The Ancient Zombie Massacre | Minecraft Deep Dive

The Ancient Zombie Massacre | Minecraft Deep Dive


2 года назад

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The FalconMcTalon
The FalconMcTalon - 03.10.2023 15:10

Love the content but damn that music is so loud it’s hard to hear sometimes.

Smacked Kat
Smacked Kat - 22.09.2023 20:36

hiw can you explain mob spawners?

The Disappointed Optimist
The Disappointed Optimist - 20.09.2023 23:17

There comes a point in theses videos where it's no longer a theory and you're just making shit up and I click away...

DaMartyr - 18.09.2023 04:52

What's your name boy? "Oink!" [Whip] Your name is Piglin.

lara Zainy
lara Zainy - 06.09.2023 20:45

Wait what if zombie virus came from the potions their self ??

galfkenicjancuwncwiskkmcme aodksmc owijkfkjsncnns
galfkenicjancuwncwiskkmcme aodksmc owijkfkjsncnns - 03.09.2023 22:19

bro go easy on the music damn this aint looney toons

Wandomi - 02.09.2023 17:19

L endermen lore

AlexandreGB566 - 27.08.2023 22:40

The ancient builder responsible for the entire game sells the world for another Old Builder.

Random purple slime
Random purple slime - 21.08.2023 12:54

I feel like the ancient builders weren't one collective I feel like instead it was just like us multiple different societies and civilizations my proof/reasoning well first off the different structures have vastly different architecture along with one more piece of it all culture how you may ask? Templates the armour templates are all different but can only be found in certain types of structures aka each civilizations culture and how each identified themselves

Eye was from the strongholds people,rib was from the either the piglins or ancient builders etc

Also not to be rude or anything but this video kinda got a little far fetched

Flowerbarrel - 18.08.2023 02:39

Jeez, that’s so sad. I wondered if the Endermen would find out about the way the Builders treated Piglins and not be very happy about it. But luckily Endermen are neutral nowadays and it’s even like they’re friends sometimes. It’s nice having them around, otherwise it’s kinda lonely. I love when they pick flowers so I make gardens in case they come by.

Cazador - 12.08.2023 10:05

Neat and all, but i feel like you extrapolated a whole lot in the latter half.

That Exo Guy
That Exo Guy - 07.08.2023 05:32

Based on the evidence in all of your theories so far, I think Steve isn't an ancient builder or even the exact same species. He is immune to the virus, and considering that even healed zombies can turn again, that means he isn't an ancient builder that got cured or simply survived.

Instead I think he's an artificial being created by the illagers through their experiments. The ultimate golem made to resemble the builders, but stronger and better than them as he is infused ditectly with life magic that he can freely use (experience, enchanting, and respawning). Probably has a bit of everything in him, from ancient builder, to enderman, to even skulk, seeing as the illagers ran experiments all over the place to understand many facets of the world.

Eadlin Dobbs
Eadlin Dobbs - 06.08.2023 15:22

I personally love the idea that the ancient builders were people playing earlier versions of the game before hostile mobs and things. I know it's a theory with so many plot holes but it feels wonderfully nostalgic and meta to me

The Nice Guy
The Nice Guy - 06.08.2023 02:33

Here is a stoopid idea, could zombies be clones? I mean they look almost exactly like Steve except green (big suprise there). Even if you think zombies dont look like Steve, you have to admit that it is a little strange that every zombie (excluding the husks) has the same light blue shirt and dark blue pants even with a little wrinkle on the side exactly like the player. Could thave the ancient builders been exactly the same? Is steve maybe the last survivor getting revenge for what happened to his brethren, all of the Steves and Alexes?

Corey Adams
Corey Adams - 05.08.2023 21:21

It would also be nice to tie everything to villagers as well with all the main branches being villager/illager endermen and piglins each the race of their respective dimension.

that one guy
that one guy - 04.08.2023 08:09

Has it been considered that the endermen are an off shoot of the ancient builders that fled to the End to escape the zombies and just evolved from there into the endermen?

