One wrong thing throws the ENTIRE VAN into Disarray!

One wrong thing throws the ENTIRE VAN into Disarray!


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@MichaelRasmussen-x4w - 13.03.2025 09:57

Women 😂😂😂

@CannyBlether-dz6hj - 13.03.2025 09:44

Just please don’t leave the heater on when Pennys alone

@obrbuilds - 13.03.2025 09:41

Man I’m sorry but the voice thing is just insanely annoying after a bit like Jesus man talk normal changing voice isn’t anymore entertaining it’s actually more creepy

@monicacapaccione9310 - 13.03.2025 09:14

Matthew it’s never too late for a treat! What a way to end a day fixing the heater but better than getting cold and have to do it first thing in the morning!!🥹🤪. Love your videos you make my day!❤️

@bigbadjohn2543 - 13.03.2025 09:12

Ah man that's bad. My furnace died today too. The house is down to 67. The life of being a homeowner. It's bad when you can't buy parts to fix it.

@VanlilfewithDaleandBailey - 13.03.2025 08:58

Quality Content! Quality Content!

@WilliamTucker-j8s - 13.03.2025 08:55

🐈Penny needs to be in more thumbnails

@kathyrobert9859 - 13.03.2025 08:52

Oh Matthew I wish you could have a week without van issues …. But I guess you could be bored and we can’t have that … no telling what shenanigans you could get up to !

@Christine-h4k - 13.03.2025 08:43

Great video Matthew, lots of laughs too 😊

@lucymartyn8205 - 13.03.2025 08:22

I don’t know why this was interesting to watch but enjoyed it lol🇨🇦❤️👍

@matthewkostiuk899 - 13.03.2025 07:57

Dust in flashlight = dirty neck sweat

@BlueShadow923 - 13.03.2025 07:44

"You ran out of arms" 😂😂😂😂

Hey checkout the moon Thursday night into Friday morning. Full. Lunar eclipse. Blood moon. Not a common occurrence. I set my phone alarm for around 2am CST.

Thanks for the diesel heater maintenance class.


@Pammellam - 13.03.2025 07:28

Oh Matthew, I’m glad you figured out the heater issue.

That was a good one!

@canadiannat8960 - 13.03.2025 06:57

Well....that's one way to spend an evening! Yikes!!

@douglaswhite1306 - 13.03.2025 06:55

Shuffle, shuff5, Shuffle. The life of a van dweller. That tired me out and made me sweaty too.

@taniajonathan1019 - 13.03.2025 06:54

thought you have alot of Penny footage Penny shorts would be amazing cheers, you being her owner of course makes you supper special right love your channel

@rachadventuresinliv - 13.03.2025 06:37

It's amazing how we find stuff to stuff all crevices in our tiny homes. I call it my live Pack It (car) game or playing Tetris

@DU112052 - 13.03.2025 06:24

Hi Matt!!

@raymondkuipers8669 - 13.03.2025 06:17

Wave 3 runs no power , quiet, propane is cheap never breaks , and no moisture, no hassle,

@rajanikumari3672 - 13.03.2025 06:16

Yikes, well at least you got it running right again. Felt it when you asked if we could hear the computer noise from the fan. The answer is yes, yes we can. Evil high pitched whine.👿

@peterjones3209 - 13.03.2025 05:52

My Goodness what a ritual.

@JCSPARX - 13.03.2025 05:35

I appreciate your struggle! Definitely getting a dickensen propane heater😂

@leigh1215 - 13.03.2025 05:29

Penny supervising ❤

@carolthomas7135 - 13.03.2025 05:24

I enjoyed this video! ❤❤❤❤❤

@ClydeEconoline - 13.03.2025 04:59

Hi Matthew .. Chinese Diesel Heater E-08 (Flame Out) can be caused by a (partially) plugged Combustion Air Intake (filter) Screen.. among other things..

Heated Air Flow (as you discovered) is dependent on the case (cover) being closed.. as there is only one (fan) impeller .. the other end of the motor drives the Combustion Air Turbine. Very important.. running the heater for more than a few minutes with the cover off Can fry the snot out of the main (mother) board.

The plugged intake caused a Rich (++fuel) condition.. causing Flame Out and slight accumulation of diesel fuel seeping at the exhaust pipe connection. This often results in the brief presence of smoke.. as you saw.

