DEITY WORSHIP FOR BEGINNERS || How to start worshipping deities within witchcraft or paganism

DEITY WORSHIP FOR BEGINNERS || How to start worshipping deities within witchcraft or paganism

The Norse Witch

3 года назад

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Mckenna Fincher
Mckenna Fincher - 19.09.2023 05:15

What would be some good resources for reading about the greek pantheon? I’m wanting to read more in-depth about the gods but I don’t want to get any false information.

Caroline Gerrari
Caroline Gerrari - 06.08.2023 21:02

Thank you for sharing! 💕

RFJ - 26.07.2023 19:55

I've just started (literally less than 10 minutes ago) to research paganism. I am thinking of getting into the Greek pantheon and selecting three deities (Is that how I spell it?):

Ares: God of war. He symbolises strength and courage (Im somebody who loves having my masculine energy)

Aphrodite: Goddess of love (I am somebody who has a very loving side)

And Hygieia: Goddess of health and disease prevention. (I am somebody who loves health and fitness, so this is definitely a Deity that can help me). I will definitely do more research about it.

Watersrain - 14.07.2023 07:54

Any advice for when after months of trying to worship, giving prayer and offerings why the deity might not be answering?

Tanisha - 12.07.2023 20:15

I’m so new at this
I have few questions pls someone help me out
Once I find my deity how do I talk to them? Ppl say through meditation but what do I need to think ? Specially if its my first time what do I see how does things work?
Also is this like worshipping for a god? I wanna work on their honour and help my life along with it.. I don’t want it to feel like I’m blindly worshiping like I have to do with a god. Cyz I can talk to my deity

Magister Morpheus
Magister Morpheus - 12.07.2023 16:02

Norse females were never bald and fenenist....

Clinton Baird
Clinton Baird - 10.07.2023 07:43

There’s nothing worthy of worship except Allah, repent and turn to your Creator ☝️

❤︎ 𝚃𝚊𝚒 ❤︎
❤︎ 𝚃𝚊𝚒 ❤︎ - 04.07.2023 23:44

accidentally summoned Aphrodite and Adonis 💀

for the past month ive been feeling very connected to the universe and spirituality more so than normal and listening to the universe and i decided to decorate my table and out of 8 candles lit only 2 would move and aphrodite would go mental is she wa seperated from adonis and adonis would just go completely still, theyre places happily together, adonis is protected and Aphrodite is watching over him.

Affrica - 26.06.2023 11:49

I am drawn to witchcraft since 2008. I did some work for a year or two and never heard about worshiping a Deity. But... Ever since i was a kid i bought a bastet figurine that I cared for my entire life. It had always been there in my life. Once, my cat puched the plastered figurine from the closet and it fell to the ground. Bastet wasn't broken down. Bt there was a stardent in our stone-floor!!! Till this day I always felt connected to bastet's lore. and now... two days ago... I came across your channel and knew: Bastet is my Deity.

Synchronise_living - 23.06.2023 11:28

I like to think of manifesting as a way of worshiping Hecate. So I recently made her a space. I say my affirmations of “what’s meant for me will find me”. I’m also a beginner to worshipping, but I thought I would share where I’m beginning. I felt her in a time of deep personal and external transformation, and in a time of setting boundaries! So I thought I better set up a space up for her!

Kalpana Chatterjee
Kalpana Chatterjee - 02.05.2023 08:22

I am searching diety worship in iskcon and this is what I got witch craft😂😂😂

phoebe moore
phoebe moore - 30.04.2023 20:13

im looking into hecate the greek goddess so this is very helpful thank youu

Gangster Tarot
Gangster Tarot - 26.04.2023 19:05

I can't believe I just found you were you been !

Tapas Das
Tapas Das - 22.04.2023 10:54

Lilith mother Ki switch words

Roman - 31.03.2023 13:19

Can you use the same alter for two goddesses? (Athena and Hecate) I also want to start working with Nike . I have limited space so would it be possible to have Athena and Nike on the same alter and a seperate one for Hecate? Or can i use one for all 3 of them ?

Zielarka - 21.03.2023 21:46

First i thought that Odin would work with me, i saw a couple of crowns everywhere, even in the city i live. But after i write a poem for him, he left me. Maybe it wasn't a good poem ;-) Now i work with love goddess from other panteon. I think she likes my gifts. So now it's ok.

