Advice for Generators & Manifesting Generators in Human Design

Advice for Generators & Manifesting Generators in Human Design

Richard Beaumont

1 год назад

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Cassandra Scott
Cassandra Scott - 08.05.2023 16:27

Most helpful vid for me to try to understand the 70% out there... If only everyone operated according to their Type... if only... but at least I'm in a position to be able to help these M's understand themselves better. My youngest son's decision to leave the UK for Italy when he was 18, leaving everything familiar behind and having only the bit of Italian he taught himself before he left, with no job to go to and nowhere to live... whilst a glittering opportunity to finally study Philosophy and English at a prestigious Uni was pulling him the other way, was based purely on his sacral response. The night he cycled back from work when it sounded like he was still doing dishes, is not one I'll forget... "I'm on my bike, Mum, and it's pi**ing with rain." Yes, he WAS on his mobile but don't tell anyone.... the roads were empty at 1am... he'd rung me to ask for help making this decision. That was the night which changed his life forever... He headed to Perugia that summer with nowt but £1,000 worth of Euros in cash in his back pocket... enough for 2 months rent and some food... a set of kitchen knives and his dream... I was able to meet his coach to London and see him off at Stansted. I am forever indebted to HD and people like you, Richard, who helped me guide him on his journey and help him understand that this will only ever be his truth and guide.

Jill Bowden
Jill Bowden - 11.09.2023 22:53

❤❤❤❤❤ this is me RESPONDING to your beautiful message

Roger Etienne Dela Cruz
Roger Etienne Dela Cruz - 24.08.2023 15:52

as a 34-20-57, I tend to speak and have animated facial expressions in response.

Usually if it is a yes, it could be "sure! ok! ooooh! cool!". If not, then it'll be "nah. nope. nooooo!"

Crissandra Bello
Crissandra Bello - 06.07.2023 15:51

I love how you gave the example of how the muse comes to the artist being a generator and an artist myself I can definitely understand it in a different way now!

Mason. - 06.06.2023 14:46

this video was not only so informational, but also reassuring. so much so that my eyes started to water, lol.

26 ♉️ Generator w/ 6/2 profile, i felt every tip that you touched on. especially the two points where my life force can be felt and shift the energy immensely. and not using any of my life force causes frustration—being physically active is vital, makes a lot of sense. i’ve been realizing it in this new chapter of life.

thank you for such an informative video!

Govert Anschuetz
Govert Anschuetz - 02.06.2023 17:06

Beautiful Richard. Finding myself reacting a bit too much lately, time to find my response back. Thanks for reminding me. <3

debora roccasalva
debora roccasalva - 18.05.2023 17:50

Oh how I wish I was a G/MG rather than a self projected 6/2 Projector... just a much simpler life, I always struggle with lack of energy.

Terry Tan
Terry Tan - 13.05.2023 16:22

Hi Richard thank you for the insightful advice about the gen and MG. I am 2/4 MG Rax of sphinx 2. Does our strategy and authority affects the incarnation cross?

viki Z
viki Z - 11.05.2023 15:01

This is really hard to translate- response in german is equivalent to react, or answer. There might be a lot lost in translation. I think it is really important to get into the wording. Thank you for explaining it so thouroughly.

novacakez - 11.05.2023 11:39

Thank you Richard!!! I’d love to see your chart. What is your type/profile/authority?

OmniKeyZ The Oracle
OmniKeyZ The Oracle - 10.05.2023 23:50

ok so self!!!! stay in alignment with your response. yassszzz!!! got it. thank you teach

The Concierge Academy
The Concierge Academy - 10.05.2023 20:26

this was realllly powerful Richard!! thank you

Georgina Griggs
Georgina Griggs - 10.05.2023 18:55

it’s wonderful that I can focus on responding correctly according to my type and authority and that’s enough to positively impact others and perhaps even help them without words; simply by my actions.

Zach Vizion
Zach Vizion - 10.05.2023 07:26

Thank you for this video! I actually came across HD in a point in my life where I've been experiencing an inner transformation, noticing some anxiety/depression along with feeling frustrated and more going within. It seems like the mental health issues have sometimes made it more difficult to listen to the sacral. At the same time, it's showed me the importance of listening to the wisdom of the body and what feels right. I also have the 6 line in my profile and still in the first phase.

Vicky H
Vicky H - 09.05.2023 23:03

Great advice!

Laila.PerformingArtist - 09.05.2023 18:01

Great thank you so much again Richard! Would love to hear you clarify the receptive nature of generators as how it is different from the projectors and reflectors. (As I keep telling them about their unique receptive nature haha).

Something else Richard, I keep bumping into this question (perhaps I'm not formulating it correctly), but I can't seem to find an awnser. MG with Emotional authority here. There is a huge grey area on when to listen to our sacral and when to our solar plexus. My authority requires to go through the wave! Often I hear that for the more important descicions wait for emo clarity and for everyday things I can trust my sacral respons. But you might understand how this quickly turns into a very blurry zone. For some reason I haven't found anyone clearing this out to an extend that I feel my question is awnsered haha, even though strategy and authority are at the base of living the experiment.
Even in this beautiful in dept video of yours I keep wondering if I should take everything of it into account or if by doing that I'd actually work against my nature. I hope i've made my question clear this time. Wonder if other Emotional generators feel the same.


