Eek! Emulation! - Scott The Woz

Eek! Emulation! - Scott The Woz

Scott The Woz

2 года назад

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Tito White
Tito White - 18.09.2023 07:48

Why don’t you just stop breaking the fuckin law

Isaac Bear
Isaac Bear - 15.09.2023 19:59

Playing goldeneye with a keyboard and mouse was a near religious experience and that would never have happened without emulation

FoxyDrew - 14.09.2023 19:28

I think Emulation is only considered a bad thing in your niche little bubble of console fanboys who collect every game ever for no reason. The larger gaming community loves emulation.

Scott Wagner
Scott Wagner - 14.09.2023 03:39

I think I emulate too much. I recognized the website by the link.

amaury - 14.09.2023 03:09

ah yes the good ol days of emulating gameboy games on my school laptop

Seydaschu - 13.09.2023 03:09

Emulating arcade games is my favorite. 1, it's lots of games that never had good home ports, and 2, infinite credits. Someday we'll do the same thing for games with microtransactions.

Some LuciFrost Guy
Some LuciFrost Guy - 12.09.2023 04:08

Honestly the difficulty of setting up emulation is so overblown. It's no hassle at least up until you get to the PS2, which mainly presents the challenge of getting the BIOS. However, I found them on the Internet Archive recently. They were recent uploads, so I imagine getting BIOS is easier for newer folks. Roms CAN be a different story, but CDRomance has covered me for years now. The person who runs the site often uploads prepatched versions of roms, such as fan translations or hacks, so if you're playing a game in a language it's never been released in, that guy has you set up until the Wii era. There's no Wii or PS3 or above on that site. The most difficulty I've had has been doing it on my Steam Deck, and even then EmuDeck kills all difficulty. I dunno if I've just been lucky or what. Granted, I don't usually upscale games, so maybe that's it.

gamethecupdog - 10.09.2023 07:43

What's funny is that on the steam release of Genesis classics on PC you can find the raw ROMs in the game files and use them with whatever emulator you want.
When Sega released sonic origins they delisted the classic sonic games. Which is awful.

Shen Doodles
Shen Doodles - 08.09.2023 20:41

Playing on an emulator without the bells and whistles is just playing the original. I’ve played many games on both and they feel the same. Saying original hardware is the only way to play is like saying walking is the only way to experience travelling from Mexico to Canada.

renthagod - 08.09.2023 04:21

I just realized the opening joke of this episode about the bank and how hes gonna "give them a 20" was a reference to the opening gag in the following episode

RemixYT - 08.09.2023 03:27

The emulation (eek!)

Cyanide Ronin
Cyanide Ronin - 07.09.2023 04:49

I love my FXPakPro

PumpkinHead1021 - 06.09.2023 03:57

He mentioned the L button, is this canon?

CubNole - 03.09.2023 16:45

OpenEmu is so well done

Departed Gardens
Departed Gardens - 30.08.2023 19:09

was no way i was gonna beat alex kid with out a rewind feature.. id of lost my mind on all those rock paper scissor fights.

Jamille Ellen
Jamille Ellen - 29.08.2023 09:46

One of best things about emulation and piracy is making games available to people who can’t afford it, specially in what you would call “third world countries”. Videogames are an ultra expensive luxury item in these cases, with one game costing like a fourth of a minimum wage income in some places(as is in Brazil, where a triple A game costs 300BRL and the minimum wage is 1300BRL.)

Jamille Ellen
Jamille Ellen - 29.08.2023 09:45

One of best things about emulation and piracy is making games available to people who can’t afford it, specially in what you would call “third world countries”. Videogames are an ultra expensive luxury item in these cases, with one game costing like a fourth of a minimum wage income in some places(as is in Brazil, where a triple A game costs 300BRL and the minimum wage is 1300BRL.)

GrilledCheese2theMAX - 25.08.2023 11:23

Ah my favorite past time playing atari on a milk jug

TuckerswordsINC - 23.08.2023 18:48

My only irritation with emulation is the elitist and entitled attitude some people have if they choose to emulate. Especially that stupid Jim Sterling quote "It's always morally correct to pirate Nintendo games." No, it's not. That's an entitled attitude telling people you think you should get a company's entire library for free.

