Bridget Teyler

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@laurenelizabethpond3886 - 15.09.2023 14:16

I'm on my 2nd pregnancy and I have a fear of giving birth fear of tearing and things going wrong like my first birth did

@jessicakeller5344 - 05.06.2023 06:13

The more I know the more I fear

@jasminecontreras7341 - 17.05.2023 09:37

Honestly might just have to save up to get a surrogate. This is terrifying.

@purplefreax - 29.11.2022 10:08

Its scary i am 31wks my baby will be here in a month now. Is my first baby 👶. Heard scary stories ): & is more for life and death situation that I think of woman also die in childbirth & its very very scary &is whats in my mind 💔 or babies

@ABSewing - 26.10.2022 18:39

Can you do a video about overcoming childbirth trauma/anger? My last labor did not go as planned and was really awful and every time I think about my last labor while preparing for my next one, I am just filled with anger and bitterness.

@rebeccabourbon2830 - 19.08.2022 20:30

These comments are so encouraging!!!! ❤️💜❤️💜❤️

@reneesharma101 - 09.04.2022 02:05

With my first baby I was able to handle the contractions but I have a lot of BUTT pressure that I couldn’t handle it. The epidural never even helped it. Is there something to do when you feel that? I’m fearful of that butt pressure again.

@tara_nicole - 10.01.2022 03:21

So glad I found your videos. I’ve just hit the fear point at 6 months and instantly began learning as much as I could to prepare. Your content has helped be greatly! You’re seriously the best!

@madelynrasmussen5693 - 03.11.2021 03:15

Thank you so much for this video, it is the second time I have listened to it. Your videos make me feel so happy and calm about birth! I've seen a stark contrast recently because I've seen a couple ads for labor prep and breastfeeding that were using fear as a main motivator for people to sign up. Not only that, but from my own research after seeing them, the claims they were making were exaggerated or skewed. So thank you for being so genuine and positive in your videos! I am 23 1/2 weeks along and bought your course about 3 weeks ago and love it, especially your meditations.

@mollydouglas3021 - 27.08.2021 02:11

Birth isn’t bad at ALL. Nothing to be scared of.
Bridget’s breathing techniques made birth a breeze, especially breathing baby down. No epidural needed and by the time you get to 10cm, pushing eradicates all your pain.
Just remember to relax and work with your body and not against it!

@wezzard - 09.07.2021 06:05

We just became parent 3hrs ago! We found your videos a bit late in the pregnancy, but it helped a lot! My girlfriend was induced 12hrs ago, she was able to deliver using only breathing techniques and pressure point I would press during contractions.. I am incredibly impress by how strong she was!

@kobiratliff - 02.07.2021 02:23

i watched all your videos and prepared and was not scared at all and my birth was pretty awful ☹️ 6w PP today

@irelynx - 27.06.2021 19:54

I watched a bunch of your videos prior to birth & what little fear I had, they helped. We're in a house-hunting situation, in a terrible market for first time low budget buyers...so I think that helped distract me. I was more worried about housing (we are overcrowded where we are) than I was about birth. Having a midwife & being confident in my birth plan (& more importantly, where I'd give birth), really helped. Nobody was around me saying "you can't" or "you shouldn't" or "you'll hate it". Everyone was "good for you", "I've always wanted to see a home birth", etc. I followed the breathing techniques & it got me through. I don't remember any pain. It was all just discomfort (like my typical period cramps, just stronger), & it didn't get to the really uncomfortable pelvic pressure point until they were back to back. Even then, the breathing helped me get through without ever feeling like it was intolerable, or like I couldn't do it. Being in water at that point also helped a ton though. 😂

@JB-rp2ej - 26.06.2021 03:23

Correlation is not causation. Someone may have fears because their Dr has advised that they have a complicated pregnancy. This would result in a higher likelihood of intervention - because it is medically necessary not because the mother's stress caused it. Therefore, the complication caused the intervention, not the fear of giving birth itself.

@gabriellejoy4591 - 25.06.2021 22:34

I'm almost 37 weeks with my first baby! Your videos have been sooo helpful! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge! I feel much more relaxed about giving birth! ❤️

@meganmordecai7321 - 23.06.2021 12:23

It's my second pregnancy I'm 35 weeks I'm terrified the first time around I had a horrible experience they let traines do my epidural and it failed twice they messed up my back they cut me down there and I felt everything and they ripped my placenta out and I almost bleed to death they cracked my teeth shoving the gas and air in my mouth and pinning me down while injecting me with god knows what in my legs I had bruising and my baby was left with a hole in the top of her head than a proper professional finally took over and had to correct the 5 peoples mistakes I'm left traumatized after that I have no trust in the uk birthing system

@ameliamena4670 - 23.06.2021 00:36

This is a helpful approach!! Just filled two pages of notes with this structure. Thank you. 💚

@brittneypoetzman8367 - 22.06.2021 21:09

Thanks for making all these videos, they are helping me and teaching me so much! Im due on Halloween 🎃 (2021)

@AC-iw5mv - 22.06.2021 11:56

Thank you for your videos. Managed to have a successful home water birth this morning.

