positive masculinity is overrated

positive masculinity is overrated

Alice Cappelle

1 год назад

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@simoncourt1 - 05.12.2023 20:51

Ths is super interesting. As someone who focuses a lot on masculinity in the modern world. We need more men speaking about this. Stanford has recently started a center in masculinity run completely by women. This is like men runnign a womans center. A pplaud you for the video though.

@MDonuT-of7px - 04.12.2023 13:19

Yeah Hasan really fits with the whole Alpha Male stereotype considering how much seething disgust he feels for trans women.

@MDonuT-of7px - 04.12.2023 13:15

I feel like this concept of Deep Masculinity, as you describe it can definitely be a force for good as long as one directly focuses it towards itself in a vacuum. The concept of fraternity, brotherhood and uplifting one's peers and placing the goal of self-help at the same level of helping your fellow man are definitely a force for good in a world where individual greed and libertarian economic ideology are so deeply ingrained. However, one can easily fall into the trap of shifting focus from "be the best man one can be" to "the only way you can be the best man you can be is by discarding women", which can easily allow men to fall into the trap of misogyny. As a guy with very deeply-ingrained mommy issues who was a sexist pig for quite some time, but managed to begin my journey to becoming a better person in March of this year, I can definitely say that giving young man a judgement-free and constructive outlet to their melancholy, such as these camps you describe, is vital for ensuring that they do not fall prey to such vile individuals like Andrew Tate.

@whitlermountain7198 - 04.12.2023 05:24

Great video. I hope you have a video about 'masculine & feminine energy' to which a lot of this has its basis on. I really don't like it either.


@Liptrooper - 03.12.2023 19:22

Having watched the whole video out of respect for you as a person and a creator. I fundamentally disagree with you. I am a man that would not be traditionally described as masculine I am slim and not particularly strong, however I work in an industry where that is valued as we are regularly required to actually engage in violence to achieve our job role and I have proved myself in that regard. A male colleague of mine who I would describe as the masculine ideal recently confided in me that their son's step father had molested their son, myself and another colleague convinced them not to engage in the tbh rightful violence that they felt was necessary and actually murder their son's abuser and engaged in honest emotional and touching dialogue with him to save him from himself. Without the masculine ideal, this would have meant nothing and would not have quelled his rage. Masculinity is at its best when men support and raise each other up. Outside influence is not welcome. Imagine if men tried to define what femininity meant 😅. I have never felt closer to a man than my male friend expressing his pure rage at the injustice his son had experienced than when I offered to spar in the ring to get that rage out.😂

@Polleuro - 03.12.2023 05:06

Unless you take woman out of the ecuation you just "can't be a good person" and feel fulfilled with your life as a man, because if you like woman you need to be succesful with woman and know how it works. Woman are atracted by either goods looks or social status (power), but they usually don't care your moral background unless you fulfill one of those areas first. All of those "allies" are also competing for woman but in a different way: You should choose me because I'm the most respectful man (it's always the best man that takes the most women, you can change the competition but not the will to compete) The guy who is leading a lot of men into his philosophy of "masculine possitivity"is increasing his chances by becoming the leader if that group of man. Who am I? A latin dancer who has been with a lot of woman (sexually) and understood the game ;)

@jscudderz - 29.11.2023 19:35

The end goal is being a good human being but men have very real psychological barriers to that imposed on them by patriarchy. Recognizing how these barriers are formed with regards to masculinity and accounting for them is important. People on the left usually recognize that men have not been given the opportunity to develop emotional range and that they feel deeply insecure about being vulnerable, we tell them to open up but then condemn them for insecurity or showing anger even though that is all they know how to show. We can say we support emotionally open men but when those emotions make us uncomfortable the conversation is shut down and no chance for development is given. Angry men are frightening to women and for a very good reason, those men do pose a legitimate threat to their well being. This is why we need ACTUAL male roll models, not celebrities who we can try to look or act like but other men, present within our lives, that we can be open too emotionally who aren't as threatened by male displays of anger. Male teachers, male caretakers, respected male figures whom are in touch with themselves and others or are working to be so, men who are in community with us and with women.

@williammorris3815 - 27.11.2023 17:28

Masculinity is not toxic or healthy. Is femininity toxic or healthy?

@AnnatarLoss - 24.11.2023 18:55

Tell me you've haven't actually watched Rocky without telling me you haven't actually watched Rocky.

@onan-sonofjudahbrotherofer8466 - 23.11.2023 05:29

What the fuck would the French or any Europeans for that matter know about Masculinity ?
The kind of "men" that French women are "attracted" to are Not Real Men

@RealGucci - 21.11.2023 21:38

I have to heavily disagree on your notion that being a positive masculine man is not the way to go.

