Is marriage dying? | Richard Reeves

Is marriage dying? | Richard Reeves

Big Think

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Why marriage is thriving — and dying — in different American classes, with journalist and scholar Richard Reeves.

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Marriage in the U.S. has fundamentally transformed over the past century. In general, women have far greater legal and economic power in marriages than they did just decades ago, and while it was once difficult for women to file for divorce, today women do so at twice the rate of men. What’s more, gay marriage has been legal in all 50 states since 2015.

Still, other aspects of marriage in the U.S. have remained remarkably unchanged. As journalist and Brookings Institution scholar Richard Reeves points out, a college-educated woman today is about just as likely to get married as her mother was — and even a bit more likely to stay married.

But the same is not true for Americans on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale. As Reeves notes in this Big Think video, it’s important for all humans to have strong and meaningful relationships, whether within the context of marriage or not. The question is how to best ensure that the most people can build those relationships.

Read the video transcript ►


About Richard Reeves:
Richard V. Reeves is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, where he directs the Future of the Middle Class Initiative and co-directs the Center on Children and Families. His Brookings research focuses on the middle class, inequality and social mobility.

Richard writes for a wide range of publications, including the New York Times, Guardian, National Affairs, The Atlantic, Democracy Journal, and Wall Street Journal. He is the author of Dream Hoarders (Brookings Institution Press, 2017), and John Stuart Mill – Victorian Firebrand (Atlantic Books, 2007), an intellectual biography of the British liberal philosopher and politician.

Dream Hoarders was named a Book of the Year by The Economist, a Political Book of the Year by The Observer, and was shortlisted for the Goddard Riverside Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social Justice. In September 2017, Politico magazine named Richard one of the top 50 thinkers in the U.S. for his work on class and inequality.

A Brit-American, Richard was director of strategy to the UK’s Deputy Prime Minister from 2010 to 2012. Other previous roles include director of Demos, the London-based political think-tank; social affairs editor of the Observer; principal policy advisor to the Minister for Welfare Reform, and research fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research. Richard is also a former European Business Speaker of the Year and has a BA from Oxford University and a PhD from Warwick University.


Read more of our stories on relationships:
Married people earn more than single individuals. Here’s why.
Why more couples are choosing to live apart
What decades of research tells us about living the good life


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Big Think
Big Think - 09.03.2023 02:53

What do you think the role of marriage should be in today's society?

RedEyeification - 20.09.2023 19:57

Is dead already.

PKL - 20.09.2023 17:51

Where has the hour+ video gone??

Mike S
Mike S - 19.09.2023 19:21

2023, life is so dynamic that even dating wastes time. Mariage stuck the development of people when they need to dedicate time and resources to satisfy another one and even kids. Any developed society decreases the number of marriages and kids numbers. And I think it's the path of evolution today.

Jacob Frye
Jacob Frye - 19.09.2023 12:08

Men are not interested in entering contract where the other party is incentivised to break.

Karen Hargis
Karen Hargis - 19.09.2023 09:23

I don’t believe marriage is dying; marriage is for only those who believe. Let the others do what they will.

Luke Fer
Luke Fer - 19.09.2023 01:14

I hope so!

PJay2718281828 - 18.09.2023 19:05

No mention of family court? Useless.

T's L'il Bear Shoppe
T's L'il Bear Shoppe - 18.09.2023 15:19

People get married to witness each other's lives, have a family with two parents, have a life partner and it is a Holy Institution. Marriage was never created on economics at all. It was created by God.
God designed marriage to meet our need for companionship and to provide a picture of our relationship with Him. You cannot be a mentally weak person and stay married.

medved - 18.09.2023 09:01

Yes, please, liberals, do not procreate. Thanks.

Lorenzo Cucurachi
Lorenzo Cucurachi - 18.09.2023 01:01

40 years ago houses costed less, government provided more help and things were more affordable. Life was also simpler (because of less technology and ways to spend time). Nowadays if you don't have enough money or make enough money you cannot afford to have kids. And in USA this is the predominant way women date which is terrible... Europe has similar reasons too. Mostly around the fact that things cost too much, especially houses.

Roomie McGee
Roomie McGee - 17.09.2023 22:00

It's a status thing in my opinion. It's absurd how expensive most weddings are today. Really turns me off on the idea of it.

Sopan McFadden
Sopan McFadden - 17.09.2023 21:07

From my perspective as a man, marriage is just sticking my neck out. I would only do a LTR if I found the right lady.

Daniel Doca
Daniel Doca - 17.09.2023 01:52

Women freed themselves from their husbands and they married the government

Jonah Antony
Jonah Antony - 16.09.2023 17:57

Maybe it was too awkward to say out loud so I'll just put it out here: While women traditionally relied on a husband for economic security, a man relied on a wife for sexual availability - so he wouldn't have to be 'hunting' for a new partner every night. The idea of children comes later, not while seeking a marriage partner. And traditionally, men offer the promise of romance and security while women offer the promise of sex and nurturing. Over time, most couples find that husbands are unable to maintain that romantic promise and wives are unable to maintain being an exciting sexual partner. That's when they switch to their secondary longer term roles of security and nurturing, which also becomes a more suitable environment for raising children.

