An Actual Review of Star Wars Jedi Survivor

An Actual Review of Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Synthetic Man

1 год назад

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@SyntheticMan - 06.05.2023 02:13

Small correction: You can parry with the dual wield stance. I must have had a minor bug or misremembered a tutorial message because it works fine now.

If you're wondering if I'll cover Redfall, no, I won't bother reviewing it. If it bombs hard enough that Arkane suffers layoffs or gets shut down, I'll talk about it.

@munchyman0196 - 27.03.2024 00:42

You not playing part one is a big red flag, this game down graded. I played both on hard and survivor was hard. Not a good difficulty either i felt handicapped compared to part one couldn’t jump out of animations. The light saber felt nerfed, dodging/parry/avoiding sucks cal felt generally nerfed. The game doesn’t feel rewarding. The enemy’s feel like master enemy’s men while cal is a rookie Jedi who just defeated the 9th sis(2x) and the 2nd sister an SOME OLD VETERAN lightsaber guy in tomb AND HE HAD ENHANCED JEDI POWERS. The puzzles are repetitive, jump,jump,dash. After you played 15 hours of the puzzles a special travels its fn old. The graphics are phenomenal. But that’s all that’s rewarding besides the story but even that part is a little off. Why am i the only Jedi that’s good and every other light saber holder against me. This game feels like a slave that was the first slave and wanted to be free an was smart. His only problem besides slavery is that the other slaves keep snitching. This *HIT already hard. I don’t need things I can’t predict, that also shouldn’t be against me KILLIN ME. You have no actual complete control over cal, enemy battles lack senselessness, puzzles are ANNOYING. This is my unfinished review I jumped into the game right after I defeated fallen order and 6/10. Game just doesn’t make me feel happy.(i like the customization on cal tho)

@chanwilliams7713 - 19.03.2024 21:33

Kinda fun, but definitely not a 9. Fallen Order was a 9 +

@radishslimjim - 11.03.2024 21:34

why does he blame the game for his lack of skill looks to me like its a skill issue

@smrii2487 - 10.03.2024 09:58

"Why is this a souls like in the first place?"

Yes!!!! That is the biggest problem eith this game. Souls combat does nit work with a lightsaber. Combat shouldve have been like Ghosts of Tsushima where you can cut down enemies and switch through stances seamless and effortlessly

@justinbauer7597 - 07.03.2024 01:47

This man is racist, sexist, and homophobic. His livestreams are always hate-fests. Be wary of anything he says and take it with a grain of salt.

@marvinmetellus7919 - 04.03.2024 22:19

The dual blade lets you cancel eny of your attack with a block and if your clever about it you can block then doge (so prety much animation cancel a swing into a doge at eny time)

@residentevilclone - 28.02.2024 12:25

Combat is wonky as fuck. It’s not quite stun-locking, but the attacks/combos don’t interrupt animations or anything. Half these fuckers do 90% unblockable attacks, and half of those have a homing missile like animation to them.

And to make it worse, they’re able to just launch into these attacks with no tell. It makes learning patterns fucking impossible, and yeah the hot boxes are ass. One hit kills are ass. Not sure what they were thinking.

@balduran. - 28.02.2024 07:12

talking about casualising the game or how easy encounters are when you dont play on the hardest difficulty seems pretty retarded

@CrooKdLetterJ - 14.02.2024 19:53

I liked the first one it was more linear you just go planet to planet it still has bigger levels but they feel more metroid like

@haiderz4510 - 14.02.2024 04:06

This game is amazing you’re just retarded af. Complain about not knowing the characters but how would you when you haven’t played the first game you dumb fuck?

@torikazuki8701 - 25.01.2024 09:10

'Can't do anything important' Here is where I berate the writers for their lack of vision.

'Warhammer 40k' may be one of the few (and from a Pop Sci-Fi perspective, perhaps the ONLY) 'Verses that understands the scale of a galaxy. In that Universe, the Imperium comprises about a 1,000,000 planets and it's not even a QUARTER of the entire galaxy!

Lucas never had a clue about the scale although there were a few Expanded (Now Legendary) Stories that got close. However, everything created in the Disney Era? Definitely Not.

