Is Ark Survival Evolved worth buying 2024?

Is Ark Survival Evolved worth buying 2024?


1 год назад

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@SmartphoneGamingTest - 27.02.2024 04:10

Bro can i play ark survival evolved with my friends? Or cant?

@nedelcudecebal - 27.02.2024 18:44

Can you plan unoffical?

@vanilla8353 - 03.03.2024 19:29

My friend is planning to get Survival Evolved soon. I already have the game so can I play with him?

@optimusprime7243 - 08.03.2024 00:59

Omfg you've gotta be kidding me, ascended isn't gonna be on PS4?? Fxck these devs man, and fxck all those rich cxnts at Microsoft and Sony, im so fxckin sick of them fxcking over poor people!

@Driverr-x1p - 04.04.2024 02:08

Yo bro I have one question if I buy ark on PS4 will it work?

@Vlaud - 03.05.2024 08:44

I think it's definitely still worth playing, I still play it. I tried playing survival ascended but... the graphics are just far too demanding, so for people that cant afford to put their computers through games with 'that' high of graphics would find survival evolved is still def worth playing.

@1sunedits17 - 03.05.2024 23:57

Is it still good on ps4 slim?
No bugs.....

@joerambo4977 - 10.05.2024 16:50

I can't join a server 😕 any advice? I can't join none dedicated or player dedicated 😕

@alirafati9340 - 16.05.2024 17:06

Aren't the servers down? I think i saw it somewhere which made me very sad because i dont have a ps5 so i cant play ascended on my ps4
Edit: it seems single player can be played so my question is wether or not you can play local co-op right now?
Also IM Very confused about the dlcs and which ones are free and which are not

@pickphilips8271 - 07.06.2024 12:15

I totally agree that the game is still very playable, the graphics are still really good as far as I am concerned.

@Headcrab795 - 14.06.2024 12:11

ark ascended is ass just play the old one

@TheExiled. - 15.06.2024 21:48

short and useful, definitely all reviewers should learn to make videos like this.

@xxdemonicxxxxdemonxx4091 - 17.06.2024 04:14

No more official servers 99% of the unofficial cluster servers are down because they moved to ark ascended

@tazuya2355 - 19.06.2024 01:21

Can I still play online on survival evolved? If so, yes it is worth

@Wspyall8929 - 21.06.2024 20:05

Asa is a buggy mess I have a 4070ti and have 40fps at high settings I switched back to ase

@balastickboom - 12.07.2024 01:01

will a 4070ti super be good?

@Mark-r9m4v - 26.07.2024 15:55

Guys am a i t which means information technology and i can easily get ark without paying its kinda easy

@crazed5491 - 14.08.2024 21:16

So can I play with my friends in a world

@Rendell1702 - 23.08.2024 12:00

Gotdamnit!!!! Now thats how you do a review💯🍻🤣🔥....48 seconds, and i was sold to jump back in 😂

@SiccazHD - 26.08.2024 10:05

Thanks for not stretching the video longer than a minute🫶🙌👐🤲

@YupLeditz - 01.09.2024 17:35

what the hell is a gtx 3080

@oh-kade - 06.09.2024 13:46

It’s way better than ascended ngl ascended is not even close

@ThailandDantotherescue - 03.10.2024 09:19

Ark Survival Evolved is in my #2 slot right after 7 Days to die and ahead of Conan Exiles, Valhiem and enshrouded.

Evolved has so many amazing mods for free that are dead easy to add to your game. I bought ascended but its just too much of a pain in the a$$ even on an RTX 4080m ... I dont mind playing at reduced settings, but its an inferior game in my opinion.

ASE gives you so much more for your money. I havent played it with my best friend yet, but I will introduce him to the game in November when he comes to visit. I know its gonna be a blast.

@Minllinl - 24.11.2024 00:05

as somebody with around 3-4k hours from pc to mobile I can confidently say if your want any sort of multiplayer server then NO!

@badasstoad9419 - 27.11.2024 19:29

I only play ARK SE.
ARK SA is just a bad Unreal5 port of ARK SE with less content and buggier.

Plus the DLC it has feels mostly like community mods than real ARK DLC.

@kristian5642 - 30.12.2024 19:05

You can play Acended on a gtx 970

@Bikeelifeblocc - 01.01.2025 12:00

Is there any dedicated severs up

@siegeWsal - 09.02.2025 00:38

Should I buy it on steam, or straight of the website?

@steve_arcenio - 23.02.2025 02:18

I have the 3070 Asus laptop would this work lol

@Okay-pr9fp - 27.02.2025 08:55

This is one of those games that’s only good if you have nostalgia attached to it because it’s pretty outdated in the survival genre

@playhouseforgeofficial - 28.02.2025 21:52

Just subscribed because a 48 second review is top tier

@N.F.7-nf7 - 14.03.2025 09:07

Yeah thanks so much, and if you add mods in it, it will be even much more fun

@ar8x - 18.03.2025 05:42

is ark Survival Evolved still good in ps4?

@MapleBaconGaming - 08.02.2024 20:04

I think Ark Survival Evolved is definitely still worth it to buy if you’ve never played. If you can get ascended and run it well, then yeah go for ascended but still, ark evolved has more content that will be rolling out on ascended soon. Hope this helps please subscribe for more ark content!!