Shailendra Shinde
Shailendra Shinde - 15.09.2023 22:37

Ok so women want someone with 100K salary and help in household work. Well that's very convenient!!!

SokemRokemRobot - 13.09.2023 06:56

If marriage dies, society dies. Promiscuity will destroy society.

Elvira James
Elvira James - 11.09.2023 01:14

The rich use surrogates, have nannies, and send their kids to boarding schools. The reason why the rich don't get divorced is because the woman is not playing the role of the mother. The woman is just pretending to mother the children to keep up appearances.

JJ Now
JJ Now - 10.09.2023 20:57

Yes marriage is dying.

van le
van le - 10.09.2023 06:04

Economically successful -> establish themselves, capstone, signal lead to a ceremony 🎑.
Egalitarianism, shared commitment

van le
van le - 10.09.2023 05:57

Covenantal companion. Shotgun wedding 💍

james c Pintner
james c Pintner - 09.09.2023 21:36

Friendship is not a consolation prize, it's a prerequisite. My late wife of 22 years was my best friend, and that's why our marriage was good.

Ibrahim Ibrahim
Ibrahim Ibrahim - 09.09.2023 16:30

The sole reasons behind people don't want to get married nowadays is -

1 . Acceptance. Mutual understanding plays a vital role in family life . People get married they aren't ready to accept each other in physical and emotional way. somewhere we've forgotten the fact that everyone is different from each . Maybe , they don't have the qualities that you think that they must have

2 . Expectations, it is the main cause of behind your all worries . know each very well and live joyously

3. Equanimity, Who wouldn't want to be happy and contentment all time ? Everyone wants right ! .t
That's our ultimate goal as well. If you are leading a happy and joyous life and you never wish and want that somebody would come and ruin all this.
People think like What if they loose their Equanimity or Serenity by the person whom with are going married to ? Will they stolen their peace that they have had .

4. Nowadays leading family life is an hassle process in terms of financial wise. You need to have adequate money to support your family . Excessive rate of stationary all other stufff .....

I would say every authorities plays a role to be happen like this.

Paul Wheeler
Paul Wheeler - 09.09.2023 05:39

Human culture, as we know it, is dying. The scientific/industrial narrative we have followed for generations has dismantled any sense of community we may once have had, marriage along with it. What they have titled "progress" is nothing more than the destruction of beauty and genuine human nature.

NCNOTTHEBEES - 08.09.2023 14:28


Noemi Bartley
Noemi Bartley - 08.09.2023 06:01

Marriage seems to be the only way men can, to a degree, be held accountable for his responsibility to support the mother of his children in rasing their children. Most men act like is only the woman’s responsibility to raise their children and feel like they can just walk out of the kid’s lives with their hands clean. It isn’t normal nor healthy for so many women to have to raise their kids single and without the support of a partner.

Global Vagabond
Global Vagabond - 07.09.2023 09:54

I do not know where to start.
Your ignorance is encyclopedic.

Greg Hemsworth
Greg Hemsworth - 07.09.2023 07:45

I have had zero interest in Marriage all my life......has zero benefits for a Man.
Exit from marriage for Women is a financial decision...we always lose. No thanx

tarun singh
tarun singh - 06.09.2023 10:25

Captalism is killing Marriage, family & Life. This break neck competition within Human race will end everything in this world.
BCS machine producing mass product & capitalism making it costlier will only lead to misery of life

vince - 05.09.2023 21:55

How stupid this speech is, this so called expert omg😂😂

Uri Andropov
Uri Andropov - 03.09.2023 08:16

Men, hold the line.

Vcom - 02.09.2023 09:57

Absolute trust and absolute respect are essential to any relationship.
Unfortunately most American women are taught by society to neither trust nor respect men. Sad.

Andre Elias
Andre Elias - 02.09.2023 05:40

Los latinos conservadores nos vamos a quedar viendo como joden la bse de su sociedad. La dura realidad es que hombres y mujeres no son iguales. Imaginense uns mujer recien a los 30 pensando en casarce y tener hijos, literalmente ya no le queds tiempo, todo lo tendra que hacer de volada. Y a eso sumarle el tema del dinero, desde que las mujeres entraron en la fuerza laboral han destruido el valor de la mano de obra en varios sectores. En fin que los sueños igualitarios tienen una cuota bien alta.

Debbie Sianturi
Debbie Sianturi - 31.08.2023 13:36

No, I dont believe marriage is dying. As a matter of fact, manual communication is dying and replace with high technology communication. The best is, do self-control between couple. In the morning before go to office, turn off your cellular phone or laptop. Use the cellular and laptop only during office hours. Turn off again your cellular and laptop during lunch. And turn off your cellular and laptop when you get home. Use your family quality time.

