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Spectralina (Selina Trepp & Dan Bitney) with guests:
Ausberto Acevedo
LeRoy Bach
Matthew Lux
Mai Sugimoto
SPECTRALINA is the audio-visual performance project of Dan Bitney and Selina Trepp.
Working in an improvised format, Spectralina creates an image-sound relationship that treats each medium as equal, resulting in performances in which projection and sounds come together as visual music.
In Spectralina Dan uses synthesizers, drums, voice and analog processors to create sounds and Selina sings, plays the videolah and the videoexploder, creating immersive animated projections in real-time.
Spectralina is site specific. For Constellation’s spacious stage we are expanding our line up to include Matthew Lux, Mai Sugimoto, Leroy Bach and Ausberto Acevedo. This will be an immersive audio visual experience, one in which you are surrounded by soundwaves and lightwaves moving and resonating through bodies and space.