I enjoyed the video.. massive..!!

I own 4 of these heaters .. and have serviced others' heaters.

Oh .. if ever a rich condition stops the heater from running .. and it fails to restart (blowing white smoke .. get a code E-10).. gentle application of compressed air into the Combustion Air Intake - during restart - should lean out the mixture enough to run. When Amber's heater had very little soot inside .. this would likely have been the quick fix.

Keep up the good work...


@melindawilliams6624 - 13.03.2025 04:58

Penny was just wanting to help. She's part of the team! 😂❤

Matthew, I think you could do voice overs for cartoon characters or for reading adults to sleep also. Great voice! 👍🇨🇦💙

@melodieyanchik4309 - 13.03.2025 04:56

Amber jinxed it because you have problems and working on her heater so now you're having problems with you or she jinxed it

@BigV96220 - 13.03.2025 04:56

Hey Matthew .I watched this video when I woke up on this morning ,bright eyed and bushy tailed ,by the end of the video you tired me out now i think I will take a Nana Nap THANKS 🤨Glad you got it all sorted .Miss Precious Penny was such a love bug she is such a Darling 🥰Hope all is Well with the Pirate Princess love and blessings to the three of you 💞🙏

@alanshaffer6724 - 13.03.2025 04:55

Good Evening Matthew

@melodieyanchik4309 - 13.03.2025 04:54


@EllieNonay - 13.03.2025 04:51

How frustrating for you to troubleshoot and fix your heater, you keep your composure well !

@sonyak9879 - 13.03.2025 04:48


@JoFoxynHomer - 13.03.2025 04:41

Mine started blowing out black smoke and it came inside as well. All the cleaning and rebuilding didn't fix it. New heater is working great, for a couple months now. Sooo, I feel ya.

@iasunflower2944 - 13.03.2025 04:36

Ok I may be watching a little to many Van lifers when I understand how the outside intake filter thingy works with diesel heaters, and how do I know this? Norwegian Explorer was in a blizzard and got the error code and turned out his outside filter had frozen over and when he chipped the ice away voila! Heat!😂 who knows the way things are going here in the US I may need all this knowledge 🤔☺️

@SandraGraham-d4u - 13.03.2025 04:36

Planet Fitness has memberships for $15.00 a month with hot showers !!!!!!

@melisa8256 - 13.03.2025 04:34

Still not using the word perforated correctly 😂

@dross24MA - 13.03.2025 04:28

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
(I thought I submitted this earlier, but couldn't find it...ah, well,whatever.)
This was an education. By the time I finish watching you do all your heater repairs, I might be ready to try installing my own =;^)

@preparingthebridefaithoutr6884 - 13.03.2025 04:23

LUV'IN the PRETTY Penny kisses!👍🤗💖😺.

@RumRunner07 - 13.03.2025 04:22

As always Matthew another great video.

@preparingthebridefaithoutr6884 - 13.03.2025 04:17

Stupid E-08, Heheheee ...this was FUN & entertaining!🤭🎉. I'm happy you got that heater sorted ...Lucky 2.0 looks sooooo COZY with the lights turned down!👍🤗💖😊. Hope you & PRETTY Penny are comfy, safe & warm this evening ...take care and God bless U, Matthew!☺️

@SandraGraham-d4u - 13.03.2025 04:12

Restricting your air intake the way you have it so tight to the box wall

@alanweisner2421 - 13.03.2025 04:11

I'm exhausted!! 🥴🥴😆

@victorserao7180 - 13.03.2025 04:10


@whereswendy8544 - 13.03.2025 04:10

My ocd/adhd is in awe.

@connieshutts7074 - 13.03.2025 04:08

You are one busy man! 😊😊

@philord1841 - 13.03.2025 04:07

Matthew you're sat there in ya tee shirt giving it large about no heat and I just doubt You. You live in a van but you don't know hardship really at all! You do need to take an honest look inward👀 You're crack is wearing thin.
I'm unsubscribing but I wish you well in sticks n bricks with the pirate princess.

@TheRogueBro - 13.03.2025 04:05

I worked for a trucking company in the shop for a little bit. The expensive Webasto diesel heaters broke ALL THE TIME. During the winter it was like a full time job for someone to rebuild and swap them out. And honestly i got a Vevor one off Amazon and it's really not that much different.
