Stop Trying To Figure Your Life Out

Stop Trying To Figure Your Life Out

Cole Hastings

3 года назад

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@JennewellFajarito - 26.01.2024 13:29

The past weeks I've been thinking about what I want or how to figure out my life. But thanks for that reminder: EXPERIENCE LIFE.

@garimachaudhary7041 - 22.01.2024 08:16

Thank you

@oliviahumphrey7985 - 14.01.2024 16:49

this is what i've been thinking lately. i'm tired of striving to reach goals that i'm not sure i even want anymore. i just want to enjoy all the wonderful things in my life now and do things that make me happy.

@user-dm2wf5gi8k - 23.12.2023 08:02


@yohanesliong4818 - 15.12.2023 16:08

Thank you

@MercsTHEgoat - 06.12.2023 04:27


@relaxin2074 - 05.12.2023 11:50

So true, the happiest time in my life was not when I got into college, or when I was working at that high paid job or when I was receiving an award for a hobby or when I was travelling. In fact I remember being really really down during all of those moments. The happiest moments were when I just spent time out of the house doing simple fun things offline, particularly social things.

@wasomania - 01.12.2023 03:03

Great video man

@pokebronyborn - 28.11.2023 03:09

I hate you and everything you stand for.

@jessica21789 - 12.11.2023 02:20

Not to be dramatic but I think you just saved my life

@cassandra62684 - 03.11.2023 16:37

Dear Cole, your videos have been very helpful and life-changing for me in my self-improvement journey. I'm beyond grateful ❤ thanks.

@Chozen2 - 26.10.2023 23:11

This is a bit funny.
From another perspective, take the time to "Figure your life out" in the sense that it would be good to know what you actually like and how you want to actually spend your life.

@richowens5254 - 26.10.2023 01:31

My dad kicked me out and said "it's time to figure life out"... I'm still homeless

@berryXjerry216 - 13.09.2023 14:50

I feel so normal after watching this... ❤ Especially at 20 years old.

@johannatampogao3922 - 14.08.2023 19:21

POV: when have no one to rely on and ask some things like these so u watched this video 🤸🏻‍♀️

@simon4life764 - 11.07.2023 14:49

do not try to outcompete others. The only person you should try to outcompete was the one you were yesterday

@marcussjunnesson - 06.07.2023 01:06


@prettyme4387 - 25.06.2023 04:23

this is pretty solid golden advice

@eingrid5645 - 01.06.2023 14:13

With all honesty, thank you Cole. Many of your videos helped me figure out the mess I've made my mind into and finally start to enjoy life as it is. Every moment is ever so fleeting and yet I'd sit there sweating over work, status, wealth... while all I really needed is to live life as it is.

@EllyValentini - 31.05.2023 12:44

funny thing is: when you think “you’ve got it” some shit happens and you’re back to 0.
The easiest way (i’ve found) is to be malleable and meditate a lot xD

@Sean500Vid - 18.05.2023 02:58

You figured it out!

@sharmilakhanal3377 - 12.03.2023 15:40

Im so much confused about where I should go in life. I have so many options that i could choose but I'm afraid what if I choose the wrong path and get guilt in future. Uff I think of one thing to do and another person or influencer brainwashes me and I get easily brainwashed and get confused again☹️☹️.

@kai-hv6nx - 02.02.2023 03:22

What if nothing makes you feel alright because you've had depression your whole life and Anhedonia for 4 years?

@samjefferson5540 - 28.01.2023 14:11

Beautiful Video ❤️ I think the pandemic and economic crisis have taught people the importance of multiple streams of income, unfortunately having a job doesn't mean financial security. I really appreciate the transparency and giving people a fighting chance during these troubling times.

@shinewithinthedark - 28.01.2023 04:17

"we were so busy preparing for tomorrow, but we died on the way there"

@shinewithinthedark - 28.01.2023 03:40

"life is not meant to be fully figured out. It's meant to be experienced" -- WOW. I really, really needed this reminder. We just need to start living our lives, not intellectualize it and have it all figured it out. Thank you Cole -- a new subscriber here.

@joshuamensah9309 - 13.01.2023 22:14

You have cleared up so much mess for me in this video.

@millerlaureneliz - 02.01.2023 08:44

Getting out of a downtrodden, drug ridden, poor, destitute environment such as buffalo, New York also does wonders.

@mozart8059 - 27.12.2022 22:04

Really fucking needed this bruh thank you

@saraya5208 - 13.12.2022 18:51

Thank you 🥰

@filler7359 - 21.11.2022 19:43

naysayer zionist speaks "hey guys it's poodeepie"

@nijahh.9106 - 03.10.2022 00:30

Wow I'm a year late but thank you for this. I'm 23 and all I think about is having my life figured or some sort of plan. This really made me look at life from a different perspective.

