Forging a Bi-metal Bearded Axe from a RR Tie Plate and File

Forging a Bi-metal Bearded Axe from a RR Tie Plate and File

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Amber Smith
Amber Smith - 30.06.2023 23:10

good people make good videos good people are all like minded seems them controlling things where i am from have no good or intelligence i hope them in high places where your from has both good and intelligence the waters are so muddy around here if there was any truth you could not find it we home school they are trying to teach the children to be nuts like they are i hope other places around the word are not following the usa in these ways i love my home land just like i am sure you and others all over the earth love theirs every one i know in the land i live in fill the same as i do it is a live and let live type thing we don't want ANYONE to tell us how to live or think I answer to God not evil warped minded lovers of money and power These people i speak of love things like money power and adding to there hoard more than other people It don't matter where some one lives we ARE ALL brothers and sisters We should be there for each other in a time need The evil warped minded ones are the problem they are the few I have seen videos of just normal every day people from all over the earth I am not talking about the fakes butting on a show! Most of the people no matter where they live think and fill the same way Live and let live using the golden rule!!!! The golden rule is don't do anything to any one that you would not want them to do to you Any one who wants to rule over others should never be allowed to rule! The person who is over others is a servant to all they are over! I truly think it is that simple for those that love people more than more things money or power I am not political or religious i don't want nothing to do with either one of them! Even though I love God our Father creator of all things created the alpha and omega all powerful fair and just full of mercy and love God our Father sees the heart and judges rightfully God calls us his children Dose a child make mistakes some of them mistakes over and over and over and over again? A perfect Father would not force his child to know he is right He would not want a robot But if the child will just liston enough to know what the father says was right after it come to pass Then the child will believe in the father enough to be teachable "saved" Father needs his child to turn around "repent" from disbelief to belief so they are teachable Repent dose NOT mean do no wrong if anyone could do no wrong then they would not need there fathers guidance We are children and will be missing the bullseye "sin" till the day we die The commandments "law" is to show you need fathers guidance Jesus "God in flesh" has been the only one that could follow all the law! So we all need a savior the way the truth and the life Believe on him is "SAVED" It is so simple a babe will get it Jesus warned we are to test ALL things for ourselves This means even though i have wrote about the good news "gospel" you need to test what i have wrote for your self Dont believe me or any one else Jesus said his people die from a lack of wisdom Gospel means good news Have you heard good news or the lies that you have to be sinless and have a stick up your ass or you will burn in hell God is good my friends! Remember i mostly cant stand religion read about Jesus making a whip and see if he liked it! Read the what father is truly like in the prodigal son story in the bible When you think how a perfect father would be then you can understand the bible But if you just want to think he is evil and not have true understanding you can do that also Father allows us to chose he's not a tyrant that want to makes every one agree with him He is not like the ones that should not be other things where i live The ones that are not evil if and when they test and find the truth about God They love Gods ways But it is not my business what another person believes in besides the golden rule I don't want anyone who don't agree with golden rule around me or my family I try to share the wisdom i have been given in life freely I also try to freely give anything my family dont need freely to those in who are in need Not junk things others would gladly pay for big or small God dose not and no one else should try to force a belief or any thing else on another person There for i think it is wrong to do so! Right and wrong dose not change by diff people doing it either! I have been very clear where i and most others i know stand Me and my family put our trust in God alone but we pray others in charge are better than what we see here But what ever happens is meant to happen Threw the incredibly muddy water i hope and lean toward that other places may be better off We will be praying for other leaders as we pray for our leaders Common since threw the muddy water don't seem to common for a big part of the ones over here God bless you and yours and every one all over this earth thanks for your videos i truly enjoy them

AverageJoe19 - 21.02.2023 16:28

That AC/DC joke was Gold!!!!

Lida - 21.01.2023 05:26

The axe and everything else mentioned is beautiful, but can we talk about that anvil for a moment?! 😍

Chris Donovan
Chris Donovan - 15.01.2023 11:04

HI Max, you sure are good with your Hands. I do like the side grinder stand great Idea, I always wanted one and a jig saw stand would be nice also. Great Videos also.

John B
John B - 29.12.2022 17:58

You are ingenious i wouldn’t have a clue where to start. Love watching your videos

niklar55 - 23.12.2022 10:23

When I was learning metalwork at secondary school, my teacher told me you can tell the quality of the steel by the colour of the sparks when grinding. Red was poor, white was superb!
The sparks from your railroad plate were VERY white!😊

aequitasification - 15.12.2022 00:39

Friend, tell me about your beautiful anvil - what is its history, do you know? It is large and looks very old.

Jonathan Wilfred Michelin
Jonathan Wilfred Michelin - 16.11.2022 21:16

What is the diameter of the track pins? I'm trying to figure out what size I need to make an axe with a handle like yours, I like the eye shape

Barry Driggers
Barry Driggers - 08.11.2022 21:56

I’m not entirely sure I know what to say about this video. Beautiful craftsmanship! Also, nice calming “Bob Ross” voice.

Grenville richard Skelton
Grenville richard Skelton - 01.10.2022 16:37

ive watched this 4 or 5 times, im making something similar , in my shed I had a stroke so I can't forge but im using a Swedish 5lb axe head I found at a carboot sale.
thank you for very good videos

a GOOD MAN OF God & Jesus Christ
a GOOD MAN OF God & Jesus Christ - 07.09.2022 02:24

I trust this guy" he's the best & knows his stuff & I call him my Bushcraft Brethren! This Viking mixed race Cherokee bushcraft man thanks you kindly" God bless & take very good care.
~Paul out

Brian Elkin
Brian Elkin - 27.07.2022 03:15

You sir are a true artist. I have truly enjoyed watching this video.

Leo_Michel Cote
Leo_Michel Cote - 28.06.2022 07:13

Hi! Thank you so much to have your video language in english and with english close caption too... i can understand your description and appreciate so much all you are doing... and great job by the way.. all your project are made yourself a dreamed life ! Mikhail

The Shoulder and Arm Health Channel
The Shoulder and Arm Health Channel - 13.06.2022 03:05

Can you post some information about the cutting jig?

alzar - 16.05.2022 12:50

Very good job, and very good axe , excellent cutting. Thank you for your video.

Rudi Dyck
Rudi Dyck - 08.05.2022 06:02

Just Awesome 😎

jim harper
jim harper - 24.04.2022 20:23

Loved the heavey metal reference

Nygel Burdick
Nygel Burdick - 13.04.2022 06:06

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, and this was a few years ago. But you could have put the drift in the axe in order to fill the eye while you punched in the brand.

Kim Nielsen, the wordy Vikingette
Kim Nielsen, the wordy Vikingette - 11.04.2022 08:13

I absolutely most definitely subscribed sweetheart!!!!!! And hit the bell sugar!!!!

The Eye Of love
The Eye Of love - 28.03.2022 05:11

Pretty powerfull third leg my dude my respect
