Rabbi David Fohrman - The Idea of the Messiah: How Come It's Not In the Torah?

Rabbi David Fohrman - The Idea of the Messiah: How Come It's Not In the Torah?

Tanach Study

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@Quantumgravity112 - 30.01.2017 10:26


@Quantumgravity112 - 30.01.2017 10:26

mmm i like it like that mmmmmmm

@nasesplace - 11.10.2017 07:28

Actually Blessings come to the world through true Israel who sees all others as good rather than having an evil eye and acting superior and they lay their lives down for the world and take the blame for others wether guilty or innocent!

@nasesplace - 11.10.2017 07:30

I love how you explain things RD!

@terrykrause6947 - 21.07.2019 16:52

If anyone is reading this PLEASE PROVIDE MICROPHONES TO THE AUDIENCE. So frustrating not to be able to hear questions and comments!

@vlad.b8231 - 31.07.2019 13:07

Judah & Ephraim as one stick = Israel

@barbarza - 08.08.2019 01:55

Messiah not in Torah? How about Yosef? Didn't he save the world then? -- one person, not a tribe per se, or nation.

Was it also not Moshe by leading out of Mitzrayim? Didn't he act like a Messiah?

And Abraham when pursuing to save Lot? One person again, and again.

Those "heroic" stories by individuals.

@headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 - 28.12.2021 10:09

I wrote about every moshiach adam seed and breeding book even ants have same birthmark as men mark land religion say to much information they can't trick people with doctoring

@headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 - 28.12.2021 10:11

Look in liberys ok find ant index shows ants wifes this my breeding book for all things

@tallmikbcroft6937 - 09.02.2022 17:45

Thank you Rabbi. Your message gives me hope.

@chadashkraniak4701 - 09.09.2022 01:33

The Passover Lamb is a foreshadow of Messiah .He is also known as the Holy Name, YHVH ,

@tanachindepth - 20.06.2023 14:44

some connections/patterns are astute, others are flimsy (based on a single word and decontextualized). Some points I was not able to understand include 1) taking an understanding of Moshiach that comes from later in Tanakh/Hazal and trying to retrofit/find allusions to it in the Humash (why assume V'zot habracha is talking about the Messianic period and not any future time where the Jews dwelt securely, such as the period of Solomon) and 2) a lack of even trying to explain why there is no EXPLICIT reference to the Messiah in the torah. Lastly, it feels disingenuous to point out the chiastic structure without citing the many scholars who identified those patterns beforehand

@markkuba5074 - 20.07.2023 05:40

Genesis and Exodus Deuteronomy

@fromthewrath2come - 27.09.2023 02:15

Love your work on intertexuality. However, disagree on messiah in Old Testament. Please read Daniel Boyarin's book ( jewish rabbi) entitled "Two Powers I Heaven".

@AndresM.Escudero - 29.10.2023 17:22

To view the entire Bible as prophecy, pointing to Messiah, it's spoken of in Genesis 3:15, the seed that crushed the serpents head. The Messiah is seen in foreshadowing in the story of Abraham and Isaac. The ram being offered in Isaac's place had its horns caught in a thicket...Yeshua is offered in our place. He's called The Lamb of God. A ram is a full grown male lamb. Yeshua was a full grown male Lamb of God...the ram symbolizes Yeshua. Horns caught in a thicket symbolizes Yeshua with a crown of thorns on His head. Isaac symbolizes Yeshua. Isaac carried a load of wood, for the burnt offering. Yeshua carried His load of wood, only His was in the shape of a cross. You can see The Messiah in all the books of the Old Testament.

@lamegalectora - 21.07.2024 09:08

His website charges for teaching the Torah?!?! Where I come from nobody charges for religious education
