Dealing With Hopelessness and The Doomer Generation Explained

Dealing With Hopelessness and The Doomer Generation Explained

Cognitive Culture

3 года назад

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Kristina Dospoy
Kristina Dospoy - 18.09.2023 01:23

I'm lucky to be done with work by 2 PM at my job.

Ahmad Kazemi
Ahmad Kazemi - 11.09.2023 07:34

it's most about money, no money no honey, corporations constantly look for ways to raise their profits that could mean less dineros taking home for workers, in a nutshell, could be more complicated.

heronymous - 25.08.2023 21:15

You're the reason of doomer. None

Celestial Spartan 117
Celestial Spartan 117 - 01.08.2023 02:23

I’d rather be a boomer than a doomer any day. As the old saying goes, ignorance is bliss.

Simon Laird
Simon Laird - 28.07.2023 23:39

This girl doesn't know what the meme actually means.

Abbliee - 18.07.2023 00:23

Whatever happened to this channel?

$peedy - 28.06.2023 20:07

This aged like milk

Emily Mulligan
Emily Mulligan - 28.06.2023 03:24

As a "doomer", I find that the biggest challenge is that I find it hard to sit, laugh and enjoy life when there are people literally being trafficked and raped, children starving, being tortured.

But nah it's cool. Let me go grab a bud light and sit in the backyard and look at the stars.
This world is beautiful and God is great but humans are garbage pieces of poop.

Brenda G.
Brenda G. - 13.05.2023 06:19

I am just as miserable as the male doomer. Somehow the female doomer is not portrayed the same so I can’t identify.

John Stallings
John Stallings - 03.05.2023 19:17

It's no one else's fault that they suck at life. ❄️🌎❄️😶👌❄️

SONIA MALHOTRA - 16.04.2023 17:44

where r u ?

Market socialist
Market socialist - 09.04.2023 00:41

Ge golly I wonder why climate change bordering on utter climate disaster, economic collapse and record (in all of human history) wealth disparity, people barely capable of paying the insanely high rents and keeping food on the table and the lights on never knowing if your close future (let alone your distant one) is going to be secure, the rise of far right Chrstofascism and the eroding of our basic civil rights threats of nuclear world war on the horizon etc we have a right to feel hopeless about the future.

Love, Dominique
Love, Dominique - 29.03.2023 14:57

Where did you go?😢

Ja B
Ja B - 28.02.2023 21:03

What has been stripped away are the "heroic immortality projects" previous generations inherited and embraced. Examples of these projects are religion, being an all consumed sports fan, your career, legacy through family, sexual pursuits, habitual do-goodery, etc, etc. There are still hundreds of mass delusions (the heroic immortality projects) one can take part in to provide the illusion of life having meaning. Sadly, one would have to join a group and embrace the groups values. Social media has raised new, high barriers to "joining and embracing". Also, once aware of the futility of life, "joining and embracing" is difficult, even repulsive. All one can do is to embrace the absurdity of it all! Start with Camus. Wait it out.

Mrs. Muyco's Kitchen
Mrs. Muyco's Kitchen - 19.02.2023 18:20

Sometimes i can be a zoomer. But it feels weird to know that life is hard. You don't know your self and others don't know you.

Grayson Vereaux
Grayson Vereaux - 01.01.2023 14:11

Lol if you think things are better because 1st world countries are living longer (and not acknowledging genocide). I get some of the points but it's not "better."

Egalitarian Vegan
Egalitarian Vegan - 12.12.2022 20:56

So out of touch with doomer culture. Humanity is in overshoot, a predicament not a problem. Civilization is now in collapse from which no human centered civilization has ever recovered from. The things that you claim makes life better than it has ever been are also the driver's of ecocide. Doomers are of all ages and I find most to be well educated and mature. They are not afraid to face the facts, or reality. We do find it difficult living in a culture of such denial.
We find it difficult living in a society that is attached to behaviors that are in direct conflict with all life on this planet. It is difficult living in a society where immoral and unethical behaviors are the expected norm. Where by living in an ethical manner with life, only brings ridicule and even possible imprisonment for refusing to participate in civilizations unsustainable catastrophic crisis.

