"I Got RICH When I Started DOING THIS!" (Copy These Billionaire Habits) | Tilman Fertittia

"I Got RICH When I Started DOING THIS!" (Copy These Billionaire Habits) | Tilman Fertittia

Tom Bilyeu

4 года назад

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o'neil jerry
o'neil jerry - 29.09.2023 14:47

I like investing in close-end funds that pay monthly dividends. The trick is to hold long term and reinvest the monthly dividends plus buy more shares on a monthly basis or when ever you can afford to. This can be easily done because close-end funds are bought and sold on the stock market just like regular stock. That’d be enough to create a portfolio that would pay you between $50k to $70k in dividend income

Art by Evelyn
Art by Evelyn - 29.09.2023 03:10

Who gonna run the factories, deliver the mail, serve food, all these small services we take for granted if everyone was rich? Even tho I wish these kind of jobs paid enough to be able to afford good things, and stress about how to pay the bills in time. Minimum wage is the problem

Charlotte Jacobsons
Charlotte Jacobsons - 28.09.2023 17:07

Managing money is different from accumulating wealth, and the lack of investment education in schools may explain why people struggle to maintain their financial gains. The examples you provided are relevant, and I personally benefited from the market crisis, as I embrace challenging times while others tend to avoid them. Well, at least my advisor does too,

Mohammad Daher
Mohammad Daher - 28.09.2023 05:12

i finaly found tom's F***ING 5%!

Andrian - 27.09.2023 23:52

I didn't become financially independent until I was in my mid 40s, in addition to owning a second house making money on a monthly basis through passive income, and I've also met some of my goals. I really hope this motivates someone to know that it doesn't matter if you don't have any of these things yet; no matter your age, you can start today. Investing can help you change your future! By participating in the financial market, I took a significant decision.

Deron3003 - 25.09.2023 23:28

33 min of talking and he said nothing.

Margaritas 🍸
Margaritas 🍸 - 25.09.2023 08:15

What is the best way to profit from the current market, meanwhile I'm still undecided about investing $400k in my stock portfolio to get some dvidends and minimize risk

Esther Val-Amour
Esther Val-Amour - 24.09.2023 15:07

Awesome interview thank you

Aroji Otieno
Aroji Otieno - 23.09.2023 11:33

Keep punching

Turtle Anton
Turtle Anton - 23.09.2023 03:59


Priyanshu Dubey
Priyanshu Dubey - 22.09.2023 08:26


Gloria Steinem
Gloria Steinem - 21.09.2023 10:40

The essential thing that everyone should be thinking about right now is investing in non-government sources of income. Especially in light of the current global economic crisis. It is still a wonderful moment to invest in gold, silver, digital money, and stocks.

keke andrei
keke andrei - 21.09.2023 03:03

Ohhh shut up. Tell it to your grand kids.

AMANDA MBONGWA - 20.09.2023 22:40

Authentic, valuable!! “Be the bull in what you do”

Lalo Castro
Lalo Castro - 20.09.2023 21:26

Are you going 2 sit home and Die....??????

Alen Batagelj
Alen Batagelj - 20.09.2023 15:45

I will not listen to this idiocy, I recogniced big bulshit in the title, to be a millioner is more than enough.

Trazz Palmer
Trazz Palmer - 18.09.2023 18:23

As a soon-to-be retiree, keeping my 401k on track after a bumpy 2022 is a high goal. I've read about investors generating up to $250k ROI in this present sinking market; any suggestions for increasing my ROI before retirement would be greatly appreciated.

Sonia Dubey
Sonia Dubey - 18.09.2023 15:10


oldmansoda - 18.09.2023 02:47

Tom’s 5% is his use of F bombs and his choice of footwear.

oldmansoda - 18.09.2023 02:26

Tom, gimme a break with the shoes

WarmIce Studios
WarmIce Studios - 17.09.2023 22:11

"I do HEAVY DUE DILIGENCE" - One of the biggest take aways of this interview. Talks about it in different forms at different times, but "RESEARCH" is a big key. The proper gathering of information. - Awesome!

stockRage - 17.09.2023 19:05

what can I do? I have been disabled since 2009 and I am 58 years old at the verge of retirement. My portfoliio of $750k is down to $492k, How can I profit from the present market" , I mean I've heard of people making upto $250k in couple weeks during this crash and I'd like to know how.

Stevens Middlemass
Stevens Middlemass - 17.09.2023 18:33

Roughly £120k in my portfolio are in tech/TSLA stocks, can I get an advice on any other stocks that I can acquire to diversify my reserve across multiple markets while creating a comprehensive portfolio allocation that balances my concerns of risk aversion and returns that meet yearly inflation.

IJAPARI GYANG - 16.09.2023 23:10

I’m gonna do this better than any other person.❤❤🚀

smith Lenn
smith Lenn - 16.09.2023 22:22

I was advised to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio for retirement. I'm seeking to invest $200K across markets but don't know where to start.

Jon Shepherd2
Jon Shepherd2 - 16.09.2023 21:58

Answered in first 5 minutes.. i got lucky I owed so much money in the 80's but the banks got closed so didn't have to pay anything back for years... obviously a strategy anyone can use😂😂😂

somnath ghosh
somnath ghosh - 16.09.2023 14:31

Those who are wealthy never come to U Tube to blabber away.

