Can German and Yiddish Speakers Understand Each Other?

Can German and Yiddish Speakers Understand Each Other?

Bahador Alast

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Keverke54 - 17.09.2023 00:51

In Belgian Dutch ( Flanders Antwerp region ) we regulary use "ke" instead of "tje" for something small .

Julia Dormann
Julia Dormann - 16.09.2023 19:32

This is someone from Bremen. They speak standard German there. In Franconia, Yiddish would be much easier to understand. Man kann auf Deutsch auch "Semmel" zum Brötchen sagen, scheinbar aber nicht in Bremen. Und in Jiddisch klingt es - glaube ich - ähnlich...This was not a good representative of the German language

Max L
Max L - 16.09.2023 10:57

Думается йидиш начал формироваться до общенемецкого варианта на основе верхненемецкого Лютера, но тоже из верхнемецкого просторечья, к тому же они оба знают английский это тоже помогает, а у еврея ещё и йидиш без славянского влияния.

MO - 12.09.2023 18:18

The Schwäbisch add ‚le‘ as a suffix. The Swiss add „li.“

Ivan Hristov
Ivan Hristov - 12.09.2023 09:40

In Baden Württemberg we say zwiebele

Mobetter - 12.09.2023 03:42

Jeremiah 10:11
From the earth and from these heavens

dhabeh di malka

yobdu tthath ha shamayim ha elleh

Techno Wikinger
Techno Wikinger - 11.09.2023 22:17

Yiddish has german roots and is still 70% german with a slightly different grammar. The rest is hebrew and some latin words.

Iron - 11.09.2023 19:57

The German guy is horrible. Still interesting though

Emilia Calabro
Emilia Calabro - 11.09.2023 00:22

I am from Baden-Württemberg and we speak the Swabian dialect here and Yiddish is really way closer to Swabian than to German and I understand it really well 🤩

Heidi Michel
Heidi Michel - 10.09.2023 23:40

Zwiebele means swabisch dialekt 😅 from the South of Germany 😅Bremen people don’t know that 😂

Heidi Michel
Heidi Michel - 10.09.2023 23:35

Der Mensch denkt und Gott lenkt 🙏

GT - 10.09.2023 17:58

They were forced to move f/ expelled from Western Europe to Poland

Jimmie Draper
Jimmie Draper - 10.09.2023 04:20

Read facts are facts by Benjamin Freedman he spent 2 1/2 million dollars of his own money to expose this beautiful it's also on pdf

Harald Gerl
Harald Gerl - 09.09.2023 19:05

I had no zores to verstanden the bübele 🤣 - old Viennese language is full of jidisch words.

Arthur van Houdt
Arthur van Houdt - 08.09.2023 00:57

As Yiddish is about 1000y old and many words are also used in Dutch it works also to Dutch for a large extent. With that I mean from Yiddish to Dutch the other way around is less obvious due to the way Dutch has "deviated" from German.

account name
account name - 08.09.2023 00:51

So disappointed in Chris Rock He is a grade A hypocrite. Rock and Seinfeld are money greedy immoral creatures who support apartheid Israel but more than happy to tour apartheid Israel What an arse! Chris Rock never expected this from you. Thought you always stood for Justice. And now you are accepting invitation from Apartheid Israel! You are not only betraying those who respected you, but mostly you are betraying your own race, who have been the victims of Apartheid. Shame on you. An African American willing to support ethnic supremacy in Israel has less moral authority to complain about the ethnic supremacy in his own country.

account name
account name - 08.09.2023 00:44

Israel's cruelty, brutality and racist policies have gone on too long and have been willfully overlooked Israel is a racist occupying force ignored by Americans Palestine will be free In Sha Allah israel is an aparthied state There is no country called Israel Palestine should be free wake up world.

account name
account name - 08.09.2023 00:40

A country that mutilate babies and bullies people who don't not a real country. God I hate Israel horrible people My mom said that the Israelites are not safe, cause most terrorists group live there.

account name
account name - 08.09.2023 00:17

Israel bad They shot at one of America's ships when they can clearly see the flag! AND WE'RE ALLIES! Jeez it's PALESTINE, how could you make such a bad spelling mistake Palestine rules Worst people Too religious. They are cruel and INSHALLAH One day they will ruined by their own Peoples they bomb hospitals to defending ourselves! Racists they jahat.

account name
account name - 08.09.2023 00:06

The people of Israel is a Nazi. They killing many innocent Palestinians People Burn Israel into ashes It suck, I feel uncultured. They have dirty peoples I still don't understand how its not number 1. haha The worst country ever Living under apartheid Awful country. Very bad I hate Israel They are greedy and racists to non Jews and foreigners This is bad country I agree completely. World most worstcountry ever seen They have no culture yet they hate on other cultures smh. Killingother countries people is their job. # hate_Israe. Just really bad We have jews here. - njalabi63989 One might say that bad stuff here, Israel I hope this country will get destroy It's the worst! This country is disgusting, I rather die than live there It is world top 1 worst country The most disgusting people I'm a muslim so screw this country (not to be racist) It must be sad to live without a culture.

account name
account name - 08.09.2023 00:00

Its seriously not even israel! its palestine, israel ain't a real country! people are so stupid. Israel doesn't exist. Jews invaded Palestine in 1940's, called it Israel and brainwashed lots of people. If you are a christian you'll get bullied by these rats, if you love god don't live here. Israel is a terrorist state that need to be baptized.

account name
account name - 07.09.2023 23:56

Jews. What else can be said? They will hijack your videos! All Israeli companies are evil and will spam you! EWWWWWWW! Terrible! Block them! Their disgusting "Wix" keeps on spamming me! Tel-Aviv Yafo is not beautiful, in reality the disgusting Wix is headquartered nowhere but there! TERRIBLE! You'll be forced to be drafted to a terrorist military, get bullied by people if you're: circumcized, religious, or support mass terrorism. Horrible, horrible place. You have no idea how blessed you are if you don't live this satanic Jesus-hating country. Israel is very dangerous place for Catolic and Christians. Their are so racist people. Israel is a racist countrie. They killed everyone not Israeli or from USA. And I hate racism and the terrorism of Israel.

account name
account name - 07.09.2023 23:48

The Jews are a different race, hostile to our own The Way to Victory of Americana over Judaism, Judaism, there is the enemy! They have an obession with shnitzel, it's not even that good. Jewish people are the devils, the fallen angels of this world.

