5 Strengths of the INFJ

5 Strengths of the INFJ

Cognitive Personality Theory

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@arlettasloan6453 - 23.12.2023 08:57

I am back. I realized I actually am INFJ. Not even going to try to explain it. I don't feel like I have to. But, I do have to say thank you for helping me sort it out.

@Janinevh - 07.10.2023 11:19

This has been so helpful. Is there going to be a INFJ subtypes video?

@sinidom2113 - 10.09.2023 22:02

INFJ: The qintessential healer type, and potentially the best type to build character in people.
Technically speaking, the masters of extraverted feeling, because they can use Fe+Se, Fe+Ne very well given by their cognitive makeup.
Very good djs, music producers and performance artists.
Quite good with the opposite sex, if they are healthy and they put their mind to it.

At least, this is how i see them. And, of course, there are much more capabilities in them!

@creativeconcepts2424 - 02.09.2023 05:21

I feel so amazed there are the few infj men i have seen on this channel. It makes me feel that this small amount is enough for me.

@shannon1242 - 27.07.2023 06:39

I have friends who blamed their parents for never giving them enough direction towards a career path and it confused me. I knew I wanted to do something artistic and on my own researched and talked to people about careers that looked interesting and choose my own education path and later self taught myself skills for careers that were newer (like UX) and then integrated research and more technical knowledge to do it better or maybe it was just interesting. Maybe our convergent nature caused me to self teach myself random technical skills that looked fun and I would immediately try to use them at work which gave me more and more skills. I couldnt imagine thinking my non technical parents would be any source of influence. I just followed my curiosity and it was profitable. Now dealing with difficult people at work is the hard part.

@Tified96 - 19.07.2023 20:17

INFJ in popular MBTI forums is generally perceived as synonymous with being a HSP, narc magnet, misunderstood individual that has nothing to do with one's cognition at all. Maybe it's the ENFJ in me (the Ti oppositional) but to this day it infuriates me that people are so attached to the INFJ behavioural stereotype as a kind of excuse that no manner of logical persuasion will make them believe they're actually not this rare cognitive type. I honestly think many ISFPs type as INFJ (what I've seen from most of the forums) followed by ESFPs. That's not to negate them equally wonderful cognitive types but in those less individuated type tends to be used as an excuse to opt out of society. It's sad, it really is, but more than anything it peaves my Ti off to no end...hey maybe it says more about me as an individual than them 😊😂

@almam.6880 - 02.05.2023 11:49

Passion, meaning, success words that represent worthless junk, depleted by overuse, misuse and abuse.

@LittleMew133 - 30.10.2022 13:57

Set up for success in modern world
Me: feels like alone potato 🥔😭

@underwaterpanther - 12.10.2022 07:24

Holy f I’m about ready to cry over here. I’m many years deep into this but am struggling with what my own darn strengths are. Learning new things is so frustrating when I don’t want to like at work at the moment. I’m still in this world writing my own books. 😂 I do know that it may take me longer to learn new systems but overtime I become one of the best at it.

@late-nightlivestreams7105 - 08.10.2022 11:28

I’ve known for awhile that I could supercharge my Se and become hyper aware of my surroundings long enough to get through work gracefully and NOT CLUMSY 😂 Like I naturally tend to be, but… I didn’t realize you had to supercharge Ni to get that future forecasting down. Cuz I make plans and when shit blown up in my face it’s created the most frustrating… and financially consequential decisions I’ve ever tried to push through. So turns out you don’t supercharge Ni by looping with Ti REALLY FAST like a hamster wheel generating electricity? Doesn’t work that way? Guess not.
One thing I wanted to say, cuz the way you explain the functions so direct yet detailed, gave me a better ability to put words to something I’ve noticed occur throughout my life, in terms of weaknesses and struggling.