Lobo Neiner
Lobo Neiner - 23.08.2023 18:22

Emulation is the only thing preserving most games. I don't agree with pirating new games (especially indies) but if it a game is no longer for sale it isn't piracy imo.

b_vulpone - 22.08.2023 06:56

What till Scott finds out theirs adapters that let you use real controllers on pc. There’s n64, GameCube, nes, snes, genesis and more. And there’s no delay. You can even mix and mash and play smash 64 on Neo geo controllers. Pokémon with a nes controller and more. It’s fun

Lil' King
Lil' King - 21.08.2023 03:12

What's the song outro

Mr.TheMaster - 19.08.2023 06:24

Emulation makes me feel dirty :(

War Man
War Man - 18.08.2023 15:27

I play Nintendo games on Emulators and ROMs because there is no way to get a console in India
without spending a lot of money

Pac’s junk drawer
Pac’s junk drawer - 17.08.2023 23:59


Cosmic Cynic
Cosmic Cynic - 17.08.2023 22:28

If there was no emulation, I wouldn't have experienced many retro games.

Alt account
Alt account - 17.08.2023 01:58

did scott... always... have facial hair?

areloTET - 15.08.2023 23:38

How is piracy going to affect sales?

Sales? What sales?

(how does Nintendo make profit from a game they haven’t sold in over a decade)

VonBunBun - 15.08.2023 03:53

Honestly, I think games should sorta be like patents. You patent a game, when it runs out, you can re patent it, IF you're still making the game in some way, if not, it goes into public domain until you start making it in some way again.

Kid Pesto
Kid Pesto - 14.08.2023 18:42

I love that scott hates pc's almost as much as i do :)

DaShanky - 14.08.2023 01:27

I love emulation. It’s how I played one of the best games of all time ocarina of time. I emulated on my phone cuz I hate keyboard controls for games made for consoles. Also yeah I illegally download roms, I couldn’t care less.

arlo - 13.08.2023 22:12

here me out. modded 3ds

Daniel Wade Buttry
Daniel Wade Buttry - 13.08.2023 20:50

If it doesn't involve new movies or new games or new music (I'm talking not even out yet new) then piracy is not illegal. Its still not legal, but it's in the grey area and you have nothing at all to fear from the law.
You can even sell discs and USB drives in front of cops in public and they just check to make sure you don't have the unreleased stuff. Its just like smoking weed in front of cops. They really don't even care as long as they know for sure exactly what you've got and it's not something else.

There are way bigger cyber criminals to deal with. Actual criminals.
And they leave huge long paper trails with millions of dollars attached to it and office buildings full of computers.... unlike bootleg nes ROMS download with you sisters old cracked iPad.
Its a lot harder to discover and not a serious crime where real money is involved. No one cares. And the law would be the last to care.

If your going to buy a video game then buy a physical copy of it. Even if it's just the disk to a PS2 game.
One day you or someone you love will need 20 or 30 bucks so bad you won't believe it...

Take the stacks of games to anyplace besides GameStop and sell them. (Go to a record store or something if you have to or use eBay if you cant find a place besides gamestop)
Even if you only get 2 dollars a pop that's money that you wouldn't of had otherwise.
You can't resell a downloaded game for even 1 penny to anyone on the planet, it physically cannot even be given away because it doesn't even exist physically.
And you KNOW how clear they were on no refunds lol.

umm idk
umm idk - 12.08.2023 21:01

Emulation is easier then people make it out to be

Todd S
Todd S - 12.08.2023 18:13

Yarrr, matey...
It be a pirates life for me!

Umark199 - 12.08.2023 14:40

I tried to emulate ps1 on my 3ds it was not a good idea aka i dont have a 3ds anymore

Matt the Aqua Flame
Matt the Aqua Flame - 11.08.2023 06:33

At the end of the day, many games that you can't buy new goes to the free market, do what you want.

Peter Ponte
Peter Ponte - 11.08.2023 01:48

Last year I fall in love with emulation in general when I found out how incredible it improved. Since then even my favorite console of all time the Dreamcast is only collecting dust, while I'm playing retro games of several platforms whenever and wherever I want with a Xbox Series controller on a modern tv or on the screen of my smartphone.

MKFM Gaming
MKFM Gaming - 06.08.2023 21:10

Dude sounds like a grandpa that can’t except new technologies. I recently got a Wii and got a ton of Wii games and game cube games and I think it’s fantastic that I can plug-in a game cube controller and play all the game cube games for free.

SticksTheThird - 06.08.2023 00:56

So are voice over Scott and skit Scott different entities?

The Retro Speculative
The Retro Speculative - 05.08.2023 21:31

I can't imagine what would have to go so wrong in my life for me to lay hands on my kids. That wind up and * clap * was beautiful.

ChaosSpider - 04.08.2023 11:43

I accidentally pulled out a baby tooth while watching this video.

The all knowing
The all knowing - 04.08.2023 04:56

I think he also killed a man.

Phantomdude - 03.08.2023 23:32

"Yet nobody cares if you use a controller for computer games."
You are underestimating pc gamers Scott

thegamimgchannel7110 - 02.08.2023 10:07

can some madlad go to sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft's hq's and scream emulation then run away
