From Gentile to Orthodox Jew - Conversion to Judaism

From Gentile to Orthodox Jew - Conversion to Judaism


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@indigo156 - 05.12.2017 05:33

Thank you for sharing

@691bpd - 05.12.2017 07:42

That’s an amazing story! Thanks for sharing.

@fredperry9235 - 06.12.2017 01:28

Great story. How is your relationship with your first daughter?

@justink4060 - 12.12.2017 02:54

Who are the men pictured behind him?

@871632 - 12.12.2017 23:28

Great story fellow Boro parker

@CurlyCues - 20.12.2017 16:06

Shalom! I randomly stumbled upon your video in my quest to learn more about everything Jewish. Short of getting a DNA test, I am unaware of having Jewish ancestry and am at peace knowing that I am a Yeshua believing gentile. Your story is fascinating. I enjoyed learning about your hot plate invention. Thank you for sharing!

@khais14 - 16.01.2018 11:43

What does gentile means?☺️

@adarnach - 04.02.2018 11:46

You are just a very high soul awsome! Your video just showed by Parsha Yitro,,! You are a great inspiration,,, one thing I may suggest to you that you are missing,,, to go to UMAN FOR ROSH HASHANA BY THE HOLY REBBE RABBI NACHMAN ztzal who is the unique Tzadik who promised to rectify the souls of converts and baaley tshuva and each jew in this present life in this world,,, good luck may Hashem conduct you for your completion in your tikun,, with Rabbi Nachman ztzal, amen,,

@daslebenisteintest183 - 08.02.2018 20:01

Zitate aus dem Talmud

„Die Güter der Nichtjuden gleichen der Wüste, sie sind ein herrenloses Gut und jeder, der zuerst von ihnen Besitz nimmt, erwirbt sie.“ (Baba bathra 54b)„Dem Juden ist es erlaubt zum Nichtjuden zu gehen, diesen zu täuschen und mit ihm Handel zu treiben, ihn zu hintergehen und sein Geld zu nehmen. Denn das Vermögen des Nichtjuden ist als Gemeineigentum anzusehen und es gehört dem ersten [Juden], der es sich sichern kann.“ (Baba kamma 113a)„Wenn sich ein Nichtjude mit der Thora befaßt, so verdient er den Tod.“ (Synhedrin 59a)„Die Wohnung eines Nichtjuden wird nicht als Wohnung betrachtet.“ (Erubin 75a)„Den besten der Gojim sollst du töten.“ (Kiduschin 40b)„Weshalb sind die Nichtjuden schmutzig? Weil sie am Berge Sinai nicht gestanden haben. Als nämlich die Schlange der Chava beiwohnte, impfte sie ihr einen Schmutz ein; bei den Jisraéliten, die am Berge Sinai gestanden haben, verlor sich der Schmutz, bei den Nichtjuden aber verlor er sich nicht.“ (Aboda zara 22b)„Sobald der Messias kommt, sind alle [Nichtjuden] Sklaven der Jisraéliten.“ (Erubin 43b)„Wer die Scharen der Gojim sieht, spreche: Beschämt ist eure Mutter, zu Schande die euch geboren hat.“ (Berakhoth 58a)„Wer die Gräber der Gojim sieht, spreche: Beschämt ist eure Mutter, zu Schande die euch geboren hat.“ (Berakhoth, 58b)„Eher gib einem Jisraéliten umsonst als einem Nichtjuden auf Wucher.“ (Baba mezia 71a)„Ihr aber seid meine Schafe, die Schafe meiner Weide, Menschen seid ihr, ihr heißt Menschen, nicht aber heißen die weltlichen Völker Menschen, sondern Vieh.“ (Baba mezia 114b)„Der Samen der Nichtjuden ist Viehsamen.“ (Jabmuth 94b)„Der Beischlaf der Nichtjuden ist wie Beischlaf der Viecher.“ (Aboda zara 22b)„Ein Mädchen von drei Jahren und einem Tag ist zum Beischlaf geeignet.“ (Jabmuth 57b, Jabmuth 60 a, Aboda zara 37a)„Der Notzüchter braucht kein Schmerzensgeld zu zahlen, weil das Mädchen diese Schmerzen später unter ihrem Ehemann gehabt haben würde.“ (Baba kamma 59a)„Wenn jemand wünscht, daß seine Gelübde des ganzen Jahres nichtig seien, so spreche er am Beginn des Jahres: jedes Gelübde das ich tun werde, ist nichtig; nur muß er beim Geloben daran denken.“ (Nedarim

@yacobcastro - 14.02.2018 05:15

I love this story, we gotta talk more.

