Korda UNDERWATER - The Test Tapes | Carp Fishing

Korda UNDERWATER - The Test Tapes | Carp Fishing

Korda TV Carp Fishing

1 год назад

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Andy Peutherer
Andy Peutherer - 13.10.2023 00:12

Slightly batshit no

Adam Jackson
Adam Jackson - 04.10.2023 12:36

This is my favourite fishing film, well done fellas

Danny Bartlett
Danny Bartlett - 28.09.2023 19:24

always great to get to see how they act underwater great video as always

danny barr
danny barr - 19.09.2023 23:40

You 100% need the magic twig

Sean Ridley
Sean Ridley - 13.09.2023 15:58

Great video. Korda put so much back into the sport. I remember seeing Danny selling leads at Carp Society meetings in the 90s. From small beginnings one of the biggest and respected brands. Huge achievement. An inspiration to any young person with drive and determination.

Jake Hall
Jake Hall - 08.09.2023 23:05

Does anyone think carp can smell our scent on the rig and hookbIt where we touch them almost the same as hunting deer if they smell you its game over

mcooper - 07.09.2023 17:11

Better of using standard bottom baits no wafter no pop ups whenever you can then

Wayne Aspley
Wayne Aspley - 25.08.2023 08:38

Danny needs the twig.

Sandor Kovacs
Sandor Kovacs - 16.08.2023 03:09

this is the reason i love Neil Spooner.
"I've bought my mum a new fridge for her birthday."

D M - 15.08.2023 22:16

Why in the world you just didn't stick with several gopros is beyond me

Gg - 15.08.2023 19:31

Apakah anda pernah melihat seorang legend bernama deni domba dalam.mendapatkan ikan 200 ekor lebih setiap kali memancing ikan kolam.dalam.waktu begitu singkat

Mircea Balea
Mircea Balea - 08.08.2023 23:02

I've watched this video at least 4-5 times. Dovey is a brave man yanking Dan's chain like that 🙂

vinman - 07.08.2023 00:15

Good that was 👍

L - 06.08.2023 09:54

❤ The Beatles 😂

Carping Since71
Carping Since71 - 04.08.2023 16:43

How can you not love fishing after this 👏🏽

Totally not Trademarked
Totally not Trademarked - 30.07.2023 08:26

Drop the bs TV overly dramatic nonsense. It adds nothing to the production.

Jib230181 - 25.07.2023 04:26

What a great fishing video and you boys are awesome 👏 and the chemistry you all have is amazing to watch. I’ve watched many of your Underwater dvds back in the day which really really helped me in my carping and landing fish on the bank so thank you for your tips and help as couldn’t of done it without your videos so Team Korda I thank you.

AlterEgo - 20.07.2023 21:59

I am interested why they are using barbed hooks on Gigantica. strictly prohibited btw.

Matty Pavard
Matty Pavard - 20.07.2023 00:41

Amazing video, guys. I really enjoy the underwater seasons. Excellent way of understanding multiple aspects of fishing. It appeared like certain things weren't well thought out, so they might have done some things differently to make their life easier. One example, use the boat and drop the hook bait over instead of trying to cast it precisely, for instance. Also, hire a more experienced videography crew as well, as their equipment and setup looked more like it belonged in a 90's school play and could have been done much more effectively and simply.

Shaun Corless
Shaun Corless - 19.07.2023 01:44

It's a wonder we catch any ,they are so twitchy 😮

Adam Żuk
Adam Żuk - 17.07.2023 23:59

I love You boys ..you make my day :)

sebastian - 15.07.2023 20:24

Fishing is hunting and water craft ,now the hunt for carp has been down graded.

Ian Riley
Ian Riley - 15.07.2023 14:59

Do you know wat amp the motor is

fishing. tv- fishing channel
fishing. tv- fishing channel - 13.07.2023 12:57

How am i best feedings to kick off a 48 hour session

James Made Noise
James Made Noise - 13.07.2023 02:10

Loved this - looking forward to the next one

Billy Batts Shine Box
Billy Batts Shine Box - 12.07.2023 01:12


sy keen
sy keen - 08.07.2023 20:05

cant cast ...2 words Bait Boat

Alan Hopwood
Alan Hopwood - 06.07.2023 19:52

So freaking funny, "Les Trois Amigo's" best ever..........