יהודי אמיתי
יהודי אמיתי - 30.11.2022 18:35

I'm a late stage doomer I can't even interact with humans anymore I'm stuck in my room all day jerking off and smoke plants

Daniel Travison
Daniel Travison - 25.11.2022 17:12

Friggin' Doomer. Lol.

Bi Garip Olaylar
Bi Garip Olaylar - 16.11.2022 19:15

Improvement is a lie my friends. We live like this now and we will live like this in the future. For the sake of the hope of small happy moments which probably we scarcely achieve.

AZ_3kgt - 11.11.2022 00:10

So basically the doomer is because the person in question learns the truth. Nothing he does will matter, Everything he gains will eventually go away, it's not a feeling life is meaningless it's is realization that its a fact.

Rabidhog - 08.11.2022 04:46

I feel this way a lot, thanks for making this video

Eric b
Eric b - 07.11.2022 03:02

Umm, Realistically, life has no meaning, but we need meaning to survive and keep life moving, so humans create meaning, yes there isn't actual meaning and meaning is something invented by humans but humans should still find and create meaning because if you do not have meaning, then you would slowly become depressed or even become suicidal.

Raziq Syah
Raziq Syah - 06.11.2022 08:52

No friends no wife, if i die tonight, no one care - jimmy megil

Amaranth Marisha Pat Liea Appleby
Amaranth Marisha Pat Liea Appleby - 23.10.2022 05:06

Can you please come back and join tik tok? The world wasn't ready two years ago but tiktok would blow your content up.

FuzzyPanda16 - 14.10.2022 05:56

"We're living in unheard of peaceful times." Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Joe Biden and the closest we've been to nuclear war since the Cold War!

Seriously though, that statement aged about as well as Joe Biden.

John Harrison
John Harrison - 22.08.2022 23:20

Anyone who's a fan of Nietzsche and his UTTER DRIVEL, is an Ill-Informed T-ool. Fact.

Samandriel Garrison
Samandriel Garrison - 18.08.2022 01:22

I'm gen z, and I try to find meaning and purpose every day in my life, I know how messy the world is and still try to make the best of it, that would make me a bloomer, as long as we're alive there's something to do or fight for, what happens after is none of our concerns right now.

Toska - 12.08.2022 21:03

TFW you've been a doomer since the meme even existed.

iXNomad - 05.08.2022 22:31

I'm 23. We born at the time when technologies weren't everywhere, but we witnessed how they just filled all our lives and developed with a really enormous speed.

The thing is because we grew up too late for actually getting something from the Internet - we were too young to be bloggers, to create startups, to be a genius programmers who created all this, etc.. in 2007-2015, we saw all this, when we was growing up.
But another thing is that we're not like zoomers, who grew up in the Internet from their earliest childhood. We got it only when we was teenagers. Not everyone had technologies like almost everyone has today. We know what a life without the Internet is.
Now all 'modern trends' just make us wanna vomit.
We are too old for this trash.

I think we should be grateful and not depressed. Because this fact actually rescued us from other bad things.
Now I realize that I DO NOT want to become a blogger. This is just ridiculous for me. There are so many beautiful things in our lives which we can do. It also rescued us from becoming a typical zoomer. I want to live outside of the Internet. I want to use it only on purpose - for learning, for meeting people from another countries and cities, for independent news. We see all this modern "zoomer-period" hypocrisy and cynicism because we witnessed a time where such things were considered strange and even vile in our family, among our friends.

P.S. Yes, the game industry was much better before 2015. Now it's all about money and sjw.

Tony Midyett
Tony Midyett - 25.07.2022 23:16

Anyone who has studied climate change and capitalism SHOULD be a doomer. If they're not, then are delusional.

