Digimon Data Squad (Savers): The "Grown Up" Season | Billiam

Digimon Data Squad (Savers): The "Grown Up" Season | Billiam


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@zemox2534 - 16.11.2023 11:45

Yoshi was underutilised.

@christenorio81 - 14.11.2023 03:59

If digimon data squad can be rebooted was sequel to digimon tamers and beyond

@kinglucifer2201 - 13.11.2023 07:16

You know when you think about the lore of Digimon Marcus has pulled off some of the most badass feats of strength, one primary example of this is destroying Craniamon's shield which is made of black digizoid specifically made from King Drasil's data just like his armor, which is supposed to make it indestructible, then there's the fact that he stopped Craniamon's sword (a sword that he uses to cut space itself) with his fist as well. So Marcus is like the single most badass human in Digimon.

@truexfan001 - 11.11.2023 05:23

Where can i got to watch this series? Can't find it on dvd for a decent price. $400 for a season of a show? No thanks!

@ikaika1 - 05.11.2023 19:10

I used to think that this was the most aggressively average Digimon series, but then watching Digimon Ghost Game made me reevaluate that opinion. Savers is actually quite good, whereas Ghost Game is now the most mediocre Digimon show.

@eliassmeke3991 - 27.10.2023 08:00

In episode 26 how did Miki Megumi get locked 🔒 up ⬆️ in the holding cells?

@Miksy51 - 18.10.2023 18:13

I just like Kudamon and the concept and only the concept of warp and double warp Digivolution.
It's a shame there aren't exactly more of Kudamon like them, original and 2006
(I get the new warp digivolution in digimon ghost game, will you review ghost game bruh? Maybe not)

@justtj8085 - 23.09.2023 03:25

It was my favourite season because the main character punched (digimon) God in the face.

@Digidragon55 - 20.09.2023 18:18

Fun Fact: the English voice actor of Marcus Damen is Axel from Kingdom Hearts!

@ThatFanBoyGuy - 02.08.2023 18:05

I was always kind of baffled at the fact that they brought back Agumon to appeal to older fans, yet they changed Agumon so much. I wanted to see Agumon digivolve into Greymon and MetalGreymon, not GeoGreymon and RizeGreymon. Not to mention they changed the attack names. Not to mention they changed his voice actor. This Agumon felt more like an imposter to me than nostalgia.

@norberto05121964 - 27.07.2023 13:19

digimon savers feels like it hopped on power rangers spd emergency hype train

@coded3604 - 20.06.2023 04:04

How did I NEVER hear of this. Big fan from 🇨🇦 lowkey idk how I feel about changing the digitevolutuon for My OG tho..

@azrael_morningstar - 17.06.2023 18:41

Only Digimon show i watched and loved.

@staycold682 - 06.06.2023 18:10

I just hate the animation style. Really stops me from getting into it.

@jakecallen9164 - 30.05.2023 21:35

I like data squad, but damn it's so hard to ignore the nostrils on agumon

@noodles2459 - 16.05.2023 08:58

What's the music around ten minutes in?

@thewitchcoven - 25.04.2023 05:57

I think that you kinda missed the point of Data Squad. They didn't "add genocide to make it darker", it ties into the theme of technological advancement and how we handle it, and in the end, the show comes to the conclusion that we should maintain a healthy relationship with our advancements. Not letting it quite literally absorb you like the Biohybrids quite literally did with Kurata and the others. It also stresses the importance of being able to directly interact with it, which in the real world means learning and understanding new technologies, and for Marcus, that means clocking the shit out of some digital beasts. It's a show about unnatural being vaguely resembling cultural concepts and human ideas invading the physical human world. I don't think this is that much of a stretch when considering that.

I think Data Squad focused on an older audience because of the more complex messaging rather than to appeal to an aging fanbase. Now Tri... guilty as charged.

@crossx4974 - 20.04.2023 00:55

For correction since you did the dub, Agumon called marcus "Aniki" wich means brother or big brother in the german dubb it was big brother, wich is why he was going to the digital world in the end. I also personally think marcus is an better protagonist then tai.

@SuperEH2393 - 06.04.2023 19:26

This is the same guy that loves my little pony

@fireytaz - 18.02.2023 01:02

The first digimon series i ever watched

@user-none0 - 30.01.2023 00:54

being a digimon fan is dangerous
at any moment i could be exposed to the opinion of someone who has a surface level observation of the series and thinks they know what they're talking about despite having no comprehension of the lore

@cnjetixnicktoonsenjoyer2002 - 19.12.2022 09:47

When I was a kid, like all the seasons of Digimon I enjoyed watching on Jetix growing up, Data Squad use to be one of my favorite seasons but then looking back at it now, I outgrown it because Savers' fans made the term "old seasons are overrated" a huge cyclejerk since people on the Internet always want Data Squad to be the definitive Digimon show and nothing else even when they say "A mature protagonist can be just as great as a kid protagonist with goggles"? I would've told those Savers fans this as a person who grew up with the old seasons, Y'know Data Squad fans anytime anytime someone who grows up with the Data Squad show only calls attention to the breaking of protagonist roles? it ultimately undermines the concept of protagonist equality by implying that that "maturity" is an definitive exception and not the status quo.

What? just because I'm a Digimon fan, doesn't mean I'm not a Nostalgia enthusiast towards the 1999-2002 era of Digimon lol.

@AubLambe - 10.12.2022 17:33

I tried it watch this and thought it was terrible from the first episode.

