Why You SHOULDN'T Get Into PC Gaming

Why You SHOULDN'T Get Into PC Gaming


2 года назад

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Kenny Frierson
Kenny Frierson - 20.11.2023 15:33

Thankful GPUs aren't 2 months rent anymore but the news ones are pretty pricey.

eleven99 - 18.11.2023 11:22

My opinion going from a 1050ti to a 6650xt:
"AMD is the underdog, maybe they're also underrated and good cards"
My opinion post-6650xt usage:
"AMD is the underdog for a reason and they're perfectly rated as they are right now."

cthubol - 12.11.2023 05:23

thank u for this video cause i was sorta on the fence. i got a pc with a 1050 ti and i like it more now especially since my 2014 macbook air craped out last year and i started using my pc for other stuff besides gaming which it does better then my now dead macbook air. but i ended up playing more ps4 the past few years again cause i play fromsoft games on there (cause bloodborne and they are mostly cheaper to get (physical ds trilogy) on ps) and they are big part of my gaming life now. i also can't really upgrade anything on my pc unless i pretty much build from scratch again besides hdd/sdd and gfx card and which would set me back almost as much as a ps5 without coming close to a ps5 spec wisw.

so i guess i do the "best of both worlds", music making/editing and titles like dusk or other low spec indie endeavors on pc and aa to aaa on ps4...or ps5 once i feel like it's time to go next gen sooner or later.

i assume also it's not much different now to 2 years ago then this came out. i know gfx were a little cheaper again at some point but also ps5 are more available now then back then

yaboijory - 04.11.2023 11:42

I tell everyone. If you don’t know how to program. Don’t game on PC 🤷‍♂️ you’ve never heard of a single console player optimizing their system to play a single game

04 Livery Design
04 Livery Design - 01.11.2023 08:16

pc gaming, specially modern pc gaming, feels like those gacha games that as soon as a new character or weapon is released, everyone goes mad over it, then you have everyone at the lobby flashing their new character that probably had a cost of a hundred dollars or even thousands just to obtain it and fully upgrade it, then after a few months another more op character is released and the previous character becomes useless, then you grind and grind again or just throw a lot of money to obtain it and be able to play the new content with it, meanwhile there is probably a dude with a 5 year old character that is considered useless, enjoying the game as he likes, doing whatever he wants and not rushing for the end game, and having fun in the process

when i see such hardware with a cost of a thousand bucks, holy shit, that's 3 months of hardwork where i live, just for a fucking single component, i was thinking on getting better hardware for games, but seeing how pointless it is, considering that modern games nowadays are incomplete and heavily depend of DLCs to be considered finished, in that case i would just go back and play some single player from 2013 or just play league at this point, or maybe get into some private server of an older game, the three things i always look for in a game always are inmersion, sense of adventure and environment design, it doesn't need to be flashy, extremely reflective and exaggerated, after all i play a game to avoid real life for some hours, not to get into it again.

Radeon Vector
Radeon Vector - 30.10.2023 18:59

If you want multi-monitor support, kbm controls, cheaper games, free online and overall more freedom and choices you really should, PC for me isn't at all about the best graphics and framerate, it's about freedom, versatility and options.

CajunMane - 28.10.2023 07:31

Pc, consoles, who really cares? Just play the damn games and distract yourself.

Nathan Eric Schwabenland
Nathan Eric Schwabenland - 26.10.2023 02:59

The angry German kid brought me here sadly

Ultimate Vault Hunter
Ultimate Vault Hunter - 24.10.2023 12:48

I think you've overlooked the fact that some people enjoy playing older games. You don't have to worry about your graphics card becoming too old if you're not only focused on playing the latest games.

Kalakakku - 19.10.2023 12:38

When was this "golden age of PC gaming"?

Yuzu.mp4 - 18.10.2023 08:10

And there I thought these kind of videos stopped existing but here we are, another console fanboy trying to find some of the worst reasons why PC sucks that have been debunked so many times why they are all bullshit buy eh, console fanboys being console fanboys. What are you gonna do?