SodaPoP - 24.02.2023 20:12

So I want to start worshipping Apollo since he was always a diety that really interested me! But I'm not sure how to offer drinks and food, could someone explain that to me? Thank you advance!! ^^ This video definitely helped me allot :)

Carolina Amnell
Carolina Amnell - 20.02.2023 23:51

Other offerings can be devoting time to study, research, educate yourself and others and "sacrifices" like conquering a bad habit or other tasks that are difficult for you. Helping others can be an offering too, for instance, Odin has to do with with the military so perhaps volunteering or donating to a cause related to veterans or donating to a rescue group involved in taking care of an animal sacred to the deity. I often donate to groups who rescue cats in honor to Freya.

Jillian Dittrich
Jillian Dittrich - 20.02.2023 01:20

I started working with Apollo yesterday, I set up a little alter on my windowsill and got him a candle and some citrine crystals. I researched him for a few days and I know a lot. I’m a really baby witch and I haven’t even made a spell jar yet. Even started learning sigil s a few days ago. Found your channel and I’m learning a lot?

VanyaBlackWolf - 08.02.2023 03:13

I like making dedicated playlists for my deities of songs that made me think of them. Like how you would do for a friend.

Franknstein - 28.01.2023 00:10

Can you worship more than one deity? Because I have 3

A sock
A sock - 16.01.2023 22:47

I started off working with just Freyja, now I also work with hades, I’d always had a fascination with him and mythology in general so when I learned about deity work it sounded really interesting and something I’d do. I’m currently in a predicament of if I should put their alters near each other. I do give offerings, they are all small and I do them frequently and it feels good!

Sparky Marie
Sparky Marie - 06.01.2023 07:33

I began worshipping Lady Melinoë, Greek goddess of ghosts and nightmares, in the past few months because I was given many, many signs by Her that She was with me. I watch horror movies/videos or read horror stories for Her, as well as leave offerings and libations for Her from time to time when I can. It’s not much as I am still on a learning curve, but I do what I can.

motttsable - 27.12.2022 04:07

i’ve just begun worshipping baphomet and im finding close to no information on him it’s upsetting

sienna - 26.12.2022 14:49

omg tyy this video answered all my questions! <3

Neo xx
Neo xx - 22.12.2022 00:56

If I was to talk aloud to a Diety, would they hear me and listen to me? :)

Beel - 21.12.2022 12:07

It’s been a bit hard for me, because my deity isn’t too popular, so I don’t have anyone to base my practices off. It’s hard because I want to make an altar full of things they would like, but don’t know where to start.

Vivi - 21.12.2022 10:39

Thank you so much for this useful info and for all of your suggestions! You make all of these practices sound simple and natural, which is really helpful ☺️

Сиана-Каролин Колева
Сиана-Каролин Колева - 19.12.2022 22:09

can i read my deity stories etc. with no altar?

Saturn🪐 - 02.12.2022 22:36

so i’m a really young witch. Like, under 13. But i’m almost twelve and i’ve been doing this since i first turned 10 i think.

I’m currently worshipping aphrodite which i know she’s the goddess of love and sexual stuff, but she came to me in a dream and i just made a love spell don’t ask about it but i felt a presence behind me, do you guys think it was aphrodite?? I know she works in love so i wouldn’t be surprised if it was her.

I’ve done spells and things and i found out my witchy side is from my dads side of the family!
My dads family actually believes that witchcraft is a thing of the devil but um apparently our ancestors didn’t!!

Doris - 29.11.2022 00:18

Danke für dieses Video 🥰 es hilft sehr.

Ich hänge noch bei der Entscheidung, welchem Pantheon ich mich widmen soll, aber es kristallisiert sich langsam heraus 😊

Black'nBlueB1tch - 20.11.2022 21:08

Can you worship a deity and not practice witchcraft?

Johnny Murray
Johnny Murray - 09.11.2022 08:27

Hi, Everybody, I've been working and worshipping with Queen LILITH! I started in February 2022. Any time I exercise I dedicate and offer that set to her. I'm Not a work out nut but when I do I dedicate it to Queen LILITH. Ie. If I'm doing pushups or situps I dedicate each set to her! My workouts are alot better now. Lol👍

Johnny Murray
Johnny Murray - 09.11.2022 08:22

TY very much for the Video. It's very Kool and informative. I didn't know about reading to your deity? I'm gonna give that a try. Stay safe.