So as far as superficial opinions are concerned, or what I think of something that’s contextually simple, or if the pattern of ‘whatever thing my thought/opinion is regarding’ is obvious, well then yeah I’ll have an obvious superficial answer or feeling on these kinds of things. But when it comes to, you know, actual deep shit that can be interpreted in many viable ways, I’ve never been able to identify those feelings or get behind my own opinion, it’s always a JUST DEPENDS. This leads into how INFJs can have a poor sense of self, and thus can rabbit hole into people pleasing, not knowing what you want in life (we obviously know what we want superficially, again to distinguish the difference and in fact we are naturally geared towards getting what we want lmao) 🎉 I’m talking like who we want to be or what we want out of our lives, right? Maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s NiTi looping logic, or maybe it’s a universal INFJ struggle but I feel like (*not actually a feeling but whatever lmao 😂words lmao) um I feel as though, I’m out of touch with my sense of self, because I understand that everyone else is just gonna see me the way they are gonna interpret me anyways. So whatever idea of my identity I wanna tack onto myself is basically not very practical, useful, accurate, or like. Idk you know it’s like (metaphor and symbolic speech incoming)… you see the Big Dipper constellation of stars and we call it the Big Dipper cuz it looks like a spoon but, if we looked at that constellation of stars from anywhere else like NOT EARTH then it wouldn’t look like a spoon so… what is the true placement of that constellation of stars? A rhetorical question obviously, but the point is, it’s gonna be different depending on, stuff. Make sense?

Our sense of self, our egos are really just social conventions so we can do people stuff. You know, like have a recognizable pattern of behavior so when you’re sad people can notice and be like, human stuff or whatever. Like literally though, people who inflate their egos to feel good it’s like… I mean I get it, but to truly step into the projection you send out of yourself as like a core identity just seems… just plain likely to be inaccurate. So… is it actually a problem to like feel disconnected from yourself in this sort of, self identity type of way? Cuz I hear it’s a problem all the time and like… if so please help bruh lmao you don’t have to answer don’t feel obligated but anyways

Good video buddy

@kimberlysoto3490 - 23.05.2022 20:07

This is so helpful, thank you! I wish I had this information a lot sooner in my life. It’s been a lot of running into walls but I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. I think one of my main struggles has been learning to ‘properly’ use FE and developing FI. I’ve had many of my good intentions go horribly wrong. Sometimes to the point of causing the complete opposite of the desired effect. I’m trying to learn to take care of my own boundaries and needs so that I don’t have to focus so much on trying to manage and maneuver those of others in order to find peace.

@ChefMonkey - 23.05.2022 05:05

Interesting. Almost everything fits perfectly as if I was an INFJ, but a few things always confirm that I’m an INTJ. If I think back to my earliest memory at 3, I was very sure of myself, who I am and what I want. Identity questions never happened at any age. Based on what I’m learning, seems to be quite key in an INFJ.

@moon_was_hungry - 14.05.2022 22:16

I really enjoyed this video, and I appreciate how in depth and specific you explain the different functions of INFJ. It’s refreshing to watch somebody who understands what they’re talking about, given the VAST amount of misinformation there is about the type.
Specifically, the bit that you explained how we’re slow to take in NEW information and frameworks of learning. A lot of times, I’ve felt slow or dumb for failing to process things right away, and it’s because I have to figure out a way to integrate it with EVERYTHING else I understand about the world. I can’t simply memorize as much as seek to figure out the principles of how it works, WHY it works, and how I can use it. On the other hand, I’m also slow to figuring out the BEST course of action given a certain situation, to achieve my desired outcome, and this can take me so long, that it’s made me feel extremely incompetent at times. It really means a lot when these specific flaws are taken into account in your video, and viewed as a strength for my type. :^) thank you!

@yeaahright3895 - 17.04.2022 23:33

If I understand well, INFJs strength is understanding and foreseeing things. We also feel things deeply. We have refined tastes and can enjoy situations intensely. This is intensity and understanding is what drains us. We can build good relationships with others based on trust and integrity.

@infj-tguy6275 - 29.03.2022 00:17

I'm an infj with Ni Fi Ti Se

@tygrant6092 - 11.01.2022 09:17

Thanks man, glad I ran into your video.

@kimquim2803 - 28.09.2021 06:54

I don't know if that's an INFJ thing, but the subject and the lingo are challenging because it sinks in very slowly in my case, with a lot of mind resistance and laziness... 😬

@mimcris8481 - 24.09.2021 22:39

I really enjoy being an INFJ.

@yvonnecampbell7036 - 19.09.2021 00:32

Pff! Finally some Real food for my brain....thanks for this ;)

@xiii2048 - 14.08.2021 02:44

OH MY GOD THANK YOU!!! i was mistyped as an intj as a child, and this video absolutely explained every issue i had with the intj label. thank you so much for explaining all the types so carefully and deeply!

