliver Tzeng
Oliver Tzeng - 29.08.2023 03:04

I use Arch BTW

sunnibird - 26.08.2023 15:36

I've played around with linux a bit over the years and it's a headache. There's a learning curve there that doesn't make it the easiest to work with. If you have an issue you can spend ages trying to sort it out. I'm still getting over some of that trauma. Getting help from linux users can be a mixed bag as well. Some are great and some are just holier than thou condescending dicks. The quality of some plugins, particularly drums and guitar, have improved vastly over the years and not many of those are linux native. Orchestral libraries as well, just aren't available.

Steven Melchizedek
Steven Melchizedek - 11.08.2023 02:12

Agreed. Open Source is the now and the future.

DeAd BaBiEs iN VoMiT
DeAd BaBiEs iN VoMiT - 01.08.2023 19:00

U rule! This is why I follow you and watch anything you put out,coz you advocate for AV Linux Ubuntu. It's like you definitely never sell out! Love ya attitude! And Ur a sick guitarist. I love how you don't cut corners. And I'm a hardcore punk . But I love my thrash too. And rockin roll punk. It's all music. Vintage hip-hop. Ska.

Mo J Loaf A.K.A.
Mo J Loaf A.K.A. "Loafy" - 05.07.2023 03:35

what distro wou;d u suggest that isnt full of fluff?

Pablo Locles
Pablo Locles - 07.06.2023 13:53

There is nothing wrong with the product idea. The problem comes when people don't own the product. Nothing should be free if you want it to be valuable it just makes things more mediocre. Linux is just a way to be safe, not to be free. Having your own control doesn't make you free in the way you are talking. It's not a naive ideology. It's just being able to know what you are using. It's a fix to a lame progresist aproach that companies have taken to invalidate a basic capitalist principle. You own what you buy and you can do whatever you want with it.

Abstrucked - 19.05.2023 09:37

Agree 100% I do art and coding and use Linux and OpenSource software only as well... it is a way of life and deeper than just a software choice is about freedom and do not be complacent with big companies!!

foljs - 18.05.2023 02:22

There's a mediocre version of every music related app you need in Linux!

Robert Iddon
Robert Iddon - 01.05.2023 18:06

HI thanks for this video, I am 69 years old and you have inspired me to make some music, I hope I can learn how to use all these platforms, I just got my first Linux computer and I am loving it😍

sersys1 - 29.04.2023 02:11

Open source is freedom of modifying code and not freeware. I doubt this guy has any knowledge or intentions to write code and just wants free stuff. People like him are the cause why linux users are being accused of communists. Opensource always has been and will be the budget "software we have at home" products for hobbyists, wannabes and amateurs; that always drags behind the latest technology produced by professionals with bottomless funding. It's not the future and never will be due to its very nature. It's a good alternative though and people who contribute should be commended but no over glorified.

Also Blender is hot mess. To do the most basic thing you need to go through so many menus and modes or hotkeys that it completely bogs down production. It's 2d support is ms-paint tier joke. Start with another software if you don't want to go insane or get intimidated for life and then switch to blender to see if it works for you.

Umar daraz
Umar daraz - 26.04.2023 19:29

Be ready for recovery

Jonny Walker
Jonny Walker - 21.04.2023 14:02

How are you going to make a video without any software recommendation?

bo bless
bo bless - 20.04.2023 05:03

Hi! Can you show links for understanding how install (connect) VST fx and instruments into the Linux? Or name software for this task. Thanks!

abhiraaid - 16.04.2023 19:45

I feel it bro!

Mario Rossi
Mario Rossi - 31.03.2023 15:58


Listen to this:
"The driving force of proprietary software is profit, the driving force of open source software is PASSION" (!)

and this:
"A company can disappear because it makes no money, because of a failed merge, because the owner retires or because any other random reason. Thus, proprietary software is a finite entity, limited in time and space. Open sources software exists in cyberspace for ever, it grows and evolve by itself. Everyone own these things. Nothing can stop them, they will exists for ever".

These two statements are true and they have a very deep meaning and consequences.

L - 26.02.2023 21:58

do you have any recommendations for something similar to cubase on ubuntu? thanks for the vid

Kaan Solo
Kaan Solo - 11.02.2023 14:17

Hi men! I watched your video very carefully and got an very interesting philosofic question for you. Here it is: Dont you think, if we fight for our freedom, that all this (narcissistic) control addicted humans will not get jobless and revenge in some way? Iam struggling same as you from such people in my daily life and its so hard to escape from them. Producing music is my only "safe" zone because narcissistic people dont understand the language of music.

So why i asked you this question is very simple. Iam struggling right now with producing music just cause of a damn fu**ing software problem (macOS) with my old macbook pro 2015. I did almost everythink and it is not possible to reinstall macos on this notebook because updates get blocked while intstalling. So i tried to install ubuntu and it worked :D .

But i still own vsts like Sylenth1 or nexus3. So why is asked is, dont you think, that if the "good side of power" wins and creates free software or any other daily product with love and no wish of financial profit, that those who are no needed anymore (controlling addicted monsters) will get back what they believe, they deserved? I mean there are sadly a lot of real life examples like Eliot Rodger or Putin or even the Americans or European Parlament, just as an neutral example.

