Ответитьdoes this mean that i'm NOT hateful?
ОтветитьThis feels like a Red Vs Blue skit. And I love it.
ОтветитьWhat about the part where we are the 27% majority?.. or the part where gov penalizes us for being the majority when we are not (as a whole or by just the white race, there are more women [and gov knows this])?.. and then theres the quota issue... they were SCREAMING about the coaches and managers but nobody said anything about the PLAYERS (time to fix that)... discrimination?.. you bet your asssss...
ОтветитьI was discriminated by my teacher from age 7-10 and I am white. What should I do about it now?
ОтветитьI'm lucky enough to be slightly tan so I can make fun of all the stupid stereotypes in this world and I have a extremely diverse friend group that finds it funny too
Ответитьwhy would hateful people ever do that for real?
ОтветитьBabylon Bee needs to make a "Cultural Appropriation" video
Everything invented by those horrible White People cannot be used by people of color because that would be an endorsement of "Whiteness"
This leaves me as confused as a baby in a topless bar.
ОтветитьImmediately cuts too a rundown house lol
ОтветитьIts such a privilege to be hated for the skin color i was born with! And the gender i was born with too! I love it am so entitled. To abuse from people that are so coddled.
ОтветитьWe all know white men hate Seth Dillion now.
ОтветитьI wish I had white privilege they tell me I have to have a part time job to get food stamps unless I’m native now
ОтветитьThe guitar in the background is awesome!
ОтветитьI have always been confused by the phrase "White privilege."
Like by virtue of being white, an advantage is given. Don't get me wrong, I believe that some white folk are gonna look out for other white folk more than others, but I have seen the same happen with black folk. Same thing with hispanic folk and most hispanics I've met break it down further into the type of hispanic they are. I mean, it sounds like the complaint is more about the hate that folks of all ethnicities have for one another. Not to say all people hate on one another, but statistically, it is likely that a good chunk of people are going to hate with or without grounded reason. So what makes the white folk worse about it than others?
My uncle talks just like the guy in overalls. Always found it funny - he had a son who came out as gay and I've never seen a more loving a supportive family. Miss you, cuz.
ОтветитьI commented on the short, but came here to say COORS tastes like crap. That’s all.
Ответитьwhite men hate child molesters and we get nothing but hell for it.
Ответитьa silly video
ОтветитьCould you do that? They ain’t working in business businesses I deal some every day.
ОтветитьYeh brotherrr
ОтветитьIt’s a proper known fact that men are viewed as more important, technically speaking we all have the same “rights” but straight white men are treated so differently to everyone else, they get payed more, they get out of trouble more, they get the Benefit of the doubt, I’m not saying ALL straight white men are bad, of course that’s not true, but it’s mainly white men who are committing crimes and getting less time then let’s say a black man for the same crime, straight white men were viewed as superior back then and even though people don’t outright say it as much are still viewed higher than anyone.
If you’re coming for me in the comments then you’re the problem, If you’re saying “that’s not true” or stuff like that you’re probably upset and angry that I’m right but if you are a man who agrees that you are typically viewed more highly them woman and colored people then my respect goes to you
it does not take a genius to see that white men are more privileged than a black women would be. Many black women say they don't feel safe and that if she were a white man… she would more than likely not have hate crimes committed against her. Also I mean there’s a very clear list starting from job opportunities and employment discrimination, the way we wear our hair and what is seen as an acceptable hair style in the workplace, being able to literally live in or visit any neighborhood that I want to and not worrying about my safety if I am a straight white male, and the list goes on and on etc.
Lumping any group together based only on vague parameters is hysterical falsity.
ОтветитьThis shouldn't be as relatable as it is, what is wrong with society nowadays...
ОтветитьAnd the slave owners didn't hate blacks either, right? You know, it wasn't that long ago. My great-grandparents were alive.
ОтветитьI just hate a holes .
ОтветитьI am 75% privileged apparently
ОтветитьWhat kind of privilege they have??
They live like they're in 1700s...
When you watch these political caricature videos, remember than "white privilege" doesn't mean white people are evil or they all have amazing lives, it means that our government has historically formed domestic policies that directly inhibited other ethnicities ability to live a prosperous life. For example, segregation meant that it was difficult for Black people to settle in areas with good schools and access to essential services, which correlated with a negative trend in their overall economic and social wellbeing. It doesnt mean that every white person should feel guilty, it means that our country should ensure these wrongdoings are never repeated again in the future, and to acknowledge our past failures.
ОтветитьWhite privilege is simply not logical. It is a non sequitur for a rational person in America.
ОтветитьIf a leftist accuses you of hate, it means you are guilty of being hated by them.
ОтветитьThis is really not that far off. Most white men don't give a crap about race, gender or orientation.
ОтветитьYea I’m still waiting on that white privilege to kick in😢
Ответитьas a lgbt+ member. I too hate that we have a WHOLE FUCKING MONTH dedicated to us. It's like having an entire month dedicated to minecraft. A community should be just that, ideologies shouldn't be put on someone else forcefully.
Ответить"White priviledge" means having a will to achieve your dreams. With your hard work.
ОтветитьThey seem to be the image of mass shooters
Asian women seem to see you as exotic vice versa
police dont just shoot and kill a white guy in a traffic stopped
am i wrong?
Segregationist hillbillies whining about "racism" is peak saltine. Y'all crackalacks got loser DNA.
ОтветитьThe maga hate
everyone, and even each other.
I typed in “who are the women that hate straight white males’ and I got this crap
ОтветитьWhite privilege maybe following rules and paying taxes 😂
ОтветитьIn class today a girl was talking about how bad & evil white men are ..
Am convinced that people who actually ARE racist (hate whites) & misandrist (hate men) propagate these mentalities in our society. The hate is real.
Definitely isn’t endearing me personally towards the groups that arbitrarily have decided to hate me ..
Not only is this an enjoyable video, but I like the background music!
ОтветитьSuch a deluded take. It’s not that people think white people are hateful it’s they’re careless and privileged and move through the world with that attitude all of the time they have no humility and inherently view others non white as inferior it doesn’t mean they’re hateful just that they’re really NOT that great; and that’s specific to white men. Deal with it.
Ответить2025 cough cough
ОтветитьReactionnaries always react to something. When some people dislike you or what you represent, maybe ask yourself why before calling them bigoted assholes
ОтветитьThere's nothing to defend regarding "White privilege." There's nothing a White person can do that isn't also available to everyone else. Stop whining about how you have it hard, too.