@kaorimiyazono4337 - 09.07.2021 22:59

Checking if I got it right. So the second point means that introverted intuition makes the INFJs seek novelty in perception and this makes them see everything from many different perspectives and thus form objective opinions?

Another question. Whenever someone explains something to me, I like to sit back and rephrase what they said in my mind much like I'm doing in this comment. 🤣 Does this have to do with introverted thinking having to internalize information in order to understand it or is it irrelevant?
Another question that's unrelated to the video. I've read many times that inferior Se makes the individual naturally unskilled at things that require working with hands like crafts and sewing, in general it makes them sloppy with their movement. Does this hold any truth? I mean I know everyone can be good at anything, but what if there is some sort of general rule 🤣 I'm just curious because all the INFJs I know including me (as long as we're not mistyped) have this trait.

@branver1172 - 05.07.2021 20:07

How does an INFJ “dip” into their Si? Never knew this was a thing.

@j.jupiter6164 - 04.07.2021 18:33

Took me an hour to watch a 21min video.

@markandoyo2204 - 21.06.2021 04:55

To polarising a shift from a dom Ti or Te through a completing with abstract or concrete INFJ personality traits were sometimes it is difficult to default from the persons with dom Ti or Te as which those congnitive intellectual blueprint are among the contained faculty regarding to speak dom Ti or Te as yet those personality accounted with Dom Ti or Te were the INTP, ENTP, ENTJ and INTJ as which they have known predominantly rational group organically,

INFJ have a strongest dom N or sometimes can be dom J to navigate the inf Ti or Te as based from their character observations by each persons they were subjective to learn their clues, or as yet they wishes to knows whilst they willing to configure the other's ideas that how they work their own functionally.

best regards to the INFJ traits as among the accounted to be respective their effort towards the Dom Ti or Te.

@friendlybaby1 - 14.06.2021 16:43

I kept thinking “why am I perceiving this man as a goth?” and then realised that the object behind him on the wall makes it look like he’s wearing a Dracula cloak

@LadySelene100 - 07.06.2021 10:23

Have you noticed that you blink two or three times after finishing a point? Thanks for all your content.

@metametodo1014 - 31.05.2021 02:53

You perform such use of words and construction of expressions that I do envy it considerably. Great job at that. In the latest years I have been struggling to express accurately and meaningfully what I want to get out of my head, I usually feel like I'm losing a significant amount of intricacy. Especially when I must respond immediately.

@natalieboraca4599 - 28.05.2021 21:22

Thank you for the material. I am an INFJ and this is the whole truth about me. Nobody has ever described me in a better way

@NusratJahan-kd6sm - 28.05.2021 08:36

Please make a video the weaknesses of INFJs and how to deal with 'em

@cinderling5472 - 20.04.2021 00:02

Thank you so much for filling out the gaps in my knowledge - I couldn't understand why I, as an 'intuitive empathetic" type could not predict emotional states. Tripped me up for the longest time and made me question my type

@rodrigoleonmadrazo4845 - 06.04.2021 04:17

I´m glad I found your channel, everyone seems to think that INFJ people are something utterly special, but I view this typology thing more as a tool for self-improvement, recognizing your strengths and flaws is key to work in a better version of yourself (whatever it means to someone in particular).

@benbong4577 - 23.03.2021 10:36

I used to think i simply wasn't good in school. But i remember that once i understood the HOW and WHY of whatever i needed to figure out, i instantly understood. School doesn't give you that info, which i think is why it was hard for me. Great informative video!

@riyajacob2909 - 20.03.2021 14:48

Good work of explaining INFJ NiTi

@cynthiajohnson9412 - 30.01.2021 21:35

One of my favorite phrases that I never hear anymore in political commentary is "I have no basis for an opinion on that subject." Is it just me or do other INFJs think most of what passes for commentary is neither principled nor informed opinion? I had a friend once who gave me a three tape series on extraterrestrials, I listened to the whole three hours, some of it very disturbing and when I gave him back the tapes he asked me what I thought and all I could say was I have no basis for an opinion on this subject. I don't think there is any value to what I'd like to believe.

