Dolores Cannon on Judgement -Life After Death #lifeafterdeath #spirituality  #spiritualawakening

Dolores Cannon on Judgement -Life After Death #lifeafterdeath #spirituality #spiritualawakening

Divine Mind

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God Not Judging/Punishing You! Life After Death #dolorescannon #lifeafterdeath #spirituality #death

God Not Judging/Punishing You! Life After Death #dolorescannon #lifeafterdeath

Dolores Cannon, a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specialized in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge, Dolores Cannon’s career as a hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression spanned almost 50 years and had taken her on an incredible journey along countless fascinating destinations. Read about her early days in hypnotherapy when she first discovered reincarnation, learn how she developed and refined her own unique method of hypnosis known as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® (QHHT®), discover all the captivating areas of research she had explored on her path.

She has written 19 books these books are mind blowing you won't be the same after so much wisdom wonder & awe!!! Ready to jump into the rabbit hole ready to expand your mind these books are amazing!

Full video: Dolores Cannon on Life After Death
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@HausKarrasCollective - 23.01.2024 18:40

It’s so weird having her explain my life and it now making sense ❤

@julieslack2596 - 23.01.2024 07:15

I have never had anyone claim there is no hell. Is this true?! 😮

@user-nc4db6ey5d - 23.01.2024 04:20

Wonder full thanku darling good job sleeep my sister resty lol❤

@user-nc4db6ey5d - 23.01.2024 03:28

Thanking you for your service ❤

@csillam2658 - 22.01.2024 23:43

I love Dolores, but you can't choose your parents...only souls with higher consciosness can do that

@channelseeker7 - 19.01.2024 19:14

Does Dolores believe a person would choice a suicide contract or have they broken their contract choosing suicide? What are the contract lessons for the family members who are left to grieve a loved one’s suicide. If someone could answer that for me.

@mariaaddison2754 - 19.01.2024 02:43

Really made me think about how I behave to my loved one sometimes. Thank you for the reminder. Namaste x

@Elizabeth-ob8xo - 16.01.2024 06:59

The bible clearly states man will die only one death and one judgement... When we die our souls goes back to God ,till we stand in judgement.

@ThePandalogist - 15.01.2024 00:10

karma never finishes, learning never ends. you always create new karma when you incarnate so there is no escape from this vicious reincarnation cyle. Hmm maybe this is what they want to make us think. To me acknowledging your true self, learning to break free from all the dogma and deceptive information fed by religions, including new age is the basis of establishing your own freedom which is the very purpose why we are born in the first place. If you want to seek the truth never listen to anyone other than your authentic self. In this 3D world we are living in, it is our belief that shapes the conditions we live in and die into. If you believe in hell, that is the place you go. If you believe in reincarnation, that is the cycle you end up in. The truth is beyond heaven and hell, reincarnation etc. and the only way to get there is to know who you are. We are not just body nor souls, we are the design of the universal intelligence. This intelligence, this vast consciousness is the aspiration we should seek not keep creating fake scripts with our soul family in another dimension. Hypnosis could possibly only have access to some dimensions but not the higher ones. The ones that passed to that level namely the upper dimension, never came back. We do not know their story. Anyway, It all sounds like a game to me to keep us stuck in this game of immortality.

@MandiKiss-rg2jo - 14.01.2024 20:17

The sad part about how you hurt people is its going to be the people you love the most, people you want to really be happy.

@SmilingMountainLake-jo4yk - 14.01.2024 02:08

I missed someone i was close to who was my best friends dad, i couldnt make going to see him, i felt via energy he was going to pass away.
I said to him goodbye
He said i ain't going f word yet

My best friend actually told me things he said - he saw me saying this- he said to his daughter get cheryls witchy poo away from me.
Then he saw his dad who has passed his dad said follow the yellow brick road as he was a bricklayer in this lifetime.
I thought this was interesting.
I see people in different colour's as personalities i cant see auras.

I really like this lecture love learning this ❤.

@classybasketscatering1599 - 13.01.2024 16:12

I feel bad about going in the afterlife after hearing this full speed ahead

@Ana-no5zm - 12.01.2024 16:43

Death does not mean a return to earthly life, because it is a final separation of the soul from the body, and the soul does not separate from the body when the mind stops for only a few minutes, but rather some time must pass, at least ten minutes.

@randalloklahomaboy5039 - 11.01.2024 10:25

Very interesting! I love Ms. Dolores. Such an intelligent and humble lady she was. It really does make a lot of sense what she speaks on

@kathyprior4281 - 11.01.2024 07:14

What if all our cells/bacteria are from small sparks of our Infinite Self/Higher Self Spirit that “volunteer” to “reincarnate” with us throughout our many lives? (Since we humans switch roles as family, spouses, children etc. and animals often reincarnate as animals and sometimes humans…could cells decide to play different roles like ‘heart cells’ one cycle and ‘liver cells’ the next.) The cells do what they do and then die, following our soul back to our Source-like Infinite Self. Our Oversoul/Infinite Self is their Source, which sends them out to bring back information to our greater self (like how our souls are sent to bring info to Source Creator and our past life selves are part of our Infinite Spirit (IS).) Social conditioning and past life trauma hurts the cells due to our minds sending negative energy to them, leading to illnesses and pain, but our Infinite Self helps with cells recycling and re-forming until our death. The cells, having been with us in our previous bodies and also being a part of our souls, remember the past life tragedies like our souls do. (If cells have memories and we can ‘talk’ to them to heal past life trauma, it makes sense. It’s likely that some, if not all the cell souls stay with us.)