PrinzPapiertuete - 02.08.2023 12:26

Your music choice, combined with your dramatic talking style and the video footage and editing turns this into a top tier documentary.

will peoples
will peoples - 30.07.2023 10:36

Would be interesting to see you revisit this considering archeology is out now

Per Øyvind Håvelsrud
Per Øyvind Håvelsrud - 27.07.2023 17:12

If this was true, why cant the player cure a skeleton or zombie with a potion of weakness and an enchanted golden apple like they can do with Villagers? Also, it seems the knowledge of Villagers return after they're cured. If the builders couldn't be cured, they might have fled to another dimension(maybe the deep dark portal is the gateway to where they're residing, and we as a player are not yet capable to summoning the magic required to activate it? The dragon created in the End, could be a similar attempt by the Endermen to reach a lusher world that are more to their liking, given their sight is inverted from the players, they might see the overworld as a bit to dark in the day, in addition to all the water. I agree that the undead mobs probably are a remnant of the old builders, but I dont think they were able to cure themselves or their phantoms. As stated in another video, I don't think the zombified piglins are affected by the same pathogen thoug, as they seem to start turning quite rapidly after entering the overworld, but not when in the nether. Also Zombified piglins does not seem to turn Villagers to Zombified Villagers based on what I have seen in the universe. Since it also seems the player is the first of the builders immune to the pathogen, and the player was transported through a one-way portal from whatever dimension the ancient builders is now residing in, in order to try fix the world they left. The memories might have been lost as a unforeseen side-effect when transferring through the portal. But some of the memories come back as they collect new resources and start crafting.

Bread - 27.07.2023 10:12

Some ancient builders, can’t even zero cycle the dragon, pffft

Dumble dort (ne le réveillez guère)
Dumble dort (ne le réveillez guère) - 25.07.2023 08:07

This is your best deep dive!

Andy B
Andy B - 19.07.2023 09:32

Bro your musical choices are absolutely wild. I love it.

John Burien
John Burien - 13.07.2023 07:41

But what created zombies, creepers, spiders, etc.😊

John Burien
John Burien - 13.07.2023 07:30

Maybe Steve the player you play is the last if the builders and when you learn how to convert zombies into villagers you figure it out

kelan white
kelan white - 12.07.2023 22:44

"Building underwater is not tricky"

Me: frantically trying to place blocks around to try and drain my underwater base

Kaiser of gaming
Kaiser of gaming - 12.07.2023 03:44

I love the story telling in this

ItsSametrical - 08.07.2023 15:32

Dragon heads on end cities, piglins zombifying in overworld doesn't make sense with this theory

Genderless Weeb
Genderless Weeb - 07.07.2023 18:03

Also, the way that the crystals were set up does not re summon the ender dragon, also what demension would it come from? the same one the the endermite originated? perhaps the endermen are so advanced is that they also came from this dimension, their first travelling point being the end. There may not be enough evedince for this, but you did bring up the dragon coming from a different dimension, though there are many questions on how one could go to such dimension

Genderless Weeb
Genderless Weeb - 07.07.2023 17:40

This is great and all, but Where did the villagers come from originally, yes they are human, but we don't seem to have a clear explanation as to where they came from, did they simply evolve like humans? unlikely, there are no monkeys in minecraft nor are there any signs of evolution whatsoever, the point of the illagers was that they changed their lifestyle and obtained new knowlage, that is what differed them from the villagers

terry mcleod
terry mcleod - 05.07.2023 13:26

So minecrafts ancient builders are an analogy of human beings.

terry mcleod
terry mcleod - 05.07.2023 13:10

Your videos and theories are amazing first of all but is your theory that the ancient builders or the witches created the cure?

Piotr - 02.07.2023 18:11

No, all undead enemy but zombie villagers were never human. They are wepon of illagers. Other wise there would be any zombie spawners. They are used to keep villagers in villages.