@ric21122 - 29.09.2022 17:54

Boy this described everything about me and I’m old. I was in my 40s when I started to realize these truths. And even with those truths I struggled to stop thinking I could analyze my way through life. As if others understood the math I could not comprehend.

I was always struggling with what I wanted to be when I grow up. Then someone I trusted said something very profound to me. “Why don’t you do the opposite? Stop trying to figure it out and just go with the flow? It’s not like it’s working for you. You told me you have been trying to “figure it out” since you left home as a 19 year old kid. Stop. Literally stop waking up with that thought that you have to figure it out.”

Wow! I had never not thought that way. And once I let my self off the hook my life started to effortlessly get better. Even though I was in a job I “hated” I began to try and master it rather than think of it as something I was putting up with while I worked to figure out what I wanted to be. I got good at dissecting how I wanted to be at my own current job. “Flow” started to happen after that. Opportunities just effortlessly came to me. I knew I was on the right track when a manager came to me to give me a higher position/more money managing workers like me. I said no. I was not ready. That I had not mastered the role yet and I did not want to mange people doing my role when I did not fully understand all of it. He was shocked. And a little pissed. But at that moment I didn’t care. 2 years later the opportunity came back around. I was ready and I did take it. But not because it was more money or status. It was because I thought I could really help drive the team to better things.

All the time wasted in my youth thinking my life’s purpose would fall in my lap. 🤦‍♂️ So this guy is right. Just live, learn, try.

@lori8885 - 01.09.2022 15:23

bless you

@whatweshouldknow5648 - 20.08.2022 18:19

Yes, all these scientists etc trying to figure out how we exist, why where from etc when there is no purpose to life other than living. It's a gift to feel the physical, a kiss, hug etc spending our lives on school work etc was not what source/God intended, what was a gift and should have been simple, mankind complicated. We had everything we needed in nature until mankind twisted everything and destroyed most of nature for greed, pride, fame etc. Enjoying nature and living in the physical was all life was about. We were given a spirit of love not of fear, fear comes from Satan if you will for a lack of better words. The Amish are smarter than any scientist imo lol

@minookalantari - 13.07.2022 16:06


@chuckhines459 - 26.06.2022 19:01

First of all we are spiritual beings living in a physical body living and learning on this physical planet. There is not a "right or wrong" way to live. Life is life do what makes you happy it's all a learning and experience process that's all don't overthink it.

@makthemoonpie - 06.06.2022 01:24


@meiliu1020 - 22.04.2022 04:58

The more I watch your videos, the more I I’m drawn to! Everything you touched is blowing my mind!

@lisajohnson6351 - 19.04.2022 01:24

Shit! I’m 62 years old and I think this kid is right!

@mulonzee8773 - 20.03.2022 14:55

Cole I need your help

@nandiniverma3391 - 09.03.2022 21:40

Best video till now
Thank you so much

@sarangbalakrishnankp99 - 01.02.2022 19:52

This is my problem

@hyberkonawa272 - 22.01.2022 08:02

Today I just accidentally discovered that idea... that's why I'm here, which I really thank you for the advice Cole.
Based on what I know and I want to share.....

What you need.....

is "You" .... The "real you"
You don't need to become an idol, or celebrity or anything that you see on TV, or anywhereelse...
even Elon Musk you don't need to be like him either.
Just be... "YOU" because "You matter!"
You don't need success in your life,
success is something optional, not a mandatory task or goal to figuring out.
Focusing on your mental health and being happy for what you have,
is what matters the most than success.
Especially getting out of this "Island of Misery" known as social media addiction and false information or whatever situation you have in your life, is an important task you must focus on,
rather than figure out your life.

You are in control, Not me, not Cole, just.... YOU!

Listen to yourself, Talk to yourself and have Self compassion, TRUST IN YOURSELF!

Sorry for my grammar I'm Dixlesic but this what I've learned.

@wokenspirit1697 - 19.01.2022 02:20

But we need money to do things that I want. All I’ve ever wanted to do was travel but I have like 100 dollars to my name 😞

@sirg-had8821 - 16.01.2022 17:05

From a conversation with my 17 y/o daughter:

Kid: "when I was a kid; I always thought that adults knew everything and had it all together. Now I know..."
Me: "We are stumbling in the dark, kid. We are winging it and figuring it out as we go."
Kid: "That's what I've seen."
Me: "Just do your best and learn how to pick yourself up again when you fall down".

My daughter has a pretty solid grasp on life for a 17 y/o kid. The fuckery of her 20's are inbound and it's going to be rough for her. I'm going to offer advice, encouragement, and the occasional plane ticket home in the event that the "plan" for her life goes pear-shaped and she has to cut her losses and flee.