You are correct that being a positive human being is important for living our lives, but men need to see what positive masculinity can bring as we have more tendencies to lean into masculine tropes rather than feminine ones. Completely disregarding this and just further deconstructing the toxic masculine tropes muddles the problem for young boys and young men growing into their identities. Without a lack of positive role models, they soon devolve into what they view as “real masculine men” like a Andrew Tate who uses that audience for their own benefits and to impose their view of what it means to be a true man

I think your disregarding of the nuances that accompanies why boys and young men gravitates to masculinity rather than what it means to be a good human eliminates and oversimplifies the issue of why toxic masculinity exists in and of itself

Otherwise a good video but Rocky is definitely a positive male role model. He literally started out as a bum in the first movie and throughout the franchise, even after gaining success and wealth, never lost his heart and soul. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover like you did in this video

@BINSNEWS - 21.11.2023 00:58

Ppl. should just treat everyone like a human being & stay positive. I can't even keep up with all of the buzzwords anymore. I really liked the video. She's right. A lot of this is getting very subjective to a certain degree.

@iakampa6265 - 17.11.2023 20:18

I find your treatment of the mythopoetic man's movement far too one-sided and reductionistic. It's decisively NOT anti-feministic; in fact, if you read Richard Rohr, one of its most influential authors, he's a progressive liberal all across the board in a wide array of social issues. It did not see feminism as a threat, rather, it sought to salvage what's good in the traditional visions of masculinity for a more egalitarian, modern age.

@ishangimhan6112 - 16.11.2023 21:20

this woman perfect example of word "woke" wow.
side not , hasan abi really😂😂😂

@funkydanieluk - 15.11.2023 23:57

Whenever I've seen feminists try to explain what they think healthy masculinity is they always end up describing men behaving like women.
Men who do this will always be rejected by women romantically.
It is complete snake oil.

@Player-kq6fd - 13.11.2023 05:27

Uzui from Demon Slayer is a positive masculinity its because he loves fashion, but he embraces masculinity

@angelhinostroza6405 - 09.11.2023 23:29

Hay tantos sinsentidos dichos en el video, que tomaría tiempo señalar todas, pero honestamente esa visión extraña que hay de mencionar a los típicos chicos que aparecen en la típica revista adolescente de mes, como ejemplos de "healthy masculinity" es realmente hasta risible, Timothy Chalamet, Harry Styles, Lil Nas, etc.

Es que realmente no se si es porque la chica y el chico del video ya estas lo suficientemente sesgados y ideologizados, pero es bastante tonto todo esto.

Toman en cuenta la apariencia, lo cual no significa nada, literalmente todos esos chicos son tomados como memes, en todo el mundo, nadie realmente lo ven como ejemplos a seguir de nada, excepto las mismas adolescentes. El video toca varios puntos y se termina perdiendo en si mismo.

Toda estas ideas de que no existe los roles de genero, o que nos obligan a vivir en un "hetero patriarcado normativo", son varios de los sinsentidos, que todo el mundo se burla por conceptos tan tontos y risibles, realmente nadie toma en serio toda este tipos de tonterias, a excepción de gente sesgada e ideologizadas.

Las cosas son bastante simples, los hombres y las mujeres somos diferentes por naturaleza, por ellos tenemos conductas distintas, intereses distintos y apariencia distinta, la mayoría es hetero por naturaleza, no por una imposición del malvado "hetero patriarcado normativo" y demas tonterias.

Y en cuanto atracción a la gran mayoría de mujeres les atraen los hombres masculinos y a los hombres las mujeres femeninas, esas diferencias definidas por nuestros sexos, son lo que cambian todo, porque la naturaleza de la biología importa mucho mas de lo creen, asi que dejen de joder de una vez por todas, con todos estos sinsentidos.

@qwert671 - 02.11.2023 00:40

It's quite funny when a person from a rich capitalist country, which is rich BECAUSE of capitalism and the free market, starts promoting "socialism"...

@justinkiarie9857 - 30.10.2023 02:04

What about the Biological characteristics(not all) that govern my choices? I hate how technological advancement have become an excuse to correct biology.