@keithmayhewhammond5357 - 29.11.2022 01:40

I actually really liked Data Squad and considered it one of my favourites. I definitely thought it had some original things for the seasons. There were definitely problems with it. I watched it as a young adult and never realized that Marcus was supposed to be 14 until it was mentioned. He seemed more like an angry college student to me. Although I found his aggression annoying, I still did enjoy his character. I really liked how both Tamers and Data Squad covered the idea of a gov't agency tackling the Digimon problem in a different way. One thing that I tend to love about most of the seasons is the unique soundtracks and theme music. They tend to try something new but in a good way. Although I liked the music in all of them, Data Squad & Tamers both had some of my all-time favourite background music.

I also disagree about calling it shallow. I found the relationships they had with their Digimon to be deep. Different people develop relationships in different ways. Since Marcus and Augumon both liked fighting, "Boss" was a term of respect. It doesn't make it less meaningful. I don't call my parents by their name but it still has depth.

One other thing, which I actually thought was done well by both Tamers and Data Squad but in their own unique ways, was the mysterious atmosphere they use when bringing Digimon into the world during the first part. They have a great method of creating an ominous aura - and how they show the humans involved with these Digimon even when accidentally destructive.

@Wanderingsage7 - 11.11.2022 09:38

I'd like to point out that Marcus... is kind of a badass. The dude took a claw from an Agumon and it didn't even break the skin.

@kadan2889 - 09.11.2022 08:20

Calling DS darker feels a little odd - could just be a me thing, given I felt the OG Adventurers felt much "worse" in terms of it, albeit it's been a while since I've seen either. I mainly say this given it's kind of like a Work-Place hazard in DS vs these children being hunted while trying to get home.

@DarkfoxTamamo_21 - 30.10.2022 01:26

Bansholeomon is best boi in Data Squad

@KOBEASTXIV - 29.10.2022 22:05

The digimons were huge like why

@ReleeSquirrel - 28.10.2022 17:42

In the Japanese, Marcus and Agumon had a very "Family!" vibe, but also he's called Aniki rather than Boss. It sorta means "Big Brother" but it's also used as a sort of gangster/yakuza version of Senpai or, as they translated it, "Boss". So, it's interesting! It's too bad that it didn't work out for you though. Having it be "Boss" instead of "Big Bro!" changes a lot, like you said. Gaomon's "Yes Sir!" comes from him being super formal and I think Agumon and Gaomon's relationships with their partners were supposed to contrast, rather than seem similar. Apparently the dub messed that up. ^.^;;

@nschannel826 - 18.10.2022 01:49

I just started watching Data Squad (well, I guess Savers technically since I always watch Digimon subbed) a couple days ago and so far it's really good. I like the more episodic approach in the first few episodes; the character dynamics are fun.
Update: I've finished it and I think it's better than what most people give it credit for. Masaru/Marcus gets some delightful badass moments towards the end and he ended up as one of my favorite Digimon protags by the end. I would genuinely recommend this series to people who like shounen since it's honestly pretty decent as a shounen anime

@Lasherluke - 16.10.2022 11:47

Took them five seasons but digimon finally got their hitler equivalent in the form of kurata

@monkeyd94 - 24.09.2022 07:50

Naaah naaaah digimon daters is a great series. Minus the whole kids touch. It holds it down 😜🥰😍

@monkeyd94 - 24.09.2022 07:45

You're wrong. This was the best season!!!!Marcus just str8 up decks Digimons, this season was so great!

@Barakon - 23.09.2022 01:09

I remember watching Data Savers in Hebrew on tv as a kid & I hated it for looking like a reboot & that it seemed to disrespect the original Digimon season, as of the original cast got spit on just because they made a new agumon & gave him special red wrist bands. I think it’s because I thought it seemed like a self insert fanfic with an OC do not steal lookin ass agumon. Now I think that was a dumb assumption & I still think the dog Digimon is meh but still, it was alright.

@yoda908 - 19.09.2022 20:58

Why does Marcus need a digimon when he's just as strong as one? We sure he's not a digimon? And is it possible Keenan's original Japanese dialogue actually matched the same level of dialogue tone as the human and digimon but the English dubb changed it?

@geoffredston3523 - 16.09.2022 20:41

The only Digimon series where the protags weren't all prepubescents. Quite refreshing, really.

@Lordshittalot - 11.09.2022 11:03

The season where leomon died twice

@BullseyeRey - 06.09.2022 20:02

I always thought digivolving via the human partner punching the antagonist digimon was cool.

@devaraft - 01.09.2022 17:42

Savers plot is actually pretty good but my god I can't stand any character on that show. Masaru have never been leader, he just dragged everyone

@TheConcertCruizer - 24.08.2022 15:53

I remember liking Data Squad.

@DiaborMagics - 22.08.2022 20:08

I saw an Angewomon figure. I'm jealous, but ill give you the like.

@DarthAlphaTheGreat - 16.08.2022 18:22

I swear Digimons speak perfect Japanese.

@versebuchanan512 - 15.08.2022 02:44

Bouncy DIgimon tits and straight up bitch-slapping Digimon? Huh. Cool.

@poke2981 - 10.08.2022 21:11

I love Marcus let me deck a mega level Daimon

@darkworld6543 - 10.08.2022 16:27

This season is Bad

@getpaidblackman9859 - 10.08.2022 12:10

I think the Digimon was just surprised that a human punches them. Never has a human roll up on them.

@LinkTheRipper77 - 10.08.2022 03:19

Glad to see some of the cool digimon I'd never seen before playing cyber sleuth appear in this

@Zelielz1 - 06.08.2022 20:01

My god, is it drawn by a 6 year old kid with Paint?

@MultiYou2ube - 05.08.2022 17:49

I un ironically love digimon Frontier.
It was different and the main cast lost more often.