Lachlant1984 - 09.10.2023 13:24

I've been into PC gaming for a long time, I prefer it to console gaming because there are so many more games on PC as a whole than there are on individual console platforms. It's so easy for me to play classic PC games from my childhood in the 90s on a modern Windows 10 or 11 PC. I couldn't play original PlayStation games on a PS5 unless Sony have made them available, same thing with Nintendo, you must pay an ongoing subscription fee to play classic Nintendo console games on the Switch. Even though buying a PC costs more money than buying a console alone, it's still better value for money because a PC can do so much more than playing games. I have now had my PC for 4 years and it's still working just as well as it did they day I bought it. Did you just say that Windows is locked down? Really? Windows may not be as open as Linux, but Windows is nowhere near as locked down as, say iOS. Windows lets you install software from anywhere, iOS does not. At least on the PC you have multiple places to buy games, not just from Steam, not just GOG, Not just UPlay. When you say that GOG is niche, what do you mean? I use GOG because I prefer the fact their games aren't controlled by DRM, GOG is a great resource. You suggest that Linux gaming is bad/irrelevant/not worth it, would you please explain further about that?

Choggly - 23.09.2023 00:17

I got into pc gaming 10 years ago where you could build a great rig for a price just above a console, and all the games on steam were £40 brand new while being £50 to £60 on console.

10 years later steam game prices are similar if not the same as console game prices and a gaming rig will run you £1000 - £4000. When you can pick up an xbox series S for £250..

Only use my aging pc now to play old school runescape lmao I mainly play Xbox now runs perfectly at 60fps no upgrading specs, no benchmarking, no overclocking and no fucking editing game files for an hour just to get the game to work

Robin Lundqvist
Robin Lundqvist - 20.09.2023 07:02

My PC sells for more than when I built it in 2020. Very weird.

KSZAKU - 18.09.2023 13:29

Fun fact: second-hand market on PC is dead since 2012. Most of the games only contain a steam code in the box now. It is funny to think how Steam normalized DRM

MT - 16.09.2023 23:46

In Late 2018 I got into PC gaming, I was sick of my PS4. And there could be some pretty great experiences with that, great deals on games, emulation, ect. High/Ultra settings and 60+ FPS. But sometimes the dumbest shit happens like you said... I remember one time the audio just stopped working in my PC. Restarting didn't help, and I had to figure out how to reinstall my audio drivers and after 2 or 3 attempts of that finally fixed my audio.

I've mostly been back and forth between PS5 and Series X, some occasional emulation on PC. The price/performance... the state of the market now, the optimization + Nvidia and AMD just ignoring the issues gamers care about(VRAM lol). Took me mostly back to console pretty quickly. I was going to get a PS5 regardless, but the Series X was pretty much a concession for me of "Fuck this, I don't think it's worth it to upgrade my PC"

Sneaksie Taffer
Sneaksie Taffer - 15.09.2023 04:32

Even a cheaper option could be cloud gaming . No equipment or upgrades needed other than a old computer.

JB - 05.09.2023 10:00

Console gaming is a ripoff because you have to pay a subscription to play online. That makes it super lame.

Longlius - 04.09.2023 23:53

I will say that for most programmers, PC gaming is also not really that good. If you want to make games, obviously you're going to be doing it on Windows. But for pretty much everything else, you're going to want a proper Unix-y environment because like 90% of the good programming tools expect something like that. Most professional programmers I know just use Macs tbh

Ishottheserf 6
Ishottheserf 6 - 02.09.2023 04:30

PC is kinda hit or miss for me. It’s a pain in the fucking ass to setup with all the driver updates and shit. I have a gaming laptop with a 3080 and games still crash. Console is better

Dovahkiin, Lord of Skooma
Dovahkiin, Lord of Skooma - 16.08.2023 04:40

PC gaming is when you have to cultivate ties with pan african warlords and start a organ harvesting network and cryptocurrency scumming hustle just to afford a crappy, potentially faulty rig to play modded Skyrim on.

No thanks, At this point, the Switch is better.

King Armani 0170 aka KA
King Armani 0170 aka KA - 09.08.2023 21:17

Microsoft been a scam. Iv stopped using pc since 2017

Vollie D
Vollie D - 06.08.2023 12:24

im so glad i got out of pc gaming over a decade ago i saw this coming and was like no thanks i like having money

Elite Tripod
Elite Tripod - 26.07.2023 13:30

Commenting from the future here after the shortage is over and prices have dropped (somewhat). PC gaming is still alive and well, in fact the indie and modding scene is growing and filling the void AAA left behind.

If you want a culprit for who is killing the gaming industry or PC gaming or any other catchall term for a section of the hobby, it's Gamers themselves (with the capital G). All the crap that killed the golden age... We accepted it and bought it and made it profitable (well most of us). All we had to do is have some self control and say no. Then lootboxes, MTX, exclusives, battlepasses, P2W would all have withered in the vine before they got going. Unfortunately there just aren't enough strong willed players to offset the ones that are weak. So here we are.