Y2kleiaaa - 27.10.2022 08:54

I am new to deity work and I really love to write so I'm curious can I worship deity's by writing to them ? I feel very connected to the gemni twins castor and Pollux and would really love to be able to be in contact with them but I have a hard time with talking and much better writing with it also calming me and being about to put out more energy

Just me
Just me - 25.10.2022 21:40

What advice would you give to people who grew up christian and have that mentality that if they worship other gods they will „suffer in hell" forced onto them from a young age but still want to start worshipping other deities?

POV gaming
POV gaming - 23.10.2022 23:59

Can you worship a Greek god and a Egyptian god

AriRina - 05.10.2022 00:06

What is your opinion on worshipping deities from different pantheons later on in the practice? For example: Hades and Loki?

Rob - 03.10.2022 08:40

you have alot of knowledge on this subject could I ask you a few questions

Thought Eater
Thought Eater - 21.09.2022 06:34

Thanks for this video! I'm new to gods worship and, because I am a thelemite, I am mostly interested in (but not limited to) Egyptian and Greek pantheon.

fen - 19.09.2022 09:16

i really want to start working with a deitie but i have a few questions if anyone could answer !
1. do you have to actually worship them as a part of your religion ( not sure how to explain ) or in a more respectful casual ( ? ) way
2. do you have to actually believe in them fully? if so how can i try to believe in them more as an atheist
3. what if they dont like me 😭 will they just not reach out? or if a deitie reaches out to me can i decline ? ( im specifically thinking about zeus 😭 no offense but ive studied greek mythology and im not too keen on him ) i dont want to make them upset or anything

fen - 19.09.2022 09:10

anyone know any scottish deities? i cant find any :( and i want to connect with my culture more

Marsxx - 13.09.2022 23:37

Hey! I love your channel and i am new to all of this. i feel really connected to Lilith and she has been sending me signs and reaching out to me lately. She appeared in a dream sent me owls and cats. I really want to give her an offering like a red or black candle maybe even food but i have always wondered how do i do that. You just say to the candle that its an offering? please correct me if i am wrong!!

Gibbs - 01.09.2022 20:24

I have shot glasses infront of my deity statues that I fill with mead since they are Norse I refill them about once a month and once they’re refilled I light candles that I have next to their statues that I have carved runes into that relate to that deity and I drink some mead with them and when ever a rain storm rolls in I pull out my horn and blow into it for Thor I believe they appreciate the mead because sometimes a noticeable amount of the mead will be gone by the next day or week or when ever I notice it I talk to them I light their candles when ever I meditate or when ever I’m just in that specific room I may not directly interact with them but it’s how I sort of let them know they are welcome to be there with me and that I appreciate their presence

Patrick C
Patrick C - 30.08.2022 15:10

This is a false religion, a man made religion. A rebellion against the God whom you already know exists.
Salvation has always been by grace alone by faith alone in Christ alone.

Dr.Vlad_Zompire - 26.08.2022 06:13

I actually have an idea/question: would certain deities like it if one were to try playing music for them, even if said person isn’t the best at making music?

Byron Marmol
Byron Marmol - 18.08.2022 06:48

Great video! I would add that sometimes is a good idea to research the deity to know what kind of offering to give, like coffee or stimulants go better with a Mercurial-Nature God or Goddess, etc, Ritual Offerings by Aaron Leitch and other authors is a great book loaded with a lot of information about offerings and altars :)

Everything Coffee
Everything Coffee - 17.08.2022 21:33

Hi! I can’t help but notice the claim that the prose and Poetic Edda are original texts and completely accurate? There’s a significant amount of stuff added by Christians in those works. Yes, they’re more original then most modern day stuff, but I’d bet a modern book written by a reliable scholarly author might be better to start with, for they’ll often reference the various sources for each of their claims and you can get a much better picture of the sources and their limitations before you go and take them for gospel.

The Bookworms Nook
The Bookworms Nook - 27.07.2022 20:26

Very helpful video.
