Beat Jet Lag NOW: 5 Tips to Sleep Better and Travel Smarter

Beat Jet Lag NOW: 5 Tips to Sleep Better and Travel Smarter

Away Together w/ Nik and Allie

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Susan Guerra
Susan Guerra - 09.09.2023 02:37

Lots of great suggestions!

Gameswithajump - 11.08.2023 22:14

I travel to Munich every year from Texas to see family. 7 hour time difference. When traveling east to Europe, ALWAYS choose a "red eye" or overnight flight. I always choose a night-time flight so that I land in the morning. It helps a TON, taking off at night typically around 8pm, sleep the last 2-3 hours of the flight, and then wake up landing at 9am in Munich. And then spend the whole day outside, I will go on a run or long walk. Doing this, my body typically instantly adjusts. The first day I am very tired, and the second day it gets better. By the third day its over. I torture myself though because I always only stay for 8 days lol, so just a couple days after I really fully adjust, I go back to the states and start the process over haha. Also, try to get a flight on a new airplane. I love the A380. The technology with cabin pressure and lighting is designed to help you adjust better.

GreenFox - 25.07.2023 01:58

Best method is to land at your destination after 6pm (worst is early morning arrival). Chances are you will be really tired when you get to your destination so sleeping should be easy. When you arrive at say 6pm, by the time you get your bags, clear customs and check into your hotel, it'll be 9p or 10p. Perfect time to sleep.

Avoid at all costs arriving before noon.

AL Bee
AL Bee - 03.07.2023 12:06

Thank you that was brilliant ❤

Ron M
Ron M - 11.06.2023 05:23

I'm the type that cannot sleep on a plane. Pills, reading, eye covers...nothing works. Going to Europe from USA and arriving in the morning, my strategy is to power through that day and don't sleep until the evening. It's not too bad during the day; it only feels really bad once the sun goes down. I'll get a good night sleep, and the next day the jet lag is totally gone.

R.D. G.
R.D. G. - 04.06.2023 16:11

Flying from the East coast to Spain every year; I follow what you suggest 👍. However, coming back home is always harder (east to west). 3 connections and I’m dragging in. Takes about a week to feel “normal.”

Miel Blanco
Miel Blanco - 23.05.2023 21:58

I wear an old school analog watch and set it to the destination time before the plane takes off. I don’t wear my smartwatch. I set my phone and iPad manually so I can’t cheat and get confused by the dual times. Wearing an analog watch prevents me from waking up too much by checking time on a device with blue light.

cash storeone
cash storeone - 22.05.2023 23:31

I always get to Europe a day early to deal with the jet lag. I take a 3 hour nap right away then carry on.

Paul Παύλος
Paul Παύλος - 21.05.2023 19:15

I was a million miler international traveler. First, I'd get cleaned up in the hotel and pound down the water. I'd try and schedule the flights so I landed in late afternoon or evening. I was never miserable from getting out and walking asap. Hydration and exercise seemed to do it for me. Yeah, east bound to Europe from LAX/SFO was the worst. Asia not so much.

Margo Kerby
Margo Kerby - 21.05.2023 18:02

Drinking water with minerals (electrolytes) is also a good idea to avoid dehydration from drinking a lot of regular water. You can add a pinch of Himalayan salt which contains dozens of trace minerals. Great video!

leo regan
leo regan - 19.05.2023 19:32

Loser nothing original

octavio medeiros
octavio medeiros - 17.05.2023 21:35

Japan is my adoptive home. When I travel there, I cross 10 time zones forward. After a few tries, I found the sweet spot to beat jetlag: sleep on the plane (my doc gave me a horse tranquilizer 😅), no alcohol or caffeine 2 days before and after the flight and the main trick: when I get to the hotel I go straight in to the bathtub a spend two hours relaxing in the hottest bath I can stand. As someone who crossed the world a few times, this is the way to go.

lisalu910 - 15.05.2023 23:05

I only have a six hour time difference from the East Coast to Europe and it's not too bad. You almost always have an overnight flight going over and while you might not get a good night's sleep on the plane, it will be dark when it's supposed to be dark and you'll probably at least doze a few hours. When you land it is very early morning EST and late morning local time time but either way it is light outside when it's supposed to be day time according to your body clock so it's not too big of a shock to your system. You're excited to be in Rome or wherever and that perks you up. You get to your hotel and take a nap (just an hour or two) and then you go out and wander around a bit, get an early dinner, and go to bed about 10:00 pm local time. Since you didn't get much sleep for the past 36 hours, you sleep hard and wake up early the next morning ready to start the day. I've never had any jet lag going to Europe and I think the key is to take a short nap when you arrive and then stay awake until the local bedtime. Going back home, to me, is a little harder since your flight follows the sun which never sets. You arrive in the early afternoon but it feels like it should be dark by then and that is a little disorienting. You go to bed as soon as it gets dark, and you'll probably wake up super early the first morning, but by the next day you're good.

