Residents say goodbye to pro-democracy Hong Kong paper Apple Daily

Residents say goodbye to pro-democracy Hong Kong paper Apple Daily

CNBC Television

3 года назад

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@thinkingaloud5379 - 30.07.2021 11:15

Thank God this tabloid controlled by the West is finally gone !It took advantage of HK free press to vilify HK and China with falsehoods and push for secession of HK from China. It was a mouthpiece of the West and it was a great day for peace and prosperity of HK that this paper is now gone and will no longer destabilise HK

@bellcl320 - 29.07.2021 16:40

I miss Apple Daily.

@nancyalexander4745 - 25.07.2021 15:44

Pro-democracy? Pro-american

@johnlim8991 - 08.07.2021 04:58

One of the biggest threat to the world is the existence of rubbish journalism.
Another is the presence of a group of political Bigots and Hypicrites in USA & UK.

@tonynicolls8669 - 07.07.2021 18:43

Sad day

@user-wg1mx9ci6w - 06.07.2021 15:41

This newspaper is a slave to and a pawn in America's + England's colonialism.

@leethiongpeng7216 - 01.07.2021 18:00

Lol, Jimmy didn't realised usa didn't rescue him and at his old aged in jail.🤔

@rickdalton1862 - 29.06.2021 09:39

Stay strong Hong Kong. Never give up. Never surrender to China and the evil CCP criminal government

@supahsmashbro - 29.06.2021 01:59

Good stuff China!!! It's time to decolonize the minds of the HK youths. They've been poisoned by the imperialists for too long!

@lolo3084 - 28.06.2021 21:23

Meanwhile Biden and Disney support Chinese Dictatorship

@sergiomoran6492 - 28.06.2021 17:32

Assange any one hear critics of Free speech or just a bunch of stupid biblical believers spreading lyes?????
Turn to Canada where hundreds of kids were killed
Terrorists in a theater playing Human rights master piece hahaha hahaha hahaahah

@sergiomoran6492 - 28.06.2021 17:28

Hahahaha hahah pro-intervention is the Word you missed
Hahaha hhaaha
How USA can cry and scream Democracy and Human Rights Facts that not even exist in the USA
Hahaha hahaha USA News media teathrycal words made them fake around the world

@ylu7450 - 27.06.2021 18:00

Apply Daily was shut down by themselves (off course, according the western media, it's under pressure from China), while CTITV (中天)was ordered by Taiwan government to shut down. See the difference? See any western media say anything about CTITV? You bet not, because "democracy" can't do anything wrong.

@pingchu3358 - 26.06.2021 21:36

The fact that National Security Law enacted in Hong Kong since July 2020 has been successful by many measures. Now you don't see the fire bombings of stations and on the streets. and the attacked on people who voiced different opinion in public (mob who attacked others under "democracy") prove that the success of the Security Law and ensure the stability and safety on the streets. As common Hong kong residents, I strongly approve the enacted of the Law, if What it takes is the closing of some Newspapers and rounding up of these so-called "democracy supporters/journalists" SO BE IT !! This guys have longed be colluding with foreign agents (US, Japan, Taiwan) to create havoc and chaos in Hong Kong. Those who did that in 2019 and early 2020 have to be held responsible, fully investigated and be charged to the full extent of the Law!! Glad to see stability on the streets in Hong Kong now!! Bravo!!

@christiannanit7224 - 26.06.2021 17:07

God Damn the Chinese(PROC) Government!!! They are suppressing the freedom of speech in HK. ICC & UN should take a step on this matter.

@xiaoya7087 - 26.06.2021 14:23

Apple Daily is full of lies, closed well,very very very good。 apple Daily is a tool of the American Color Revolution, calling on the United States to impose sanctions on Hong Kong. The Color Revolution brings chaos, poverty, and disaster to the local area. Apple Daily is a disaster daily.

@d200sax5 - 26.06.2021 12:26

Good luck Apple Daily....from Japan

@bobymartis4317 - 26.06.2021 12:10

No mention that Apple Daily was a tabloid, filled with fake or bias news and borderline racist? Is it that it would destroy the narrative pro-democracy vs bad the rest?

@wc3sc872 - 26.06.2021 03:39

USA to China and Hong Kong: You will be the next Afghanistan and Syria!

@franklinfleming1237 - 26.06.2021 02:48


@anhduy7194 - 25.06.2021 20:17

CNBC, Reuters... will be treat like this some day. The freedom world is gradually destroyed. Vietnam Republic and now is Hong Kong, where is The Easten?