BigDowneyOFFICIAL - 16.09.2023 00:06

his interviews are good

Letho6 - 15.09.2023 18:55

S/o Katy, Texas baby

Justin Griffin
Justin Griffin - 14.09.2023 12:07

Tom has one good ability, its that he's willing to learn from people who are way smarter than himself and he still tries to ask a smart question or two.

Lynna Nguyen
Lynna Nguyen - 12.09.2023 22:43

Tom is the best edifying 🤗

Ash7604yaman - 12.09.2023 21:04

Working for a company where there is striving and to many bosses dont espect mericals the bosses are ruthless heartless monsters.if you got skills that's what will feed you the more you have the more headache the banks make money out you if you go down they will get the recivers out and undertakers will measure your height and weight and say you are found wanting you are weighed in .I dont burn energy where there is no return makes one look older and your hairs turn gray and white .Better to spend time with your children they are your bankers invest in your children best way they look upto you till death do us part .

Brian Schuch
Brian Schuch - 12.09.2023 19:07

I have one comment on what he said about being the best at what you do in a corp. setting. I have personally experienced a few times in my life that being the best employee and it does not matter what Dept. or title you have but doing a great job at XYZ means you WILL be in that position for as long as you work at that company because you are so good doing that thing that they cannot replace you, therfore you are STUCK. I can tell you now after so many years and owning my own Company that 1. It is VERY hard to find someone that has any work ethic and because of that if I find a person that does good in an area I will absolutely keep that person in that position as long as possible.

Patricia  James
Patricia James - 12.09.2023 02:12

Thanks bud for keeping us financially Educated! Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy, I still make over $13,000 every single week...

GEMZ IS MAGNIFICENT - 11.09.2023 16:07


Dino Miles
Dino Miles - 10.09.2023 14:55

Cut the bull . Be the bull .

Naomi Gonzales
Naomi Gonzales - 08.09.2023 10:00

I just sold a property in Portland and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying its ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $200k gains with months, I'm really just confused at this point.

Kevin A Jones
Kevin A Jones - 07.09.2023 18:37

Tillman is your everyday billionaire - Great interview!

joan frisinabowles
joan frisinabowles - 07.09.2023 16:24

If you jeopardize your Health for Wealth... you might NOT get to enjoy it. Stay balanced.

David Antony
David Antony - 06.09.2023 02:02

After a terrible 2022, shell-shocked financial backers have a lot to think about and losses to recover from. An expansion report and a wealth of other data did little to alter assumptions that the Central bank would likely keep raising interest rates regardless of whether the economy slows down. This implies that portfolios will experience more losses during the first quarter of 2023. I'm currently at a crossroads deciding whether to exchange my $250k security/stock portfolio; how might the continuous market volatility work to my advantage?

James Clay
James Clay - 05.09.2023 19:08

I've been diligently working, saving, and investing toward financial independence and early retirement, but the economy since the pandemic has eaten up the majority of 200k portfolio. I want to know: Do I keep contributing to my portfolio in these unstable markets, or do I look into alternative sectors?

Freedom Playa
Freedom Playa - 01.09.2023 09:45

“I’m teaching them how to make decisions.”

Jorg Miller
Jorg Miller - 31.08.2023 21:23

Managing resources and making good returns is not as easy as it seems, there are a lot of things that aren't well taught in schools. The market crisis gave me my first returns, when people stayed away from hard times I made the most of it..many credits goes to Sir Trevor James Beckerman

chris - 31.08.2023 01:22

I've been diligently working, saving, and investing toward financial independence and early retirement, but the economy since the pandemic has eaten up the majority of my $3 million portfolio. I want to know: Do I keep contributing to my portfolio in these unstable markets, or do I look into alternative sectors?

Eman renawi
Eman renawi - 30.08.2023 09:39

I had a hard time listening to men talking business or strategies no matter what is there specialized in without asking myself what’s about family? The struggles with love and growing kids? He did ask about teaching his kids how to do business but it feels always like there is no family issues and all these sides does not matter when the person is successful. But when someone interviews a woman there is always a question about handing career and family. Please start seeing men as a whole person. They are not just one side.

Quinn Woody
Quinn Woody - 29.08.2023 22:39

And never shake a man’s hand sitting down. Too many rookie mistakes!

Quinn Woody
Quinn Woody - 29.08.2023 19:56

I was highly impressed with this interview until you dropped the “F” word. Sorry, you just showed your 5% and I would NEVER do business with you!

Ruth spense
Ruth spense - 29.08.2023 16:50

Building wealth from nothing involves consistent saving, disciplined spending, and strategic investments. Begin by creating a budget to track expenses and identify areas for savings. Prioritize paying off high-interest debt and establishing an emergency fund. As you build a foundation, start investing in low-cost options like index funds, and focus on continuous learning and improving your skills for better income opportunities.

Roseanne Erwin
Roseanne Erwin - 29.08.2023 07:57

These are very valuable info for anybody who wants to get rich. Unfortunately, most people who will watch this video will not really be able to apply the principles. We may not want to admit, but as Warren Buffett once said, investing is like any other profession-- it requires a certain level of expertise. No surprise that some people are losing a lot of money in the bear market, while others are making hundreds of thousands in profit. I just don't know how they do it. I have about $109k now to put in the market.
