Unlike Taiwan and the US, the price of lying flat is too high for young people in China

Unlike Taiwan and the US, the price of lying flat is too high for young people in China

China Insights

2 года назад

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Lying flat, or tang ping in Chinese describes a phenomenon among young people who, instead of striving for higher pay and social status in life, choose to simply lie down and give the bare minimum. They don't buy houses, cars, fall in love, get married, or have children. Instead, they work at low-paying jobs or not working at all to maintain a minimum standard of living.

How did this idea start in China? Let's look at the following video

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James Eric Pham
James Eric Pham - 26.10.2023 06:36

A religion where the main ideals revolve around "Lying flat" doing nothing !! Sounds better than Scientology, so sign me up !! Instead of crucifix their icon must be guy on bed.

epicwarding - 19.10.2023 02:45

i also rather live poor life at bare minium wages and work something simple and not something where i bust my ass and get tiny little bit more. if you want people to work hard , pay more or go bust out of business , let more desperate people who cares about money so much do that, im happy if have enough food, dont need anything else, dont anything fancy

Wills Shepherd
Wills Shepherd - 15.10.2023 19:22

Truth is that Melbourne Australia is not different to other cities around the world, currently filled up with children of China filling all available spaces of premium realestate, even the mutual funds and other financial institutions real estate is filled with the children pretending they are in a university…..

Peter Nebelung
Peter Nebelung - 17.09.2023 21:52

Financial freedom? The right to buy a home that never gets built. The right to pay taxes for health care and then pay if in cash because of corruption? What's the point? The lie flat kids have reached the point where playing the "game" is bullchit and reject it. Just down the road is the realization that living like this isn't worth it. They sit in the gutter while their corrupt "masters" live the high life. Better to rebel than to continue.

Donald Keith
Donald Keith - 16.09.2023 09:36

If the game is rigged, don't play.

Here in Australia, I can either make 80k and have 37% taken as tax. Or make 40k and only 12% taken. I end up making almost the same amount of money!

Why should I work harder only to have my labor taken away by a spend-crazy government that wastes billions of dollars?

kharmachaos667 - 16.09.2023 08:54

Ccp are just asking for "lie flat" to turn into "fight back"...

katty_KA - 10.09.2023 05:35

Que sean felices 😅 no importa si descansan un poco jeje ,pero también hay un punto ese país impone demasiado

Not Your Typical Watch Review
Not Your Typical Watch Review - 23.08.2023 00:18

Maybe get rid of a communist government that doesn’t allow people to succeed?

Israr - 16.08.2023 09:06

Islam is the solution to every problem. Turn to Allah and you will find reason to live

Chibling - 16.08.2023 01:44

I think Religion was the opiate of the masses, a promise of an afterlife made slaving this one life away easier.

Now people get more enjoyment from merely sitting on their phone for more or less free. We've woken to our enslavenent, the system isnt fair, you're just a host to be parasitized.

Hargames - 14.08.2023 17:09

This should be a worldwide movement ✊

Eric Paran
Eric Paran - 13.08.2023 11:54

china is doomed.

Owen Peterson
Owen Peterson - 12.08.2023 14:43

China is fighting a lose-lose battle. It grew its manufacturing supply-chain by low labor costs. Now its youth are flooded with idealistic images of material lifestyles they would never see. Only the owners / bosses would. Its a hard-sell. Young men now were brought up at a time when 1-child policy was the norm and most parents opted to have that 1-child be a male. So now you see, the prospects of marriage and having a decent life are much dimmer. China has cracked down on indie software developers, instead preferring to cater to its defacto leader 10-cent. And no one small company will survive its ruthless cannibalistic trade practice of taking any good idea and making it part of their super app. So there goes that market for innovation.

Its a lot of uncharted territory for the CCP. Increase wages to attract youth - and you put yourself on equal footing with the EU/US/AU/UK world as far as labor costs and manufacturing costs are concerned. As the US/EU already learned, you can gain dominance in any market, but to keep it, is quite another in the long game.

Bea B
Bea B - 30.07.2023 16:11

Lying flat, alternative living, off grid living, quiet quiting. All of it is the new generation now wanting to be exploited. It makes sense that that renting and housing will always be expensive because otherwise newer generation will never have incentive to work

AngryGopnik - 30.07.2023 11:40

Just pay people more. The problem is the rich, the elite and the government, psychopaths and sociopaths that refuses to let low to medium income workers have more money. The rich, elite and government blame everything and everyone except themselves. They do everything to enslave people and control us, purely for the sake of keeping their wallets intact. Well if these problem people keep exercising their greed over us, we'll burn their society and initiate total war against them. They aren't negotiable people anyways.

TY WILLIAM - 27.07.2023 18:38

It’s happening in America too. People don’t go higher paid jobs because of depression and anxiety also cutthroat co-workers. Some people choose to be unemployed than being mistreated by their co-workers and bosses in America. That’s why Liberals hiring legal immigrants to take higher paid jobs. But the legal immigrants want to work in low wage jobs 🥴.

Because they want to work in home.

Kah Ho Wong
Kah Ho Wong - 23.07.2023 09:00

China's "Lying Flat" is an authentic post-modern real-politick response to continued neo fascist slavery and more effective less hazardous than street protestations.

Ben Smitt
Ben Smitt - 19.07.2023 11:09

People in America who don’t want to work or be productive just start identifying as “trans”..
