Overtraining Is KILLING Your Gains! (How Much Is Too Much?) | Mind Pump TV

Overtraining Is KILLING Your Gains! (How Much Is Too Much?) | Mind Pump TV

Mind Pump TV

5 лет назад

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In this video, Sal goes over how to properly facilitate recovery for maximum muscle gain. If you overtrain, you are at a potential risk at not making any progress.

When you are working out, you ask your body to burn body fat or build muscle. Once you send that signal, your body strays away from adapting and recovering to build or burn. But, you need to find the right balance with sending this signal and making sure you are not overtraining.

Make sure that you get great sleep when you are training. Poor sleep or lack of sleep compromises your body's ability to recover, burn fat, and build muscle. Place a special emphasis on good, quality sleep. An hour before bed, create a sleep routine. Turn the bright lights off. If you can't do that, you can use blue-blockers, which block the blue light that keeps you up from electronics. Drink warm chamomile tea an hour before bed, it is a natural sleep-aid. Get a cool room, 65 degrees is the best temperature for sleep. Also! Sleep naked! It helps with sleep quality.

How long should you wait between workouts? Advanced people can train at higher intensities more often. Keeping that in mind, more important than frequency is the intensity of training. Hit a body part again if you are feeling sore, but with lower intensity. For most people, this means full-body workouts two to three times a week. (MAPS Anabolic). If you feel great during your workouts, push yourself, but if you don't scale down on the intensity.

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@rdmelancon3 - 17.08.2018 19:37

Good content fellas, but these info monologues need to be saved for the podcast. Watching you talk is dull and boring, no offense, but it lulls me to sleep, which I guess is perfect for recovery. I use these videos like chamomile tea! More lifting videos!

@paul9006 - 17.08.2018 20:48

The content of the video doesn't really match the title I would say..

@user-xv7eb5ct9f - 18.08.2018 08:43

Hitting body parts 2-4 times aweek ? I thought once a week was the norm to let your muscles recover

@davidjudah4578 - 18.08.2018 15:22

Very smart video. Ill share

@EATMAN888 - 18.08.2018 19:47

Evelotion lol

@yjersey - 18.08.2018 20:06

How do U manage intensity? More details please

@pandahsykes602 - 18.08.2018 21:02

I train 6 days a week , sometimes up to 1.5 hours per session when I bulk - but I feel great , when I cut I usually feel worse ; I only train 3-5 days a week and feel sluggish most of the time that I have to cut...

I think it varies greatly person to person depending on stress levels , daily work and life of that specific person , etc etc ... more stressors = overtraining more likely to happen , less stressors = more time and positive energy to focus on working out and recovering .

I also sleep 10 hrs every night and it seems to really help when I bulk , when If I’m not training at all I will feel overtired and groggy from 10 hrs sleep .

@pedrolavigne9718 - 19.08.2018 01:40

Makes so much sense. The most important part of training is the quality of the metabolic rebuild following an induced local punctual muscle inflammation. One can make an analogy with Valter Longo mimicking fasting. The benefits come from the quality of the refeeding that impacts the metabolism. It's all about the voluntarily induced metabolic change.

@irockbmw6s908 - 19.08.2018 03:42

I d say tons of people are undertraining. They do a bro split and hit a body part once a wk. People can do way more frequency than that. Infact the longer you ve trained, the more necessary increased frequency becomes.

@irockbmw6s908 - 19.08.2018 03:43

Sore usually means you haven t built enough work capacity in that muscle. I ve been benching 3x a wk, sqaut 2x or 3x and deadlift 2 or 3x and ohp 1x for several years now and i feel no worse than when i used to do a bro split. Work capacity can be increased over time.

@obamasossa3964 - 19.08.2018 07:23


@paulburgess5726 - 19.08.2018 10:38

Your talking naturally training not training enhanced ?

@coachingleo7479 - 20.08.2018 12:26

awesome video! thanks for these insights! :)

@nightfangs2910 - 20.08.2018 16:22

Could you do a video about should you train when you have a cold, or recover first then train ?

@yo_g72 - 03.02.2019 20:51

Note on the chamomile. If your going to add something new, that you haven't had before, like chamomile. Take notice of any major or minor reactions you might have to it. An allergic reaction is a lot more noticeable, but slight intolerance problems can go on for awhile before you realize whats causing it. Speaking from experience.

@analogcrunch4716 - 12.07.2019 20:26

I dont think most people overtrain, most people ego lift and move weights but dont work muscles. I've seen 150 lb guys at the gym push more weight than a pro bodybuilder, difference is form and technique. Why ego lifters never progress. Example they warm up with 135 lbs on BP lol every time.