@jessicamartinez-dh2kb - 22.06.2021 07:52

Thank You Bridget for your videos. FTM gave birth to my healthy baby on 4/20/21. Idk what I would have done without watching your videos. I believe you are the reason that I was able to have a vaginal unmedicated birth. From the beginning till the end. From Choosing my dr until this day breastfeeding. Birth has always scary to me but I would watch your videos over and over again for reassurance, and I believe that helped, till the point my boyfriend new who Bridget was and it felt like you were actually our doula. THANK YOU SO MUCH.!!! Btw my birth was not that bad, contractions where manageable. All I kept on thinking and focusing on was my breathing and the reason why was going natural. And your voice saying our bodies where build for this. Thank thank thank.!!!

@healingkatlyn99 - 22.06.2021 02:45

What books do you recommend for natural births

@Im-wk6vw - 22.06.2021 02:35

Thank you so much for your videos. I have loved the idea of having children, but have been terrified of pregnancy. Your videos have given me the steps to begin my research, and already I have lessened my fears of pregnancy!
My husband and I are hoping to try later this year/early next year, and I already have begun my dreaming/planning to help my anxious self! I hope to use your lesson plans and hire a doula in the area when the time comes. Thanks again for all the wonderful blessings!

@mysticmudge - 22.06.2021 00:07

I'm 41 weeks today with my first. I really dont want to be induced. I do have some fears regarding possibility of cesarean. My moms story of my birth is my own fear. I think I'll look into some of the fears I have regarding that today. Thank you brigid

@embodypeacenow - 21.06.2021 23:53

Perfect timing ⏱ thanks for the tips! I’m almost 34 weeks. Trying to keep my mind occupied 🤪

@smileplease8563 - 21.06.2021 17:44

I had a natural birth my first time (31 hours of labour ) i heard your affirmation and it was good until when i start to push and everything went horrible....may be am getting an épidural this time

@harpreethehar1303 - 21.06.2021 17:23

I am feeling so scared and i m not pregnant yet but so scared of baby birth😢

@ThisBraveHeart - 21.06.2021 16:01

I always tell my girlfriends that birth really isn’t as bad as you think it’s going to be. We’re made for this!

Btw I really want to thank you so much for all that you do. I just gave birth to my second child 06/01/2021 and it was absolutely amazing! It was kinda crazy because my water broke at 0034 that morning as soon as my husband and I decided to go to sleep. I tried to get some sleep once we were settled into a our room but, the contractions were coming back to back and they were really strong. My nurse had also just checked my cervix one hour before and I was only 5cm so I thought that I had a long way to go and gave up on my hopes of doing it without the epidural.

As soon as I laid down after the epidural I felt the need to push, I didn’t think that there was anyway that I was ready since I was only 5cm a hour before that point. I remember just pausing and was starring at the ceiling because I began feeling the ring of fire and then I knew that I was definitely right about needing to push. I told my husband to run and get the nurse, started pushing before they came in and was so thankful that they got there in time to catch our baby because I only pushed one time. It was absolutely amazing how quickly the nurses came in, my doctor and the doctor on call arrived right after I birthed him. I know they say that you second comes faster, but I didn’t think it would be that fast!

It would’ve been nice to enjoy that epidural though, it was quite painful to get and I definitely needed a break from the contractions at that point. Thanks to your breathing exercises I was pretty much able to go natural though.

@jasminehamilton694 - 21.06.2021 16:00

This is right on time as I approach induction this week

@feyzaopanoglu3350 - 21.06.2021 15:54

38+2 today… he seems happy and doesn’t look like he wants to get out, although I am fed up with pregnancy and cannot wait any longer to meet him asap :’( I have been dealing with anxiety about birth because I am literally anxious about everything, yet the impatience overweighs these days and I just want to go through it, whether painful and scary or not. Thank you for your videos, I think the fact that I have been educating myself with videos like yours has decreased my fears a great lot. ❤️🙏🏻 Now going to watch this one 😍
love from Istanbul 🥰

@shuvabiswas - 21.06.2021 15:18

I am 36w ....will have a c section in few weeks...I don't know how I feel...a bit anxious... just hope everything goes smoothly 🙏🏼

@megandonnelly1028 - 21.06.2021 14:41

The way I look at it is this:
I have to have this baby. I have to. Women have done it since the beginning of time, so can I.

@RevesRose - 21.06.2021 13:42

I achieved unmedicated birth because of you and it was not as painful as cobtractions before I got an epidural with my first! I watched so many educational videos to the point that I knew what the person is going to tell and that helped me so much

@shwetar5024 - 21.06.2021 13:16

I'm in my 5th month and I've always been paranoid about birth

@hanu_gos9147 - 21.06.2021 13:15

You are my inspiration !!!!!
