Quad Mid Side (MS) for immersive Audio

Quad Mid Side (MS) for immersive Audio

Sound Sleuth

55 лет назад

411 Просмотров

This is the Union Pacific BigBoy train passing in front of an immersive microphone array that uses four MS microphones. But instead of facing left right or sideways, the figure eight capsule faces up down to capture hight information. You can download the 7.1.4 mix in a 12 channel wav file here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/easte77n255j3p16rf8ws/BigBoyTrain7.1.4.wav?rlkey=8bhqcb1fsyc82jd52xknyenp7&dl=0

And you can buy the MS Microphone as a kit here: https://www.jlielectronics.com/diy-microphone-kits/tabitha-microphone-kit/

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