In this game they could have created a story where your PC decides to 'fight the good fight' to protect a Local Stellar Group of say, Seven Star Systems, from a small bandit empire (Sound Familiar?) That would be huge enough to impact the lives of Billions, yet wouldn't amount to a boil on the rear of the Empire.

@bilbobaggins9451 - 25.01.2024 08:56

Star wars: Redhead survivor. Just looking at the game makes me want to play the force unleashed. Heck, even force unleashed 2 for all its flaws.

The story was actually interesting in those games. You get to play as Darth Vaders secret apprentice tasked with taking out the remaining jedi. You find them and theyre reduced to these secluded and crazed freaks hiding from the empire. Really sets up the desperate stakes going into the original story.

Here in the new canon, youve got jedi falling from the sky and evil sith spawns popping out of the ground. I wont be suprised if the jedi and inquisitors have a full scale war in the coming projects by the lovely modern lucasfilm.

Oh wow, I went off tangent there. Probably because the game just looks so boring and generic that it isnt even worth caring about this franchise anymore. Save yourself the time and money. Just play the force unleashed and the jedi academy games.

@vonnstevens2502 - 25.01.2024 06:44

So because it’s a souls-like game in ur mind it’s considered repetitive and boring 🤡

@bigflip3714 - 17.01.2024 04:38

Great vid

@jells31 - 13.01.2024 21:56

This game looks TERRIBLE, from physics to hitboxes to story and so on. Since when doesn't a lightsaber cut off limbs directly after hitting them. It might as well been a knights sword. It's lore breaking and these kind of gameplay mixes (now with soulslike) are just boooooring.

@mountain.spider - 12.01.2024 03:53

Doesn't it feel like gaming companies are so creatively bankrupt with ideas that the only monsters they can think of are the exact same one that appeared in movies all the way back in the 60s and 70s? I know some of them are popular monsters like the one when Luke fell inside of a pit and had to defeat. But it's literally in every incarnation of Star Wars.

EDIT. On a random note, I just can't get into Star Wars game because I feel like they have ruined the franchise currently with all the garbage Disney's been cranking out. Regarding the light saber weight comment. The reason at least in Star Wars mythology normal people can't just grab one and play with it is because you need the force to use it because it has no weight, which makes it hard to judge the positioning or feedback when it a touch of something. The great sword should have no weight, just another style lol.

@Dannyboy31805 - 10.01.2024 05:19

I don’t know if it’s all the same because I got this game and played through it this December so it’s after many updates or something but I find myself agreeing with about half of the stuff in the video half not

@KrazyWolf626 - 09.01.2024 18:19

I played the first game, only because it was free on PSplus , and I thought it was Super Mario World with light sabers. Still haven’t finished it and I won’t play this one 😂

@LoneWolfsbane - 06.01.2024 16:41

Great game reviewed by a chronic complainer

@aether3589 - 01.01.2024 11:40

yea this take is bullshit, majority of the issues u have is skill issue and he does have a plan to fight back the empire dude.

@DS3Enjoyer - 27.12.2023 23:19

Have you played Lies of P?

@noiseworks - 17.12.2023 14:30

everything you say is spot on. they've fixed the performance issues and i picked it up on sale, but it was just frustrating and pointless. I couldnt wait for it to end

@moss243 - 17.12.2023 11:00

you need help man, I do not mean this as an insult, It is my recommendation, get a therapist, not everything has to be porn, you can still get your life back on track and start enjoying things again. No one believes that you guys can be saved but I think otherwise, Deep inside you I know there is a calm and collected person, just be yourself man. This stuff? This isn't you. The worst part is that they encourage you, I can't help all of you but I can at least reach out to you. Just talk to me man. Something is wrong, You have an addiction, But I want to know deeper than that, What started this?

