An FBI Negotiator’s Secret to Winning Any Exchange | Inc.

An FBI Negotiator’s Secret to Winning Any Exchange | Inc.


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@germangrishin8494 - 02.10.2023 05:39

this strange financial magic really works I love it so far🦍

@user-im6fy4qp6m - 08.09.2023 23:27

the secret? "we'll send squads of tactical soldiers with guns to change your mind" the FBI is not a legitimate organization its a political paramilitary of the far left

@sallydoz9184 - 04.09.2023 04:21

I was so blessed listening to this man, this video is part of the recommended online articles for my MBA class regarding entrepreneurship - being able to negotiate. Seems some people are not in tandem with the guy's intellectual capacity. Why the negative comments?

@amandeepbaghiana4510 - 29.08.2023 23:30

There’s good information about using empathy tactically to push a negotiation to your favor. I think many people are annoyed that he’s telling a story, but it also shows how he’s implementing his tactics

@karenmahoney584 - 25.08.2023 18:17

They have a British reporter speaking on National Public Radio about the mercenary airplane crash. Through the operation of the Court of Public Opinion:
1. The order probably automatically came up, after we heard some of the witnesses on AA Flight 93 from 9-11-01. And no one so far I know agrees.
2. They are presenting it as if the head of the Wagner group wasn't a reasonable person; and so, it was a calculated move. First, we deserve restitution for hitting the nail on the head.
3. The troops said, "Is Wagner the same with money?" As in insurance.

@mattmorisseau8392 - 23.08.2023 20:04

Neither Jack Welch, nor the part about Jack Welch aged very well...

@abdelhadichtouki8293 - 20.08.2023 17:44

I’ve seen a lot of videos of this guy and in every video he talks a lot without telling anything really valued

@yngrollie685 - 20.08.2023 12:54

You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate

@siemprefreshshsh - 10.08.2023 09:38

wow. so much hateful/negative comments. i defenitely did NOT expect this comment section to look like this at all

@wjggmt1180 - 28.06.2023 22:37

28 minutes in---nothing of value---just a guy tellign some stories about himself---basically an infomercial.

@wjggmt1180 - 28.06.2023 19:54

10 minutes in and he has said nothing of value.

@entubaotraducciones272 - 25.06.2023 20:03

I guess he was too nervous

@carolinec2773 - 12.06.2023 13:36

The translation of the audio does not correlate to what was actually said by the presenter (especially at 12.41 minute mark) ! Not to mention the quality of the audio is not that good! Going by comments below, it would also appear due diligence has not been done by presenter/researcher (in the way of fact checking) before making statement at 5.30 minute mark.

@weareabove4233 - 04.06.2023 22:06

Ah yes the controlled opposition

@oduvan2612 - 12.05.2023 19:51

Funny fact: if you walk on the streets in Russia smiling to total strangers, you will come across as a weirdo, strange, annoying, insane and even a dangerous person 🤣 😉 don't do it, probably same in the Asian part of the world

@manadziveasv2418 - 03.05.2023 19:54

😂😂😂😂 im going bold

@chipmidges3122 - 02.05.2023 14:19

That was enjoyable to watch.

@tobiasengel8385 - 28.04.2023 17:12

This comment section is filled with ignorant uneducated keyboard warriors that don’t have a clue about how the real world works.

@Dannyoffgrid - 26.04.2023 04:37

WACO negations we're lit! Literally

@cashdingo6386 - 15.04.2023 20:14

We gotta stop giving respect to Bureaucrats, this is an unelected official from a tyrannical agency who works above reproach from the citizenry. Stop clapping because he thinks he’s clever.

@cia7746 - 24.03.2023 16:56

When this was made 4 years ago, little did Jeffrey Toobin know the world would one day know his secret.

@quintinnoland5163 - 20.03.2023 20:59

LOL. Why is Voss getting so much hate? Arrogance is RAMPANT on social media.

@apriljean8714 - 20.03.2023 12:42

This is a guy who actually has some really important things to say, who is either devaluing or oblivious to the importance of the CRAFT of public speaking. His message is obscured by the rambling unfocused delivery.

@tiffanyemarkovich7490 - 14.03.2023 10:58


@innermansworld - 06.03.2023 00:36

What in the heck is this comment section?

@goodtoGoNow1956 - 05.03.2023 05:07

This guy takes FOREVER to get to the point. So boring.

@dougcurran8333 - 26.01.2023 21:11

the audio on this video is so bad

@poweryoutuber5730 - 22.01.2023 00:01

Everything he says is just a pyscholohical attack!!!
He thrives on secrecy which is why they made his “black swan” group public knowledge before he decided to hurt them with it.

The key to his negotiation is he shouldn’t be talking to you in the first place; his pauses are to disengage and cause uncertainty to leave you open to an attack from his hidden partners!