Osprey _
Osprey _ - 21.07.2023 04:31

I think you are missing the point of budget PCs entirely. PC builds are not static, they are modular and upgradable overtime. The point is you don't have to start with the best PC experience, you build into it over time by being patient, making better purchasing decisions, and setting your expectations to match your income. I also believe the age at which you start getting into PCs can be a huge factor. If you are younger, you will likely have lower standards and can accept a cheaper experience. At the end of the day, it is a balance of preference and tolerance. I'd actually argue that the learning process involved with PC gaming is a much greater barrier to entry than price.

sosasees - 16.07.2023 22:31

there is one simple rule of which brand of graphics card to use:
• NVidia is best for Windows
• AMD is best for Linux

i switched to AMD graphics card after switching to Linux, for 2 reasons:
• AMD graphics cards work much better than NVidia on Linux
• i wanted to try Godot 4.0's Vulkan renderer, so i got a graphics card that supports Vulkan graphics API

today i only make my Godot projects with the Compatibility renderer (based on OpenGL ES 3.0), so that second selling point got to waste, but i'm still happy with the new graphics card (AMD RX 550) because it works much better on Linux and it only cost me €500.

※ i use my computer mostly for development, so Linux is a good OS for me.
i end up playing games (besides playesting my own things) so sparingly that having only Linux-compatible games still leaves too much backlog

Pedro From Rio
Pedro From Rio - 12.07.2023 21:22

I like PC Gaming exclusives, like classic 90s computer games.

FloofyChu - 12.07.2023 09:07

Gaming pcs are like cars. They come in all different shapes and sizes, they constantly have issues and they cost far too much money

Kissamies - 10.07.2023 13:10

Depends hugely on what you play. Genre, newest AAA titles vs. older and indie games and so on. Also in genres I like, I think consoles do tend to hold PCs back. When I hear the game is multi-platform, I expect compromises with the UI and control setup to accommodate controllers.

iMakz - 10.07.2023 00:42

Unless you want to play all the new games (that are trash anyway) its better to get a low budget pc than a console. Any non multiplayer game you can pirate and you can emulate older consoles.

KingOfTheGutter - 08.07.2023 17:05

Ok legally it's probably going to cause you more headaches... But you will get better performance typically - however if you buy prebuilds that are high end for the time and you get your hands on games... Less than legally... Than yeah it's probably more price effective.

Thysamithan - 08.07.2023 14:30

What a bad take.
A developer doesn´t have to optimize for every single graphics card.
That´s a dumb myth that needs to finally die.
You develop through DirectX\OpenGL\Vulcan, what do you think those things are even there for, then a developer optionally optimizes for AMD or NVidia hardware drivers, which are able to run ALL cards of multiple GPU generations, so you optimize for the latest driver iteration, thus you have optimized for all cards of that company that are supported by that driver.
And for PC gaming being SoOo ExPeNsIvE:
No. It simply isn´t. Stop it!
I don´t have a lot to spend, I should know.
And just because console developer half ass their ports most times to PC doesn´t mean that a properly and reasonably build PC isn´t infinitely more capable than any console.
Who wants to play console games anyway.

Octopussy - 03.07.2023 02:18

you can buy a gaming pc on-pair with the "next gen" consoles at about 700€. yes, 200€ more, but you don't pay for online gaming, you buy games at MUCH cheaper prices, have millions of games at your disposal (literally), you can play at more than 30 fps, you can customize FOV, etc, etc.... I could go on for hours.

Jetsparx373 - 26.06.2023 21:20

I think that argument you said about consoles holding gaming back, is slightly inaccurate I think Gabe Newell of Valve once said making games for console is like working inside of a "Walled Garden" even looking at it today, that sounded somewhat hypocritical on his part.

noisy nuke
noisy nuke - 24.06.2023 22:31

The Steam Deck is a pretty good medium. If you're a console player wanting modded games. I got mine a minute ago and have loved modding on Bo3

Over Used
Over Used - 23.06.2023 07:36

Pc gaming is horrible I wish I seen this before I bought a pc

Benjamin W
Benjamin W - 15.06.2023 10:05

I agree to every point, however I think you have to acknowledge that if a teenage invests into PC gaming, overnight, they have the ability to discover modding, discover programming, discover Unreal Engine, discover blender, discover so many useful and practical tools that can genuinely change their life.