Hondo - 24.07.2022 11:57

Why did she dissappear on us?? I just discovered her 😔

Coneman3 - 22.07.2022 21:52

What this video completely missed is the rising inequality and class divide in the west, along with an increasingly narcissistic and selfish culture and an economy which is much worse on younger generations.

eibbor171 - 17.07.2022 09:50

umm it is true we are all are gonna die 1 day unless you've figured out how to transfer consciousness..your gonna die, im gonna die, your grandmother will die, everyone will die. thats the thing with doomers we just see the uncomfortable truths for what they are and accept it while everyone else tries to ignore it by going to parties and all that other meaningless bullshit..theres only 3 things now that more or less soothes my soul 1. get stoned and take my dog for a walk 2.cigarettes 3. coffee aka what i like to call "breakfast of champions" 2&3 combo

paul riggall
paul riggall - 03.07.2022 18:38

A lot of what I see is people paddling in their abyss. It isn’t something that should be dwelt around - you are supposed to dive in and find the bottom. That is where you build your foundation. It might not be as deep as you fear or it might kill you or send you into something else —— but staying by that place where nihilism is easy , that is worse than whatever is at the root.

Indoctrination works, propaganda works. If it didn’t they wouldn’t spend so much time and money on it, so don’t feel bad or stupid for feeling the way they want you to - it has been engineered.

scronx - 29.06.2022 21:38

Your voice of compassion and reason is most welcome. Old boomer here who has no illusions left but I'm blessed with great friends and compatriots. After spending many many years trying to wake people up to the larger politically incorrect issues staring them in the face I've had to face the fact that the masses are irredeemably stupid and intransigent. This is no less true in New York or Berlin than in the farthest reaches of uncontacted savagery. Superstitious tribes with labrets jammed through their chins and sharpened teeth don't look so dumb when you take an honest look at first-world values and voting patterns. Whose wars are dumber and more devastating -- theirs or ours?
My only real consolation is it that our dogged plasticization of the global environment may simply put an end to everything before too long. Extinct races and species don't see extinction as tragic.... because they're extinct :-D
Oops -- I'm not being a very good patient, Doctor. Thanks so much for being there for us! You're an oasis of sanity and goodness.

AlphaPower40 - 21.05.2022 06:37

There’s definitely a really sad 😢 reality behind all of the mundane and satire 😈 society of social media 📱 ,the fame ⭐️ , fake news stories 📰 and corporate greed 💵 that makes our lives miserable and meaningless.

Javier Alarcon
Javier Alarcon - 15.05.2022 06:16

im sure you know that reality isnt real..

light Worker
light Worker - 06.05.2022 14:14

Broken societies produce broken people... There are so many things we have no control over yet are blamed for... But you are responsible for your own happiness... I can acknowledge the horrors of the world... But what brings me happiness is try to improve the lives of others... If only even in a small way... And exploring... Know that everything has a story behind it... And whether that story is happy or sad the fact that even being aware of the deeper existence of things fills me with wonder... When others barely scratch the surface... I dig... My curiousity and empathy and even my anger keep me going...

Robots and Monsters
Robots and Monsters - 16.04.2022 23:40

I'm 39, been Doomer for 20 years lol.

Skinny east Bro
Skinny east Bro - 13.04.2022 09:39

maybe "doomers" have existed in history with a consistent percentage of thr population.
its just the internet popularising their presence.

Mom's Berettas
Mom's Berettas - 12.04.2022 06:03

Yes their are things that are better than the past but there are things that are a lot worse. With every piece of progress their is an equal down side.

Talami - 09.04.2022 08:40

This is just the video pursuit of wonder made but every sentence is rewritten.

Arun Rahul
Arun Rahul - 06.04.2022 16:41

why are you not posting videos?

Makna - 03.04.2022 10:06

I would say doomer is more indifferent to boomer than upset by his blissful ignorance.

ethirtyacht - 31.03.2022 20:54

Create your own meaning. I really like that.

Ishkadish - 29.03.2022 02:14

keep in mind its not going away