If we knew we were male, female, black, white and all cultures in past lives, we would respect people more.
If we knew we all had spirit guides and thousands of family members of many species watching over us, we would never feel alone again.
If we knew that our bodies housed trillions of living things which bravely volunteered to help our soul experience the physical world, we would take better care of our bodies.
If we knew that all time existed at once and that everyone is the same Source energy, we would fear nothing.
With our cell spirit beings in our body and spirit guides/deceased loved ones and Source everywhere, we are literally never alone!

@Melissa-no5me - 11.01.2024 02:35

I can listen to her all day long

@dianemower7422 - 10.01.2024 23:49

What about illnesses and pain? There is so much physical and emotional pain 😢 Why did i chose to have a car accident and suffer severe pain 24/7?
I can understand fighting and arguing with others.

@juanlerma9418 - 10.01.2024 22:48

There are people now talking about that yesterday that might be the steps in the cycles, but there are evil people that say for that, and that we are not meant to continue to reincarnate, but they continue to reincarnate us because they feed off of our souls has anybody heard this, so they recycle our souls they continue feeding off of our souls and are walking into the light now is a trick so that we can reincarnate for them! Now whether you believe it or not, is this something that somebody has heard of as well!? How do we truly escape the matrix? How do we return to source if they’re tricking us now to reincarnate for different reasons now, because how are we gonna learn lessons if our memory is wiped? There’s no learning in that if we don’t even remember our mistakes, right?

@nolagirl2458 - 10.01.2024 03:15

I just can’t believe that children starving in Ethiopia or North Korea signed a soul contract to do that. 🫤

@annefischer1433 - 02.01.2024 03:32

Not all of us are interested investing our Social Security money that we put into the system which is not anywhere close to what we get out of the system. And the way the stock market operates it's very skewed to people who know their way around it and transactions are done in nanoseconds these days. You have to really keep your eyes open and your mind sharp if you want to keep track of everything I'd rather Trust the smart investors working for the government if they're honest and they stay honest working for the highest good for the people- we American citizens. It is a matter of trust but we do not put in nearly what we get back so that is a misnomer. But if it has been misappropriated, then by God the doj needs to stay on top of it and fix the problem. There better not still be any trumpies in there!

@josephineacolicol1990 - 01.01.2024 17:52

I'm sure you never own a BIBLE . Hell is in the BIBle ..THE BIBLE is not about religion. ITS GOD'S WORDS ..ITS THE ONLY TRUTH THAT WE MUST HOLD ON TO. GOD DOES NOT ALLOW US TO TALK TO SPIRITS, SPIRIT GUIDES, ASTRAL PROJECTION ETC..BECAUSE DEMONS CAN MANIPULATE IT. they can pretend to be anything you want BUT JESUS OR HEAVENLY FATHER. YOU DOLORES will face eternal damnation for making people astray. SATAN is here to lie, steal, kill . He is the father or lies..and you are his daughter.

@ryanscott4901 - 31.12.2023 23:16

Because I struggle with addiction I’m not going higher? I believe there’s valid points to what this woman is saying, I just disagree with being an earthbound spirt because I’m struggling with alcohol. I have the best family ever and I don’t want to be separated from them in the afterlife because I’m an alcoholic

@runningonfullnostanks4523 - 31.12.2023 09:59

So Hitler got away scot-free. No punishment & met with loving angels!

Hitler is living it up in heaven while his innocent victims' family members continue to suffer generation after generation.

Hitler's actions continue to harm many. Hitler's sin builds up higher daily. Even after his death, he's still accumulating bad karma (forever).

Sorry, but there is no logic here.

Judgment must be served upon death. Otherwise, there is no justice.

Reincarnation cannot be considered a punishment.
Hitler cannot wait to reincarnate so he can dance with the devil once more.

Pretty much she's teaching liberty to commit crimes & debauchery,
Because no "God" is going to require an account anyway. Rubbish.

@concernedcitizen6577 - 30.12.2023 23:05

Dolores didn't pass away. Her frequencies and vibrations shifted and now she is studying in 'the library'.

@country4lyfe365 - 30.12.2023 21:18

Ol Delores has quite the hussle dosent she? Lol.