Official_carp_fishing69 - 05.07.2023 17:33

wow that amazing well done

Philip Shields
Philip Shields - 05.07.2023 01:45

Why not drop the rig from the boat? Is it an integrity thing? Because you've already reserved the swim, had blokes baiting for you the last 48 hours, you're baiting from the boat! but placing the rig from a boat is one step too far? Dan's favorite word is "div" all that casting is a real div move 😂

Mark Hall
Mark Hall - 01.07.2023 06:20

Why not use the boat to place the hook bait on the spot while talking to tom by radio then you can reset untill he says it's in place

o BIG o
o BIG o - 28.06.2023 15:31

This was so Insightful as well as well being absolutely hilarious 😂😂

Joe Edwards
Joe Edwards - 12.06.2023 21:21

payback for Dovey, Brilliant footage again, 7 and 8 were fantastic, this one is just as good

Viktor Tobi
Viktor Tobi - 09.06.2023 22:38

It looks like that is the only fish in that lake 😅

SVP Music
SVP Music - 17.05.2023 19:19

when is underwater Gillhams resort coming lol

SVP Music
SVP Music - 17.05.2023 17:58

all that casting that spooks fish out the swim when a bait boat would have saved all that time

Big Dave’s fishing
Big Dave’s fishing - 12.05.2023 01:44

Once again boys well done and love all the underwater vids and all the vids

DJ PJ - 11.05.2023 23:48

I was coming off my seat every time the Carp came close 😬 great result, patience and persistence all in one <3

mymodel6 - 11.05.2023 17:06

The AMOUNT of fucking arguments i've had with people over clutch tightness! I have always been convinced that if you allow a fish to take line easily, it will always run for open water.
If it cannot get away from that spot it will bolt for the nearest hiding spot, we call them snags! I have said this over and over again and been laughed at, ridiculed, told in no uncertain terms that i must tighten my clutch or leave the lake etc etc... I still to this day fish with a very loose clutch and have never had a fish run straight for a snag even when tight against one. This is the first time i've heard someone agree with me, and i'm more convinced than ever it is true...

Kuhlrz _
Kuhlrz _ - 07.05.2023 20:25

Absolutely insane footage and great entertainment to go along with no one better than these 3 together top blokes👍

kahoo bazar
kahoo bazar - 27.04.2023 00:17

My friends, I live in Iran and due to the sanctions and the devaluation of the national currency in one of the richest countries in the world, we are deprived of all these quality fishing equipment, and due to the strong interest in this sport, fishing with very old and simple equipment. I fish If someone around you doesn't need their fishing gear, can you send it to me by mail? If it was possible and someone would like to give their old equipment to someone as a gift, I will give the exact address so that you can send it by mail. Then I will send a gift to Gibran from Iran's handicrafts to the sender's address. 👍🥀♥️♥️♥️✌️

Eric Gruntfuttock
Eric Gruntfuttock - 26.04.2023 22:00

TBC needs to start cutting down on his boilies & corn...he's morbidly obese bless him🙄

Marko Branovacki
Marko Branovacki - 26.04.2023 02:05

so when is korda underwater 9 comming out?

Lee Sagar
Lee Sagar - 21.04.2023 09:04

Tom had me giggling, such a wind up. Also make a note Danny, give yourself a bright marker on the top of the camera pole with white tape or something so it's not green against green next time lol looked a nightmare to get to that spot

Martin Mitchell
Martin Mitchell - 20.04.2023 08:01

Class lads crying laughing sorry dan

david lowe
david lowe - 15.04.2023 21:52


Howard Whitehead
Howard Whitehead - 10.04.2023 01:22

Great vid as always …but I was screaming ‘just put a bottom bait on out of the bag’ for quite a bit of it.
