YOLO Object Detection (TensorFlow tutorial)

YOLO Object Detection (TensorFlow tutorial)

Siraj Raval

6 лет назад

1,359,788 Просмотров

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Geeky - 28.08.2023 15:52

What I need this for just a single photo, can I feed a photo to it as well?

Sorvex - 11.07.2023 22:23

Oh how I miss 2018 machine learning.

Nezhio Evangelion
Nezhio Evangelion - 01.10.2022 20:23

Any idea on how to make this program run on realtime camera?

Jonathan R
Jonathan R - 29.07.2022 03:28

I did my phd on image segmentation around the turn of the century, and i remember waiting hours to process one image. How far we've come.

matthewheathcock - 01.06.2022 01:10

Wish I was smart

james hopkins
james hopkins - 18.04.2022 16:21

Use the nose or you will kill the vid.

aaron le
aaron le - 06.04.2022 12:42

Hey dude thanks so much for your lengthy explanations and your enthusiasm when you make your videos. It really helps !

Dexter Chew
Dexter Chew - 06.03.2022 07:12

Listening to him reading off screen. Lol.

Bloodcurling - 23.02.2022 22:26

Not sure why you decided to use that femi-Nazi video for the image classification, but everything besides that was great.

Paula Denttro - Do PT
Paula Denttro - Do PT - 08.01.2022 14:47

Man, this is one of the best explanation for begginers I ever see !!!!! Very good. Do y have any ML course? I will pay for it.

adithya ADI
adithya ADI - 21.11.2021 09:29

Hi Siraj,
can we use yolo inside an native layer of android or ios app to detech an portion of image from entire screen and getting an x,y co-ordinates of that particular portion (query image) of that image from the entire screen?

Daniel Kusuma
Daniel Kusuma - 10.11.2021 19:08

Thanks for the video, it brought me back to light:)
I however still have a question: In the Yolo v1 paper it is described that the final convolutional output layer is a tensor of 7x7x1024 dimension (Darknet), then the detection follows, where grid cells dimension of 7x7 are defined. My assumption here is, since the dimension of the conv output the same as the grid cell's, can one say that one grid cell represents one pixel, hence the detection proceeds one 'pixel' at a time?

vamverse - 05.08.2021 11:44

Can you tell me how to use color bounding boxes that matches the color of the detected object

Ndu jude Leonard
Ndu jude Leonard - 13.07.2021 15:01

Mehn!! you are a great teacher I wish I could subscribe a thousand times. Thank you for this♥️

JEEWOO LEE - 21.06.2021 13:53

you are amazing!!!!!!!!

Jayasri -FT
Jayasri -FT - 17.06.2021 13:59

So nice sir. Really i have impressed. I have doubt. In bunch of ants say 100. can we capture individual and fix the number for them as Aunt_001 upto Aunt_100. If some aunts are gone into nest (out of our frame). After some time some aunts came out those who were entered nest. Here. 1. Can we able to identify which aunts in terms of Aunt number gone into nest, as well as which all are came out from the nest. Is it possible sir. Can we fix permenent identification number for every aunt? I appreciate your reply and eagerly waiting for your answer. Thank you.

Apurba Roy
Apurba Roy - 31.05.2021 15:02

Is it possible to integrate the YOLO algorithm with arduino or raspberry pi using a webcam?

Dylan Vient
Dylan Vient - 28.05.2021 17:58

Eye tracking would be mint