Benoit Paquette
Benoit Paquette - 12.05.2023 07:11

Thank you for your video. The coming month I fly from Montreal to Seoul via Istanbul. Question: what city should I adjust to in both planes? Appreciate your help!

Star Boarder
Star Boarder - 11.05.2023 20:43

I try to start adjusting my sleep to earlier. This helps me ease into the rhythm better. Also, I fly west so any tips are good. I'm flying a couple days early next time just to rest and get acclimated. I did not last time and it was not great.

I recommend restricting sodium intake a couple of days prior. Helps with inflammation and airport/airline food is very salty. Sip anti-inflammatory tea helps too.

Jodie Hebert
Jodie Hebert - 10.05.2023 22:35

Sounds like good tips!!

David Lee
David Lee - 10.05.2023 20:01

For the case where you get tired in the afternoon and wake up at 4 am, I found that other than delaying bed time as much as possible, putting an alarm to 12 midnight to take a Melatonin sleep aid, to help you delay wakeup time as much as possible is very helpful.

Rebecca Witherspoon
Rebecca Witherspoon - 06.05.2023 15:18

Love the Rick Steves’ guides in the background!

lan nguyen
lan nguyen - 04.05.2023 15:57

Planning for Destination during daylight hours is the best strategy and getting there at night is the worse no matter where you go: East, West, North or South.

Cindy Wilkinson
Cindy Wilkinson - 04.05.2023 05:33

Agree 1000% with your recommendations!

Saltpeanuts - 04.05.2023 02:53

Landing in Frankfurt at 7am later this year and then have a 4 hour train ride to munich. Not sure i'll be able keep myself awake 😅

Crandall Crute
Crandall Crute - 03.05.2023 20:37

Hi Nik - do you pack the Light with you on overnight flights?

Warren Trout
Warren Trout - 03.05.2023 05:28

As a retired airline pilot, these are in general ok. But I hotly disagree with the stay awake after the morning landing. For many people get a couple hours sleep at the hotel then get up and on the local time. This technique is approved by sleep doctors. Trying to power through the first day just makes many people totally miserable.

Mick Mouse
Mick Mouse - 03.05.2023 05:04

Airline coffee? Yeah right.

Julia Shonka
Julia Shonka - 02.05.2023 23:42

I use the same light that you do! Living in the northern US, I find it amazing to help me beat the blues in the winter, or any 'blah' day.

Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson - 02.05.2023 09:49

I travel to Europe with a nine hour time change every year. This video is a good basic guide. One point which I doubt is that somehow jet lag to Europe can be overcome in two or three days. Based on my conversations with an actual sleep scientist from Harvard, the most the body will adjust is one hour per day - or a bit more with experience. Additional advice: Eat lightly starting two days before your flight and then hit the protein when you land in the morning. I also recommend the swimming pool when you arrive.

grehy - 02.05.2023 06:45

I never get jet lag at my destination , usually East from where I live, even though I’m sometimes up for 32 hours straight. I set my watch to the time of my destination and never think about it after that. BUT I get it bad when I return home. I think it’s because I come home exhausted.

Donna Anderson
Donna Anderson - 02.05.2023 05:41

Thanks, you organized the thoughts I had. Great collection of Europe through the Back Door you have. Do you live near the store?

Anne Bialecki
Anne Bialecki - 30.04.2023 14:49

Love these suggestions. I find airlines I’ve travelled are much better now at helping us get used to the upcoming time zone. eg. Lights out time. Yes, when you get there, stay awake long enough to go to bed at the new time. Once I was awake for 36 hours but it worked. Cheers from 🇦🇺

kcsnew - 30.04.2023 08:26

All your videos are super helpful. Liked and subscribed already. One of the big challenges I have been facing I never get sleep not even a nap in the flight despite the sleeping aids not drinking alcohol. That makes it hard after I land and get into jet lag. Not sure is there a solution for it in my case. Cheers 👍

Nancy Cronin
Nancy Cronin - 30.04.2023 08:03

Really appreciate this video. Definitely plan on following your suggestions in July when traveling to Europe. Thanks.