@nathanericschwabenland88888 - 29.10.2023 20:16

Technology wins in the end both literally and metaphorically so long live the digital monsters digimon are the champions

@gnickthegnome1981 - 29.10.2023 16:37

I have a friend, call him Jorkas. He absolutely performs positive masculinity, the androgynous clothes, feminine jewelry, talking about feelings, being emotionally supportive. And I do think he is practicing what positive masculinity preaches, I just don't think that message is conducive to any real resolution of the perennial crisis in masculinity. To me, that crisis appears as a perpetual rejection of genuine presentation. For Jorkas, he does all the positive masculine thing, but he still speaks down to people. He sends people money who didnt ask for it, and if he had asked would say they dont need it, simply because he has an image of himself that is richer than others. He condescends about fitness and careers because he is good looking, and he has a stable career. He condescends in a number of ways, never doing the labor of acknowledging his foundation of privilege, but he does it in the way of positive masculinity. Gentle condescension, "friendly advice," but its all the same. This notion of masculinity provides him with the socially acceptable facade underneath which all of his issues can continue to fester. If he were to be genuinely himself, a part of that would be a confrontation of these ways in which he is disrespectful, and a process of healing these habits, and this is a difficult process that changes people. Another part of it would be rejection. People like what is familiar, and to dress like pedro pascal and harry styles is just what's "in." All of this may genuinely be attractive as an aesthetic to Jorkas, but he is still using it as a means to avoid a deeper confrontation of clearly present personal issues. The world accepts me insofar as I adopt the insubstantial image of the positive masculine, so why should I dig deeper and run the risk of becoming less acceptable? Its almost like these concepts, even if i say they are good, are being used as a proxy. As far as you wear the socially acceptable aesthetic, you will not have to do that more difficult emotional labor, but as soon as you begin that work, you can no longer wear the aesthetic. In a deeper psychological way, you are no longer socially acceptable, because to be truly genuine is forbidden in our popular social context.

Don't mind me anyway. Just a bitter neurodivergent.

@PaoloMarinelli-sl2xu - 26.10.2023 12:40

I don't know that masculinity crisis is a worst things.Jordan B. is a mysoge. The overall of "testosten", created monsters: violence, aggressivety, dominance.

@MayumiC-chan9377 - 24.10.2023 10:44

i’m so glad my husband is masculine and warrior cultured.
My husband is a product of military family upbringing and military service.
he doesn’t have a feminine side he is the strength of our family and he is dedicated to our family.
there is NOTHING toxic about being a man and my husband is a working class man.
He is co-owner of a veteran owned and run private security firm full of men who work hard
to protect other along with law enforcement.

I’m proud of my husband and proud of his strength and determination to protect us LIKE A MAN!

@d.1.dx3thapain47 - 22.10.2023 16:38

Don't worried about her she will changed her mind like the rest of the women in the world 😂 indecisive comes in theirs nature

@Professorbubblegum - 21.10.2023 04:06

your view of the world is so small and white its actually draining to hear you. this is not a hate comment. I want you to be aware of the fact that you have a very small and boxed in view of the world and how you think cultures act, were/are formed/ and why they exist. very closed-minded perspective.

@Professorbubblegum - 21.10.2023 04:01

Aren't you just conflating the term "healthy" with what you personally find attractive? Like, sis, this entire video is you advocating that men who don't look/behave in ways that people like you find attractive are men with unhealthy/toxic masculinity. and for these low cultured men with unhealthy men to become "better", they need to copy men that you personally find attractive.

girl plz. Imma say right now that the men you named as healthy (freaken harry styles for example) are men me and the women in my friend groups laugh at and make fun of. we want real men. that's why the trend/joke of going to home depot to find a man popped off.

just cause you find some men "mean and scary so they're bad and toxic" doesn't mean that's what other women, or society wants. like get off your high horse fr.

@piratekingthethtaroo - 18.10.2023 04:17


@piratekingthethtaroo - 18.10.2023 04:14

Nami and other one piece women!

@piratekingthethtaroo - 18.10.2023 04:13

Luffy and other one piece men!

@piratekingthethtaroo - 18.10.2023 04:13

I KNOW! I know what everyone should do. Watch/read one piece!

@laurentaragon3183 - 17.10.2023 21:23

masculinity is toxic until you put on a dress and put on makeup, it is disgusting that feminists dare to talk about masculinity when they don't know what they are talking about, they only repeat what feminism has told them masculinity is, everything that comes out of the feminism about men is hate, I ask you, can you name just one good thing, a single compliment that feminists give to men? Exactly none, it is always talking negatively about men and criminalizing and discriminating and putting all men in a group, feminists are disgusting, I have never felt hatred for women until I learned about feminists, they are an evil for the world.

@anom794939393 - 17.10.2023 10:53

I like your content but the fact that you constantly praise Hassan makes me think you are incapable of critical thought.