@tonymontana4284 - 28.07.2019 16:03

You have a chicken chest.

@bobinestoroski8880 - 07.06.2020 17:03

Great video bro respect from Macedonian in Australia

@theredninja2817 - 04.07.2020 05:25

So I have a question I never seem to be able to find out the correct workout frequency or days per week to train so I usually alternate week to week doing one week three times a week full body sessions and then the next week is four days per week where I give specific things a greater amount of attention individually and I just alternate this it would be nice to know if this is a good idea or if it’s better to pick just one format of training and stick with it

@TheYokotta - 11.07.2020 01:31

The best time to sleep is to have a good nice sex with your husband and then both can go sleep and sore :)

@germanshepherdmom1143 - 16.03.2021 04:37

What about taking a pill for sleep ?

@ike3263 - 04.04.2021 21:36

Regress with progress. Hmmm...interesting!!!!

@koroborok2719 - 25.06.2021 23:00

Ok how does this make sense? When you can workout 2 times a week and still change or workout 3 times a week and still change? Everyones different...

@2p4dr32 - 21.08.2021 23:16

Went from being a lazy fuck to now I’m worried about overtraining. Good problems to have :)

@Dougie.A.M - 05.09.2021 13:25

That top shelf in the fridge is disturbing my sleep cycle!

@shantyclips6358 - 19.12.2021 04:57

so, u're telling me i should wear sunglasses in bed!?

@Alex00025 - 03.02.2022 21:25

So this might be my 2nd time overtraining my Muscles and while I was at the gym I could actually feel when it happened, my work out was harder to do & I felt Fatigued. Will my Muscles go back to normal?

@graysonmacarthur7769 - 05.02.2022 04:43

you believe in evolution? your not as smart as you sound then

@franbatista9062 - 05.06.2022 21:35

There’s no such thing as overtraining, but under recover.

@theburningelement.6447 - 07.09.2022 10:45

Actually overtraining is what bulid muscle for me

@Starchaser63 - 12.12.2022 02:32

Anyone who's reached the point of Physical and mental weakness due to excessive training should follow the three golden rules for optimum recovery....Do no exercise..Do no exercise..Do no exercise..im talking taking 6 months off. Anyone who tells you to take a month off then do some light training doesn't understand human biology or Hormones, excessive training destroys the Adrenal Glands whilst raising cortisol and this combination is bad. Two simple rules to follow are...Train dont strain and Stimulate don't Anhilalate...Happy training

@hamzahsaeed - 17.01.2023 00:03

Great video

@filipe_paixao - 11.02.2023 16:50

2 to 4 times per muscle group?
Should I train legs 3 times a week? 🥵

@anthonynapier2887 - 09.03.2023 21:17


@theburger_king - 14.07.2023 17:22

Nah bro played women’s only sports and though it was empowering when she won 💀💀💀

@stizzy27 - 26.08.2023 23:24

No such thing as over training. Jail men train the same muscle for days

@rajvo7406 - 19.10.2023 04:33

Yup. The gymnasts are dropping dead every single day. It's all because of overtraining

@mmadmbjm - 01.12.2023 05:54

Exercise should be brief a d infrequent.

@azsegrxdhtfgvijnkomlewrhtg9508 - 14.12.2023 21:05

I thought I was overtraining but it turns out I was just lifting heavier than I can handle. If one rep is a hard grinder and the next rep requires over a minute to attempt and is another hard grinder and then you have to rerack the weight in order to get the third rep which is another hard grinder then you're lifting too heavy. Also doing 95% of your one rep max for 15 reps probably isn't good for you. I liked to think I could put 10 more pounds on the bar after every third workout but that's just not realistic.

@singh853_5 - 16.01.2024 10:50

So Mike mentzer was right! Work out 30 minutes a day.

@601marcusable - 08.03.2024 00:36

I have had poor sleeping habits because i exercise too much not giving my body a break!

@601marcusable - 08.03.2024 00:50

I drink water before bed

@CBoer-tw7gy - 23.05.2024 21:54

Is it bad to walk for 4 hours every morning and then go running

@CBoer-tw7gy - 23.05.2024 21:55

How do I get rid of really big calf muscles ): I’m a girl and it doesn’t look very ncie

@timorouw5555 - 26.05.2024 14:39

Clicked on a video about overtraining. Got a lecture about sleep. Wtf?

@onlymemoontononlyme7056 - 29.06.2024 02:57

breaking my limit to the gym i ended up overtrained. i’m obese 200lbs i go to the gym for 2 weeks straight and other time i goes 2x a day.