Obviously you mention people that already know about these things, but many people dont, and many people that discover these things wouldn't have discovered them if they didn't get into PC gaming.

This is an intangible that is rarely discussed. PC gaming is great because it unlocks something so much bigger and more useful than a "gaming box"

Outlaw 451
Outlaw 451 - 13.06.2023 17:42

I always felt that console gave a good base line that made game be developed at a reasonable level, rather than "holding it back." It's INDO OF COOL to make game like Crysis. But if almost no one has the rig to play it as intended, and the game can't sell well... what does it mater if it looks good?

The Wizardman
The Wizardman - 11.06.2023 17:23

This man used gryphon as background music, endlessly based.

david quee
david quee - 10.06.2023 02:16

Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Thats pc gaming more like the PC "Master Disgrace"

Tap water addict
Tap water addict - 06.06.2023 23:01

actually, im autistic 😎

Nier's Base
Nier's Base - 03.06.2023 22:30

I didn't follow it at the time, but watching some old videos from the COD community, I found it curious how practically 90% of content producers played on console. Much because at that time people just wanted to share their experiences without much pretension. Today, following Warzone, it's the complete opposite, and the people who are on consoles, when they manage to save some money, invest in PCs right away. This, largely because of the competition, and FPS and short response time are "excellent" for a good gameplay.

El-see - 31.05.2023 20:45

hey man.. just a tip click start settings devices and select the option on the right (in blue) devices and printers. when it opens select the one with your computer name on it, right click it and choose Device Installation settings. select NO save changes. Your welcome. Works for all devices from there on out.
no more raping you with generic drivers for all your non microsoft devices.

Taydin Nygaard
Taydin Nygaard - 29.05.2023 17:00

I'm a new pc gamer coming from consoles. I hate it so much, half of my games I can't even get to launch. The other half of my games are so slow that they are unplayable.

grandcanyon2 - 29.05.2023 07:54

interesting video but most folks don't care about if a gaming company in considered a good or bad guy. consoles cannot be upgraded, most players don't care about mods. consoles last about 6 years per generation. the ps5 is 499.99 its gpu is on par with 5700xt and the cpu a 3700x. My gaming pc i bought in 2020 had 3800x and a 5700xt sapphire pulse , i can literally get a 6650xt gpu and increase my fps compared to a console by 40-60 fps and have better texture detail by 85 percent and have better shadows in game and run games much faster.
a 6650xt is 235 bucks on amamzon noww.

Thats community talk of pc vs console is bs talk most folks dont care about that.

Don Genove
Don Genove - 25.05.2023 23:37

I mean sure but if you're tight on cash (assuming you already have a pc because you shouldn't buy toys if you're doing badly with money) you can just pirate the games.

So while you may have payed a few hundred more bucks you'll save a lot more

Kiewas - 18.05.2023 20:33

Yeah, monopolies doing whatever they want and not respecting any consumer practices. That's just Capitalism doing its thing.

Amphibeing McShpongletron
Amphibeing McShpongletron - 18.05.2023 02:50

When you get all the right parts, and have everything updated and configured how you like, and then it actually WORKS...PC gaming is truly fantastic. When you inevitably run into issues...it's a hassle and a half. So much more headache and cost than consoles, but SO much better graphics and performance when done right. I've been building PCs since 2008 and I love it, but even after all that experience, I still ran into problems with my new build this year. Everything works great now, but WOW was it a buzzkill at first. Imagine it's Christmas morning and you have a shiny new toy, then you have to build it and trouble shoot it for WEEKS before you can even get down to gaming. High risk and effort, high reward. I understand both sides on console vs PC.

Unr3aler - 17.05.2023 00:18

I don’t understand how you can produce some really well though out videos about game desing and other topics and then put out this garbage, and I by any means don’t stand behind PC gaming as some kind of holy grail, rather one of the several valid options how to game, but this video is a quite some internet edgelord’s rant after he got fed up seeing some elitist shit about pc master race on reddit. If anything, you should compare respective advantages and disadvantages for both areas. Just to give an example, your description of mods was absolutely misleading and nonrepresentative of what mods really do and where lies their true strenght. I mean yes, there are some mods with heavy requirements focused on textures but that is just a small margin of what modding community does and uses (the most of heavily modded games are usually potato pc viable ones that often expand on the game itself mechanically, not visually, or rather the visual upgrade is a small part of these mods). When you criticise some people for using misleading and surface level arguments and then you make a video full of them yourself, it kinda makes you a hypocrite.