@sammorrison8042 - 16.10.2023 10:07

I will use my personal experience to critique your emphasis on going beyond pragmatism. I come from an Indian household and we very rarely explicitly talked about masculinity or being a man. Except it was implied and performed. I was taught without ever using the words of that categorise that I'm supposed to be the bread winner, that i cannot pierce my nose, that i cannot wear whatever i want, that i have to be violent, that i have to supress my emotions and the list goes on. I am studying sociology, psychology and literary criticism/post-colonialosm in clg. initially i too was fascinated by ideas of living freely, being who i am, finding and reconnecting with the parts of myself that i was forced fo repress and im still working on it but it is not possible for me to express myself to be, like alok. i will face violence and have faced abuse from patriarchal men and women who have no love within them. so im faced with a choice, do i (at least to some extent) comform the hetronormative norms so that i can live and survive and earn money or live by being true to myself in a culture that hates someone like me and end up jobless, struggling to survive to feel accepted? idk man i think it is more sensible for me to do the former.

on a more systematic level, like you mentioned how class and cultural capital plays a role. most people around me lack both (i feel bad for them, and i feel like someone my genuine expression of myself is me flaunting my privilege on their trauma. but i digress). the pragmatic approach has to be undertaken here. we can't address the question of gender without addressing capitalist exploitation like you pointed out, be have to be very much intersectional while giving these underprivileged men a role model some form of pragmatic approach has to be taken to really change society. we can have our discourses and discussions but we won't really be able to do anything

@anthonypc1 - 14.10.2023 21:39

Yeah I just don't care about how much my good qualities are attributed to my masculinity.
I'm in the camp of just taking pride in working on being a good person.
The bits of my personality and preferences and expression which are more commonly associated with being male than female aren't usually the most important, and aren't things I feel a need to try at.

Being confidently willing to speak up in defense of others or my own boundaries is a virtuous trait for anyone to develop.
It can go hand in hand with being compassionate and nurturing of more vulnerable people, and animals.
It's just not very meaningful to me which of these good qualities people attribute to my masculinity.
And I when some women have told me I embody a healthy feminine caregiver quality, I don't mind that. I just find it interestingly arbitrary how they draw lines through my natural personality to distinguish which parts belong to femininity and which to masculinity.

Just live in the fullness of what is you. And if that means naked wrestling in the woods, or adorning each other with flowers in a stream under the full moon, go for it. I won't judge as long as it's not harming anyone. (just wish my culture had more opportunities that welcomed men to explore both.)

@reggie18b - 12.10.2023 16:13

Thinking that you can assess attitudes towards masculinity through watching adverts is hopelessly naive. The reason that so many adverts feature men changing nappies and the like is because the guidelines laid down in the UK state that women cannot be shown in traditional roles in adverts.

This is an example not of changing attitudes, but of the State using its power to shape and change attitudes. Leftists seem blind to this kind of indoctrination, I suppose because they approve of it.

@d4mterro320 - 11.10.2023 06:48

"White men have the power" *Proceeds to give examples to men on how they should follow white men's "healthy" masculinity" Damn, since the debato-sphere ended, y'all turned crazy and weak.

@michalsevecek5417 - 08.10.2023 16:56

Those retrieved men look like they are having fun tho

@sanjlon4522 - 07.10.2023 13:57

We seek for progress, in a capitalist world. You can develop projects, but not values.

@ragnarlothbrok367 - 05.10.2023 20:42

"Male feminists are mostly educated, liberal, and middle class"
This liberal education is a funny thing though. 100 years ago, the most stupid person in the village could tell the bull from the cow, but now such a male feminist after his education struggles to tell what a woman is.

@beeftestosterone4840 - 05.10.2023 20:06

Just so happens that all these men are model level good looking.

@itawtitawapuddytat7800 - 04.10.2023 20:17

Explain why lesbian couples gave the highest domestic violence rates

@bimpadimp - 03.10.2023 21:25

so tired of assigning traits as masculine or feminine. it often leads to the putting down of women for displaying traits that are praised in men, while absolving men of the responsibility to have traits that are deemed feminine. as long as leadership is considered masculine, female leaders will be called bossy and bitchy. as long as sensitivity and caring are considered feminine, men will be held to a lower expectation for emotional intelligence.

@aaronjensen4015 - 01.10.2023 14:48

My god- we all love the toxic masculine types outside the confort of civilization.

@krem_nation - 01.10.2023 14:31

For every 10 men who tell me to act like a real man, I raise my thigh highs an inch higher

@xyzbesixdouze - 29.09.2023 01:06

So Hasanabi as a miljonaire left preacher to farm more views, but no real interest or investment to get somewhat knowledgable or intelectual about it, is the rolemodel for men what feminists/progressives want, remember don't skip an adbreak? Or Sneako is your role model as healthy man, because he let's you fuck as his wife with another man and watches it without remorse ? Influencers that are more busy with their own image rather than to bring an honest informational view are just no better then narcistic popularistic politicians that enlighten extrimists anger. At least take the sincere rolemodels like Noah or Hbomberguy or even the Dalai Lama, Ghandi... leave out the clowns as it diminishes your credibility.
