Bladur's gate 3 guide Mirror of loss check buffs, no respec needed!

Bladur's gate 3 guide Mirror of loss check buffs, no respec needed!


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@metalfyregaming2468 - 17.04.2024 17:33

Thnx man. I was already leaning towards using this method cuz I have the necessary items, but I was also thinking of respeccing (which is just a hassle to be honest). I'm on honour mode though, so I sure hope I get a bit lucky. Luckily I have Shadowheart with me who has 3 levels of Bard and has Improved Bardic Inspiration (where as u might know can give you +12 in best case), so I guess I should be okay. 🙂

@raychristenson6455 - 14.05.2024 05:39

How do you get back to the mirror?

@stevebuckley7788 - 04.07.2024 04:44

If you have read the Codex of Thay you can sacrifice the "Forbidden Knowledge" ability (summon 4 ghouls) instead of an ability score.

@nicolascaron3038 - 22.07.2024 17:39

I’ve got a few questions for you:
1. Can more than 1 party member can get an ability increase or all of them?
2. If you pass the prayer check is it guaranteed that you can get the ability increase or is there an hidden roll?
3. Isn’t Shadowheart able to if she becomes a dark justiciar by killing the night song and her parents?
4. If you don’t pass the prayer check are all the party members lock out of the buff or just the one that didn’t pass the check?

@oliorogue - 03.09.2024 18:17

Thank you! Apparently Shadowheart can do it also if she becomes Dark Justiciar.