@gwyn. - 25.06.2021 19:23

Rest of the world, still does nothing.

@tehmujin5330 - 25.06.2021 17:22

My dog like to poop on this poop paper. I rush to buy as much as I can for my dogs.

@nicoleliu9685 - 25.06.2021 17:07

Great! Good for Hong Kong ppl!

@lightening1296 - 25.06.2021 16:32

Pro democracy? More like pro misinformation, lies and conspiracy.

@ccl3361 - 25.06.2021 15:04

Yoon just wants to see white dudes right on the top of her.

@ccl3361 - 25.06.2021 15:01

The majority of the people do not support that newspaper!

@arunjetli3770 - 25.06.2021 14:36

India should follow suit or else the new East India company will take over . Namely tech companies . Remember China was not conquered and India was

@lillian-annmonk-whitingare8879 - 25.06.2021 14:25

How about taking a real count of all people that have been removed from their residence from their employment and placed in camps and who are US citizens European citizens and citizens with that perhaps be too much to ask for because then you’d see how dire the situation has and still is to this day

@lillian-annmonk-whitingare8879 - 25.06.2021 14:24

If it is now to become a communist regime nobody there is safe plain and simple you really don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out do you

@shuieli - 25.06.2021 14:18

HK has been colonized and brainwashed by the West for too long. People start to hate China and embrace their colonial masters. They certainly looked very lame when they protested for their ‘freedom’ and against the CCP in front of the general Chinese public, cheered by their Western ‘friends’.

@dpc0809 - 25.06.2021 14:07

I guess they wanted to be obvious but if they acted more subtly they could have just controlled the headlines and the guided the writer content through editor control by ownership like most media does.

@kR-we9gi - 25.06.2021 13:40

Evil is winning! Wake up people!

@aronbenner5233 - 25.06.2021 12:37

a vision of what the dnc wants for america

@balung - 25.06.2021 12:14

Pooh Bear was never known for his reading ability.

@ericnorthman9410 - 25.06.2021 12:11

I am so sorry for them

@konghooikhoo4179 - 25.06.2021 11:24

Apple Daily betrayed its city, its country and its people under the illusion that it is protected by US and UK and so is inviolate. Do not break the law if you are not willing to serve the time. In HK the rule of law applies. If you cannot accept the concept of rule of law, go live somewhere else

@kimmydaisymaltese1111 - 25.06.2021 10:59

I don't cares about apple daily. What is this a cia funded newspaper?

@coronavirusisacommunistchi845 - 25.06.2021 10:49

Chinese communists are the evil enemies against humanity. Best to wipe them all out

@shannonelitastevenson-mill7182 - 25.06.2021 09:56

Nice work by the idiots after some worked hard at keeping friends as allies in Buisness for democracy for the underprivileged and misunderstood across foreign lands after treaties were negotiated for them in private!

@Hapacmoneyloader - 25.06.2021 09:24

Good riddance to bad rubbish

@beingling9319 - 25.06.2021 09:20

Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾

@MarYo88888 - 25.06.2021 09:16

This is the best day of our life in Hk
Finally this traitor newspaper is gone

@williethomas2628 - 25.06.2021 08:39

The US should do the same thing for Fox News as the CCP did for the Hong Kong news paper shut them down go figure

@fanllawf - 25.06.2021 08:33

Lots of people celebrated the closing of Apple Daily in Hong Kong as well, why isn't that reported? Is that not censorship?

@user-te6ke2dv9u - 25.06.2021 08:28

Pirate countries headed by the United States, including the United Kingdom and so on. It has always been to control the media to create fake news and use fake news to criticize China and suppress China's development. Apple Daily has been acting an agent for the West. It has been working to subvert the country and smear the country. Many ignorant people have been brainwashed into anti-Chinese thugs and even terrorists. 70% of the population in Hong Kong supports the end of Apple Daily. People connected to Apple Daily are traitors. Former CiA fat pig.Mark Simon employed by the boss of Apple Daily to help US Carry out operations to subvert the Chinese regime!A year long riots in Hong Kong had been organized and planned by US and UK through the Apple Daily to subvert China and Hong Kong government!

@KK-cu1un - 25.06.2021 08:17

Congrats to the shutdown~! Apple daily ran by cocky HKers who don't even consider themselves Chinese. Think they are superior because they enjoy "western-style freedom" which in my opinion is quite useless in every aspect anyways.
