An HONEST Review of Apex Ranked in Season 19

An HONEST Review of Apex Ranked in Season 19


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Cereal Box
Cereal Box - 10.11.2023 09:31

Do my provisions, die to masters and predators every game off the rip. Get placed in rookie 2, die to masters and predators, get demoted to rookie 3, get killed by masters and predators, get demoted again... What is the point of ranked this season if you can just queue up with any rank now? Isn't that what normals are for? Hello?

Of course higher rank players love this season because it means they can still get LP while abusing low ranked players all season.

But hey, at least Conduit is fun.

I FanCy your motion SawaAAH
I FanCy your motion SawaAAH - 10.11.2023 04:12

This is trash how do I have 8 kills and I’m in top 3 with only 85LP whaaaaat I might as well just rat atp

Tom0fDuty - 10.11.2023 02:43

Apex ranked will always be shit cause they can’t ever do anything right

Moreno - 10.11.2023 02:17

They should change it like this:

If you are a solo queer you get teammates higher if your mmr.

If you have 1 premade teammage you get little lower random teammate mmr.

And if its premade trio than well its premade

Greg Tellez
Greg Tellez - 09.11.2023 23:15

Love when 2 out of 5 promotion trial matches I only get 1 teammate…

okamega OBII
okamega OBII - 09.11.2023 15:23

They need to fix the matchmaking, I'd rather wait an extra few minutes for team mates in my own CURRENT rank and play against enemies in my current rank or at least similar rank rather than only playing against enemies with the same mmr. If I don't belong in silver, then put me against an actual silver lobby so I can quickly get out of it. This would be much more enjoyable especially for the grinders like myself, I shouldn't have level 200 team mates in rookie 3 and bronze 3, this is ridiculous

JRemy - 09.11.2023 14:58

Trials is a great idea idc what anyone thinks.. It gets rid of all these trash campers ranking up for doing nothing

MLG_Autumn - 09.11.2023 11:02

Solo que has been awful, Ratting this season seems to still be the option, cause 6 kills and getting top 2 is 200 and a win 0 kills is 200.

Xsavagekingx4 G
Xsavagekingx4 G - 09.11.2023 05:04

I solo qued most of my way to pred and even my pred promotional match, shit was tough

Arbee - 09.11.2023 04:09

I am getting 3 LP per kill in bronze 2 so i am ratting to get out.

Eric Rosengren
Eric Rosengren - 09.11.2023 03:44

Didn’t play last season because silver was diamond lobbies

Won’t be playing this season because silver is diamond lobbies

Beanzeani - 09.11.2023 03:24

The trials seem to be fine for me, but but a lot of the stuff behind the scenes is very frustrating

Anthony - 09.11.2023 03:09

It's funny I did better during he season were it was crazy hard to rank and was able to reach diamond and I been stuck getting only to gold every season after. (Also only play 4-8hhrs a week if that) I felt during that season ( for the life of me can't remember if it was season 11 or 13) people actually played better as I only solo que.

Malaka1689 - 09.11.2023 02:30

Instead of focusing on how to make Ranked better, Respawn focus on bringing all the bottom feeders in higher lobbies LOL

Malaka1689 - 09.11.2023 02:27

Ranked has been removed from Apex since Season 17. I dont see the discussion?

Roman Rodgers
Roman Rodgers - 09.11.2023 00:18

I got ranked the lowest ive ever been even though i still see preds 😂

Djuane T
Djuane T - 08.11.2023 23:18

My friend and i won a game when i only needed 3LP for trials, he got 345LP for the win and i got 3LP because i was gate kept by trials. That is a problem.

Kevin Kostenko
Kevin Kostenko - 08.11.2023 22:29

Fully agree with everything you’ve said. The way ranked has been in the past 3 seasons since the LP change it’s only gone down hill from there. They need to clean up the mess they have made

Stoney0505 - 08.11.2023 20:20

I've been playing for a month now, and I just got to 50 to get into rank, and in my opinion, it seems like everyone who plays has a problem with something, pros vs cas, pc vs controller so on and so forth, I just play to play and to get better, yeah I solo don't know anyone who plays so kinda stuck, but I think we can all agree on is the cheaters and ratters make it suck for everyone, we are just here to have fun or at least I am, great vid, keep it up

Jared Powell
Jared Powell - 08.11.2023 19:53

I downloaded the update. Solo qued into my very first ranked provision game died off drop to rep, hal, and verhulst lmao.
