The 50 Greatest Books of All Time - Reaction

The 50 Greatest Books of All Time - Reaction

Benjamin McEvoy

1 год назад

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William Cringan
William Cringan - 03.11.2023 05:21

Ayn Rands The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

didier van dijk
didier van dijk - 02.11.2023 22:09

For me Upton Sinclairs "the Jungle" is the best book ever written up till now.

Elizabeth Urassa
Elizabeth Urassa - 01.11.2023 21:46

Great work. You may be interested in talking about Elizabeth Paradiso Urassa's books. They are very good for university students and may help the loved ones not to drop out of their studies. I appreciate what you are doing. Thank you very much.

iwantcheesypuffs - 31.10.2023 23:29

I audibly gasped when I saw your notes in your copy of Moby Dick. I don't write in any of my books, but I do have personal digital thoughts in the cloud - never in my personal collection.

Would add The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck to maybe top 50 or at minimum top 100. Excellent character study and excellent writing.

kdnu27 - 31.10.2023 21:37

Very interesting list. As it is an amalgamation of several lists composed by others (my guess is mostly of English origin) it couldn't be better. I wonder how this list would look like if it was composed from every top list from every country in the world?

Some of my personal favourites are missing here, but I didn't expect to see them anyway. I'm not native English speaker and I'm really interested in English literature outside of fantasy and SF, so my top list would probably include much more foreigners.

Derek Greenacre
Derek Greenacre - 31.10.2023 16:57

I was surprised at the omission of " Cider With Rosie " by Laurie Lee perhaps it was classed as autobiographical rather than fictional. Although I have read most of the books on the list I mainly read children's fiction and found that Alice in Wonderland a strange inclusion. This book although influential in its day seems a little dated now. A more interesting representative of children's fiction ( or at least teenage fiction) would, in my opinion, be The Owl Service by Alan Garner. As a personal choice I would have placed Hamlet at number one with its brilliant storyline of the prince's procrastination, family tensions, the supernatural, insanity and murder thrown in as good measures.

Trips X
Trips X - 31.10.2023 16:39

Blood Meridian should be on here

Nebyou Azage
Nebyou Azage - 31.10.2023 07:52

Great list indeed! My high school English literature years certainly remind me of Charles Dickens Great Expectations and the works of Edgar Allan Poe. Recently read "The Brothers Karamazov " an absolute master piece of Russian Literature!!

Christopher Shea
Christopher Shea - 31.10.2023 06:51

The Virginian by Owen Wister

possesst - 28.10.2023 02:32

I know everyone has their opinions but, The Count of Monte Cristo has to be on this list.

silvia portnoy
silvia portnoy - 27.10.2023 23:56

Number One for me would always be Dostoievski's Crime & Punishment. I have read it throught my life at least five times. Dostoievski's number one because the writer did not interfere. He opens the window for us to see, to feel and experience. Only now, as a mature reader, I can feel the writer, and you know what? He doesn't bother me.
Number Two East of Eden by Steinbeck. Steinbeck said "This is my book." I simply agree with him. I was spoiled by Dostoievski and couldn't enjoy reading any other author for a long time until Steinbeck came along.

Jerry O'Donovan
Jerry O'Donovan - 27.10.2023 00:04

Ulysses-head and shoulders above any novel ever written.

Hasan - 27.10.2023 00:00

Great list. I wish we had Tao Te Ching in this list ❤

maxim merle
maxim merle - 26.10.2023 22:26

Phedre de jean racine et l’éducation sentimentale et le père goriot l’explicit est si beau

Chris Uong
Chris Uong - 25.10.2023 03:07

The Hobbit!!

Aapje Man
Aapje Man - 24.10.2023 00:25

Great list but missed classics such as the Bible

Antal Antal
Antal Antal - 22.10.2023 21:02

Great job band great books but , the vast majority of list such as this one (i.e. made by somebody speaking English) , are largely biased towards English speaking authors. This is not a bad thing but half of the world is somewhat missing. I am looking for a more inclusive list of novels from all over the world that are translated into English: any suggestions? More precisely, individual lists based on novels written in a given language is what I am looking for.

David Walker
David Walker - 22.10.2023 15:39

if you class great Novels by the lasting impression they make. Crime and punishment has got to be Number 1

Stublinsky - 21.10.2023 19:31

This list is total bullshit and an insult !

Yolanda Silverio
Yolanda Silverio - 20.10.2023 22:43

I am joyful that Marcel Proust made number 1, as I am on a journey to start reading In Search of Lost Time for my 70th birthday, and will read it slowly with a journal next to my side to write all my thoughts about this incredible masterpiece of Marcel Proust.