Qiang Zhang
Qiang Zhang - 04.09.2023 09:31

Gibt es doch Zwiebelchen ?

Linda Haghgoo
Linda Haghgoo - 03.09.2023 22:31

My German grandmother chatted with her Yiddish-speaking neighbor when they sat outside on their rowhome porches and understood each other perfectly. This was back in the first quarter of the 20th century. My grandmother's ancestors came before 1850 and managed to hold onto their German because Germans are so insular.

andrea r
andrea r - 03.09.2023 08:35

Wonderful video. I speak a bisele ydish thanks to my tzeide who used to say sheine meidelej and my father used to say guein budarang haha and farmaj de tir, jaja

Tomás Martín
Tomás Martín - 01.09.2023 22:35

He was right zwiebele is ne small Onion . Usted in the South germany. This german guy Just knows the north German expression . Not that good lingüístic. But in General nice Experiment:)

Igor da Cunha Ferreira
Igor da Cunha Ferreira - 01.09.2023 17:54

Ich habe niemals gedacht dass ein Deutscher und ein Jude sich ruhig und nett unterhalten könnten. Das ist das Wunder des Lebens. Der kleine Adolf windet sich gerade in seinem Grab. ;-)

James Dean
James Dean - 01.09.2023 00:01

Simply put, Yiddish is a German creole language.

Tudor Codita
Tudor Codita - 31.08.2023 16:44

The German speaking guy, being from Northern Germany and speaking a version of German very close to the contemporary German literary one, had a lot less chances to understand many Yiddish words of actual German heritage than anyone speaking a South/South-Western dialect would have. Diminutivation by adding the suffix "le" is common to some Allemanic/Bavarian dialects, as well as replacing indefinite articles with "a", or speaking out the sound for "o" instead of "a". For an average speaker of a South or South Western German Dialect, their version of German is much more mutually understandable with versions of Yiddish spoken in Switzerland, Poland, Hungary and Romania or the Netherlands, for example, than it was for the Northern German guy with Brooklin Yiddish.

site maintenance
site maintenance - 31.08.2023 10:35

Pinch as just told us the standard Catholic History Book Narrative on the origins of Yiddish. How disappointing.

im in
im in - 31.08.2023 07:06

Souds like german Yiddish

SideWalk Astronomy Netherlands.
SideWalk Astronomy Netherlands. - 27.08.2023 16:55

schaue is related to show.

SideWalk Astronomy Netherlands.
SideWalk Astronomy Netherlands. - 27.08.2023 16:52

tracht - dutch "tries"..

Crass Spektakel
Crass Spektakel - 27.08.2023 07:13

I am surprised how similar Yiddish sounds to Silesian. My Grandparents were native speakers of Silesian and because I grew up at their house I know it pretty well.

There aren't many people left speaking or understanding that old Silesian. Though I can speak a couple of words I don't consider myself in any way proficient. I would be surprised if even 100 people were still alive who speak it and 10.000 who understand it. Silesian was spoken by two million peoples 100 years ago. Pretty much dead nowadays. The few true Silesians, less than 50.000 as far as I know, still living in Silesia speak nowadays either speak polish or high-german with a strong accent.

Klaus Welsch
Klaus Welsch - 26.08.2023 11:08

der Deutsche kann wenig deutsch - begrenzter Wortschatz

Laminat Boden
Laminat Boden - 26.08.2023 01:10

Its also called Judendeutsch

Sergej Lomakin
Sergej Lomakin - 26.08.2023 00:56

Zwiebele kann man auf vielen Allemanischen Dialekten auch so sagen , Lädele, Häusle , Gässle

Marc D
Marc D - 25.08.2023 22:52

Why you took a guy from Bremen? For people used to south-german dialects it would be much easier to understand! He obviously not even knew that the ending "-le" is existing in German dialects as well like in Yiddish to make something small.

Zafer Topak
Zafer Topak - 25.08.2023 04:24

Ashkenaz isn‘t Germany. It‘s Skythia.

Jolanta Reflinska
Jolanta Reflinska - 25.08.2023 03:11

Dalej nie bede sluchala tych klamstw. Zapytam , KTO Jest Narodem WYBRANYM?

Jolanta Reflinska
Jolanta Reflinska - 25.08.2023 03:08

Nigdy kraje Slowianskie nie posligiwaly sie aramejskim.

Jolanta Reflinska
Jolanta Reflinska - 25.08.2023 03:06

I tu mamy klamstwo ,bo dziejsi zydzi to plemiona EDOMITOW , hUNOW I mONGOLOW.aLE SLuchakmy nadal tych klamstw/

Hans Josef
Hans Josef - 24.08.2023 18:05

Als Deutscher verstehe ich ich fast alles jiddische was gesagt wurde was mich selbst ein wenig beeindruckt

polielie - 24.08.2023 17:56

Wow very interesting, as a foreigner with B2 level of German, I understand Yiddish better than the German guy. Maybe because I lived in Stuttgart and in Zürich before.