Sushma Sinha
Sushma Sinha - 31.08.2023 03:33

If some men( narendra sinha) get married by their father’s choice they get upset,they fight,day ,night ,making married women (wife) life impossible ,they gaslight their wife ,but are caring , kind for other women,just because they are fair.what did women(wife)do to deserve this 😢

bagaducci - 31.08.2023 01:42

It's hilarious women are twice as likely to exit the marriage than men are. I would like to understand the rationale. Is it that women are less likely to be interested in monogamy? I would venture to say that it's not because it's the mans fault in the majority of these instances. I also think it's funny to say that somehow there's been more equality in recent years in marriage. The idea that marriage was an economic trap for a woman prior to the women's rights movement rings dull when you realize that the man was economically also tied to the family and not just Fancy free on with his own money. He also had to provide for the woman in retirement and for the kids to pay for college etc. The woman stayed at home had to raise kids that was her job in this instance. The man went out worked and provided for his family. In the scenario that there was a divorce the man still had to pay alimony he wasn't free from those chains. This is often the case even now even if the woman is financially independent. In recent years in order to be a middle-income family two incomes are required in to raise a family. often times the majority of one income is for daycare. Do the children benefit from this arrangement. Does the family benefit from this arrangement. Based on the state of the world marriage and children is such an antiquated concept. We don't need families and we don't need more children. Marriage is not for humans it's for the birds

Shahariar Emon
Shahariar Emon - 30.08.2023 18:53

My question is, why do we need a social declaration for personal relationships?

Don Prather
Don Prather - 29.08.2023 04:01

Never forget that marriage is a financial arrangement and nothing more. Don't believe me? Let your wife go out and f#@k a dozen people while you get a education and work full time to support your family. Then, file for a divorce and watch your life savings disappear like a fart in the wind because the only thing that matters is who made more money, not who kept their end of the bargain and who was horizontal under a stranger or ten. Marriage is a financial arrangement and nothing more.

Elena Konovalov
Elena Konovalov - 28.08.2023 17:20

Did this man said women filing for divorce because they no longer bound by economics is a huge success for humanity ? It's insane. Society is build on families, at least healthy one, what feminism has done us taken something that was put on the table as an option to having no options for women, they have to work now. This is insane. It's good to have option to work if that's what you want, but now there's none. That leads to decline of family structure, having and raising children ETS, humanity will suffer as a result. No one disputes that there were abuses sometimes, but going the complete opposite way ? I am a woman and don't see aggressive feminism as good

Beatrice - 28.08.2023 07:45

"Free women from the economic bonding" yeah now we need to work for other men that we dont know and do not care about us

V.J. - 27.08.2023 07:13

Ah, what a nice story with data and graphs, but mostly a mindless claptrap. Some rationalizing and feel good message, but how about this. What part in it play men who realized that in the case of divorce they are to be expandable objects who don't get to see their children much and mostly become walking paychecks. Why in the world would I subject myself to that risk!? What's in it for me other than a hanging ax above my head which will drop any moment my wonderful honey decides I am not behaving according to her specification. No thanks. Here is how the society is changing and gay people showed the way. You invest your hard earned $ into donors and surrogatees and nobody in this world can ever take your kids from you. How is that for your fancy story of marriage decline? If it is 50% chance I'm going to become a visitor in my children's life after divorce, I might as well never get married but have my children 100% of time. The same goes for women and it's even easier for them since they only need donor sperm. Marriage ain't worth it bro.

TAM - 26.08.2023 12:33

If a man marrys today he is a fool.

Astral-Projector - 26.08.2023 12:29

To few benefits for men and too many benefits for women. Marriage is hard work. People nowadays don't wanna put in the effort. They think "love" automatically solve issues within themselves and makes the partnership jog on.

Pessimistic? Yes.
Realistic? Yes.

No thanks.

The Den - Jim Dill
The Den - Jim Dill - 25.08.2023 18:41

Marriage is critical for a society’s health and longevity. It’s the most important component that facilitates the father’s role in his children and his responsibility towards their mother. George Gilder says the Italians are on the road to extinction within a few generations.

beautyintheskies - 24.08.2023 18:53

I’m of the millennial generation. A lot of us millennials saw our parents either divorce or in very unhappy or difficult marriages. We saw our parents struggle a lot. My parents are still married but have had a lot of very hard times, poor communication, a mismatch of values, lack of respect for eachother, ect. It hasn’t always been the easiest thing to witness. But they will never divorce. But my siblings and I have all chosen marriage or want to be married one day. There were a lot of happy times too growing up. We were all born in wedlock and we all want kids so marriage is the way to do that (or so we have all decided to believe). There is not a whole lot of divorce in my family. Some, but it is not the norm. I have noticed that the children of divorcees tend to divorce at higher rates than children of those who stayed married. I understand why many people choose not to marry though. Being married is a full-time job just in and of itself.

Vincent Lussier
Vincent Lussier - 24.08.2023 17:53

Is it dying? I wouldn't even know! The women here are too stuck up to give the fuckin time of day! I never saw a wedding here or even heard of one! All us guys gave up! I'm serious,you couldn't even get a girl out for anything! So fuck marraige!

Phoenix Risin’
Phoenix Risin’ - 23.08.2023 21:47

Are you marrying for love? Then she won’t my a pre nup or blind trust. See how much she means it since it’s a risk no sane man would take without one.

Phoenix Risin’
Phoenix Risin’ - 23.08.2023 21:40

