How to Perfectly Roast a Pork Tenderloin | Chef Jean-Pierre

How to Perfectly Roast a Pork Tenderloin | Chef Jean-Pierre

Chef Jean-Pierre

2 года назад

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Paula Vieira
Paula Vieira - 13.01.2022 17:05

I love this guy, don't care what he's cooking, I always learn so much!!!

Padge Padgham
Padge Padgham - 01.10.2023 05:42

A master at work and a great teacher.

Sandra Jane
Sandra Jane - 26.09.2023 11:15

I miss pork tenderloin SO much....just pork in general. Living now in Turkey can't get hold of pork, and this is SO mouth watering to watch! 🤣

Eva - 26.09.2023 01:53

You have the best personality! I love how any swearing is covered up by a quack, hahaha! Never heard that before, it was hilarious! 🦆

terri flanigin
terri flanigin - 25.09.2023 07:18

Loved when he laughed at bouncy!!😂

Nancy - 25.09.2023 03:00

I can not find temperature for pork, darn it.

Annette Perks
Annette Perks - 24.09.2023 20:24

I made this tonight for our anniversary dinner it was gorgeous thank you so much for all you advice x

Rocco DiBenedetto
Rocco DiBenedetto - 24.09.2023 05:11

if i had a quarter for every time he said "its so simple a child could do this" id be a millionaire. love you chef

Russell Simmons
Russell Simmons - 24.09.2023 04:26

I tried to eat pink pork tenderloin and just couldn't taste it. I'm 60 y/o and I don't think I can change my mind eating pink pork tenderloin

Alita Meliksetyan
Alita Meliksetyan - 23.09.2023 06:02

Please make Magaroni and cheese

Maik Nocon
Maik Nocon - 22.09.2023 17:16

looks great and all but the pepper when he flips the tenderloin looks a tad burned , wont that turn bitter?

Maura Curran
Maura Curran - 22.09.2023 01:45

Just made this, amazing, the best moist pork tenderloin back on my menu. Thanks Pierre.

Mary Buford
Mary Buford - 21.09.2023 21:34

Chef. Make a port wine sauce.

climbeverest - 21.09.2023 04:52

Mama mia I want more onio

Renato Teroy
Renato Teroy - 20.09.2023 21:43

the editor having way too much fun over there 😂❤

sadler3b - 20.09.2023 18:06

Love Jean Pierre a great teacher and fabulous chef. He explains everything so clearly, a great addition to my culinary skills

Kathleen Owen
Kathleen Owen - 19.09.2023 03:52

Le meilleur!

SF Larry
SF Larry - 18.09.2023 07:19

This is a brilliant recipe. I’ve cooked pork tenderloins before. I’ve brined pork chops and Turkey before. But brining a pork tenderloin never crossed my mind. 👍🏼👍🏼

Flyingsod Wai
Flyingsod Wai - 17.09.2023 22:21

I got one brining right now!

J - 14.09.2023 20:12

If you use a potato peeler you can get the silver skin...

William Watterson
William Watterson - 13.09.2023 14:46

Yes, he's instructive, unpretentious, self-effacing, and downright amusing -- the best kind of teacher.

Michael Levy
Michael Levy - 11.09.2023 09:22

He is a genius

Donald Hutchinson
Donald Hutchinson - 10.09.2023 03:08

Can't wait to make it. My family won't like it. They'll think it's too underdone. We'll see. But they never fail to overcook meat.

David Lee
David Lee - 10.09.2023 00:24

Can you brine it and freeze for later?

Kim - 06.09.2023 22:38

I get so confused on the wine. Do you buy dry wine and what kind, there are so many. You can tell I am not a cook. Thanks Kim

Sandra Hesketh
Sandra Hesketh - 04.09.2023 23:58

I can't wait to one day meet this child that can do all this fantastic cooking!

Michael Braddy
Michael Braddy - 03.09.2023 22:08

I freaking love this goofy bastard. I really have learned a ton from him.

