Stephen Fry & Friends on the Life of Christopher Hitchens

Stephen Fry & Friends on the Life of Christopher Hitchens

Intelligence Squared

12 лет назад

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Michael Flynn
Michael Flynn - 07.10.2023 12:17

Best wordsmith, orator, debater and thinker of my generation. Huge fan.

cedric martinez
cedric martinez - 03.10.2023 22:11

What about his brother??? A no show?

john larkin
john larkin - 02.10.2023 03:48

Pass the sick bag, Alice ...

Bob Mudu35UK
Bob Mudu35UK - 01.10.2023 18:34

I find rabid atheists,just as tedious as rabidly religious people.

Howard Hutton
Howard Hutton - 30.09.2023 15:44

Dawkins, the unfortunate bigot.

Rafael Donnelly
Rafael Donnelly - 30.09.2023 01:42

A “genius for friendship”? Not really. He hated too many people.

CardboardCasket📦 - 25.09.2023 09:38

Make No mistake...he never gave in or "found" religion again.😊 died a free enlightened man🤙❤

ROOKTABULA - 23.09.2023 23:20

I loved all the Fable Followers that got Hitchslapped over the years but I always was offput by his arrogance.
It was most evident when he was utterly wrong about Chancellor Cheney and his terror attack on Iraq.
Hitchens' utter inability to admit he was conned and wrong was a black mask on his legacy

Luca Kuria
Luca Kuria - 23.09.2023 15:31

Sometimes Hitch does my thinking for me. Greatest man on Earth; in 100 years time he will be truly revered and his outpouring will become 'Hitchensian".

Garry Baldy
Garry Baldy - 17.09.2023 19:35

Conspiracy theories are highly profitable for some

Kathy Escott
Kathy Escott - 12.09.2023 00:13

Isn’t it reassuring that such clever intellectuals such as Christopher and Salman resort to playing school boy word games with ‘slightly’ naughty words! 🤣🤣

BKKfreak - 20.08.2023 13:28

This was such a touching and thoughtful tribute to a great man.

But... That poem sucked!


Patrick Owens
Patrick Owens - 20.08.2023 02:40

Stephen Fry is a gift to mankind.

Roger Komula
Roger Komula - 19.08.2023 04:49

I'll wave to him from the walls of the New Jerusalem.

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh - 17.08.2023 22:05

What is his epitaph?

Audrey Simmonds
Audrey Simmonds - 12.08.2023 13:38

To have witnessed such great oratary skill, Knowledge delivered
With wit and intelligence , christopher is a great enlightenment for
all to ponder... Stephen is such a loved man to deliver this event.
.among some of our greatest human beings ... thankyou 💚

James Robertson
James Robertson - 25.07.2023 08:07

When Christopher Hitchens met God they debated God's existence and God became an atheist.

pr3sToNiAn - 25.06.2023 06:10

Christopher Hitchens is who got me thinking more seriously about faith and the truths of war. You could never doubt Christopher Hitchens he was a marvellous man right to the end of his life... Stephen Fry is also a wonderful speaker who i tremendously love for his Intelligence and knowledge unlike mine but i do have enough brains to understand these great guys....

earthian - 27.05.2023 14:08

Beautiful introduction

STEVE OWEN - 20.05.2023 02:08

Absolutely outstanding contribution to how we should revere this genius.....PEERLESS ... NO ONE CLOSE

Roddy Boethius
Roddy Boethius - 14.05.2023 00:51

What an incredibly benighted and terrifying populace.

Ma'ab Ownallh
Ma'ab Ownallh - 30.04.2023 11:32

What does "deep understanding that the connection between style and substance is absolute" mean?

knigggit - 23.04.2023 16:56

Christopher Hitchens is so badly needed today with all this gender bull shit. Sadly missed.

Sable Empire
Sable Empire - 19.03.2023 23:15

I love Stephen. BUT.. disappointed in lack of cultural, gender, age, racial diversity in guests. Not a single brown, black, Asian, female in sight.

