Neil deGrasse Tyson's Thoughts on Transgenderism

Neil deGrasse Tyson's Thoughts on Transgenderism

Ben Shapiro

2 года назад

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Izzy L
Izzy L - 20.09.2023 01:32

The only real conversation Ben Shapiro has ever had. I also love to Neil is countering Ben's fast talking with slow, though out ideas.

omgblastbeatslol - 20.09.2023 00:43

watched this just for tyson but omg, shapiro is just insufferable. he embodies the very essence of "no, but" over "yes, and"

A Wizard Did It Productions
A Wizard Did It Productions - 19.09.2023 18:00

Everything Neil says comes from a place of fear.

rae0521 - 19.09.2023 17:28

Why are you asking a PHYSICIST a question like that?
Why are Tyson's "thoughts" any more relevant as mine to medical/social issues of this sort.

Brian J. De Palma
Brian J. De Palma - 19.09.2023 09:18

Ben Shapiro is the most unlikable person in the history of mankind.

James L
James L - 18.09.2023 21:33

Hearing a scientist kinda ask "why do you even care" makes me sad. His stance on this has made me loose all respect for NDT

Ethikos Research
Ethikos Research - 18.09.2023 21:19

Neil is brilliant

Hellopeople - 18.09.2023 20:09

What’s interesting about someone being confused about their gender and sexuality Neil?

Darrell Marks
Darrell Marks - 18.09.2023 20:07

It was very brave of him to go up against Neil deGrasse Tyson but he still has that tone in his voice when he talks about transgendered people as if they are something less then what he is when he's a big giant douche.

Zebra Talk
Zebra Talk - 18.09.2023 19:27

On one level I may agree with Tyson, but on another, I agree with Shapiro. The problem I see is that neither is going at this subject from a complete spectrum. This is always the case when humans question areas that God has given His judgment on, but some of is choose to not obey. Which is why we were thrown out of The Garden in the first place. Shapiro says "My way is the correct way because I say it is". Tyson says, "Why do you care? Let everyone do what makes them feel good". Both men are very smart. Smartness only and many times because of it, has led humans to self-destruction every time. This is why God has given us a guidebook. A book that goes beyond science, social, or otherwise. Who would have even considered centuries ago that one day humans would be seriously arguing about gender?
The bottom line on both sides...on all sides, is that there are ultimately agendas at play. Each side wants to be right and they want the other side to accept that they are right. Why do I care? Because your agenda negatively affects God has said it will, because you reject His teachings.

Michael Zinna
Michael Zinna - 18.09.2023 19:26

Sports are unimportant only in the sense that in America and the world that it’s huge business. My take and experience in the world is there are men and women who will do anything to become economically and culturally successful. I have no doubt there are male athletes that are mediocre who realize as a woman with male attributes would become enormously successful as a woman.

Michael Zinna
Michael Zinna - 18.09.2023 19:20

Ben in the closet?

Co on
Co on - 18.09.2023 10:28

Tyson is so afraid to tell the truth, because he dont want to be cancelled....

Edward Kim
Edward Kim - 18.09.2023 08:13

NDT sounds like he personally doesn't gaf but he's pointing out freedom is allowing people be whatever they want to be.

miztahfrawg - 18.09.2023 05:01

Ben if you don't wanna be perceived as sinister then you should really fix your eyebrows you look like snidely whiplash without a mustache

gordo's gaming
gordo's gaming - 18.09.2023 01:20

Awesome to see a guy that knows how to talk against somebody that knows what the hell hes talking about

sgt wolf
sgt wolf - 18.09.2023 01:18

Any one who watches him regularly would notice the difference and hesitation.

This topic has nothing to do with any scientific methods or arguments. Trying to apply them is like forcing the wrong shape to fit and thats whats going on in this video. Also one cant argue a highly intelligent person who is trying to dodge the questions in favor of the narrative and his political views.

Anyone who turns a blind eye to whats going on around the globe for the last 4-5 years is a part the problem.

Just like good old Dr Tyson.

A Merlin
A Merlin - 17.09.2023 21:39

Neil, we need to be free to NOT celebrate transgenderism. Even be allowed to criticize it.
Neil, why are teaching elementary school children about transgenderism (and oral sex and anal sex) at all, let alone in a positive (or even neutral) sense. If touched upon at all, sufficient to say there are some unusual men who like to pretend that they are women and vice versa.
Neil, the FACT that mediocre male athletes can enter the arena of women's sports, with or without hormone adjustment, and immediately take top honors proves that it is NOT fair to let them compete in that way. Even if you could level the playing field, so what? Would you allow non-transgender men to compete in women's track if they wore a 20 lbs. pack? And let them share the women's shower and locker room?
Neil, a feminine man is still a man; a masculine woman is still a woman. Yes, there is a spectrum but it still contained within a gender.