@hage666 - 22.02.2018 18:26

Oh! You somehow managed to change change your Gentile SOUL to a JEWISH ONE?????? GREAT STORY KIKENBERG!🤣🤣🤣

@benvad9010 - 09.04.2018 02:32

So much contempt for you. Your reject your people to sign up with the Arch enemy of Europeans.

@abuafak846 - 10.04.2018 20:56

You rejected Jebus to eat gefilte fish and matzoh balls! Pfft!

@thedavid00100 - 14.04.2018 22:01

Wonderful. God bless

@Bronco57 - 25.05.2018 04:57

you look 100% Jewish in every aspect. Mazel Tov

@mordechaileviyitzchak6738 - 21.09.2018 17:16

Baruch HaShem !

So good to see and hear!

I became Israel on the 25th Elul 5778 😊 at a Mikveh in London

@ILLGOOD - 21.10.2018 02:20

Bulan was a Khazar king who led the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism. The date of his reign is unknown, as the date of the conversion is hotly disputed, though it is certain that Bulan reigned some time between the mid-8th and the mid-9th centuries. Let's look for Ashkenazi so-called Jew's family tree. Genesis 10:2-4 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. There it is...ASHKENAZ Noah's grandson! The real Jews were chosen out of the other son of Noah.....Shem! Jacob had a son named Judah and all of his children and close circle were called Jews but not the northern tribes of Israelites, his brothers. Everything has been a conspiracy ancestry DNA and Hebrew history. Abraham came from Noah's son Shem's lineage and even from that God chose only Abraham's seed. That is his biological children and so on and so forth. Only the men from Abraham's seed can create and continue God's chosen. Trying to be in that thru a spiritual way or cultural practice is not excepted. By blood only from a MAN of the chosen.

@ILLGOOD - 25.10.2018 17:34

I put that text you keep erasing all over the internet. Go find them, your lies are up. lol

@js5072 - 04.11.2018 06:57

My jewish ancestry that i know goes down my maternal line to the 1700s but my rabbi says i need proof that im a jew which i dont have :( i just know my family changed its name to aquino because they were getting prosecuted for being jews. So i have to convert to be accepted by my people. Will you keep me in your prayers?

@andreasan573 - 03.06.2019 00:45

Wow. Thank you for sharing your story. Appreciate you.

@jrx2662 - 27.11.2019 01:32

Jesus Christ?

@user-mu3lc8tx1s - 27.12.2019 23:10

I have a question what if someone converted at a orthodox conversion but when they got converted they don't do everything than they do everything

@vinskilindqvist4554 - 17.04.2020 02:21

I came to a conclusion that I want to convert. It is something my heart desires so much. I live in Helsinki, should I be just bold and do what my soul was meant to do?

@zayiith - 07.11.2020 09:18

Love that an inventor has joined the religious Jewish family 😊

@midishh - 13.04.2021 01:15

great story about the hot plate

@SharpUchi - 19.04.2021 12:22

Shalom. How long and what process did it take to become Mashgiach? and what do you know about the process to become Sofer?

@SharpUchi - 19.04.2021 12:31

I love Rabbi Twerski!

@SharpUchi - 19.04.2021 12:42

Where may I message him? Beautiful story. Shalom Uvrachah!

@moshiachgirlie - 29.06.2021 00:11

Baruch Hashem what a beautiful story ❤

@ruthietaylor8756 - 07.06.2022 15:13

You are blessed! TG!

@Babylon2060 - 12.08.2022 17:40

I'm pretty sure most men regardless of religion grow a beared if they don't shave. lol

@dizzylee7215 - 06.06.2024 00:03

What an inspirational story. Thank you.

@noahadim - 05.09.2024 04:06

I had just become Ben Noah when I saw this 5 or 6 years ago. I have not converted although I still feel that strong pull to do so, and I wonder how you're doing currently? Very well I hope B'H