@kngbe - 30.12.2023 11:48

everytime i get mentally invested with any of these great mentors of mine there is someone obnoxiously caughing 🤦🏽‍♂️😆

@kitcat-nm9zd - 29.12.2023 18:29

I sure hope she's right, I'm really scared she may not

@dianesylvain3309 - 29.12.2023 16:32

Heaven is not floating around, playing a harp. That is not how it is described. Heaven is infinites experience. Infinite angels, and seeing Jesus and God’s throne. All wisdom comes from God. Just ask him. And what about the 100’s of testimonies that people share about going to hell. How do you know hell does not exist Dolores? God does not punish. I agree. There is a devil.
Sorry not buying all this. There are billions of people on this planet, and there are many that have had different experiences than Dolores talks about. What about Satanism, and human sacrifices in Earth, told to us by victims of SRA whistleblowers.

@maureenobrien3250 - 28.12.2023 08:17

She's a genius

@maureenobrien3250 - 28.12.2023 08:02

Thank God for Delores!!❤😊

@maureenobrien3250 - 28.12.2023 07:59

Yes! This earth is he'll. Don't vote for tRump

@maureenobrien3250 - 28.12.2023 07:59

My idea of heaven has always been the schools. I was raised Catholic, ...(a survivor)!!, I was told to pray for what I want. As a child I prayed for knowledge. Wisdom.

@MrMasterFlap - 24.12.2023 08:36

Hey grandma hell is real otherwise life wouldn’t make no sense

@mershane6114 - 24.12.2023 06:32

I don't want to come back to earth.

@randall9958 - 22.12.2023 19:15

I'll just stand with Jesus.
I've been on the other side 4 times and your correct on some of this.
Thank You Father for Your love and forgiveness....


@chrisgrissett4293 - 20.12.2023 12:38

Annoying high pitch background noise in this video.

@wilfredonazario9644 - 19.12.2023 00:08

This lady has been deceived. Find your faith in Jesus.

@farminabit7215 - 18.12.2023 07:05

As a man, I could read 87 books about what it's like to be a woman and never get it but one incarnation as a woman and I think I'd have it down.

@michael-E617 - 18.12.2023 00:07

I am sorry, I really want to believe what she saying,but she keeps contradict herself,once she said near death experience is going through a tanul toward the light but you don't go all the way because if you do you be death,and yet she said people that told her all these stories experience it by near deaths experience, which one is it, if you know or experience all these events only after when you die but yet near death experience is not death because you don't go all the way, then how do these people know all these when they never really died? There are many things she said that contradict what she said in a few minutes before, I am sorry, I really am, I wish I could be able to believe her, but I can't, because what she is saying doesn't make sense, first she said the third place you go is the review place,then she said the third place is the knowledge place, is just like she is all over the place. Sorry I don't buy it.

@soylamariposa - 17.12.2023 06:54

2009 I was abroad on the phone with my mom right after she visited her mother (my grandmother) at her new retirement home. She was telling me that although sick, my grandma was fine, getting accustomed to her new living situation. She said she took her out to the garden on a wheelchair, when she suddenly asked: "At what time is my husband picking me up"?. My mom was telling me this with the sad realization my grandma's mind was not fully there anymore, beacuse her husband (my grandfather) had been passed for almost 10 years, so her natural answer to that question was to follow along and tell her he would be there soon. As we were talking, she, my mom, gets another call so she says she will pick that one up and call me later. Minutes after I get a call telling me, shockingly, that my grandmother had passed away as soon as my mom left the retirement home.... and there has been zero doubts in our minds ever since, that my grandfather indeed went to pick her up ... now that I see this video, 14 years later, I know he was my grandmother's greeter <3 ... a few months later, I had a dream where my grandmother "came back" to say goodbye acknowledging the fact that we didn't get the chance to do so, since I was living abroad. It was sort of a "reel" with our best moments playing whith her voice-over reading me a goodbye letter. What I remember the most about that dream, was that at the end, she said: you have to know that when you have kids, I will be the angel that will look out for them. I for sure know, specially after this video, that she is one of my angels. -Sorry grandma, I know I have been a lot of work, but I do feel you by my side every step ot the way since you transcended. -

@michelesorensendrossos3453 - 16.12.2023 16:03

What are your thoughts on someone who has multiple personalities living in and sharing the same body at one time?

@youlamatou - 15.12.2023 20:14

18.47 Yes, but I have dreamt of being in such perfect gardens with trees full of colourful leaves and flowers on the ground with colours but I was not having a near death experience, I was and I still am very healthy.

@youlamatou - 15.12.2023 20:03

9.50 Yes. We call it dream.

@oceanmedi2826 - 15.12.2023 13:16

The subject only talking about the astral plan, not the etheric plan of light

@stephenedwards8816 - 15.12.2023 09:23

All the religious peoole on here just dont get it manmade control

@FasterPATH - 14.12.2023 20:57


@bellabowden1967 - 14.12.2023 07:40

Ive done to a few people, buti do not agree with everyone no i dont

@Qumi222 - 13.12.2023 11:49

5 years ago I was at work & felt a sick feeling in my stomach, just off & I took a picture & added a pregnant emoji. I was on birth control & had a bf. 2 years ago on the same day I had my daughter with the first person I was with. 🤯

@lindygraham9357 - 12.12.2023 21:00