Incognito - 17.09.2023 20:59

Never liked Ben Shapiro. Never seemed authentic to me. Tyson is a perfect responder. Simple, clear and correct. An adult schooling a child. The more I listen the more I realize Shapiro is a fool. You can’t talk to a fool.

Elizabeth M
Elizabeth M - 17.09.2023 18:28

I'm surprised that Shapiro posted this interview in which his arguments get blown to bits. Judging from Shapiro's subsequent stance, he was not convinced by Tyson's common sense views.

Jake Pfeiffer
Jake Pfeiffer - 17.09.2023 17:24

Problem is, Tyson is speaking ideally, not practically. In my world, and I would argue the majority’s world, there is a constant push that any opposing view to one side gets attacked, jobs threatens or lost, silenced on any platform, and even causes relationship trouble or loss. It’s not like the opposing view to, in all cases for that matter, is that of hitler being right or wrong. It’s about accepting or not accepting transgenderism being cultivated into the innocent, as if it’s normal. It’s not normal. It’s an anomaly. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here. Population requires heterosexuality. We shouldn’t attack it, anything but. We shouldn’t ostracize.
or discriminate either. But that’s far different than forcing it into the majority of the world who isn’t transgendered. How do we know it’s right or wrong for society’s majority to be transgendered? Critical thinking should uncover a good debate on this. Tyson says it’s our reality. So is a lot of things we don’t think is right for the society as a whole. for all all this time we’ve been on the earth, suddenly now it’s our reality and should be celebrated and endorsed because we live in a free country? Well, then why I can’t I disagree? Where’s that freedom?

Marijana - 16.09.2023 22:01

Neil has completely lost it. His answers are not cohersive, complete non sensical, doesn't give any opinion but rather goes somehewhere else with the topic or says: that's up to others to decide but it shouldn't affect any political decision... wtf??? That's the whole war that's happening right now, Neil, it's all about politics!|! Duuuuh!
The laws HAVE BEEN made to put trans women to a women prison, to compete in women sports, to go to women bathrooms etc and if anyone has missed it, no trans man (biological woman) is pushing his agenda for any of these on the list. Because men are, BY NATURE, more predatorial and violent than women. And you can change your limbs and take hormones but you will never change your natural biology.

Marijana - 16.09.2023 21:45

So if you are non-binary, I will call you by your given name, an official name and I will refer to you as a she or he because that doesn't change, your sex doesn't change, how you are born doesn't change and your chromosomes don't change.

We shouldn't change the language because one feels different and especially because one can change that feeling every day. A person who is offended chooses to be offended, remeber that.

As you wouldn't want someone forcing their religion on you, same rules apply here. You can believe whatever you want to but don't force me to share your beliefs and especially not shaming or attacking me!

77Carecare - 16.09.2023 21:03

What Ben is missing is that at one time, what NdGT is talking about happened in our past. A group of scientists got together and "proved" that Jews were "inferior" and then German legislation decided on a "final solution" based on that "science." Ben, as a Jew, should know that using science to marginalize people never ends well for those marginalized and anti-Semitism is still alive and well now. What Ben is advocating for trans people was done to Indigenous people, Black people, Brown people, Asian people, Jews, LGBTQ people, and women with disasterous results. Ben is a fool if he thinks using science to legislate such things won't bite him and all Jews in the ass in the end.

GenDominion - 16.09.2023 18:39

Freedom and neglect are different. If you're going to claim irresponsible freedom, why are there laws and why are there scientific common sense or scientific rules? That's so irresponsible. Is it right that a man named a scientist makes a statement that ignores basic biology such as xx chromosomes and xy chromosomes? You know everything, but you're lying? Or do you lack the ability to think and can't think common sense?

Kenny Gee
Kenny Gee - 16.09.2023 09:04

Loved this interview .. so what is your motivation Ben? 😂😂😂😂 no answer!! Brilliant once again. This baby boy thinks he is all that but got hushed up

kommyang - 16.09.2023 06:35

What do you do with sports? Well historically, sports were always non-binary. Baseball, volleyball, and soccer. You don't call it men's baseball, men's volleyball, or men's soccer. Sports were played by both males and females, but at a certain age, women were no longer able to compete against men and just dropped off visibility. There wasn't a push to separate by sex until the women fought for their own right to compete amongst only women.