Iam so close to start a free setup with ubuntu and free plugins. But is it possible that this wouldnt work, if everyone would do it? Could it not be possible to find a middle way? For example let this product owners earn their money and sometimes buy their products and as soon as they mess up with something then show their limits?? I mean this sounds like star wars but it seems like this is an endless loop which will not end untill we understood why this universum works like this isnt it?

That was alot text. I would be very interesed on what you think about it.
Kind regards.

Vincent Carrot
Vincent Carrot - 05.02.2023 23:34

watching this with Ubuntu Studio on an old MacBook Pro!

Crackfee Chan
Crackfee Chan - 28.01.2023 20:33

Linux master race

reahp - 28.01.2023 16:14

Just started going slowly full open-source and collaborative softwares... So i repurposed my old laptop and installed Ubuntu...

And now i discover there are artistic oriented flavours ?????? Damn man thank u so fkin much
I will delve into all that good stuff right now and finally enjoy music without feeling illegal or poor.

Thank u!

Next Movie
Next Movie - 07.01.2023 02:16

As a Blender user, your statement touched my heart. I know, Blender is a perfect, complete 3D program, that's all you need. Especially since it has changed a lot, evolved enormously. But do you know why I'm here? I want to make 3D movies by myself and I realized that I have to make my own songs. And here I am, hoping to find the equivalent of Blender but in audio editing and DAW.

Bugela - 03.01.2023 01:25

I would like to record in my workbreaks, but work is on windows, and windows messes with my audio inputs.

ghostcat - 27.12.2022 11:03

we'll be free hackers

5ucur - 24.12.2022 13:14

PSA: Don't use Balena Etcher. It's been found to have telemetry and first-party ads.

makeminea99 🧄
makeminea99 🧄 - 10.12.2022 23:10

still trying but this vid makes me want to give it 1 more try! lol thanks like subbed n shared

bot net
bot net - 20.11.2022 17:47

the only thing keeping me from using linux 100% of the time is instrumental plugins like spitfire (even though I can run them on wine staging 7.2 with no major problems). But there are amazing instruments available like pianoteq so I think things will just keep improving. Regarding open source software, we have ardour and really great synths but I really hope we get to see more orchestral stuff. I think technologies like physical modeling (which pianoteq uses) have great potential for that because it's just sound made by software, no large and expensive ensembles. I'm an engineer and I'm really willing to contribute to something like this.

Weareallbeingwatched - 06.11.2022 06:02

Reliability is priceless

Tomas Vezzali
Tomas Vezzali - 24.10.2022 13:53

Nice thoughts! Starting from the same argument, musicians should sell their music with open projects and free for anyone to sample... Right?

Electropunk Labs
Electropunk Labs - 23.10.2022 16:08

Omg the Richard Stallman song at the end lol.

Mewnblades - 20.10.2022 13:11

this is interesting, makes me want to explore more ways of making music outside of my cozy box of FL Studio and VSTs such as serum. . .maybe i will explore. . .thanks for opening up my mind to new possibilities!

Philos Mathew
Philos Mathew - 10.10.2022 09:31

Hi I am having trouble with vsts and other plugins please help.

Chill music Gael
Chill music Gael - 20.09.2022 08:40

I feel like I'm a slave from Microsoft and Steinberg. And I hate this

mattnbin - 07.09.2022 15:46

Proprietary is pronounced with the T spoken

parasite unit
parasite unit - 17.08.2022 22:54

Sure I've mentioned this elsewhere... One thing I strongly advocate as a Linux user (for music) is DONATING.

Just throw a bit of coin at the pages of developers who create the (often rather glorious) Open Source software you use.

This doesn't need to be a small fortune - literally the price of a basic cup of coffee at your local diner...

Because if we all give a little bit, it has a habit of mounting up., Which means the development can continue!

Packs up soapbox

TreeManzOneSkullYaJan - 10.08.2022 07:49

I will try reaper and see how i go on with it in elwm

TreeManzOneSkullYaJan - 10.08.2022 07:47

Ableton is soo smooth tho

TreeManzOneSkullYaJan - 10.08.2022 07:47

The UI on open source makes you feel like grating your face off with a cheese grater, when trying to find midi roll

TreeManzOneSkullYaJan - 10.08.2022 07:45

Dude i love your optimism but ffs dude you will end up self halming ,pulling your hair out

agN - 09.08.2022 12:23

Just switched to pop Os because many people say it's beginner friendly Linux and it's amazing, managed to run Ableton through wine and it just works , also want i to try bitwig which is not open source but still. It's so amazing how smooth Linux is, everything is opening instantly, websites are loading immediately, no telemetry, no useless bloat eating system memory, great workflow, great design and completely free. Love it!

Carl Göran Heintz
Carl Göran Heintz - 06.08.2022 00:30

Okay great. Can you please recommend 1-3 of them that we can use with a midi keyboard plz? I dont need to know all the options but at least where to start.

Madhu Family
Madhu Family - 27.07.2022 10:12

I also plan to switch to Linux if possible and if not able to then i switch to windows

Didd D
Didd D - 20.07.2022 14:58

Hello, I hope you are OK

Demanu - 16.07.2022 12:51

Yes, I'm using linux and FOSS, you've inspired me to make music on Linux, thank you <3

fabricio - 12.07.2022 05:51

One word = Ubuntu Studio
