Url Creation and routing in yii2 framework | yii2 tutorials

Url Creation and routing in yii2 framework | yii2 tutorials

The Codeholic

4 года назад

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Pankaj Hatwar
Pankaj Hatwar - 28.06.2023 10:39

I have to convert my api url from balance?player=100 to balance/100 then how can I do this in yii2
please help

Ілля Авер'янов
Ілля Авер'янов - 30.04.2023 17:25


Rohit Gour
Rohit Gour - 08.10.2022 19:44

Very nice sir, thanks.

Pritam Naskar
Pritam Naskar - 05.04.2022 06:26

Would like to have a details video on dynamic routing including passing variable in the url

Gleiner Teruel
Gleiner Teruel - 14.10.2021 15:53

First of all super thanks for this explanations; these are very objective and practics. Now my issue: I could note that you use a kind of structure, in this project you've showed, which is similar to the structure I'd like to use: separeted views according to topics of the project. I've created my stuffs with gii and I decided to set the employer views into the site/views area, BUT NOW I can't reach these functions, I can't create a route that get these codes to process, and it also means that I am missanderstanding some part of the "creation of routes". Could you help-me, please? Thanks in advance.

The Mike
The Mike - 07.09.2021 12:38

“How ever” 68 times

Vlada Petkovic
Vlada Petkovic - 29.05.2021 17:39

But what if for any reason you need to change the controller or action method for example /site/index2, it actually means that again on all web pages where the tag <a> for href is generated you need to change Url :: to ("site / index2 "). In Slim, Laravel and Symfony there is something called the route name. The route and its unique name are defined only in one place and a route name is used everywhere in the application. Then, if for any reason the url template or controller / action needs to be changed, it is enough to do it only in one place. Yii2 is a good and interesting web framewrok but it seems to me that routing with it is very poorly done.

What about aliases? I tried to use aliases in route templates or in the controller / action scheme within the url manager, but it doesn't work? !!!

Dheeraj Sharma
Dheeraj Sharma - 02.03.2021 20:41

Thanks for this concept 👍

Tao Jiang
Tao Jiang - 05.10.2020 13:46

thanks for the tutorial, it's very good.

juss - 28.08.2020 09:45


Pablo JS
Pablo JS - 23.08.2020 06:08

These videos are the best i've ever seen about yii2. I'd like to you make more videos, maybe about notifications, more pjax or unit tests. Your explanations are very clear and usefull. Thank you so much.

Nhân Thiện
Nhân Thiện - 05.08.2020 05:54

wow, video so greate.
Tks so much.

Daniel Soares de Araujo
Daniel Soares de Araujo - 10.06.2020 18:02

You can help me ? I have a challenge to make a crud that need the first page be a login page and when to enter I need be directed to a task manager(i make this)

Naresh paul saini
Naresh paul saini - 23.05.2020 22:50

Hey do you have any basic project setup with admin lte bootstrap 4 available from where we can start creating any project so that we do not need to create from scratch ?

Oleksandr Borodaichuk
Oleksandr Borodaichuk - 09.05.2020 12:06

Hi, ​ The Codeholic , do you have any tutorials about testing Yii application using Codeception? It is very interesting tip as for me!
For beginners, will be interesting to know, how to test models, how to use mockups, fill testing data to DB and etc. It is a very, very wide topic.

Alisham E
Alisham E - 09.05.2020 06:04

Good tips... now I know it!

João Fonseca
João Fonseca - 08.05.2020 22:42

Hi, I just subscribed your channel after seeing a FreeCodeCamp post in Linkedin about yii2 framework.

topalek - 08.05.2020 18:26

thx, for a video. Actual will be nice watch video about internationalisation (multilanguage). Especial with DB

Dumitru Brinza
Dumitru Brinza - 08.05.2020 18:18

Thank you!

the cross
the cross - 08.05.2020 17:11

I always is your supporter because every video you make is very useful.