JFox194 - 16.09.2023 06:02

Seems to me the only ones that care are the ones trying to make people agree with them. People really can’t get out of their own way anymore

Ali Nawaz
Ali Nawaz - 16.09.2023 01:32

Neil deGrasse Tyson's is such a disgrace i didnt expect from him to fall that low very sad.

EvansM - 16.09.2023 00:36

Neil is talking nonsense! He doesnt know what he is talking about! He looks a bit lost! JEsus and he is a scientist!

Chris Paige
Chris Paige - 15.09.2023 19:38

The left misunderstands our objection to transgenderism - I couldn't care less what gender you call yourself or if you think it's a spectrum or whatever, I just don't want to be forced to participate in your nonsense. Pray to whomever you like, but don't make me say the shahada. I'm not required to say Muhammad is a prophet, and I shouldn't be required to say transwomen are women for the same reason: I shouldn't have to acknowledge or pretend that i agree w/ your religious beliefs. You think God made you trans? Fine, just don't make me pretend I agree. Let's not pretend that this gender nonsense is science; it's religion & it should be treated as such.

Frankly, someone saying they're going to kill themselves if I don't use their pronouns is no different than someone threatening violence if I don't say the shahada - religious terrorism is religious terrorism, even if the alleged victim is one's self. Say no to religious terror, say no to pronouns & all the rest. (I'm fine with honoring the religious customs of other people to a point, but I wouldn't call Prophet Muhammad Prophet Muhammad because I'm not willing to concede that point, and I shouldn't have to. We're all entitled to refrain from making statements that appear to agree w/ or otherwise concede the reality of another person's religion. Forcing me to call transwomen she is no different than forcing me to call Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Muhammad.)

It's not hate to refuse to adopt another person's religious claims or customs; it's liberty.

Slow and Deliberate
Slow and Deliberate - 15.09.2023 17:37

Illuminati agenda.

MovieTrailers - 15.09.2023 13:25

Notice how every atheist defends lgbtq says a lot how evil is real

Mostafizur Rahman
Mostafizur Rahman - 15.09.2023 12:16

Too much freedom. Too easy life.

Z II - 15.09.2023 11:34

He is afraid

DirtyG123 - 15.09.2023 09:51

Ben was being polite, science will always Prevail or you’re just living in a make believe fantasy world. I agree with everyones freedom & rights , just not when it’s infringing on Women’s Right !!! For goodness sakes Tyson, Be a Man !!! Your mother must be so proud of you being a pushover & not standing behind blatant science .

Jay - 15.09.2023 06:39

NDT is a scientist that literally doesn't believe scientific fact. Think about that.

WizeXcalibur - 15.09.2023 05:15

Neil basically said that social issues need to stay separate from politics, and I agree. However it's far to late for that sentiment, LGBT issues have been affecting politics for years now. Also we don't really live in a truly free country anyway, laws exist.

Sam M
Sam M - 15.09.2023 03:24

Slowest talking person and the fastest-talking person. 🤣

K Russell
K Russell - 15.09.2023 02:10

Lov NDT's point about politics getting envolved with gender identity. Having the power to pass laws, making legislation not based on science but based on one's religious beliefs is not constitutional. And Yes, we have history of that as reason to uphold slavery in this country.

Paige Michele Sargent
Paige Michele Sargent - 14.09.2023 22:17

NGT is the ultimate schill

Vincent König
Vincent König - 14.09.2023 13:36

I really dont like ben. I think hes obnoxious.

Brandon - 14.09.2023 13:09

NEIL..... Seriously Neil.... "why do we even give a shit?" Are you not a scientist? Where is your passion for disseminating truth?

John Crane Jr.
John Crane Jr. - 14.09.2023 12:54

Neil is such a cop out. I expected more from him.
Scared to say the truth..

Alfred Hernandez
Alfred Hernandez - 14.09.2023 10:33

More flim-flam from the king of flim-flam, NDT. What a fraud.

satya stewart
satya stewart - 14.09.2023 07:15

walter reed school IHP mr.Graham

Baloo_22 - 13.09.2023 23:29

I gotta admit (and I Love you Neil!) this is probably the best argument I have heard so far in favor of the trans movement. However, it still makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

wyett123 - 13.09.2023 21:40

It's hilarious hearing a religious man talk about proving things with science.