Destiny Aaiyana
Destiny Aaiyana - 09.05.2023 17:47

These words found me at the perfect time ! Thanks so much.
I feel very seen. Please keep sharing the depths of your knowledge !

Mumelinoo - 09.05.2023 10:09

"We are already living in a world that is unnatural" - oh yes, that's so true

Thank you for this video... it's so important 🙏👌

Daniela Capodilupo
Daniela Capodilupo - 09.05.2023 09:25

Thanks ❣️ precious video

localmeanderer - 09.05.2023 03:33

now i know why i had 'writers block' from age 18-27! i didn't feel anything to talk about, i thought i hadn't received the life experiences about which someone would deign to peruse. later in my life it's as if 'suddenly' i had CONTENT & could even envision others would appreciate this. that's when i began 'responding,' i guess by writing or whatever. also, i had to use a 'coin-op' over the wknd b/c my maytag/(ie, "washing machine") went out & i noticed peoples' faces in public, too--it's so funny you mentioned that. yesterday i was so taken aback by how horrified, sensitive & triggered this one baby seemed to be in public w/it's mother & it made me think of how sensitive & traumatizing this world must be for our young ones. it made me really want to reach out & provide comfort, but also made me realize what a fine line we walk in this world & how important it is to make SOUND decisions . . .

Sue Ann Dayton
Sue Ann Dayton - 09.05.2023 02:54

Woah! Excellent synchronicity video! I stopped myself today JUST before I reacted!!!! HD deconditioning at its finest!
Thank you Richard😊

E M - 09.05.2023 02:15

Thank you, Richard!

M V - 09.05.2023 00:28

Did I get it right?:
A Manifestor can stay home and ponder... Try to come up with an idea/plan/business plan/strategy and they will be fine .
A GENERATOR on the other hand MUST KEEP MOVING AND INVESTING ('spending') their ENERGY in order to be able to say "Yes!" or "No" to an opportunity.
Fellow generators: keep moving, never let your energy become .... stale ?

Edyta Stolfa
Edyta Stolfa - 08.05.2023 20:46

Thank you❤️🙏

Sarah Daymon
Sarah Daymon - 08.05.2023 20:20

WOW. “People will accept your response once YOU accept your response and take responsibility for it.”

Deena Rocco
Deena Rocco - 08.05.2023 19:46

Great and useful info Richard for this manifestor surrounded by generators! I have learned that when I hear a moan response from a generator not to poke the ‘bear’! Thank you.

Star Shine
Star Shine - 08.05.2023 19:01

I also see in your message where conditioning of wanting to 'fit in' in social groups has lead me to be unauthentic and in work scenarios. Boundaries are part of HD I feel with the response

Star Shine
Star Shine - 08.05.2023 18:58

Thank you Richard. The question I have around this is what if one is in a job where things do need to get done and one is in a working environment with others. If one has there own business, responding to what feels right in the moment could be easier.

Britt Rubin
Britt Rubin - 08.05.2023 18:21

Thank you Richard much appreciated..

Efi - 08.05.2023 17:59

Well, i' m a Generator and many times in the past I have forced myself to undergo interventions in order for people to be inspired. And this "genious idea" never comes, because there's an underlying "should". So, by my side the real mistake was this, because I did it against my will. There was a big "no" coming out of me, which I overlooked over and over again. "What are we not paying attention to, as 1st lines" was a good question. Except all, inner voice for sure. Personally, I don't disturb anyone and leave people alone. I'm a little too selfish to do the opposite. Τhe dictionary helped a bit so I hope it makes sense with my english 🙂

Em K Ultra
Em K Ultra - 08.05.2023 17:57

4/1 Generator here... 🤔

Georgina Griggs
Georgina Griggs - 08.05.2023 17:52

There are so many nuances to learn in HD to fully lead my life with satisfaction as an emotional G. Yet the basis you set out - the internal pull forward or pull back is so important. This takes time patience silence and stillness to actually feel our sacral message. So when suddenly you do it like oiling the hinges on a squeaky door. Ahhhhh smooth gliding 😅
Also you taught in another video for Gs to write really good lists and check in to it through the day to see what you respond to. This was SO helpful in teaching me to tune in to my sacral. Suddenly tension started to seep away and trust flowed in.

Elena Kostyreva
Elena Kostyreva - 08.05.2023 17:37

The consequence of saying no from the sacral is not having a job, and if we don't have a job then we don't have a way to pay bills. I've noticed how most people who are able to allow themselves to fully listen to their sacral are ones who already have the funds or have someone to support them to listen to where their sacral is calling them.

Caterina Titus
Caterina Titus - 08.05.2023 16:35

I really needed to hear this. Thank you, Richard!

Grateful Blacksugar
Grateful Blacksugar - 08.05.2023 16:17

Thank You Richard, thank you so much 🫶🏽

Lukey Fuhl
Lukey Fuhl - 08.05.2023 16:01

Thank you Richard…
The Lifeforce has to be moved…
Go on with this format as long you have energy for it. I appreciate your work a lot …🙏🏽