@stephenfegely - 14.01.2021 21:30

It’s taken me years -for this time, era. ~infj

@nicholsmerin - 28.12.2020 22:07

Thank you!!!

@brooklinnratto8315 - 19.11.2020 21:37

I appreciate how you encourage all types to continue to work on self growth.

@brooklinnratto8315 - 19.11.2020 21:35

Harry may you go in further deph and tell me how fe parent differs from fi inferior reputation? ( using jung terms, sorry dont know how you specifically label the functions yet)

@AshleyAye - 16.11.2020 06:10

The way I explain the synergy of my thinking is that I have to have time to reconcile new information with what I already know and have already processed. I have to be given time because everything has to be in harmony and connected. I feel like harmony is such a constant theme for INFJs in so many ways.... thank you for making this video! So nice to hear you explain these strengths in such a detailed manner!

@serveyou2454 - 15.11.2020 01:32

Please stop over editing it’s to mechanical

@serveyou2454 - 15.11.2020 01:25

Hey men what’s up with the phasing light?

@silentecho4445 - 25.10.2020 08:05

My teacher tried to get my parents to put me in a slow learners class.... I'm a smart guy always been. School to me was boring, uninterested. I needed to analyze all questions to make sure i got it right, i usely do. Depending on the question I can't give a spontaneous answer.

@uni-ve7622 - 03.10.2020 17:12

Do infj feel frustrated when they are focusing so intensely on something and disturbed by someone that it actually hurts physically?....

@DH-tv8qy - 07.09.2020 00:27

Thank you, a great video. I can’t seem to tap into my ability to foresee what I’d best do and to put a stake in the ground or decide on a direction. I agree with the majority of what you say in how I personally experience the world. INFJ male

@blankplanet - 25.08.2020 14:28

Fantastic summary!

@ashwinimadhusudan481 - 19.08.2020 21:06

Thank you so much Harry!, it's such an eye opener , made me realize that even I can be a doer rather than just being a thinker...

@dc4019 - 18.08.2020 20:18

Being an ITN-Sf user drawing parallels is just something that I do. Using one logical framework to explain another, what others would consider seemingly unrelated, logical framework is something that comes naturally to me.
Edit: I am not an IN-Fs, so I changed up the type so I could be accurate, but the following still applies to ISTP/ITN-Sf's.

How I describe it is similar to a chemical reaction. All those molecules (instead of segments of data) need time to bounce around in my head to collide and bond with other tidbits of information. And with so many different sources and subjects of data eventually creates a seemly endless variety of unique and original logical frameworks and patterns. and these will keep “reacting” until they become one, massive intellectual hyper-framework,.
However, they need to spend time in the mind in order for those frameworks to form.

@gehdochnicht - 06.08.2020 13:26

Hi Harry, it's me, the permanently confused INFx.

I've noticed that whenever I am discussing something or trying to explain my point I tend to make analogies all the time (sometimes even really far-fetched ones), it's something that comes really natural to me and also something which makes me different from most people around me, so I bet it must have something to do with personality types and ways of thinking. I noticed I have this tendency after realizing how some people hate them. But I think they help to have a more holistic view of topics and also help to have consistency and coherence across the board.

Do you think that a penchant for always making analogies is something more likely to be a characteristic of INFJs or INFPs? The internet often mentions INFJs and metaphors together, but I can't really say I have a particular penchant for metaphors, in my case it's definitely analogies.

@stikkgreen5237 - 03.08.2020 12:31

Absolutely brilliant man, thank you. Even at 41, I have yet to link all my passions to be successful, yet I've damn sure spent well past overtime for 12+ years learning in order to be dynamic and versatile in my creative pursuits moving forward. I know that I'm approaching some form of harmony/re-evaluation/integration of all these skill sets and understanding, or rather bluntly & certainly humble; only limited by own mandala of stagnation at this point(if that makes any sense).
Wish I could fully explain the affirmation your words have given me in my current state. In some ways, you have just removed the black sheep cloud that has manifested & lingered internally and externally alike. I don't feel as though I've derailed off track, and the self doubt weight is lifted a bit. Much appreciated! Can't believe I happened to stumble upon your content seemingly so randomly, as I wasn't truly seeking anything specific. More or less checking in with INFJ stuff as it has been several months since I've tuned in.. Anyhow...incredibly precise and insightful information. Kind regards from afar.