Lubomir Homola
Lubomir Homola - 03.09.2023 20:10


Cynthia Gonzalez
Cynthia Gonzalez - 03.09.2023 02:34

I just watched a video of a guy who got cerebral trichinosis from eating from an unlicensed Mexican food truck. So it's still around. Apparently, the meat source was from across the border illegally imported

Greg Marquis
Greg Marquis - 02.09.2023 22:51

I don't get it. Was that plate suppose to be one serving?.......anyway, it looks amazing.

Michael Saunders
Michael Saunders - 01.09.2023 20:35

"Trichinosis" is a foodborne disease caused by a microscopic parasite called "Trichinella." The actual temperature that kills the trichinella parasite is 137°F, which happens to be a "medium-rare" cooking temperature. However, ALL of the meat molecules must reach that temperature to kill the parasite, and cooking pork meat to medium-rare isn't a guarantee of killing all the parasites. "In the United States, trichinosis is rare and most often occurs as outbreaks involving a few to dozens of persons who consumed portions of contaminated meat from the same animal, usually a wild boar or bear. Historically, eating undercooked commercial pork was a risk, but not today." It is still a REQUIRED health practice for commercial food preparations that should also be followed in non-commercial home food preparations.

Gentlemanzack p
Gentlemanzack p - 01.09.2023 17:07

I did same thing but i grilled and left char marks X and did the rest what Chef JP did. Came out SUPER delish

Jim Hyler
Jim Hyler - 31.08.2023 16:57

is that plate for serving the table?

Sylvie Roy
Sylvie Roy - 28.08.2023 20:56

Merci chef Jean Pierre pour ses recettes délicieuses, je voudrais savoir pour votre sauce ou toutes autres recettes avec quel liquide peut-on substituer l’alcool . Je vous remercie à l’avance et je vous souhaite une très belle journée. Au plaisir !

Visitkarte - 27.08.2023 16:41

Trying to use less pans… The echo killed me! 🤣

RJO - 24.08.2023 07:59

I used to think his videos were too long but I realized I'm no pro. It's the little things step by step.

Salt Works Musical Instruments
Salt Works Musical Instruments - 24.08.2023 03:25

Stop saying ………………….my friends

Johnnyutah4646 - 22.08.2023 21:59

Those ghost of chef Jean " trying to use less pans " fantastic 👏

Koosjuh gamed
Koosjuh gamed - 22.08.2023 15:52

That edit is perfect "Trying to use less pans so you guys dont have to". Making this tonight chef! Pork Tenderloin is in the brine!

NE Vermonter
NE Vermonter - 22.08.2023 15:35

I love your comments about a kid can do it, my mother let me start helping her when I was 4ish. I'm a Bouchard, is It a French thing? 😂😂😂

David W Kaminsky
David W Kaminsky - 21.08.2023 01:21

Just made this dish tonight! Wonderful!!! I even plated it exactly the way you did, using your mashed potato recipe, too!! ! The only change was adding cracked coriander to the brine since I didn’t the juniper. Perfect!!

iwrk - 15.08.2023 23:42

I wouldn't try pink pork.

CAPT HAPPY - 15.08.2023 06:25

Looks delicious friend!

ᴄʟᴇᴍᴍʏ🍊 - 12.08.2023 12:25

You're my favourite chef!
"See, a child could do it" is some of the funniest stuff I've ever heard 😂😂😂

Vickie Hardina
Vickie Hardina - 12.08.2023 05:35

He is great sense of humor

Eris Discordia
Eris Discordia - 08.08.2023 06:37

"I call this one, the meat volcano. Let me explain why."

invisuu - 07.08.2023 10:01

I made this yet again, for the umpteenth time, and it is still shocking how ubelievably good it is. I'm from a small town in central Europe and our restaurants don't come even close to what I make completely taught by you. I'm a mechanical engineer, I knew NOTHING about cooking just two years ago, but now my family simply refuses to eat if it's not made by me. I cook so much better than "professionals" in my area it's not even close. Prior to this I had no idea pork can melt in your mouth, everywhere you go here it's roasted until meat is so dry you need a drink to even bring it down. Thank you so much!!!