Andrew Doherty
Andrew Doherty - 21.02.2023 07:13

I think he died two weeks or so after this 😢

Peter A
Peter A - 31.01.2023 11:41

I miss that bloke. ✌🇦🇺

Kaye Emerson
Kaye Emerson - 22.01.2023 21:11

If only RIP!! is so ose to nothing that I hesitate to use it. My ignorance of the language is the reason so now as the song title Sail on

Dutch Eve
Dutch Eve - 02.01.2023 05:07

Young Hitchens sure was handsome!

Justin Ludeman
Justin Ludeman - 04.12.2022 00:49

Let us hope there may always be fearless advocates for truth and reason like Christopher Hitchens (and Dawkins & Fry). Similarly, may we hope religious adherents continue to have a voice for they shall facilitate the downfall of their own doctrine, simply by exposing it for what it is - fallacious and untenable in an increasingly enlightened world.
Of course, appeals to authority and poorly concealed ad hominem attacks will be the norm, as the religious struggle in the face of coherent criticism to (in an attempt to) defy the logic and reason levelled at them.
All Hitchens ever did was expose the hypocrisy, contradiction, and lack of logic that characterises religion and its hegemony.
Without trans-generational indoctrination, Circulus In Probando and Post Hoc Propter Ad Hoc fallacies, religion really has nothing to substantiate itself, it is merely a vestige of humanity's cultural and intellectual evolution.
Anyone with a functioning frontal lobe, unfettered by indoctrination, knows that religion has its origins in human imagination and creativity. Humans therefore own 'divine' morality, unordained by fanciful notions of divine provenance, and beautifully illustrated the world over throughout myriad times and places as being the result of inter-subjective reality.
It's time to put away your toys, sky fairy dolls included; play with them in private but don't expect me to play with them (to paraphrase the great CH himself).

Eddie Heron
Eddie Heron - 22.11.2022 06:40

Wonderful, much as I’ve seen lots of Hitch Footage, that was my first The Skip. Very thought provoking 😮

Stevie Willett-Shaw
Stevie Willett-Shaw - 18.11.2022 19:49

my anger at the church is deep disappointment and sadness and mourning the loss of potential killed and maimed...

Mike Vincent
Mike Vincent - 04.10.2022 16:55

Hopefully the Hitch, had he been still alive today, would have turned his efforts toward modern secular religions "wokeism" and "climate change" that are destroying civilizations as we speak

Lin Monash
Lin Monash - 03.10.2022 11:44

What a great gathering and even greater that Hitch could view it and understand how much he meant to so many. And so devastating also from this vantage point, watching Salman's contribution, who had assumed the worst times were behind him. So many are sending their love and 'willing' him toward recovery at this time.

ceziukozak - 23.09.2022 22:02

I wish i was there

Jody Swallow
Jody Swallow - 22.09.2022 21:05

C.H. ‘This Is Your Life’ vibe, only not as long as it should have been.

Random Roses
Random Roses - 19.09.2022 11:15

Trust the “science”.

eedobee - 18.09.2022 09:51

I still feel the loss of Christopher Hitchens from the public sphere.

Degjoy - 15.09.2022 19:24

This seems to me like such a different world to the world we live in today.

Vertu Gallery
Vertu Gallery - 13.09.2022 06:58

Have you noticed that fry kept on having to look down and read his notes? What an intellectual poser

Claritas - 10.09.2022 23:03

Has anyone tried to decode the message Christopher Buckley left in his facial ticks? It may be Morse code, but I don't know.

L J - 10.09.2022 18:51

Christopher Hitchens was
Considered “hard left”. He would most certainly be described as a right winger if alive in these times.

shrews bury
shrews bury - 07.09.2022 00:30

watched Hitchens rip Ben Stein a new one over the "Chris" blunder. But seeing him rip into the catholic church on behalf of Stephen over their homophobia was just masterful and a rare show of deep disgust on Hitchens' part

Brian Langston
Brian Langston - 31.08.2022 02:53

A wonderful living eulogy for Hitch. So sad that all these years later Salman Rushdie is almost murdered by a religious fxnatic.

Bob Carr
Bob Carr - 30.08.2022 13:41

Spoiled by Fry who doesn’t know when to shut up.