Mayank Sharma
Mayank Sharma - 30.06.2023 12:08

amazing theory bro but i have a doubt
that how can endermans get resources in end

Anomolicaris - 28.06.2023 14:59

I like to think the Endermen are working with the Dragon and summoned the Dragon on purpose to make the Builders piss off

Misa - 26.06.2023 15:21

It's kinda obvious, but this theory has a whole, since you can't turn zombies back to ancient builders. Maybe they were zombies for far too long, or maybe they are more succeptable to the virus. Villagers still live, even though there are zombies everywhere. They are stronger. You basically have to kill them off entirely to make them zombie villagers.

Bossnak - 23.06.2023 09:50

Me: saves endermen from the dragon.
Also me: proceeds to make enderman farm.
So, I guess the ancient builders are our ancestors 😂

Foloan - 21.06.2023 02:07

You just had to do it. You had to put it in. Why did you make the wood like that.

Jack Glinsky
Jack Glinsky - 19.06.2023 22:30

Tbh I'm a little disappointed in this video compared to the rest of the deep dives, especially since this feels like the climax of the series. Compared to the other videos which are very evidence based, this one is mostly conjecture. It's really just you telling a story, rather than positing a hypothesis, so it doesn't really feel like it belongs in this series.

Woke Fatti
Woke Fatti - 19.06.2023 12:23

I like this lore, my only question would be, once you defeat the dragon, why would endermen continue to be hostile to the player? Is it just a matter of being uninformed, or a lasting distrust of humans?

Incarnqte - 11.06.2023 05:59

All of the Deep Dives coming together into a final story! So good!

kish - 11.06.2023 05:16

The ancient builders are the Enderman

Linas Schafer
Linas Schafer - 10.06.2023 05:07

im so impressed

Linas Schafer
Linas Schafer - 10.06.2023 04:59

im still so shocked you make your own music

Best Witch
Best Witch - 05.06.2023 21:36

Piglins are likely magically or otherwise mutated pigs, and pigs share very similar DNA to people and the piglins were originally zombie “pig-men” part human, when piglins get sick they are only partly affected not fully aggressive (I assume because of normal animal immunity) but share enough DNA with people to both spread and contract the virus. IRL fungus is capable of lowering temperatures in local environments so if there was a virus in the nether that indigenous creatures were immune to then it’s possible that heat prevents it from spreading to said creatures which are made of fire but if a creature from a different dimension were to pick up said bacteria and come into contact with cooler temperatures within a warped forest the zombification process may start to take shape over time and with shared DNA the piglins could spread this contracted disease to both humans and their strange counterparts the hoglins. the piglins offered a genetic link for the virus to mutate to be able to spread to hogs and people this is why hoglins are the only animals that can be undead, besides phantoms which no idea what those are honestly…. And then as I’m sure we all know hypothetically the moist cool environment of the nether kickstarts the zombie bacteria once a creature walks through the portal, likely the builders collecting gold brushed shoulders with piglins who had said bacteria and or fungi on them, and once they delivered the gold to the overworld began to become undead and then spread the virus.

Heat in real life has the potential to cause evolutionary mutation which is likely how pigs became piglins, and Bastion means a hold out or a place for something to survive as a last resort kinda thing, alluding to the nature of piglins as a foreign species that can’t survive on their own in the nether without a protective fortress, without a “bastion”. Furthermore fungus IRL has the potential to fight against and even decompose harmful elements, bacteria, and other fungi, feeding off certain toxins and growing bigger, potentially the emergence of the zombie plague was a catalyst for the environment to create a defense mechanism in the form of the mushroom biome which grows in isolation on islands and infects cows as a means to transport its spores to new lands or just because there were cows there idk.

Potentially in the nether all the piglins are infected and the heat just makes it so it takes a really long time to become fully infected.

Big Juicy
Big Juicy - 03.06.2023 02:33

I love this. My theory is that the player is either a descendant of the Ancient Builder race or one of the ancient builders who awakened from a sort of stasis with no memory of his previous life or the race he came from

Jesse Gauthier
Jesse Gauthier - 14.05.2023 18:15

The music in this video is WAAAY too loud

I have to constantly adjust the volume just to not blow my eardrums out