Lyudmila Aksan
Lyudmila Aksan - 30.04.2023 05:38

One traveler said that cherries are good sleep aid. What do you think about it ?

Shannon Alexander
Shannon Alexander - 30.04.2023 04:44

Great tips

Barbie c
Barbie c - 28.04.2023 08:32

Thank you.

želva - 27.04.2023 09:19

omg you are so right. when i travel from Washington dc to Prague (once or twice a year), its not much of a problem but when i return home, its a GD nightmare. i cant sleep (or sleep very little) for a week or two, its awful. normally i travel in the summer, so in prague its starting to get light out around 330am and by 430am it looks like noon here in the states, that doesnt help either

stewdogg42 - 25.04.2023 22:52

Very helpful. Thanks!

jacqattacq19 - 18.04.2023 10:40

I’m lucky. I’ve been a shift worker for 25 years and I very very rarely get jet lag (touch wood!)

thetragicyouth - 12.04.2023 15:39

Thanks for the helpful tips! I'd also recommend plenty of Vitamin C - fruit on the plane, freshly squeezed juices on arrival at your destination.

Joan Evans
Joan Evans - 12.04.2023 11:27

Okay,but temazapan sleeping tabs are amazing, you wake up feeling having such a good sleep... i know you are not a medical person, but I am a retired Qantas employee, and have travelled a lot from Australia, which is a LONG way from any where .....USA or Europe....or more ... and I have not had a bad experience, so may be it was the excitment of a new destination, but I honestly am sooo excited about the new destination, I must admit, when I am able to sleep that night, at the destination, I AM EXHAUSTED and sleep well ... ps... cannot resist a glass or 2 or 4 of the best RED they offer on the flight .. love you experiences ... well done, .. I just want the experience of long haul can be fun .. and not a total non fun...and healthy experience... plenty of time afer this arduous airflight ... just have fun and enjoy their amenities

Precious Bell
Precious Bell - 09.04.2023 10:16

Thanks for your tips. Btw it should have been ‘don’t LIE down’ not ‘lay down’, because ‘lay’ must be followed by an object i.e: lay a suitcase or lay a baby on the bed.

Jeriann F. McEvoy
Jeriann F. McEvoy - 05.04.2023 02:19

Another thing to consider is adjusting your bedtime gradually for the week or so before you leave. We knocked 2-3 hours off the 7 hour time difference by going to bed and waking up earlier before our JFK to Johannesburg flight, making the adjustment easier.

Annie Murtagh-Monks
Annie Murtagh-Monks - 10.02.2023 11:44

Yes yes yes. I have found all the things you suggest are what I do and I have recently taken 4 long haul flights (Perth, Australia-London; Istanbul-Perth; Perth-New York and back) and had NO jet lag on each by following this regime. In Australia you can get a mild sleeping tablet from your GP called Temazepam which I always take on the long haul flight and it doesnt make you groggy if you have to wake up and then when at my destination I take one melatonin tablet to go to sleep for the first two nights only. Only additional things I'd recommend is using an eye mask and good ear plugs on the plane while sleeping and I just used a hammock for my feet on long haul flights which helps make sleep in coach sooo much easier. Last thing is after the meal service I usually try to sleep as much as possible on the flight. Thanks for all your videos guys.

Janet Graham
Janet Graham - 07.02.2023 02:50

This was a good summary, and I lived in Asia for 14 years and made many, long transpacific journeys..
with 3 children!
How do I find your "link below" for the options you were going to share about the light therapy?

Eleanor Matthews
Eleanor Matthews - 06.02.2023 17:04

I’m old school and still wear a wrist watch. I set the time on my watch for my destination’s time as soon as I board. I also prefer to take a late flight so I’m more likely to be ready to sleep after the meal service.

KMCPhotographyTX - 06.02.2023 02:25

I’m with you on the light therapy! It’s such an underrated technique!

Lioness M
Lioness M - 05.02.2023 22:02

This is a great video! Really helpful! 👍🏻👍🏻

BABY LILY24❤ - 05.02.2023 21:07

𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏. ❤️🇵🇭

russell lewis
russell lewis - 05.02.2023 21:03

Thanks for a great video Nik. Regards Rusty from Perth Australia.