@danieltober8574 - 12.12.2023 23:35

i was only able to play a bit on someone else’s console, but i played on grand master and turned on the tweak that adds realistic damage. that makes this game so good imo, because your lightsaber is actually deadly and you can also die really quickly if you make a mistake. it raises the stakes and makes it so much more satisfying because you have that jedi power level

@mattjindrak - 08.12.2023 21:41

I just played No More Heroes and got sick of that shitty music and now I'm hearing it here lmao

@Farza2005 - 03.12.2023 12:12

الجباب لذيذ و هي البنكيك العربية

@nimroids6587 - 03.12.2023 09:25

My review: Game is good for combat and exploration when it wants to work which is rarely ever. As for the story, it takes a massive shit in the second half when all logic or sense is thrown out the window, with a very underwhelming and stupid twist ending for absolutely no reason. Also the fact that you literally have a big titty goth gf is pretty hilarious. On the plus side I really enjoyed the side content like building up the saloon.

@1who4me - 19.11.2023 09:03

First game was shit too

@DaBearsManiac2 - 18.11.2023 04:57

I can't take your gameplay boss criticisms seriously. You never played the first one, you're just soft on the sticks. Padawans are supposed to get their asses kicked by bosses 😂

Trust me, you put some hours into this game and those boss fights are fun as hell.

@loganschmidt1837 - 17.11.2023 02:45

I am glad you don't completely hate this game because it really is one of my favorites as a massive Star Wars fan. I ate up Fallen Order and Survivor didn't run bad on my Xbox at all on launch day. The story was actually immaculate and surprisingly, was surprising. Most Star Wars media nowadays is so predictable and boring, but JS actually had me on the edge of my seat. Such a great game

@denkoden8102 - 13.11.2023 16:56

Not to put you down but how can you review a game while not finishig it plus i played it myself and if you take it for what it is its a good star wars game i had fun and thats all i care bout and yes i didnt play on launch cuz i culdnt stand the bad preformance but now if you ask me it plays well and it do be fun

@agent7796 - 13.11.2023 13:13

The one thing I hated in Fallen Order, more that anything else, were the platforming sections & your video has shown me much worse platforming that are ridiculously cartoonish.
I think I'll either give this a hard pass or at most wait for a sale in single digits, cheers dude, 😎👍👍

@johnturcsik2906 - 13.11.2023 08:38

I noticed that in Themis game when you block you can easily attack while you block. In the first game you can’t attack while you block

@peterb5235 - 11.11.2023 18:51

I really wanted to love this thing but the story sucks

@huntermccoy7641 - 11.11.2023 16:35

No limb removal? 0/10

@Cenot4ph - 10.11.2023 14:11

looks like console bullshit to me, typical platforming, a few bosses, some fighting. mehh Rinse repeat

@Mxsfit11Six - 09.11.2023 05:00

If this game was more like Ghost of Tsushima, I would've enjoyed it

@marco117sw - 08.11.2023 19:11

Watching the gameplay for this does NOT look like you're playing as a "badass" Jedi. The developers made sure of that. I'd rather go back in time and play Force Unleashed. 😆

@tomf1342 - 08.11.2023 14:11

First game was amazing tbh but this one well…….

@Venomx-nb1jr - 07.11.2023 20:12

I kinda want to get roasted. But I really enjoyed this game. It reminded me a lot of prince of Persia and of course that game got shit on too so no surprises. But the relationship angle I actually thought wasn’t overly forced. And when referencing prince of Persia I mean the Xbox 360 game that was just called prince of Persia. And the tracking back to chase the blaster guy who was trying to protect his daughter made him somewhat sympathetic. Did academy do some of these things better? Yes obviously but man I really enjoyed a lot of the call backs. If you’re going to do uncharted in the Star Wars universe and then do a sequel man, for me survivor was like an 8/10. And I definitely appreciated it being a bit longer. We’ve been so devoid of a good Star Wars game for such a long time, the fact this game got a lot of it right even if it’s janky didn’t bother me.

@NiceDiggz - 07.11.2023 09:36

Nothing like playing a redhead geek wannabe Jedi

@Gillymonster18 - 04.11.2023 19:27

So what you’re saying is almost 15 years later, no one has yet surpassed The Force Unleashed?

@KillaGandhi - 04.11.2023 13:47

Synthetic Man is one of the few who actually review games for the gameplay instead of lazily summarizing the whole story and calling it a review.
