Martin Luther King Jr.  Love Your Enemies Speech

Martin Luther King Jr. Love Your Enemies Speech

Brett Bymaster

8 лет назад

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Sunflower Paradise
Sunflower Paradise - 31.08.2023 15:38

The size of our heart and that of our ego will determine whether we shall love and forgive, or hate and seek revenge against our enemies. We should make sure that our heart wins most of the time, for there is no peace and happiness for people whose inner world is constantly in conflicts❤

Judy Gipson
Judy Gipson - 25.08.2023 22:08

Not because they are likeable BUT BECAUSE GOD LOVES THEM❤❤❤❤

Cool - 15.08.2023 18:48

i can think positive is most important
self love is most important
love is best,
i forgive myself is good
positive thinking self love choose life
bible is true
i forgive you 70 times 7
forgive is better

Ilovemyselflovelovelove777life Esghmosbatfekr
Ilovemyselflovelovelove777life Esghmosbatfekr - 24.07.2023 18:25

i can think positive is most important, self love is most important, love is best, i forgive myself is good, positive thinking self love choose life, bible is true

Milan Oppenheimer
Milan Oppenheimer - 23.07.2023 23:06

I love this. Thank you for sharing. 🩷

Ankit Kumar
Ankit Kumar - 13.07.2023 20:11

He gave true definition of love

thomas baldwin
thomas baldwin - 03.07.2023 21:40

I think he made a difference

david mhlongo
david mhlongo - 20.06.2023 16:41

Why Jesus called a man the fool

Edgar Morales
Edgar Morales - 13.04.2023 23:19

Is there any talk of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS in Christian churches?

Are Christians shedding tears for the innocents who died under the hail of bombs deposited night after night for no good reason other than a vitriolic hatred of Saddam Hussein? Do Christians hold services for the Iraqian dead? Do Christians even consider that the Iraqis have murdered innocents - who had no protection against the horrific U.S.A. weapons and had never done them a moment's harm?

Just consider the weight of the emotional distress unleashed by all of this insufferable and arrogant destruction of another country - destruction which has freed all the rebel fighting groups which Saddam Hussein had kept in check. Unleashed a most foul mode of killing others - the suicide bombs. Every time such bombs go off - thus killing innocent bystanders - Christians who supported war against Iraq, should realize that it was their support which made such suicide bombing possible.

Just consider the unleashing of the gigantic, untold emotional horror, hate, revenge and retaliation that is now directed at America.

How do Christians think that all this hatred will be manifested against them?

It will be manifested as death and destruction. Because it is a Law of Existence. Even Christians claim to believe this law.

Where there is no UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and no UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS there is retribution in the form of Cause and Effect.

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS, complete, total and COMPASSIONATE, dispels the violent hatred. Without unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness, they gather momentum from the ongoing resentment of the opponent.

Therefore I tell you clearly: LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY and FORGIVE UNCONDITIONALLY whoever has injured you in any way - big or small.

And if you cannot love unconditionally and forgive unconditionally because Satan will not let you - then bring your hurt and anger to God and ask for His inflow of Spiritual Directing Power to gently ease and remove the burden from your mind.

Will religious teachers tell us this? No! They did not when Jesus was in Jerusalem, and they will not now.

Indeed, those who occupy the highest positions in the most powerful nations and cause the most horrific damage in the world, are received with pomps and ceremonies, smiles and handshakes. The blind grip hands and give blessings to the blind.

Abraham Palmer
Abraham Palmer - 10.04.2023 15:44

This is one of the greatest speeches and videos I ever watched in my life it helps so much more than any other hate videos out there tbh I truly truly truly respect Dr Martin Luther King as a human being.

Paul Garzillo Jr.
Paul Garzillo Jr. - 31.03.2023 04:01

Jesus loves us despite ourselves

Orange Man Bad
Orange Man Bad - 23.03.2023 07:09

Great speech! Sometimes I fear if the reverend would’ve survived if he would’ve become a shameful disgrace like al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson turned out to become. But when I hear this speech. It’s a window into his soul and he is sincere.

Paul Garzillo Jr.
Paul Garzillo Jr. - 06.03.2023 17:19

Still coming back to this

My Yaown
My Yaown - 06.03.2023 08:14

The world forgot the fight 😢

hugo anson
hugo anson - 20.02.2023 14:11

He spoke of the way to do it. I hope he taught the way to Have /& Get God's love daily for this purpose, & how to guard it. Matt. 7v7, Matt.7v1, Psa. 34v9- 14., Matt 7v6. Otherwise our own effort is rejecting the Goodnews provision of Jesus Rom.1v16.

BlazeWolfdx90 - 09.02.2023 19:10

As a black man it hurts me to hear this speech then think of the BLM "protests".

The destructive acts that occur in those riots do not represent our message or me.

MP S - 03.02.2023 22:42


All Souls
All Souls - 01.02.2023 18:07

Thats why they killed him

Francis Cronin
Francis Cronin - 21.01.2023 02:06

Ole Marty destroys me. I fly back and forth between wild hope and hollow desolation when I listen to him speak

erick - 17.01.2023 07:57

I strive to love everyone on God’s beautiful Earth, as though they were my beloved nephews. All of us were once innocent babies, and all of us deserve infinite love. We are all heirs to this magnificent creation. Even the evilest of us has a little speck of that love within us. We are all capable of change and love and being with God

Denise Daniel
Denise Daniel - 17.01.2023 02:26

Praise God Thank You Jesus

Thrasherfoo - 28.12.2022 03:42

God I’m literally in shock with how powerful this is. What a true gem to the the whole universe. Never heard anyone inspire me as much this man🥲🤍

Robert Tevault
Robert Tevault - 15.12.2022 16:54

I will share another intercession. Recently I began to swear revenge against my enemies. They live by a predatory code and were raised into arrogance and narcissism. Everyone knows they are scum and probably they do also, but everything fights for self-preservation.