He talk to anyone I know I’m beating his ass on the spot!

God made sure men like that fought me in this life so I would not be fooled.

Illusions of peace? Really?
And he fears the same sword he has cut down others with…..
Or doesn’t he?

@whoseyourdaddyful - 07.01.2023 16:09

If the FBI wanted to do good they would just give everyone a gun and just DISBAN the FBI
Christopher wray gayand Bob Mueller are corrupt scumbags. Top management around them that are there Yes G Men are scumbags as well.
They are a Democrat propaganda arm and go after people like Trump and protect people like biden's Clinton's.
Nothing but a power-hungry corrupt money grubbing fed operation ripping off the taxpayer.

@markmak7548 - 01.01.2023 02:16

What . Do they die of boardom and just give in . I know I have.

@edonismeve - 23.12.2022 22:06

i didn't understand because i'm not a native english speaker... so is he saying that it's better to say "That's right" to someone istead of "You're right" ? Or should be the counterpart to answer "that's right"?

@Targetedmfr - 10.12.2022 09:58

Hi my name is Joshua nordquist, the fbi is trying to kill me, I'm innocent of any wrong doing, they sent a girl in to date me she stole my laptop and planted evidence via she sent some kind of info to Russia. The fbi then used this to gain a fisa warrent and have survailed me illeagly for 7 years now, if that were all they did I would say fine, But during this time they have done absolutely everything in there power to destroy my life. And they have succeeded. I've bean made to sleep on the sidewalk. I've bean poisoned maney times. The point is this I'm an innocent patriot. I need help! They are currently running this program on upwards of 500000 people innocent americans that voice there opinions against this government. If you knowingly allow them to kill me blood is on your hands and your child could be there next victim. Please help me.

@iAliiGaToRz1 - 18.11.2022 00:49

Gonna have Negotiations for my salary need to watch this

@indyku7405 - 03.11.2022 19:42

Haiti was a great business model for Jeffery Epstein
I don’t trust the fbi

@scottdellrobinson - 26.10.2022 01:47

You get a like from me buddy

@Brenda-oq4zw - 14.10.2022 11:28

I think all FBI agents need to have their personal family kids info put out on meta

@Brenda-oq4zw - 14.10.2022 11:24

FBI is corrupt a bunch of men getting paid to watch porn and sometimes work.

@dasrubberduck7331 - 13.10.2022 01:12

FBI negotiation tip #37: Come out or we’ll kill everyone you care about.
FBI negotiation tip #51: Shoot the family dog
FBI negotiation tip #73: Lie Lie Lie, then Lie some more.
FBI negotiation tip #86: We need to cover this up, blame it on the ATF.

@thisuserxisnotavailable - 14.09.2022 16:43

This is what makes him a great business man. He was in control the whole time.

@JohnSmith-nh9vr - 03.09.2022 05:19

Is the "Patriot Front" the real " Black Swan " or another FBI wing?

@JohnSmith-nh9vr - 03.09.2022 05:17

Isn't that FBI kidnaping kids all over the world / including USA . What to negotiate ? o I guess with their parents that want them back .

@vinnyvenella1197 - 25.08.2022 14:00

Idk but Google says Australian are born citizens, I might be wrong

@jimmadden4617 - 23.08.2022 05:36

I am a 70 year old American Veteran ..... the current FBI situation IS A DISGRACE .... They are politically bought and paid for probably by the money that supports the DNC.....

@updatelaterus8844 - 20.08.2022 11:42

Ps. He speaks low for a reason. Focusing in to ensure you hear him properly assists with memory retention.

@Reticuli - 16.08.2022 20:25

Screw up, lie about it, find a judge that will pretend everything is peachy, try to throw the book at anyone caught in the resulting mess, and then create an escalation, SOP, or ROE that is technically illegal in an effort to get a quick and drastic end to a situation you want to go away. P.S. comes with a 'get out of jail free' card for the feds.

@lynngraysoncom - 14.08.2022 23:51

Give. Me. My. Money. I have a nice house you can calm down in and learn what you hunt my brain for. How normal. I can even make your film. Dinner at seven. House keys please. Or don't ask me about how my brain functions ever again. You don't value me then stop asking me Intel. Don't ever ask me about esp, technology how to survive or anything in Intel ever again anyone. You don't respect my visions well. Ever.

@trombone113 - 28.07.2022 23:16

About the first phone call with the guy in Haiti, what would he have said if it hadn't been a Thursday? Sometimes saying no is the thing to say. You don't always agree with even the small shit.

@tokesnationpropagandaminis1665 - 24.07.2022 08:07

I don’t want to come off as a hater Or anything. I think the guy is really good… but by god that’s a fucking horrible tie.