Over time I've learned to pray for them after an initial success in doing so years ago. Anyway, recently I began a novel process of approaching this extraordinary, exclusively Christian tenet. In this recent episode I began to admit I would not get revenge even if it were possible. I began to remember that vengeance belonged to God, which is a terrible reality for those he applies it to. So I began the arid mental process of declaring that I was officially praying for my enemies and began to name them in my heart. I focused until I was satisfied and then moved on, 'naming' them visually. And then Jesus' influence appeared in my mind and then my heart in the following way.

I saw him lower his face in a way to place his chin downward, and then a visual echo of his face continued in an arc. When it seemed to enter into his chest area I felt a degree of love that excluded everything else. I felt the freedom I've felt at other times with God or Jesus and wholeness of their love, but was also uncomfortable somehow applying this to the people I meant to pray for. It was even twice anything I could feel on my own toward just about anyone except in the most vulnerable moments. This hesitation continued for a moment until I knew Jesus was teaching me something. I yielded completely and realized nothing else remained. I didn't even think of the people anymore because Christ's love burned everything else away.

I don't think I will ever forget this. I don't think I can ever return to that feat of whole caring. There are no half measures with Christ or with God. We are so far away from their purity and love and generosity. He is too pure for me and for everyone. He pushed himself into my heart to show me his it seems.

L Avery
L Avery - 04.12.2022 03:57

Well well well, I ain't say it he said it...
Is MLK anti.... wait what, that's
But letter J?
But seed liquid?
But Man had Man, then
Man had woman, eve
The logistics to logic.

We cross reference Reality
Not a cross dressed mentality
Is what it is, no lipstick on a pig

Yah = moon = lunar = lunatics
Rah = Sun = sol = solstice

It's almost Christmas
Christ = light
Mas = more
Winter solstice

Truth is self Evident.
Check the Symbolism
Check the Evidence

When will they determine
Light from darkness
Love is love
Who heartless

Treat who like a Animal
I ain't need a Shepherd
I had family friends and
Parents and you cant forget

Spirit Undefeated
Power is Selfsufficent not selfish
Peace and Prosperity
Energy is everywhere be aware

Suzette Hummingbird
Suzette Hummingbird - 17.11.2022 20:40

I wish he was still alive. Such a wonderful man of God. A very positive roll model.

Aquila - 03.11.2022 03:36

Blessed be the name of JEHOVAH for ever and ever : He who has neither a son nor any partners.

G Hawley
G Hawley - 11.10.2022 18:58

Such an important message for today.

anthony m
anthony m - 09.10.2022 00:13


Lysergamine - 03.09.2022 01:24

I won't follow his advice on this one, don't trust a man who was shot dead

I'ma watermelon
I'ma watermelon - 21.08.2022 22:03

Amen I try

Buffalo Daquan Hunter
Buffalo Daquan Hunter - 19.08.2022 01:17


erick - 24.07.2022 08:23

I am not Christian but I have recently begun thinking of myself as a theist. MLK was a wonderful orator. I don't agree with him perfectly on his stance of nonviolence. But I agree whole-heartedly that we must all feel that overwhelming agape. It is so important and transformative once you realize it. You know the kind things you must do, and your life will improve because you will be happy to always try and do the right thing :)

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor - 04.07.2022 14:48

They said this man was radical, communist and a socialist.

Ryan15hero - 19.06.2022 16:48

“I would rather die than hate my enemies.”

Wow! This line hit me so hard I started dropping tears.

alisha harkey
alisha harkey - 09.06.2022 04:42

don't give satan a foothold in your not forgiving

alisha harkey
alisha harkey - 09.06.2022 04:41

GOD MAKES the sun rise on the evil and the good

alisha harkey
alisha harkey - 09.06.2022 04:40

Forgive and do not hold grudges..... FIGHT ON KING JESUS FIGHT ON

william harrell
william harrell - 04.06.2022 20:38

I don't love enemies I just forget about move on with life. Don't look back

Jason Lau
Jason Lau - 28.05.2022 19:33

The Bible says “Love your enemies”. I once took pictures of a girl whose name I don’t know (I’ll call her “Tina”). “Tina” came over and threw my phone to the ground.

In the context of that Bible passage, if I love “Tina”, can it be considered as “loving my enemy”?

Premise of the Question:
The premise of the question is that even though Tina breaking my phone wasn’t appropriate, I was the one who “started it” and at fault for taking pictures of her.
The Bible says to love your enemies since it is harder to love enemies than friends. However, I was wondering if people who do something unkind to you are considered to be your “enemy” by God if you were the one who “started it”.

Niño Craft116
Niño Craft116 - 18.05.2022 12:27

This man love all his enemies while Malcolm x hated white people (enemies) he said “Muhammad taught us to love our brother hood, and we’ll let the white men take care of themselves.” This is the different between born again Christian and Islam.

Dut Madid
Dut Madid - 18.05.2022 01:20

Martin Luther's eloquence is something else!
And how good it would have beeen to see him nearing his peaceful death had he not died at such a young age.

Mildred Franklin
Mildred Franklin - 07.05.2022 00:45

I’m work with you baby online I love ❤️ to help people! That’s my passion

Mildred Franklin
Mildred Franklin - 07.05.2022 00:43

I know you don’t like me but I’m still show you the way because I love ❤️ you and I want you to bless someone else even if it’s not me you hear me

Mildred Franklin
Mildred Franklin - 07.05.2022 00:42

You hear 👂 my hero yeah they might do things to hurt your feelings but understand why and understand it have nothing to do with you and the hate they give
